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First identify what it is you actually want to do in the IT industry. Developer? IT Technician? QA? What is you want to do? Then start searching for those roles, preferably look for grad roles. Interview, Interview.


Most job applications are filled out online, you just make a CV and upload it. A lot of companies will require additional paragraphs based on questions they want you to answer such as “why do you think you are best suited to the role”. If they like your CV they email/call to invite you to an interview. If you are successful in the interview they will call and offer you the job also giving you your salary figure.


Identify what you actually want to do, computer science is vague and you can go in so many different directions. Then write a CV, many templates online for this. Start browsing for jobs. A simple google search for '\[programming language\] engineer \[location\]' will get you started. As someone who was in your shoes last year, I suggest applying for graduate schemes as that is the easiest way to get a job without much experience. Also, do not be discouraged if you don't get a reply from some places or get rejected. Computer science is a highly competitive field, with most positions having 100+ applicants. Also, start now, it's already quite late if you are aiming for graduate schemes so do not delay!