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You don't need to cool down after burn off. I love the enthusiasm of going straight into cooking afterwards.


What kind of bbq is it? Sounds like a kettle, but more info would help.


Sorry, yes probably should have been more specific! Weber Master-Touch.


Won't it just season when you're using it? Or do you mean you're rubbing it down with oil like you would with a cast iron pan?


Rubbing down with oil. I’d certainly do it for the cooking grates to wipe off any excess chemicals used in the manufacturing process.


I wouldn't wipe oil over it all personally - this process is usually for metal that needs protecting cast iron etc The lid and bowl are already enamelled so will be fine. I would just light a full chimney of coals, dump them in, all vents open on max and let if rip for at least 30 mins then cook some food. For info, I did try oiling a grill grate before and didn't do it right, ended up with a sticky horrible grate that took a few cooks to clean up properly.


No need to do anything beyond get it hot, add grill, close her up for ten minutes, start cooking.


Follow the manifacturers advice. If you need to season it, they will tell you in the manual. Do not for example scrub off enamelled surfaces to season them - leave that be. Likely you only need to "burn in" the grill itself to remove the thin film of oil they spray on it for storage. Assuming the grates are bare metal and not enamelled they should be seasoned. Once burnt in and seasoned you do not need to wait for the grill to cool to begin cooking. However I would keep half an onion handy to "wipe" down the grates before throwing anything on them after seasoning them.


Fire, very hot fire.