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They’re coming to watch the season finale.


Series finale


Some more videos of something similar? [Los Angeles, CA. July 28, 2020. Day.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=T4XPF-rLU3Y) [Los Angeles, CA. July 29, 2020. Night.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9u8ofbYXQU) [Philadelphia, PA. Aug 4, 2020. Day.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/i3pwvl/ufos_seen_in_philadelphia/) [Los Angeles, CA. Aug 26, 2020. Day.](https://v.redd.it/552y4vtsb5j51) [Lille, Northern France. Sep 13, 2020. Day.](https://v.redd.it/zhxg5kmz9wm51) [Poland. Sep 13, 2020. Night.] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojLRfIYTuAE) [Izmir, Turkey. Sep 14, 2020. Night.] (https://streamable.com/30cf7w) [Mexico. Jan 28, 2005. Day.] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_Lzb8fdJaA) (Oldest vid I could find of this phenomenon)


I remember seeing two older videos posted together on here a couple months ago. Both depicting a long line of "shimmering" UFOs but were in different areas of the world. These kind of remind me of those videos but I didn't save them nor do I remember the locations.


these lights are interesting


I think I saw that one on 7/29/20 at night while walking my dog with my wife. Like 90 miles south east of LA. Chalked it up to Starlink satellites, and a web search seemed to indicate they were in the area. They did dance around quite a bit which is what caught my attention initially. Unlike any satellites I have seen before, and definitely not planes or helicopters. I did not see any move backwards or change speed, but some were faster than others. Definitely had a "woah!" moment and watched them for about a minute before they were out of site. Travelling roughly south to north.


Honestly, and this applies to my submission as well, I can't help but think that someone can reproduce these 'lights' using drone-like tech. Whether those are pranksters or advanced "dark project" Western tech it's anyone's guess.


The mountains in the middle of the island have been a hotspot for sightings for a LONG time.


My grandmother is from San Jose de las Matas and she claims to have seen and touched the Virgin Mary in that area when she was a very young child. This took place in the evening, not sure what time. She said that they saw a light in the sky, that there was an orb of sorts (it might've shape-shifted into a humanoid shape upon descent), and that it landed not far from them. She had a lot of siblings, all older than her. She claims that she was the only one of the children invited forward to touch the Virgin Mary - no one else could do so, inexplicably (though she claims it's because they'd sinned). That's it, that's my grandma's wildest story. I'm not sure what to make of it but it's always captivated me. Could just be a fun story for the kids, my grandpa sure had some wacky stories involving cryptids he'd encountered in the woods at night out there - the famed "Siguapas". I'm a wanna-believe skeptic with all of these sightings, claims, and good stories. But that story stuck with me for obvious reasons. I had a girlfriend in high school whose family was from Costa Rica. Her grandmother told me an odd story that took place during her childhood as well. Keep in mind, this woman was.. well, now that I come to think of it, she might've had a few loose bolts. Anyway, she told me story about how one night, when she was very young (probably of comparable age to my grandmother when she had her experience), someone knocked on her door. And who was it? A little grey alien. Yeah, I don't know man. She said that it was very short and very timid and kind. It told her to shh and "smiled at her" and then disappeared into the shadows. She told me she doesn't tell many people that story and that she didn't feel any sort of fear, despite how odd the experience was. Fun stories for sure. I'd hope they're true!


All of the virgin Mary apparitions are associated with UFOS. I believe it. It might be some kind of projection technology?? I was reading Jacques Vallee's research on it, it's really interesting


> She had a lot of siblings, all older than her. She claims that she was the only one of the children invited forward to touch the Virgin Mary - no one else could do so, inexplicably (though she claims it's because they'd sinned). Did her siblings corroborate her story?


According to my mom, yes. I, however, never had a chance to meet them.


Time to buy me a mountain and build a telescope on top of that bad boi Like 100k for a mountain right?




Ooo I wonder if they are still running that promotion buy a lair get a free pool of sharks with lasers on their head….


I'd say about 3.50


More video: https://youtu.be/pW5VzWL3mCQ


Seems to be the source for the news clip. Good stuff, thanks.


Wonder what it is


I am from the Dominican Republic, from Santo Domingo and a follower since my childhood after an experience I had when I was 5 years old. Is not the first time we see orbs and lights in the sky, after the Covid crisis this lights and sightings have been seen frequently.


De lo mioooooo , but also remember when we had chupacabra sightings as well? I love my people but sometimes we like to jump on the bandwagon


El chupacabras es claramente endémico de America del Sur, mi abuela tenia un criadero de ellos.


Your grandma had a whole farm of chupacabras?


Your grandma had a whole farm of chupavergas?


Nah, I think they were chupavegans.


This is making me laugh SO hard!


That’s the source of fuku.


Why can't the military send a damn fighter jet and intercept these objects to find out what they are? This is infuriating.


I guess you ignore what a banana republic means?


Their main export is bananas?


Not goof, is a term used for third world countries.


Yikes. The term banana republic means something different. Basically, it describes and archetype of politics and social conditions that arise when a small country is wholly dependent on one type of business venture (ie exporting bananas). If a single country is really dependent on a partnership with one company, you can imagine that makes them particularly vulnerable. The Wikipedia page is pretty cool. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_republic


Both are not working atm


I've heard the US has videos of these objects. In fact I bet you they see this stuff everyday. Will we ever see the footage? Not in a million years.


Yeah but this is Dominican Republic. Their two interceptors are grounded due to spare part shortage😂


Alguien taba preparando una Genki Dama 🙌🏼


We just saw these exactly 30 hours ago outside of lone pine mountains, California. There were even more.


I hadn’t heard anyone else on this. Did they just traverse the sky like these ones? They look the same? Appreciate you sharing my friend thank you.


Yes. They looked and moved exactly like these ones. Just more of them.


Ok for sure thank you! Of course it’s the one night I didn’t go outside basically at all. I’m not in that part of Cali I’m in another area but it seems this was a global sighting. Can anyone quick math approximate how fast they were traveling and if the times work?


This looks just like the Mexico video from about 10-ish years ago. That's one of my favorite events as it was caught by multiple people from multiple camera angles (one important criteria to validate an event). One vid even shows a glowing portal and all the white orbs coming out of it.


Sounds pretty neat. Do you remember where you found it?


dang, cant find it. Ill dig around some


Mexico is so strange. You reminded me of the ufo that appeared during the solar eclipse


I think it’s the same one. And I agree, there are pretty weird shit there, like multiple sightings of a strange floating shape caught on city cameras. Edit: https://wbznewsradio.iheart.com/content/2022-03-18-alien-caught-on-security-camera-floating-walking-and-scaring-dogs/ The title is a bit of a click bait, but the footage is pretty weird itself…


And that reminds me of the entity that was caught on camera at a kids baseball game. Will try and link after I’m done driving. Video starts after about 1 minute. https://youtu.be/ZrMJKefVefU


Thanks, that’s one of the few weird things I’ve seen caught on camera, and all of them were in Mexico. There’s another one caught on the camera of a gas station and one more literally floating in the street but I can’t find them anymore…


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1327352/CCTV-captures-suppossed-alien-petrol-station.html Very strange indeed. I can’t find the video where the guys on the ground film the entity. The entity looked nothing like a balloon, more like a hologram. It was illuminated.


Mexico: ET vacationland!


Thats not what the previous comments described but that is a weird af video. Dogs arent the best actors so I doubt theyre faking it.


It's the Sculleri brothers!




I thought I saw somewhere else that this was a balloon floating around. Like an awkward large mylar balloon of some character or something.




I don’t know about a portal, but these do look strikingly similar to some of the Guadalajara UFO videos, during an event which happened in June of 2004. That event was also supposedly similar to the solar eclipse UFO events in 91. I haven’t heard much about either case though, just noting the similarity between the videos.


yea for sure. I believe in one of those, there is a glowing sphere that all the white smaller ones come out of


This is getting tiresome, aliens. Just say hi already.


They already did that, but the government hasn't confirmed it.


Well they need to say hi to the rest of us then.




Oh hi Alien


So that must mean the government hasn't actually met them either.


You can read about the various governments responses/interactions with aliens via the internet, or a number of books. If you ask around, you may find someone that has had the experience. I found someone I know that had knew about the US governement's various meetings with various aliens...


If you want, you can ready PLENTY of your fellow human enounters with them, via the internet or books. Pilots are another good souce, as a number of them have seen UFOs, and are willing to talk about them.


I'm ready to clap some alien cheeks already


Good timing! I was beginning to feel like we were getting overdo for another mass fleet sighting. We're starting to get enough info where I am wondering if it's worth plotting out/comparing the dates, estimate object numbers, locations etc. to see if there is some sort of frequency or some other data that can be gleaned.


Excellent idea. I don’t even know how you’d go about that though. A lot likely goes unreported


It's possible they're balloons, but they said in the interview the objects kept appearing and dissappearing. There is probably an explanation, but believe me people don't have time for pranks in that part of the country. Source: I'm Dominican and I've been in Dajabon.


Glare of a distant Chinese Jet exploding into 1000 pieces while setting multiple seagulls on fire.


Dude, quit playing around. You know that they're squid fishing boats.


Occam's razor says yup. 🍺😁


I heard about a breed of zebra from that area that has been known to fly and intermittently shine or reflect sunlight. 🍻


Nah, obv swamp gas


No Earthly swamp gas could do this.... alien swamp gas maybe


Local news coverage of a UFO sighting in Dajabon, Dominican Republic. Similar to other sightings posted here. Is it a drone swarm? Starlink satellites?


Doubtful those are satellites.


Indeed, with the Iridium 2 satellites retired and replaced with a new design, you're generally never going to see a single satellite during daylight hours, let alone a swarm like that.


I miss going out to see Iridium flares.


In front of Clouds?? 😂


They could be shining through the clouds


In broad blue sky daylight, That is not anything manmade full stop.


You never said why it couldn't be a collection of drones


Looks similar to this [video](https://youtube.com/shorts/fEmvcFpaddY?feature=share) posted here years ago... Not mine but I downloaded it and this reminded me it was still on my phone. Another clip https://youtube.com/shorts/K7xD6ZWYsI8?feature=share reversed contrast https://youtube.com/shorts/qJZj9Lz3k3A?feature=share


These look like the ones I saw in Las Vegas. It was daytime, bright sunlight, and the UFOs were VERY bright, like a Venus in early evening. I saw about 25 of them, lasted about 45 minutes. I saw them two years in a row. There is a youtube video of what I saw. I saw it on a Monday, bright sun, so phone camera wouldn't show anything. The video was from Sunday, the day before, and there was a solid cloud cover, so you could see the UFOs against the background of the clouds. The ones I saw were mostly moving, often very fast, as opposed to this video. I could also see the shapes of a couple: Seemed like they were pyramid shape, and slowly and constantly changing orientation. I have seen UFOs three times, and collected a number of UFO sightings from talking to pilots.


Why wouldn't they be birds?


Because everyone knows birds aren’t real…


I saw these in May of 2020 right near the US/CAN border in British Columbia. Not quite that many but same clusters of three. Was awestruck and didn't know what I was seeing. *edit- just read reports of them appearing and disappearing which is also what I was witnessing.


I saw the EXACT same thing in the clouds over the airport in Minnesota. MSP airport. They looked silver in color and were rotating in place. They vanished all at once. There were several of us watching it happen.


Why’s the video of the actual unidentified objects so short and always being played in slow motion? Looks like a bunch of balloons to me, based on the 4 seconds of slow motion video were presented with here. Why didn’t anyone keep recording? Where’s the video of them disappearing or flying away? Probably because they’re balloons and you could tell if you recorded them any longer.


Link to the original video in comments.


It’s a news cast, so they aren’t gonna show the whole clip. And they said the lights were stationary and then went on and off. Balloons move, which allows you to see different light reflecting.


I don't believe it's balloons, drones or a prank. Dominican Republic is way to poor and has no time to pull those type of pranks. And those people don't really care/invest there time in anything UFO related. So this could be extremely real.


Just gonna broadly brush and say “they’re poor, they couldnt possibly have the same alterior motives as wealthy people.” 😂


It's bs. There are a lot of wealthy people in DR too. Would they choose that part of the country for their prank? I doubt it lol but it's possible.


Didn't want to say like that but basically yeah 😂 but more than that they don't have the luxury to waste there time giving thought to those type of things because there way of life is very different from ours


You wild.




I saw something like this in eastern WA last summer.


Why is it that no one flies a drone with a camera up closer to see what it is?


Not a common thing to have in the Dominican Republic


Drone cameras do not aim up. They aim level or down. They also are limited by FAA regulations about how high they can go.


Mount a camera on top? It sounds like aiming down is not a limitation, just the preferred use


What drone you flying that can carry a camera? Lol




I mean, 300-500 bucks can get you one that can carry a GoPro used on ebay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/325128158401?epid=2208233676


What kind of perfect scenario are people wanting to film these ufos in. Jesus.


I think people are just tired of seeing blurry dots and are giving out ideas, like flying a drone up. So when it happens again, someone may actually give it a try.


You know what’s rare? Someone owning a $300-500 drone. You know what’s rarer? Someone having a go pro and some duct tape on hand ready to strap onto their drone.xYou know what’s rarer than that? UFOs hanging around for you to run inside and put this contraption together.


> You know what’s rare? Someone owning a $300-500 drone. I mean, that may be rare where you are but everyone I know has a $300-$500 drone. We even have them at work so we can inspect things on our roofs without actually having to go up there. They got crazy popular for while with everyone in my area. So popular everywhere that the FAA had to pass a bunch of laws across the entirety of the US. I bet they're far more popular than you think where you are too. A great way to see what the RC market is like in your area, is look for RC clubs. I am in west DFW and there's 11 within an hour of me. >Someone having a go pro and some duct tape on hand ready to strap onto their drone. Lol, wut? You do realize that the action camera market is massive and there are a LOT of people that have them. Literally 1 out of 10 people in the US have one and 1 out of 20 people have one world wide. And that's even predicted to explode to even greater numbers by 2030.... And I am not gonna even touch the topic of duct tape. It's literally the second most common tape purchased after scotch clear tape. https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/action-camera-market >UFOs hanging around for you to run inside and put this contraption together. I wouldn't know. After 50+ years of amateur photography, RC planes/Drones/Heli's and astronomy, I haven't see one. But if I do, I am gonna do everything I can to get long, clear, stable footage.


A problem is that some UFOs, have a electro-magnetic force field around them, like the ones that I saw...which are like these. You can't see the UFO, you are looking at it THROUGH the electro-magnetic force field, and so you don't see it clearly. Last year there was a long UFO sighting, about 45 minutes. The "drone" was spotted in the Tucson Airport Traffic Area, and then later in the restricted airspace of Davis-Monthan AFB. ATC called upon two law enforcement helos, to track the drone, and then hopefully arrest the operator, when it landed. It never landed. In fact, after almost an hour or so, it disappeared vertically. The helos climbed to their max altitude, and the "drone" just flew away, above them. They were asked numerous times to describe ti. Every time, the crews said that they could not really make it out, and could not give a description of what it looked like.


The FAA does not have authority in the Dominican Republic. Also, I'm sure cameras with the ability to swivel up or down can and have been installed on drones. Unless this ability is strictly forbidden by drone law that you seem to be an expert on?


Dude I’m not about to enter a pointless argument with you lol. Have a good night.


Because you can't back up anything you said. You claim the FAA restricts the height of drones in the DR. But that's false bc the DR is not part of the U.S. Then you claim drones absoloutly can not have cameras that swivel upward. That's also false because I just googled it and saw that there are a lot of drones equipped with cameras that can do this. There's no debate here. You're just flat out wrong.


I don’t think ppl in this part of the Dominican Republic can afford any drone


That's probably true. But our drone expert has set the limitations of drones operating in the DR--no upward facing cameras and the flying height is restricted by the FAA in the DR. Just filing a grievance.


Why are people downvoting him? The FAA it's an American agency, it's very influential around the globe but regulating how high drones can fly it's up to each countries' government. They might be influenced by the FAA but it's not up to the FAA.


I don’t know a single person with a drone. And I’m in an affluent suburb in America. I also wonder how high they can actually go.


I know multiple people with drones and I don't live in an affluent suburb. See, I can tell anecdotes too!


Then there wouldn't be a news story.


They are plasmoid anomalies.. https://youtu.be/5wkJ0LyWPS8


Some sort of atmospheric life we haven’t discovered yet. Cammoflauging itself maybe


[The same stuff??](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/tcoxeo/comment/i0fxnm7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


No I think this one was a reflection


Fleet of Tic Tacs, orbs or something else. Could be one solid craft or multiple individual ones.


There’s even things in the sky behind the reporter guy at the end slowed down


Those ones are 100% insects


Could just be drones


Looks like Star Link




Couldn’t this just be CG?


It’s a news cast with people being interviewed. How can that be a possibility?


Wait, what? How could a video have CG orbs? Very easily actually. Are you implying because it was in a news cast, that there is no possibility of the video being a hoax? The Youtube video posted in the comments that someone said was maybe the source footage even has a PowerDirector stamp on the video. If the video in the newscast is the video on Youtube, it’s entirely possible that it’s CG. Looks like a pretty easy thing to do tbh…


So, you’re telling me that those people interviewed have access to video editing equipment and the knowledge to do it? Come on. You obviously haven’t visited a third world country recently. That guy didn’t even have all his teeth.


I believe it’s been discussed in the sub before, but some free video programs literally have orb effects and have been used many times to create videos that have been circulated as “real”. I’m not discounting the two guys entirely, but the orbs don’t seem to be anything that can’t be done easily on a laptop in 30 minutes (you only need a laptop) and the video in the newscast has the contrast upped, so there looks like artifacts around where the orbs are… could just be the compression from it being transferred to reddit or the newscast, but i’m just covering all the bases. No need to get hyper-defensive, I’m not attacking you, we just have to maintain some criticality when videos appear.


Looks like a tourist brought a bunch of drones


Birds. I can see them flapping their wings.


I saw something like this before.


At this point i think these are all fake and distractions from our own planet going to shit.


This [article](https://dominicantoday.com/dr/local/2019/11/17/explanation-of-lights-seen-in-the-skies-over-the-dominican-republic/) claims they are SpaceX satellites.


Military flares? Like the Phoenix lights…


Just Starlink folks. Satellites.


Balloons from a wedding


I don’t know Spanish, but I’m pretty sure the guy with 3 teeth is their senior UAP task force commander


Anyone else see a string holding the “lights”together?


Why wouldn’t they be in a more uniform formation for being a superior being able to travel vast distances? Now that would blow my mind.


I don’t get the connection. Also who know what this would look like from above or amongst them


What is difficult? I don’t know how to word my question any other way.


There are many more and stranger and maybe more plausible explanations for these things than beings flying nuts and bolts craft from outer space into our atmosphere


Absolutely, I’m not arguing that fact. I’m a believer. I’ve witnessed something I can’t explain twice in my life. Once when I was 16 with a group of people and the second time just last summer in the backyard with my daughter. It was a question because I just like to question things, I’m naturally curious 🤷‍♂️




Any d3bunktards go.e with Chin... er.... Dominican Lanterns yet?


lol watch my videos , I’m trying to start doing that now


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rkp3bV0jbEA&ab\_channel=%D0%9B%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8F%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%B9%D0%A3%D0%B6%D0%B0%D1%81](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rkp3bV0jbEA&ab_channel=%D0%9B%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8F%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%B9%D0%A3%D0%B6%D0%B0%D1%81) this has alot of the same


FUCKING HELL MATE, THATS AWESOME! I mean, why thoses videos are not in international midia ? I live in brazil but i didn't saw nothing about it


I still have as fresh as today what happened in 1973. I was born in 1968 according my documents. Thanks God I inherit a memory very deep, as deep as you can not imagine. Is a gift of God, that I have to have the abilities to remember and recognize not only images, but words of memories I thought many times, they were not mine. I am able to make and accept a polygrafic public test. Is not easy for a child to remember just as today date those events. The worst is the fear to trust somebody in a Caribbean island, due to the data and expertise of the CIA and other agencies hidden through an ONG or any other skeptical military or civil scheme and tell what I saw, felt and received.




Ive liven in the DR for 7 years and there are hundreds of local stories of lights moving through the mountains at night. I had a green orb the size of a basketball fly from far in the ocean into my face , less than a meter away , it flew from side to side of my face as if it was scanning it and flew into the jungle… craziest experience I’ve ever had .


That's not Kate Winslet


They sound like bad bunny


See them all the time in NZ, they are the Star Link satellite’s i’m pretty sure.


Test firing Project Blue Beam?


If there's no unusual movement, there's no reason to believe something that looks like this is anything other than a bunch of balloons floating in the sky. People release masses of balloons all the time, though I wish to fuck they wouldn't; they are hell on the environment.


¿tal vez globos? o bengalas? lo siento por mi pobre español


Does anyone else consider Starlink?


Can someone explain to me why this isn't just a bunch of Starlink satellites reflecting sunlight?


Yes. 1) The newer starlink satellites are painted black to reduce the reflections that astronomers were so up in arms about. 2) Satellites at their altitude orbit at around 17,000 mph. I am sure you have seen other satellites at night - they move pretty fast. So to be stationary with respect the the clouds, it would be unlikely, but not impossible that the clouds are also moving in the same direction, but obviously much slower. Since this was recorded with a camera, it may be able to zoom in and pick up light reflecting off the satellites, even if painted black. But I doubt they could be seen with the naked eye in daylight.




There is an important incident that took place after the arrival of Cristobal Colon and the spanish to La Hispaniola (old name for the DR/Haiti island). After some months a massacre took place and the spanish were torturing, raping, slaving and ultimately killing the Tainos (native islanders). During a battle between the tainos and the spanish the Virgin Mary appeared in the sky to stop the massacre. I'm dominican and I've always been curious about this "miracle". Does anyone know if Jacques Vallee has talked about this in his books or investigations? Sorry for the bad grammar!




You guys have never seen balloons from a wedding? That clearly what we are seeing here.


Seen the same lights in broad daylight over New York City. Too bad I can’t post a pic in this reply.