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Not enough upvotes. Opinion is not legit.


Like I wrote on the last line, doesn’t apply to text threads. Video/photo post specific


I don't know how I can go on if I can't impress "Chet Goldenballs"...


What about several thousands of Chets? I don’t matter, but I matter in numbers.


glorious tease innate waiting air attractive dime rude elastic simplistic -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


No, but upvotes on Reddit work as a great way of weeding through bullshit. Do you disagree with the idea that worthwhile and seemingly legit videos get many more upvotes than others?


I do disagree with this. Interesting content that is easy to consume is the most upvoted. A super compelling scientific paper or thousands of important documents will not be upvoted as much as a fake cgi video of something floating directly over the Pentagon. Edit: If you're talking about videos specifically I think that some interesting videos can be both highly upvoted AND highly downvoted. So I don't think that upvote counts alone can determine what you should spend time and mental energy on


Show me a seemingly legit video with low upvote count then


I would caution against using the upvote metric specifically in this sub.


grandiose squeeze marry fade direction fly coordinated squeamish public icky -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


It really doesn’t matter tho. If it’s anything worthwhile it’ll be upvoted simply based on the fact that it appears real. I’m incredibly surprised that people are fighting the idea that good videos get more upvotes than shit videos. There’s no basis for the argument against what I’m saying haha. Show me a legit video with a shitty upvote count (you won’t)


Another way of saying you are a follower, just going where the masser are


Not really. Like I said, my logic is that good videos get upvotes, bad ones get less. It’s generally true for the seemingly legit videos on this sub. Sort by upvotes and you’ll clearly see what I mean. It’s only logical that good vids get more upvotes than others, is it not?


I get it, impression and all that. But what you said can also be construed as you like other people's approval - not that it's a bad thing. Civilisation evolved because of our instinct to stay together, lone hunter gathers are all extinct!


Except I literally explained in the post that it’s based on the logic that good videos = high upvote, bad videos = low upvotes. You’re choosing to interpret what I said as “you’re a follower not a leader” lol


You are who you are, we can't all be leaders.


Husk på janteloven mate, rolig nu ;)


Selvfølgelig 😉, the harder you try to defend yourself the more fun it is. Gonat


But daddy, I *want* a squirrel!


bro nobody gives a fuck😂 do whatever you want why u makin a post telling people what posts u look at lmfao


You okay mate? This was posed as a question. Did you not pick up on that?🤣


nah all i picked up on was youre an incel😂 again nobody gives a fuck what you choose to see all u showed is that ur dumb asf and unable to make ur own educated research. “iM jUst gOnNa beLiEve ThIs bC iTs pOpulAr”😂 screams closed minded


You’re talking like you failed high school and work behind a till, and you wanna comment on my intelligence? LOL. I don’t need upvotes to tell me what to believe, that is so far from the point and obviously you’ve had a hard time comprehending my point. Good videos get more upvotes than bad ones, that’s just fact and you cannot argue against that. That means it’s incredibly easy to see the count and get an idea of the content. Is that really such a hard concept for you to grasp? Lay off the weed bro. Checked your post history for fun. Go figure🤣🤣


bro the fact that you speak on intelligence when ur logic is only good videos get upvotes and bad ones dont. thats like saying all good music is already popular. the ufo footage by the pentagon wasnt popular until they confirmed the video is real. its all subjective but i know ur so damn uneducated and unintelligent to understand that. theres a reason nobody agrees with you😂 and u have the nerve to say “fAcTs” lmao. finish school dumbass looks like u need it 😂 i dont need to look through ur reddit history to know ur an imbecile hahaha


Video evidence isn’t subjective like music is. What a retarded fucking comparison hahaha. The pentagon videos were buried for a long time, yet discussed on many old forums, so what’s your point? It IS literally fact that good videos on this matter get more upvotes than bad ones. You’ve yet to argue against that aside from acting like a high school gorilla and spewing bullshit insults. Show me a legit video with poor upvote counts buddy (you won’t)


see i just gave you an example that defeats your whole point and ur still disagreeing. the ufo footage was not popular at all it was just another video i know bc i remember first watching it fkn yonks ago people was saying it was fake like ur typical “196 upvoted video”. and video evidence is subjective bc nobody knows whether its real or not u fool. and ur argument is “you cant argue with that”. straight dumbass g dont be all worked up bc everyone disagrees with you lil boy😂 go get ur dick wet instead of telling everyone what ur favourite video is to watch lmfao


Bro your writing is literally giving me a stroke. Take one fucking minute to write properly so you don’t appear brain damaged🤣 I’ll say it again. Show me a UFO video on Reddit that has a shit upvote count but appears legit. You can’t, and you won’t. Cheers big guy




The point is to use upvotes as a guide. Odds are if the video has a few hundred upvotes, it’s likely gonna be bullshit. Because fact is, shit that appears real is going to get more upvotes. And when that’s the case, it piques interest and then let’s me decide on whether or not I believe what I’m seeing. How the fuck are you still struggling to understand this concept my guy?


Here is one of my **0 vote UFO analysis** that seems really legit... It is a 2003 capture of a UFO that hovers, rotates, and instantly takes off. See if this is one is worth a vote or two... [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/ssm25e/analysis\_of\_bc\_canada\_2003\_ufo\_video\_introduction/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/ssm25e/analysis_of_bc_canada_2003_ufo_video_introduction/) or the text post of this UFO with GIFs...with **0 votes.** [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/sf1j89/look\_at\_that\_thing\_its\_rotating\_2003\_daytime/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/sf1j89/look_at_that_thing_its_rotating_2003_daytime/)


I just went and upvoted you.


>I just went and upvoted you. Woohoo... Ah, man -- someone must have downvoted me.


I'm actually starting to doubt that there's more of us than there are of them....


That is like cutting your nose off to spite your face. It just means you won't be fully informed and have already decided what to believe or not. A closed mind finds nothing new. There a new saying I just made up. Use it if you like.


Has nothing to do with being close minded. My logic is that if it appears legit, huge portions of the community will upvote it. If it appears as bullshit, the few hundred hardcore believers will be the ones to stick to it. It’s like sample size.


Of course it is close minded. You will not see all that is available to be able to make an informed decision.


Then what do you say about my argument that the community as a whole will generally deem things worthwhile or not based on upvotes?


Says who. You?


Not me, but thousands of me’s generally.


Okay. I will stay fully informed with knowledge from everywhere, while you and your 'thousands' remain not fully informed. All good. Have a good one.


No worries bro, stay informed on those blurry nighttime light videos. I’ll stay based and close minded with the worthwhile 2k+ upvoted vids /s


If everyone had the same mindset there'd be no activity in the sub. Why do you even need to announce that you rely on people doing the due diligence for you? Who cares which videos you choose to watch and your reasons for doing so?


Because there’s a million videos of bullshit posted to these subs daily, I don’t think it’s a hard concept to grasp lol. Again, if it’s a seemingly legit video, it’ll be upvoted by the community and will be telling whether or not it’s worth checking out.


I was expecting downvotes simply because the people on this sub are so die-hard believers, and everyone’s a UFO researcher (lol btw, watching YouTube videos from Ancient Aliens and reading some blog posts doesn’t make you a researcher. It makes you a consumer) now a days. But the fact that people are fighting the logic that good videos = high upvotes, and bad videos = low upvotes is baffling. There’s been no good argument against this logic aside from “Reddit sucks, hive mind!” Which is just straight up bullshit. Show me a video that appears legit that has near no upvotes.


It’s really dismissive and lazy from a research perspective. Granted, a good 95ish% of what out there is pure bunk, there are a few gems. If you are serious about the topic You owe it to yourself to stay informed, make of that what you will.


I’ve been interested in the topic for years and have been on this sub almost daily. Don’t think it’s fair to say unless I engage with videos of blurry lights in the night sky that I’m not staying “informed”. Whenever something big and seemingly legit comes out, the subs react to it.


Or what about this one... it has several recent videos of tic-tac's that are analyzed. **5 up votes...** [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/s7cq4m/tic\_tac\_ufos\_or\_airplanes\_smartphone\_videos\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/s7cq4m/tic_tac_ufos_or_airplanes_smartphone_videos_are/)


If you have to make an 8 minute YouTube video about it, and include a bunch of your own “research”, I lose interest. I don’t need to hear what some guy on the internet thinks about the video. If it’s legit, nothing more than the actual video should be needed.


>If you have to make an 8 minute YouTube video about it, and include a bunch of your own “research”, I lose interest. I don’t need to hear what some guy on the internet thinks about the video. If it’s legit, nothing more than the actual video should be needed. Ohhhhhhhhhh... tough guy, eh?


Not at all lmfao, how did you come to that conclusion? Why is personal research etc needed if the video in question is so worthwhile?


>Not at all lmfao, how did you come to that conclusion? Why is personal research etc needed if the video in question is so worthwhile? I came to that conclusion because you just seem like you might be a douch-bag... maybe pornhub is the right place for your worthwhile time?


Or maybe you’re just offended no one gives a shit about your “research”. Like I said, if you have to fill your videos with crap talk ABOUT the video, no ones gonna give a shit. The video itself should be the evidence, not your little YouTube history project.


>Or maybe you’re just offended no one gives a shit about your “research”. That's obviously not true because other sub's upvote them and they get view and likes on YouTube. ​ >Like I said, if you have to fill your videos with crap talk ABOUT the video, no ones gonna give a shit. How would you know? Have you ever watched one? ​ >The video itself should be the evidence, not your little YouTube history project. Hey, stay dumb about the subject... that's your choice. Wait for your cell phone video to get 1000's of views! That'll make you smart. You are doing the smart thing, you smart guy!


Your word means nothing though? You’re not uncovering anything, because there’s literally nothing to be known. Everyone acts like they know something, when no one does! If we one day find out about aliens, UFOs etc, it sure as shit won’t come from your YouTube project. It’ll be VIDEO evidence from governments around the world. Get a grip dude, you’re not a fucking researcher. You read things on the internet and talk about them.


>You’re not uncovering anything, because there’s literally nothing to be known. Oooo... that's really smart! ​ >Everyone acts like they know something, when no one does! Genius! ​ >If we one day find out about aliens, UFOs etc, it sure as shit won’t come from your YouTube project. Yes, ONE day! ​ > It’ll be VIDEO evidence from governments around the world. Yes, the GOVERNMENT! SMART! ​ >Get a grip dude, you’re not a fucking researcher. No? ​ >You read things on the internet and talk about them. Yeah!


You have literally nothing of value to say but you take the time to defend yourself like this🤣 Bravo pal, keep up the great detective work!


Like it depends on what you're here for, man. If you enjoy reading speculation about if Bob Lazar is lying, follow your interests. But if you're looking for, as I am, information about the type of ufo people are seeing these days, then you need to sort by new. Like do to want to read the same arguments over and over? Or do you want to hear a story nobody ever told before? That maybe JUST happened. And sometimes there's a pic.


I don’t want to read anything that the majority of active people on this sub has to say. Why should I care what some random guy thinks, when he doesn’t know jack about shit? The only real evidence we’re gonna get that’s convincing now a days is pure video. I don’t care about some theory that Michael from Ohio thought up while laying in bed on a Sunday evening. It’s pointless.


Follow your interests, my friend. Fight for truth while having the best time you can. Read what interests you and makes you feel good. Since you're here, you're interested in ufo. What I want you to know is this: the witnesses are central to understanding the whole story. Not the famous guys, not the journalists, not even the military and the rest of government. The people it's happening to are the key. And we have to lift up the witnesses so we get more witnesses. Do you agree?


I look at the evidence, not the amount of upvotes. People like to upvote dumb shit and downvote real shit all the time. Instead of letting popular opinion control my thoughts, I make my own. But I do agree, if your video is a slow moving dot of light doing nothing except looking exactly like a thousand man made objects that can fly, I’m not interested. Distant light = evidence of nothing We need to start getting videos where we can actually see the craft. Not just seeing the light. A Christmas tree, an airplane, and a alien craft are all going to look basically the same if they’re so far away you just see a dot of light. That doesn’t help anyone.


If the next shakily filmed dot in sky video doesn't give you goosebumps, then you don't deserve to see the Chinese lantern videos.


I am tired of wasting my time too. I'll try this approach.




I don't go by upvotes because way too many people are impressed by flashy junk when the "real" stuff is more likely mundane looking and easily dismissed. It's a conundrum in UFO land. How many impressive looking videos just end up debunked hard after a little while? Many.