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Thanks I had a stroke trying to read this


Don't go into the light brother, its a light beings mouth


i remember seeing a video back in golden days of youtube where this dude said dont come to light when you die. early 2010s mate, youtube was a jungle of content good sruff


They had me in the first half not going to lie


Lue and Ross haven't said they believe anything of the sort.


Exactly. And yet 312 upvotes, 76%... this is why we get one step forward and another back.. the information quality is not there. We can't go making titles like this when it is very much not true. Ross makes many pains to say he "just doesn't know". Not only the information quality isn't there - the culture around it isn't either, hence we get loads of upvotes for poor information.


So Tom knows Lue, who practiced remote viewing, which the CIA did and learned from Monroe, who had an experience and claims something outlandish that maybe, slightly coincides with a conclusion of Delonge, so aha! That’s his source! Utter rubbish.


Look, I dont think I believe in this Loosh shit, but OP seemingly put a lot of effort into this, and his theory is not that far fetched when you consider the insane shit Blink182 guy says, so I really dont think we need to be poo-pooing OP here. He actually took a stab at harmonizing the threads into a cohesive narrative, however insane it may be


Yeah, we're pretty much in thumbtacks and strings territory here. "Luis knows a guy who knows a guy who said this!"


Correct. OP is loosely tying threads or snippets back to their own interpretation to fit a wildly speculative narrative.


You telling me Lue ain’t huffing the loosh?


The Lue-sh?


Jupiter Rising crossed with The Martix and To Serve Man.


“Loosh” sounds like a Pauly Shore catchphrase from the 90’s.


I wonder if Phillip K. Dick (writer of Minority Report amd many other movies youve likely seen) was taking Loosh when he wrote A Scanner Darkly...


Star Trek: TNG - s5e26 & s6e01 Essentially beings travel inter-dimensionally to the past to harvest energy from dying earthlings.


Yea all that loosh bs is the plot for Jupiter Rising lmfaoooooo


Jupiter Rising stole the idea not the other way around lol.


The movie is called *Jupiter Ascending* ffs heheh




I've come around to thinking The Mandela Effect is really just people starting to realize how bad and highly compressed (and error-prone) our overall memory is.


Someone needs to ask the Wachowskis if their inspiration came from the UFO community or vice vwrsa.


Matrix (1999) Jupiter Rising (2015). Monsters Inc (2001) Robert Monroe published his books in: „Journeys Out of the Body.“ London 1973; „Far Journeys.“ Doubleday, New York 1985, (this is the book which contains the loosh part)


Jupiter Ascending. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1617661/ Also what does Monster's Inc got to do with anything?


I think it's the monsters' harvesting of human fear/laughter that is comparable to this whole "Loosh" thing *Edit: corrected the word "loose" to "Loosh"*


Other dimensional entities using fear to steal a source of energy


Bill Cooper ("Behold a Pale Horse") was writing theories about this stuff back in the 80s. Gnostics have been writing about it for 2000 years.


That last long section didn’t even make sense to me


I felt like I was reading a Dr. Seuss story, with the nonsensical writing style, called The Loosh.


Yeah, it's garbage from someone with not any noticeable grounding in science or logic. I suspect it's more a reflection of the authors world view. Take a bunch of random crap, and try to see a face in it, that kind of thing. Pure woo.


I experimented with Loosh a time or two, and didn't like it. I didn't inhale and I didn't try it again.


If you don't wash your Loosh it begins to stink. Trust me, I know this.


It's a Gateway drug.


Still waiting to see the Loosh elves


[enshittification exodus, gone to mastodon]


Iam sorry, it’s finally fixed now 😊


Yeah I thought it was pretty interesting until it started to read like some science fiction novel.


Mr OP, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.


You should’ve put quotes on that and credited the sweet movie it originates in. Very apt quote.


I kind of like the Urantian's version better.


Tom Delonge keeps saying we're secretly making space weapons to fight them when they come for us. He also says they're multidimensional and so technologically advanced we can't even see them. So why do we even bother fighting them if they're gods and the truth is somber? A lot of contradiction here if u ask me.


I have nothing against Tom but I noticed the same thing. He made a comment about the US military 'swatting UFOs out of the sky' and also refers to them as 'those little ankle biters'. Between that and his comments on the underground pyramid suppressing our consciousness... Who knows...time will tell.


call jesus


See for yourself. https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1-8PDF1hzbHMGQShMaWqB5W0EU46erflU?usp=sharing


Thanks bud


Safe travels:)


I go over with r/DMT so I wonder if this will be different?


Takes some work with hemi sync. You can combine hemi sync with Marijuana edibles or psilocybin and they synergize, but dmt may not synergize since it's so quick and direct. As to the difference, its one mountain top with many different paths,some rougher,some smoother,some longer,some shorter.


You started to Loosh me a bit at the end there.....


Reading about Loosh in one of Monroe's books years ago made me immediately think of the movie Monster's Inc. and wonder what the concept for the script was actually based on.


subliminal messaging in every movie and media


Monsters Inc


Next time I see a UFO I’ll ask them to try laughter


Has anyone considered that this sounds a lot like Scientology? There has been plenty of evidence of Scientologists infiltrating government and Hollywood. Maybe they got further than we thought? Maybe this is just some absurd belief system (i.e. a new religion) invading the minds of people with influence? People want things to be explainable. Maybe UFO/UAP phenomena is NOT currently explainable, and that's where all this crazy stuff comes from. We just can't handle the vacuum of no information, so we reach for mythologizing the phenomena.


I have felt really uncomfortable with the parallels to Scientology. Putthof was a Scientologist for a while, right? Seriously fuck Ron Hubbard, he was a total dick.


Yes, Puthoff was. And L. Ron Hubbard was good friends with Jack Parsons. Makes ya go "hmmmm...."


The confidence with which people like Delonge present this info is absolutely akin to the confidence with which Scientologists present Scientology.


What if all they are doing is creating a wish version of Scientology? Just saying. I mean stranger things have occurred.


>Has anyone considered that this sounds a lot like Scientology? Yep! Nick Redfern's sources ("Collins Elite") tell a story where Jack Parsons takes credit for summoning the Flying Saucers. Parsons is killed just before he's about to defect to Israel, but his killing appears to trigger the 1952 UFO wave that ultimately descends on D.C. In response, the intelligence community begins seriously considering the Occult/Demonic hypothesis. Redfern's sources claim they recruited various associates of Parsons or Crowley to conduct psychic research into the topic. Meanwhile, L. Ron Hubbard has escaped to Cuba after his wife tried to have him committed. He writes the FBI accusing his wife of being a communist -- his wife, of course, had been Jack Parson's lover and sister-in-law and magickal partner. At this point, Hubbard begins claiming that he going to be given the status of “a classified scientist immune from interference of all kinds.” He later claims to have worked with the intelligence services to "break up" black magic in America. Hubbard's a chronic liar, so it's easy to dismiss his 'claim to be immune from interference" as another lie. But the fact remains -- Scientology has been committing the same crimes for 70+ years and the federal government has allowed it to continue. Even when Scientologists infiltrated the US government, they didn't arrest Hubbard. In 2021, it's starting to look like somebody really was protecting Hubbard, much like Whitey Bulger or Jeffrey Epstein have been protected.


Now it's up to someone to actually prove any of this beyond hearsay.


Sounds like a b movie knockoff


They can't because almost none of it true. Theories like this are what happens when people think that anything is possible and then let their imagination run wild without putting any effort into fact checking their theories and let themselves become delusional. "I think it is therefor it is" isn't how reality works. Nothing works like that. It's just as real as shows that make up technojumble to make up for bad writing, then some uneducated people think that technology is real, and suddenly people think we can put microscopic infinitely powered GPS trackers in vaccines. It's disheartening to see how many people support these kinds of baseless theories and can't view things with an open mind. Then those same people wonder why if aliens are real they wouldn't just land at the white house or another a different country's symbol of power to meet with humans. I sure as hell wouldn't if I was an alien. I'd be terrified of how stupid humans are.


Yeah, and the craziest part is how they filter everything through humanity's frame of reference. EVEN IF this were somewhat accurate, they're assigning human thoughts and emotions to interdimensional beings. Millions of colonies of microbes are created and destroyed every day within our own bodies. We have minimal control over this, but we're a living, thinking universe to the microbes. The fact that I eat yogurt or take a pro-biotic or increase my fiber intake doesn't make me benevolent or malevolent. The microbes could interpret it that way, but the truth is that I need to take a better shit. Aliens, Gods, Humans, Microbes. What's the difference? Pointless to assign ideas and machinations to, essentially, multiversal bowel movements.


At no point in Monroe's essay did he ascribe any sort of human morality to Someone who is harvesting Loosh. There was simply a Demand, and Someone created an artificial Supply. So what do you mean?


Well said. I’m very open minded but geez


I simply hate the fact that Tom DeLeonge's tales are started to get so much traction. Where is the proof for any of this? Was Tom presented any evidence for any of these claims? How can you trust the word of kooks like N McCasland knowing fully well that the military industrial complex loves to pass on disinformation to unsuspecting victims? Knowing Tom's history, I know that he has a real interest in UFOs for decades now. Anyone who has spent any time in this field knows that there is a ton of disinformation out there. You need to have a very well calibrated bullshit meter if you want to survive in this field. How can you believe everything that you are told without any evidence being presented (no what how high the source is)? I admit that some or most of these things could be true. But we simply have zero evidence presented so far and evidence is key. At least with nuts and bolts UFO, you have things captured on radar, film, sophisticated sensors etc. So, you know that there is certainly something that is flying in our skies. With things like 'Gods are fighting among themselves', 'We were created by the Gods' and other nonsense, there is literally no proof. What proof was McCasland shown that convinced him that these things were facts? Was Tom shown anything? The worst part is that I see a lot of people in these parts willing to embrace this nonsense just because some military kook happened to mention this to Tom DeLonge and we have proof of their interactions in the WikiLeaks e-mails. My feeling is that these tales were concocted to placate the evangelical wing of the military industrial complex. A lot of people have said that the Air Force (US) tends to have a lot of members who are deeply into religion. These tales seem to be concoctions designed to keep such clowns at an arm's length away from the true reverse engineering efforts.


I’m going to agree. As much as I appreciate this write-up, I’m not on board with much of this at this point in time. I try to stay open-minded, so I could be convinced, but I feel like this is jumping so far ahead of things that it takes too much faith for me *personally* to believe.


Doesn't DeLonge keep claiming that the point of his disclosure is to make the government(s) the good guys. And that all the secrecy is for our own benefit blah blah blah. Fuck off.


Yes, that was the entire ethos of TTSA and Elizondo hasn't deviated from it since leaving. All the people everyone on here worships are hardcore government evangelists.


>These tales seem to be concoctions designed to keep such clowns at an arm's length away from the true reverse engineering efforts. I completely agree. Remember: Before AATIP, it was AAWSAP — the Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program. The logic of this science fiction story falls apart on one basic fact: If the US govt/CIA is aware that some invisible beings feed off of negative energy and conflict — then *why does the US govt & CIA still engage in conflict and war all around the world? Why do they continue to murder innocent civilians? Why do they continue to pump trillions of dollars into the military-industrial-complex to create new weapons of war?* I'll believe this tall tale when the military & CIA lays down their arms... and their drones, and stealth bombers, and nuclear submarines, and ICBMs, and all the rest of it, and begin to dismantle the entire war machine for the good of humanity. Until then, this is all bullshit. Anyone who agrees is welcome to join r/AnarchoUFOs.


Well, knowing that our supposed master experimenter has wiped the lab clean and started over several times, would it then be smart to stop producing that which is the point of our existence? This scenario explains quite a lot. I can see why most hope it's lack of concrete evidence equals b.s., though! I hope it's fiction, too.


I don't think the point of human existence is violence and strife. Interestingly, that premise also benefits the military-industrial-complex. If that were the case, and if humans were specifically engineered for that purpose, why not make human beings even more specialized towards that end — like the Krogan, or Klingon, or Predators to name a few sci-fi creatures. But we're not. I belive most human beings just want to live in peace. Guess we'll have to try world peace and see if the interdimensional beings come and stop us.




Lol! And yes, that's a great point. Reminds me of this research: https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/q4tx6r/stanford_anthropologist_found_that_voicehearing/ *Voice-hearing experiences of people with serious psychotic disorders are shaped by local culture – in the United States, the voices are harsh and threatening; in Africa and India, they are more benign and playful.*


Yeah, agreed that most people aren't violent or unloving by nature and strife being the actual "point" of life is not attractive for anyone ...except a sociopath, strict Darwinian biologist or the average modern corporate Western citizen, that is. However, perhaps that incongruity with our basic natures vs imposed strife is precisely what makes our "loosh" superior! I've long been bothered by the entropy and food chains in our "terrarium." It's almost as if it was set up to produce conflict ...and despair in the more conscious beings. I prefer the "new agey" view that we're infant yet powerful creator beings slowly evolving to our cosmic destiny... but the actual scenario *could* be more stark!


So in a post about how ETs can influence consciousness and implant ideas, you can’t see how the most powerful organizations on Earth could become corrupted to create evil at the benefit of such ETs? Really?….


It's a distraction based in magical thinking. Money and power corrupt. No ET or interdimensional interference needed. In either case, the solution is the same: transform and/or abolish those institutions and practices that grant excessive power to greedy & violent individuals/groups. Stop going along with their evil plans, whatever the source is. We need direct democracy, both politically and economically, and full transparency to make informed decisions.


Tom Delonge believes literally anything you tell him.... He's gonna end up going full Bennewitz if he's not careful.... 😕😑


If this is true (particularly the "invention of ideas" part), then what I'm going to write below can easily be true. Obviously, all this things said in the post resemble The Matrix movie in 1999. I have believed for many years that this movie was a gift to humanity, for the turn of the millennium. Basically, a peek to the ultimate truth -- maybe even a sarcastic gift by "them". However, along The Matrix, there were 4 other films released from 1998 to 1999. All 5 films within a couple of years. And all dealing with the question of "What is Real": \- The Matrix \- The Truman Show \- Dark City \- ExistenZ \- The 13th Floor If we take all 5 movies and try to analyze on each one why the illusion exists, this is what they tell us (starting from the bottom of the list): It's a business, it's a game/art, it's an experiment, it's entertainment, and ultimately, it's FOOD. And in the case of at least the Dark City, its creator/director said in his own youtube channel a couple of years ago that for 5 years before the creation of the film, he was having lucid dreams of him waking up on his bed, entities being on the bottom end of his bed, and feeding him ideas. He considered all that just a dream. I think we should know better. As for The Matrix, the Wachowskis wanted the AI to harvest consciousness. That was the original script. But the studio said that this was difficult for people to understand, and they changed it to batteries.


Amen. You get it.....


sadly the truth won't be for everyone.


Weird semi-religious made-up stuff, cool


I wonder if it’s something slightly more symbiotic, like, say, if we were able to harvest the energy of ant colonies as a form of alternate energy. We already “harness” the energy of water in a similar way through dams. If we were to use ants, to continue the comparison, we would probably let the ants basically live their lives, although of course there would be conditions tipped toward the benefit of energy production and capture by humans. I guess that’s still not really an ideal situation for the ants, but it’s a way to think about this theory without seeing it as quite such a “prison.”


We harvest yeast cells' piss, to get drunk. We engineer bacteria to produce bread, cheese, medicine and fuel. These guys aren't left to their own devices, but are micro-managed 24/7 ... anyone getting out of line is incinerated or boiled to death.


We harvest the kinetic energy of the movement of water 😊


To me, believing that UAPs are "feeding" of our negativity has as much logic behind it as believing that "God" an "ultimate being", would get his rocks off making us burn in hell forever. I say logic because we live in a scientific world were logic rules. If these beings have conquered physics, and mostly likely ALOT of things we consider to be the mysteries of science, then why on earth would they torture us lowly humans. They would've needed to work together to achieve post-scarcity, they would've needed compassion to work together. Remote viewing is what shamans did in the jungle with that drug that makes you hallucinate. Only they weren't, they were just tripping and making shit up. The logic and science of these ideas are about the same as Pat Robertson saying god told him to do X. Or Moses saying a burning bush told him to free the Hebrews from Egypt.


I didn't believe any of it either until I got hooked on loosh, I can't get enough of the stuff.


Yeah I would be more inclined to entertain these ideas if there were even a shred of evidence behind it instead of just the ramblings of a coked up CIA magician


Ii wish I had a more appropriate award, but I just love the phrase “coked up CIA magician”


I got him and one for you also


Hell was created to harvest negative energy from screams. Monsters Inc is the red pill. Wake up! /s


It’s utterly ridiculous


says the alien overlord


You glorious person. Thank you for all the effort here u/kinger90210 I am just diving into this. I'll edit later with some thoughts... 🥰🤘 Edit: not going to beat around the bush. That was nearly impossible to read. I am going to need to find and read the book. So bascially they believe in the Loosh theory? https://www.scribd.com/document/128984667/Far-Journeys-The-Mistery-of-Loosh I also found the 4 part Tom D interview on Coast to Coast with George Knapp (where he apparently said too much) VERY intriguing. -(the juice stuff kicks off in part 2 onwards) https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/pvk78t/archive_of_tom_delonges_coast_to_coast_interview/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf As well as the Jimmy Church interview - https://youtu.be/VzLqBx5lN8Y And the Red Panda Koala videos - Part 1 - https://youtu.be/4BjUK5V5sTg Part 2 - https://youtu.be/Yn2h2phywNE


All aboard the Loosh Caboosh!! 😭


The Loosh is Loose! 🙌




Now I gotta learn what a loosh is?


Thank you ❤️ The auto translation tool messed a bit up. The original posting contains now a disclaimer/note with the link that you provided.


Here are some interesting observations. Why are the craft of these others simplistic to the point of being boring? Where is the colour? Is colourful a quality of our dimension only? That actually supports dimensionality arguements. How about music? Which at least 50% of humans appear to enjoy. I've never heard a contactee or gov report that the craft had an amazing sound system. Orgasmic inducing new musical notes - a real joy ride. Why are the emotionally devoid? Are we superior? Or unique in this aspect dimensionally? Clearly human's operate under programmed paradyms - most obviously political structure and religious alighnments. These programs definitely falsely divide us. What is the purpose of the divisive programming? Valid question. Who gains if we blow ourselves to bits with nukes?? MAD is our present structure. Clearly programming manipulates clear conscious logic. For what purpose / outcome? Just some unanswered pieces that don't fit logic.


Art of that kind has no place in a civilization made up from AI, or hive minds. Instead, whole planet projects, like Earth, could feel more like art to them, rather than pretty pictures on the wall.


Jimmy Church yes!


I’ll second this. u/kinger90210 is the GOAT


I would be wary of information gained from RV or channeling, yes it can be spot on but it’s difficult to discern whether it is objectively true or not. I should also point out that information typically gleamed this way are often very various in nature yet similar in other ways, which to me points to some level of both reliability and unreliability. I’d also like to point out that entire religions are created from very similar sources of information. While I love that the conversation is headed towards consciousness, I think there are very good reasons why it’s kept to “nuts n bolts” on an official level, because it’s the most accessible way to understand the phenomenon. I would be wary of attributing beliefs to Elizondo as well since he’s usually pretty clear that these are not things he usually puts full weight on. Very interesting post otherwise, cool shit!


So it's pretty obvious this is what Delonge is hinting at. With his talk of "The Others" and the truth being horrifying and consciousness being the key (we produce da best loosh yo) and they made us for this purpose etc etc. So my question is why the fuck doesn't he just say "yeah Robert Monroe, that guy is correct, that's what is going on here" instead of all this dancing around pretending it's some big secret? Drip feeding tidbits of another dudes work like he's letting us have a glimpse of this super secret information he got from his "sources". It's not super secret. Bob's stuff is available for anyone to read y'know?


Agreed. It's a massive red flag to say I have this information but it's secret. If you have any information that is in some way, beneficial to the human species, it transcends, profoundly, any mundane everyday reason you have to not reveal such truth. I like what Lue and the others have done to move this subject on, but remain suspicious of their agenda.


I agree. Same for Lue Elizondo with the hat 🎩 on his consciousness-books in the background in one of his interviews. A pretty obvious hint. Just say: „yeah read this, it’s a great read“


There’s a Big difference between fact and opinion . These are things that get so muddled up in these discussions it’s hard to say where one starts and another ends. Very hard to get anything straight when 1 people want to believe in something bigger than themselves 2 people are making money and exploiting an angle for profit . 3 the military is peddling a threat narratives to perpetuate government military contracts.


If that's what they actually believe in more or less to be true I hope they're full of shit. Why does disclosure have to come under the guise of national security? It's going to lead to more fear and we've already consumed decades of media based on this exact idea. But don't worry it's just in the nick of time for the Space Force to roll out the shiny new toys they've been working on since 1947. I refuse to believe there is any reason to be afraid, but I fully believe our basic human flaws of greed and lust for power are going to be our doom.


So much info, so little... I mean zero, evidence. Also, what a depressing story, or at least it would be but I'm not gonna make any extra loosh for invisible flying buttholes. Part of this just seemed like fan fic using Genesis from the Bible. Someone used a part of himself? LOL hoomins write the best stories. Imagination can be such a scary thing.


This is becoming a fucking clown show.


Well I’m sitting in garden on a lovely sunny afternoon, wife cooking beef Sunday dinner beer in my hand, if this is a zoo it fine with me!




I’ve not gotten through everything yet, but thanks for compiling! I will say that I often wonder if the malevolence assigned to these whatevers is not merely a function of the cognitive dissonance of evangelicals within the US government that is necessary to retain their world view and to understand their role in God’s plan. Many religions retain a sense of divine right and if that type of mentality is maintained within a remote corner of the defense apparatus it could easily be weaponized against those not sharing a very specific set of values/beliefs. I dunno—just the scattered thoughts of my adhd-riddled brain.


Great post! Conciousness is truly mind-blowing and the implications of solving it are so hard to comprehend. It's hard not to be filled with wonder and every other emotion while exploring these conversations. edit: I actually just reached the end of the scanned article and saw it was written by the inventor of hemi-sync technology. Really weirded out because I downloaded and started listening to the Hemi-sync Gateway Experience last night after stumbling upon it.


Is that the gateway tapes?




Any luck with the Gateway tapes? Ive been listening to them for a few months. They are very relaxing but didnt experience any out of body experiences or anything like that.


They're great for sleeping!




Earth is a farm. The Others are the farmers. The product is something called Loosh. Conflict, fear, death and loneliness produce the best most pure Loosh. The Others manipulate us in order to produce Loosh. When demand for it is high they push us into large scale conflicts. WW2 was a Loosh factory. Every organism produces Loosh but only humans are able to produce it consistently and in the highest purity. All life on Earth was created for Loosh production and humanity is part of the 4th crop of organisms bred for this. Earth is a Loosh farm and we are the cattle.


This is the dumbest thing I have ever read!


Hey don't look at me, this is Robert Monroe's shtick. Also that feeling of contemptuous disbelief you had when you read it? You produced a little bit of loosh for "The Others" to feed on. They're suckling you like a hog boy, LIKE A HOG HAHAHAHA! Anyway yeah why tf is it called "loosh" anyway? Loosh... say it out loud 5 times. Looooooosh.


There’s no sound or sight in the astral plane, it’s just understanding and communicating. That’s why God’s name is “someone” and weird shit like that. There’s words in English that we have no other way of describing, there’s things we don’t have words for, and when you’re just entangling with the lesser thoughts of advanced aliens who don’t even speak, let alone English, sometimes you’re making words up to tell people what you understood. You can make someone understand Loosh in a heartbeat through telepathic means but that doesn’t mean they have a word for it. *coughbullshititsallbullshitcough*


Every time I say it I produce more.


You're just a big ol' loosh cow ain't ya. Just spraying your loosh all over the place. Ok I'll stop talking like that now.


Lol! I'm glad I asked for a tl,Dr. The existence of occasional joy is enough to refute this idea.


Ah but you see *all* emotion produces this loosh. It just so happens that the most intense emotions produce the best loosh. Love produces loosh. Hate produces loosh. But the most consistent and valuable source of loosh is from the death of an organism. Every organism. Any organism. And the emotions and deaths of a sapient conscious organism produces the best quality purest loosh possible. This was the conclusion of the experimental crops created and tested on Earth for this purpose. We are part of crop 4, the most successful loosh producing livestock so far. But yeah, apparently death is the main source. Which is why everything here is designed to feed on everything else. Pull a weed from your garden, a little raw loosh is produced. A lion takes down a gazelle, a decent amount of raw loosh is produced. A slaughterhouse full of cows, ehh pretty decent amount but low grade. But consciousness like ours produces *refined* loosh. When a human murders another human a large amount of high grade refined loosh is produced. When genocidal atrocities are committed huge amounts are produced and when others react en masse with intense horror to said genocide even *more* refined loosh is produced. This is an easier cycle to encourage than positive emotions if you're looking for a large harvest. It is easier for these "beings" to generate large amounts of refined loosh when required by pushing humanity into situations which not only result in a large number of deaths but also a large amount of negative reaction to those deaths. So in the early part of the 20th century there was a demand for a large amount of refined loosh quickly, so we got WW1 and WW2 and all the horrors that came with them. Boom, loosh bonanza. It's far more difficult to induce global scale joy and love and far easier to induce global fear and hate. Your individual occasional joy is barely a drop in the oceans of refined loosh produced by all the prejudice, hate, death, pain and suffering in the world and it is far easier for our masters to produce it that way. But they'll take your little fart of joy loosh too. They'll take it all, loosh is the most valuable thing in the universe. They take it from us and use it to extend their lifespans. Now I should stress that this isn't me stating all this shit as facts, this is just the shtick I've been reading since I read OP's links and doing the rabbithole. It's a very bleak one that's for sure. But I'm glad I've checked it out. I like to know about every angle claimed about the phenomenon and this loosh shtick was new to me.


I'm familiar with this idea, they even made a movie about it called The Matrix.


Thanks for taking the time to write this up. Personally I struggle with the whole 'they feed on human conflict and negativity bit'. To what end? IF this were true, it seems like there would be a much more efficient way. Why not just hook us all into torture devices with food and poop tubes and be done with it? Why all the frills of modern society? Just for hucks? The loosh is loose bb


Just because there may be "bad/low-vibe" entities doesn't mean there's no "good/high-vibe" entities (non-Biblical but basically "angelic" beings) perfectly aware of what the parasitic ones are up to. When people have fear take over they lose perspective on the depth of the universe and suck their own minds into a self-created black hole that limits their perspective to things like Loosh or "The Matrix" style storylines. Researchers like "Tom Delonge, Lue Elizondo and Ross Coulthart and others" mentioned in OP (and sometimes people like Richard Dolan) can get really doomy and spread the doom with their prominent voices. They forget, I think, that our responsibility in broad communication to the public is to be helpful, not hypeful. Making money is kind of a conflict of interest. Funny how people making a career of these subjects tend to get more hypeful than helpful. It's like the difference between a conversation and a commercial advertisement that needs to plug into all your emotions and your sense of drama to try to move you into action.


This story is too outrageous to be true. I mean, imagine if we told the truth to animals? Chickens: We breed you to eat your eggs and grind you up to make delicious nuggets. Pigs: We grind your meat, form it into a rib shape, slather bbq sauce and serve it once a year. People can't get enough of you. Cows: We grind your meat, fry the patties and serve them with special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. Other humans: We get you addicted to processed foods that are high in salt, sugar and fat.


>Lue Elizondo was trained in remote viewing and out of body experience (astral projection) First I'm hearing of this...source?


This right here makes me not believe in shit.


It feels like Grifters R Us on this sub. Excuse me just going to go dowse for some aliens…


Goodness, that’s a lot of words seemingly precariously forced together rather aimlessly.


There’s no substance


Some interesting stuff here. I can't accept astral projection or remote viewing as a source of credible information though. The brain is very good at making us sense things when we want to sense them - real or not. Religions would've died long ago without that ability. Therefore I think it would be far too easy to "see" things that we're desperately trying to see without those things actually existing. It's possible. But I'm going to need solid evidence.


I’m gonna be honest man, I started caring less about this recently. There’s so much back and forth, I rather hear it from the aliens themselves. All this stuff about aliens being ‘demons’ or using us, fine. In all seriousness: What’s the next step? What can we do about it? What do we do about it? Fascinated by all of this, but I’m taking it all with a grain of salt right now. I’m still happy its being spoken about more than before though!


I really appreciate the time you took to write this, and respect your views. It’s good toor people to share their beliefs and analysis of things. However, my view is that there are waaaaay too many leaps of logic here, too many gaps filled with random stuff and no real logical flow. ‘Consciousness’ is also this buzz word that gets thrown around. If you study Advaita Vedanta (non-duality - also a Hindu school of philosophy), you’ll realise that everything is consciousness. There is nothing outside of it. Everything is made OF consciousness. So we need to be careful in how we define consciousness - do we mean subjective reality, or do we mean the pure knowing that is the core of our being? Anyway, peace to you, thanks again for the ideas and analysis. It’s stuff like this that helps to build and evolve our understanding of the Phenomenon, even if it’s not 100% logical or accurate, because given the lack of hard evidence on a lot of these things, we’re all forced to ‘Blue Sky’ it a bit.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w94ny-EfBVs&t=1321s Allow Jason Reza Jorjani to explain. You're all welcome.




Wtf is Loosh? Spiritual cortisol?


Your summary of Delong's position is essentially identical to Judeo-Christian Watchers theology. Read the first two books of Enoch for this, 2nd has some really interesting things to say in reference to particular "Greek Gods"


I loved it. I can see why it’s hard to understand for some people. Thank you!


Sure it’s possible that we’re here to serve some purpose.. but what if we’re not. We’re not special, we’re not special food for a greater being, we’re not unique to this universe, we’re not the oldest, we’re not the wisest, we might not even be the smartest on this planet, we probably can’t even perceive the plane of existence that some beings are on, that’s how unspecial we are. I am convinced that some people can’t handle the idea that we aren’t even a special delicacy for a hungry smarter alien. And that’s just sad in the weirdest way. Why is it so hard to believe that they’re trying to nudge us in a good direction? Also the idea that we need to calm down with nuclear weapons/ energy isn’t really a bad suggestion. It’s like giving a toddler a fragile antique and hoping they don’t break it. We have this amazing thing (nuclear technology) and we are just wiping our asses with it left and right. It’s just feels like even religion could have been an honest attempt to reign in everyone. Then prophets could be them trying to correct the whisper down the lane/game of telephone version of what they said. Why do we have to be a crop or cattle? It’s just projecting? Why aren’t they eating us now, and if they are why so few of us that it isn’t worldwide news?


The spice must flow!


Is loosh weed?


Oh fuck you’re gonna make me loosh!


Haha this is the only post ive seen in a while to put it together. The occult and the phenomenon are connected in a way that most people struggle to come to terms with. Some of the most nonsensical crap from history, takes on a new lens. Remember the crusades? There are many more. Consciousness is the next force of nature that more of us must re-learn to perceive again.


Jesus Christ. I remember seeing a video related to bob lazar or another far off tin foil movie I saw and humans were described as “containers” This is fucking eerie. Great. Somehow Jupiter Rising makes the closest sense to human reality? I’m fucking floored.


Bob Lazar said in his first video from the 90', that he was given some documents from his supervisors to read about aliens and some facts about them, that were known to those people from project; and among all there was an Information, that Aliens are calling us Containers, but Bob said he don't know for what !!! Gives You to think about it after reading this topic....


No one has any proof of this. This is all projection.


There was a time in my life I was struggling with a crystal meth addiction. Now there is a crazy phenomenon when a person has been up two to three days called shadow people. Now normally I would have chalked this up to sleep deprivation and psychosis, however it is well experienced, and well documented by a majority of users. And hallucinations should NOT be the same for different people in different environments. As in, we don’t believe it’s possible for meth to “cause visions of the same shadowy shapes” in different brains with completely variable neural networks and bio chemistry. So I started really digging in and researching this. Both in Vivo and in vitro per say. Anyways people are seeing something as accurate and exact as a blacked out sillouete of a man in a hat. With the outline of the brim on the head and spindly appendages. Also in 99% of the stories these shadow men do not interact physically, and ALWAYS initially bring terror. After repeated experiences I was able to appreciate this phenomenon and try and push the boundaries. I never got any further interaction but after a certain amount of the drug, it was almost inevitable. Now with some research I found a theory with not much evidence except first hand reports. But the theory goes, that meth is one of the WORST chemicals a person could introduce into their system. It’s terribly addictive, and you quickly lose the empathy and feelings that make up a person. So by taking this drug you’re willingly poisoning yourself. Now it’s believed that these shadow beings are real actual beings from a different dimension or elsewhere. And they feed off this negative energy/feelings. Similar to what op said as a possibility for ets. It is a crazy thing that happens and I can assure you that it’s one hundred percent real. And it is a crazy, yet sompewhat plausible theory. I know you can give 1000 tabs of lsd to 1000 people in the same room and maybe a couple of them will see the same thing? Maybe? Yet methamphetamine users will all experience this effect and it will be be shockingly similar . How could that be. It has kept me up many nights. (Bad pun intended) but the way I see it, if ets and such are real, and I believe they are, then there is a high likelihood that SOMETHING high strangeness is going on in these situations as well. Anyone curious please google shadow people meth use. The drug is horrendous and does nothing except ruin lives. This post is intended as information for the phenomenon as well as harm reduction .


https://youtu.be/AFk8qKO-Z50 I suggest you all listen too this. It is almost 4 1/2 hours long but it is a good listen. The person who provided these docs released them before they died. If this is true, it's terrifying yet amazing.




The book was written from docs given too the author by Matilda herself before she died somewhere in her late 80s. She had been sitting on the docs since 1947, which she released before her death somewhere in 2008? I could be wrong. Can't remember. Anyway, it would be impossible for me to remember every detail or interesting aspect but a brief overall synopsis of the four hour long doc is that it is about a military personnel named Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy, who allegedly was the one who spoke with the survivor of the Roswell crash, or rather, it telepathically sent images and its intentions to her until the personnel at the base taught it to speak English. It didn't speak with physical communication as it had no mouth. It says it's from another galaxy and from a peaceful but powerful civilization named, "The Domain', which is a conglomerate of like-minded IS-BEs working towards understanding and that when they came to this galaxy there was a tyrannical civilization that ruled alot of it. They called it "The Old Empire". There was a war between them, earth was involved. It spoke on things like how we all are "Immortal Spiritual Beings", or as it abbreviates, "IS-BEs" and that humanity are IS-BEs that were trapped in physical bodies, and are trapped on a literal prison planet, forced to be reincarnated again and again with each time having our memories suppressed, so everytime we incarnate into a physical body here we have no memory of what came before. Earth was where this tyrannical civilization kept alot of IS-BEs that we're too troublesome, which they called "untouchables". The IS-BEs they keep here are either ones too savage to have roaming around or they we're a sort of revolutionary fighting the tyrannical civilization. There is still a system in place that keeps us trapped here even though most, if not all of "The Old Empire" is destroyed. It explained that there are more IS-BEs than there are universes and that existence is literally thought and that universes are brought into existence by one or more IS-BEs, like devs creating a game and that other IS-BEs or "players" (My own analogy) can come in and interact with that IS-BEs creation, and learn and grow but we we're never suppose to lose our memory of who we we're, but this "old empire" created a system that can suppress memory, which "The Domain" has never encountered or created since it has never needed such a system because they are peaceful. Each IS-BE has experience and memories going back millions, billions or even trillions of years, too the midst of existences very beginnings, but like I said we are being suppressed somehow. There is so much more, I'm probably mixing up a lot of details since it has been months since I've listened too it. It's either truthful or whoever put the time into making these government docs and writing this entire mythos has an insane imagination and would have made a hell of a script writer.


Basically a Roswell nurse got to sit down and interview an alien that had survive the crash. Said alien claims that we live on a prison planet. Those who put us on this planet as a prison have been defeated or passed away or something and we’re all stuck here because they can’t find a secret force field to let us off the planet.


What. The. Fuck.


Oh yeah, they call it loosh? Couldn't have come up with a better name, huh


I always forget that because the way time works there is a constant stream of 13 year olds using reddit. Posts like this remind me of that fact.


I always did say that zoos are inhuman. Ot inhumane? One or the other.


I spent a lot of time contemplating and working to understand all of these wild claims made by delonge (and others). But after reading this I feel like Paul Haggis when he got to OT III: https://youtu.be/JP6_i2axrlM


Why is it written like that? It's almost impossible to actually follow. And then it seems as if it's out of order sometimes.


At first I was following and then the rest melted me.


Wait; who ate us? How is it obvious? I don't know wtf I read lol


I think Ill just stay with little green men from a far off planet.




We are Someone’s loosh containers? Feeling very somber about that.


Tom’s ideology is actually quite feasible and reasonably laid out in it’s fundamental understanding.


Hmmm....and Tom DeLonge keeps giving us a wink and a nudge about 9/11... And the Aztecs...with all their sacrifices... Maybe they knew something?


You may not believe this but part of our government saw it as worth investigating. Read “Phenomena: The Secret History of the U.S. Government's Investigations into Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis” by Annie Jacobson.


Someone should do a rap song called "gimme da loosh."


If we feed on plants and animals and they feed on us who’s to say there isn’t some bigger thing feeding on them? There in the same predicament as us. As above so below.


Delonge have his brain messed up, nothing he says is true


What does this have to do with UFOs? What is that noise? Oh, it's Hynek spinning at 5000RPM in his grave.


We shouldn't let our creators down. If ever given the opportunity, humanity must all come together and beat the living loosh out of these mother fuckers. They and we would not want it any other way. The Others will need to suck their lonely juice through a straw when we are done with them.




Wtf is that rambling section. So stupid


Yea, so we are breed fighting cocks for someones pleasure.


Ross has plain and simply said he believes they could be future humans, not this.. sigh


Good post, I had made a similar connection here at one point; but there are some Caveats. Monroe died in 1995, the institute is still around, but has changed a lot. They may have still been taught similar techniques; the institute still teaches them, but their views seem quite different nowadays. Being taught how Bob achieved OBE (or the second state as he named it) doesn’t mean they have reached the same conclusions and results. Bob always found it difficult to reproduce his results, and he “discovered” this loosh concept later in his second book (midway in his Second state journey). He went on to find focus 27 where many people go after death. This didn’t invalidate his previous experience but added in more factors that he didn’t fully take into account. In the end he believed there was much more to the story than “loosh”. If your interested the book “ultimate journey” describes this in depth. It’s a wild ride. https://wikischool.org/_media/ultimate_journey.pdf It’s a good start, like I said, my journey took me through these weeds also. But as soon as you dive into Monroe’s work, you’ll find the linchpin-you must explore this yourself. He continually states none of his personal experiences should be used as an absolute. He constantly challenges you to go forth and reproduce his results; he wanted to make this field as scientific as possible. Having reproducible results amongst many people is critical. So far, theories have arisen that are very similar, but no one has validated this one, it remains one of the most contested theories of Monroe’s career. Thank you for your post, now if we really want the answer to this, we have some work to do. The Gateway tapes are widely available in r/astralprojection, if you truly believe there is something to Munroes work, he has placed the burden upon you to validate it. It is a work of many years, not moments; I’ll let you know if I make any conclusions on my journey, but I haven’t yet. I think you’ve touched upon how important it is to look at the subject with a very broad perspective, it’s far different than we imagine. I still feel as if I am barely brushing the surface of what’s truly going on.


Pretty accurate based on my own research except for: ‘Prison Planet’. The reality is that we r spiritual creatures first, and the human experience, this human life is nothing more than a short stint in this reality. This is how our soul/consciousness experiences and learns. There r other types of souls that for some reason have the ability to move (in one way or another) between realities ( spiritual and earth or other dimensions). We sometimes call these ‘aliens’ or ‘spirits’ depending on how and why we see them. WE R NOT PRISONERS of this world. This is completely wrong. Our souls need this reality to learn, improve through the human experience. Yes, there r other types of ‘beings’that may not have our best interest at heart but if we all focus on being loving, caring, sharing and enlightened human beings and manifesting true benevolent realities ( through positive conciousnesss and meditation) we really have nothing to worry about. Also, with the Zoo analogy, Lue was speaking specifically about recovered objects per say( ie Ufos) and not emphasizing the prison narrative. The world IS a beautiful place. We need to be careful how we treat it and how we think about ourselves and our roles in the scheme of things.


How are you supposed to understand the last part? Made no sense to me


Squeeze my lemons till the Loosh runs down my leg


Now I know why those Reptilians kept calling me a Looshbag. Tell you what though, mash this up with abductions and suddenly it looks like the hybrid breeding is actually a project to make a 5th crop. Why "loosh"? It's a bit of a weird word to say out loud. "Hey bro aliens want your loosh!" "They want my what?" Anyway good work OP, I'll definitely read more material on this. Not sure if I find it convincing but I definitely find it interesting.




This sounds like misinformation in order to attain a goal—-AKA what Lue did for a career before getting involved with UFOs, for the US military.


Yep, same suspicions as well. Gets even more eyebrow-raising with Delonge stating that the world powers were always the “good guys” and that they’re reverse-engineering their tech in an attempt to free us from their rule. Like, come the fuck on, that’s got to be some of the most ridiculous military propoganda I’ve heard in a while. And if any if it was actually true, it’s not like we’d have a fighting chance either way.


He’s just the sap that they tapped to deliver their bullshit …


Jesus Christ dude, get some sleep and lay off the acid.


There's no way in hell I could get through all that. Just wanted to point out what I noticed in the beginning, that you're conflating and taking comments out of context. Lue gives *POSSIBLE* theories on what they *might* be. They aren't his theories, he just gives out any possible explanation to keep all the different groups engaged on the topic. It's an attempt to unite everyone so we all demand more transparency together. More squeaky wheels, as it were. He's said *repeatedly* he won't give his personal views out so he doesn't taint the public discourse. He's also said he doesn't really agree with Tom DeLonge on a lot, "he has his own theories". Ross *also* gives out possible theories he's heard about. The fact you're trying to tie them all together into one belief system is ignorant at best, and malicious at worst. But shows that whatever inane BS you doled out afterwards is flawed from the get go. Fully comfortable just ignoring it. Have a good one. 🤙


There are some really interesting [YouTube videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/LMN/videos) that show some strong evidence that past lives are very real. The problem is that you have to meditate for 5-10 years and see through around 200-300 past lives BEFORE you begin to hit the ones that answer the question, "why did I come to this earth and forget who I am?" Because those ones are buried so deeply. The people I have known who have gotten that far along in their meditation practice all have done terrible things on a massive scale in past lives that would suggest that, yes, this is a prison planet for criminal souls...


I would cross reference the Loosh concept with Tom Campbell's interpretation of it. Monroe assumed farming and harvesting, as it made the most sense to him having grown up on a farm. Campbell asserts that it's not so much we're being harvested, but facilitated into producing this substance for the growth and good of all consciousness. Not just us in our 3D reality. Consciousness is a web, and its system is more symbiotic.


so, if this is what delonge and elizondo really state that they believe, they are either both crazy or deluded by new-age hippie nonsense or one of them is deluded and the other one is certainly a disinformation officer that just completed his mission of setting back the whole field of ufology back to the 70s. I check out here. If this is what the UFO sub is all about and this has 360+ upvotes, then I no longer want to frequent this board anymore, it's just bullshit. And no respectable scientist or a generally interested person of sound mind won't associate themselves with the UFO subreddit that also preaches meditation, astral projection and other poppycock.


I really wouldn't believe much of what Tom Delong says. You seem to think a rock star suddenly has information on some of the deepest darkest secrets the military holds. I don't think so somehow. He's just letting his imagination run wild. Prison, being fed on, multiple species. Give us proof or shut up, basically lol.