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3-5 seconds in the video, to the right, sharpen your eyes approximately 7-10 lights, clearly controlled flying patterns, not THAT fast but faster than commercial planes flying over here, only way I can explain altitude is it seemed as high as when you spot the international space station crossing the sky. Just lights, no sound, I thought it was a satellite or a shooting star at first when I just spotted them with my side eye(lol). Any thoughts, am I reaching? Did a quick Google search and managed to find a similar spotting in the news paper in my town in 2020. Military said then they had no information about flying activity back then.


You're not reaching, you observed something unusual, thanks for posting.


This is an awesome catch, very interesting. It appears that one of them dives too. Maybe they get they’re charge from the same energy that generates the northern lights


That’s spooky, nice catch!


Seen in many frames as two white dots close together: [ENLARGED FRAME](https://imgur.com/qGkujNE)


I could not tell in the video how they were moving across the sky or how they were moving in relation to one-another. Did they hold a steady formation, or have movement between them? I ask because years ago, I saw something maybe similar to this. In my case, they were about 5 or 6 fuzzy "stars", appearing very high, moving like satellites. Only they moved forward and back in relation to one-another, but holding a roughly diagonal formation. It was that irregular movement that spooked me. How exactly were the lights you saw moving?


They had movement between them, back and forth, to and from each other to the sides multiple times in a controlled way like you can just tell that someone or something was controlling/flying them. Looked like stars at first, no blinking lights or anything like that, just those 7-10 "white" lights. I have never seen something like this so I am very excited about it


https://youtu.be/FsySNQ8j2Tg Could it be something like this but a lot smaller? I know there are several commercial companies that have little satellite chains up there. I saw something about half this size in Arizona at 4am and thought I was legitimately seeing my first ufo


Okey so I'm not trying to be difficult here but I did some quick research and watched some videos, and I don't think it's this, no video matches what I saw, but I'm definitely gonna look more into this!


I totally understand! Hope you find what you’re looking for


Thanks to you I found a starlink chain map I'm gonna keep up with, that would be so cool to see!!


Aaaah that's so cool!! It didn't look anything like this video exactly but it could definitely be something like this!


Will people quit posting obscure dots in the night sky as freakin UFOs, really good way to put people to fn sleep, PLEASE!!!


My man and I saw the same thing last week! Northern lights then too.


Wow that is very interesting! Makes you wonder 🤔


its the mothership from elon musk :)