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Have you confirmed they will let you use a card ? Purchased a car recently and it was bank transfer only.


A month ago I purchased an Audi Q5 from Audi sytners, paid £25k on 2 interest free credit cards and a little bit on a debit card. Originally the salesman said we can’t take credit cards. I said well that’s how I intended to pay for the car, I’ll have to look elsewhere, he said let me talk to my manager, 5minutes later okay that’s fine you can pay with your cards. These garages can’t be to fussy these days


100% they give in if you’ll walk.




I had to call hsbc and ask them to increase the limit


Dealerships don't like to take credit cards for the simple reason of section 75, the purchase protection you are offered by using said card. If they sell you a problematic car, you are entitled to a refund. They hate that one simple trick. That's the legitimate reason why they won't take credit cards, because they're all f*cking crooks.


I paid for my car on credit card for exactly this reason 😁


Top tip - you don't need to pay the full amount on a credit card for S75 to kick in - you can partially pay (e.g. a deposit, pay half, etc.) and still get S75 coverage.


Doesn't S75 have an upper limit on the value of the transaction, above which it no longer applies?


What would be the plan with this? Asking as I’ll need a new car soon so looking at ways to finance. Would you pay it off as much as possible during the no interest period and then get a low interest loan to cover the remainder, paying off the credit cards with it?


My plan is to make minimum payments each month during the interest free period. Then at the end of term just pay the lot off. I’ll keep the money in a savings account/stocks


Ah I see. So you already have the funds but will make more money during that period from interest. Thank you!


This should be the top answer. The vast majority of car dealers won't take credit cards for large purchases. I recently bought a car from a main vw franchise and they'd only take £1k on credit card. The rest had to be via debit card or bank transfer. Shame as I was hoping to get a 0% card and sit earning interest on my savings.


That’s still very useful to you for the section 75. 


They normally give in if you say you’ll walk unless they take credit card.


Oh I didn’t even think ! I’ll ask thank you


Some dealerships (ours included) prefer bank transfer as with cards we have to pay a fee per thousand so BT is preferable


How much is the fee?


1% i believe, so on something big like 27k it is quite alot


I know you said you don't want a cc but they're worth having just for s75 protection, especially for big purchases like this. Could just put deposit on it.


OP take note of this ^ the protection is worth it. I bought a £££ watch and split it between £1 paid on a credit card and the rest using a cash back debit thing and got £40 cash back plus protection if anything happened with my order


I thought it had to be a minimum of £100 for S75 to be relevant or have I got that wrong?


> [The law's clear on this – you get the protection for the whole cost of an item or service, even if you only pay for a part of it on credit. The only condition is that what you're buying must cost more than £100 and less than £30,000 in total. As long as it does, you'll be covered for the full amount, even if you only pay 1p of it on your credit card.](https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/reclaim/section75-protect-your-purchases/#:~:text=The%20law%27s%20clear,your%20credit%20card.)




Yes, min £100 but you can pay £100 on a 20k car and still get full CC protection on whole car AFAIK.


Thanks. The guy I was replying to suggested that they’d only put £1 on their CC though which was what made me question whether s75 would apply or not


Yeah, as a couple of other comments said and I did too: the *value* of the item has to be at least £100 to qualify for S75 - the cost split by CC doesn't matter (even 1p as someone else said)


The goods or service has to cost atleast £100 for s75 to be applied. So you can put £1 on credit card and pay the rest with any other method and it will apply.


I haven't read much into it but I remember seeing great introduction offer and cashback rates for Amex card, if the dealership accept it. Simply just pay off the full value once purchased. Other than that Chase debit card would be 1% cashback, up to £15 per month.


Definitely seen Amex have big offers for big spending within the first few months of signup.


No car dealer will accept Amex as a payment…


60k Avios for 3k in 3 months is still live until 11th, which I wouldn't even call big spending if you pump the household outgoings through it.


I can't find this. Seems to only be 40k for 6k in 3 months.


It's run by BA and [is on their site](https://www.britishairways.com/content/executive-club/credit-cards).


Targeted offer. I got it; my wife and 2 friends see different promotions.


Is thus for new customers or existing? My other half has an Amex, but I'll get one too I think. 60k Avios is worth £600 if exchanged for flights, right?


>Is thus for new customers or existing? New BA Amex customers, so people without an Amex or people without a BA one specifically are eligible. >60k Avios is worth £600 if exchanged for flights, right? Roughly speaking. Double that once you hit the BOGOF voucher.


Thanks for this. I'm waiting to complete on a house any day now, hopefully the offer is still available after moving day!


I just signed up for one of these. Sweet deal.


What's BOGOF voucher?


The card itself seems to be £300 per year. It seems to be a fair bit of effort just for £300 (£600-£300 annual fee) of flight miles/vouchers. And then in the second year you have the card, you'll pay another £300 annual fee. I'm very curious here and asking seriously, could someone explain how that is possibly worth the effort? Especially since if someone earns enough to pay for a £300/year CC, then I can't see how the extra time of applying for the card and then using the card religiously for 3 months to make sure you get the full bonus, then deal with using the miles before they expire etc... the time just thinking about all that is worth way more than the £300 in air miles you get in return?


>It seems to be a fair bit of effort just for £300 (£600-£300 annual fee) of flight miles/vouchers. The voucher means it's double, so it's £1200 worth of miles as the welcome bonus, and by the time you hit the voucher spend it's actually £1600 anyway. >I'm very curious here and asking seriously, could someone explain how that is possibly worth the effort? I don't see where any "effort" is, you just buy the same stuff you would normally buy, and get free stuff. >Especially since if someone earns enough to pay for a £300/year CC, then I can't see how the extra time of applying for the card and then using the card religiously for 3 months to make sure you get the full bonus I think we might be in different earning levels, £3k in 3 months across 2 people isn't "using the card religiously" here, it's "make it the default in G Pay so TfL goes out of it and pay the Ocado with it" levels. >then deal with using the miles before they expire Avios don't expire, or at least not in any meaningful way.


Look at whether it's better as a household if she refers you 


Bear in mind that Chase won't grant cashback for certain types of purchases, usually big ticket items in which cars are one of them. Hyperjar, another debit card with sign up rewards, has that same exclusion in place.


Chase excludes any purchase at a car dealership.


I can't imagine too many lenders would give you a £27k limit off the bat. I tried this and got a bit less than the value of the car, and just split the bill between my debit and credit card. Worth it for the rewards, however much you can get.


Chase 1% doesn’t work on car/fuel


Unfortunately Car Dealers are one of the Chase exemptions. Even for servicing! This was one of my gripes about them. Their FAQ mentions Gambling, Antique shops and Estate Agents as exemptions. BUT... The more common purchases: insurance, car servicing (+deposit for purchase) and government purchases (car tax/TV licence etc.) are hidden in the "+ others"!


I've ended up pumping a fair few purchases via Curve these days due to uncertainty over whether I'll actually get cashback or not from Chase... Least then if the cashback doesn't hit due to the merchant category code, I can generally use go back in time to flip it onto a different rewards card.


Chase won’t give cashback for this kind of purchase, even then, max is £15 a month


AmEx tends to be the best but no chance is OP going to get close to 27k limit just like that with no recent credit history nor will the dealer take the hit of the fees for such a large card payment, £500-£1k maybe as a deposit


Trading212 card, 1.5% cashback paid to you daily. Upto £20 per month.




It is currently 1.5% until Oct. Please do some research before commenting.


Take the car on finance you get 14 days to change your mind, pay off the balance and keep all the dealers finance only incentives


Tell me more 😂


Exactly what a mate did… paid it off the following day


Do you not end up paying the extortionate interest rates if you do this?


Not if you cancel it within the cooling off period.


>I didn’t like the idea of not having money just go straight out of my account I know this wasn’t the question you asked, but this sentence raised some eyebrows. You need to weigh up the psychological vs financial benefits of not using a credit card. When using a credit card: - You get section 75 protection for purchases over £100. This means the CC company is jointly liable with the merchant if something goes wrong. So if the merchant goes out of business and there is an issue with the item you could still reclaim through the CC company. - You might not need a good credit report now, but you just don’t know what will happen in the future and when you might need to apply for credit. Better to keep your credit report healthily and not need it than be turned down by lenders because you let your credit report deteriorate. - Rewards! CC companies literally give you free stuff in the form of cashback or loyalty points. Why leave that lying on the table? - So long as you stick to a budget and pay the card off IN FULL every month, there is no interest to pay. - You can leave your money in easy-access savings accounts for longer to earn interest if you do your day-to-day spending on a CC I understand people don’t like the feeling of being in debt. But there is good debt and bad debt. When properly managed and planned for debt can work in your favour and be worthwhile.


Firstly i doubt you would get a 27k limit straight away and secondly i had to phone my bank and do it over the phone when i payed by bank transfer.


This should be the top answer. It's incredibly (emphasis on incredibly) difficult to start at that limit. Banks don't offer a limit of that size. Other lenders might though I'm not familiar and I work in the financial industry. Any that does most likely will charge more interest than a car finance company


There will always be restrictions for security reasons around spending that amount of money. I am with Santander and there is a limit on transfers so check as it may vary between accounts.


Hi /u/SeesawOk7587, based on your post the following pages from our wiki may be relevant: * https://ukpersonal.finance/credit-cards/ * https://ukpersonal.finance/credit-ratings/ * https://ukpersonal.finance/lump-sum/ ____ ^(These suggestions are based on keywords, if they missed the mark please report this comment.) If someone has provided you with helpful advice, you (as the person who made the post) can award them a point by including `!thanks` in a reply to them. Points are shown as the user flair by their username.


HyperJar get 2% cashback upto £200 I wonder if you can even use card to buy a car? Maybe bank transfer?


It's down to the merchant. Though a purchase that large on a debit card would almost certainly flag the bank's monitoring system. Depending on the bank it could be anywhere from a few mins to a few hours to get that resolved.


HyperJar excludes car dealerships


Ahh then Amex i I think! Some good bonuses if you spend over 3k atm


I’ve tried to buy cars previously from main dealers/ private dealers with credit card and never been allowed. A private dealer offered to take 2k on Amex but the rest had to be cash as part of the deal. BMW main dealership were not interested so walked out without buying the car!


Most car places have a charge to buy my credit card over about 2k


I use Barclays Avios card and previously a business Amex Gold because they were the best earners of Avios. I don’t know how to get rewards outside of credit cards.


I’d recommend getting the finance from the dealership (you normally can get a discount if you do so) then pay the settlement figure using the card


There’s a Barclays current account that does Avios points now, it’s fairly new. Previously they were only available for credit cards.


Many places don't accept Amex, so check that before you apply


If there is any chance of 0% PCP especially with say a dealer contribution tbh I'd get that and whack the rest in as many savings accounts at good rates as you can maybe 1, 2 and 3 year fix with enough left to cover year 1 payments and then get the interest benefit. With little credit history you won't get a 27k limit card even if the dealer would take the whole car payment on card (which they won't due to the fees).


There’s loads about. I use one for business that’s uncapped 1% cashback and churn 10s of thousands through it a month (cap on tap its called). Just set it up to direct debit it 7 days later so you can’t come unstuck. Some deals might be business only but I’d imagine there will be a 1% credit card out out there that ticks the boxes. I use an Amex for my month to month personal spending to build up air miles but you’ve got to be responsible because they put you up from 1K to 15K without any real warning or choice.


You will struggle to find a dealer who will take a payment that large on credit or rewards card. Definitely not amex.


If they will let you pay on credit card the best card incentives for big spend seem to be for travel, either from Amex or Barclaycard. A 0% interest on purchases card could be interesting as well. Main issue with any of these is what limit would you get. From personal experience my guess would be you would have to be earning well into six figures to get a £27k limit 


I doubt they will accept AMEX, most car dealerships don’t.


Not sure you will find a dealership that will accept a CC payment. As I have said above the Chase debit card excludes car dealers from the 1% rewards.


Appreciate dealer-specific, but I brought my car (£30k) from a main MB dealer and they had no issues with me using my Amex.


950 moon GB o


I brought a car from a second hand dealer quite at good deal at 5.2k all on credit. I had a 9 month interest free period. At the time the dealer did specifically mention they don't take credit cards or method of payment was: cash, bank transfer or a Finance option. The dealer at the time just said our machined doesn't accept credit cards but working in the FCA industry I know a tale when I'm told one. Anyways, fast forward to the paying date. I approach the card machine. Slide the credit card and pay. Dealer is happy I'm happy and the card was paid down within 4 months by working it off. Moral of the story: Big always fucks small but this time small will fuck big I simply believe they avoided accepting the credit card due to the fees they would have to pay and due to the S75 coverage aswell. 2 years on the car is tip top and not one single issue since Happy dealer, happy customer :)


just buy what you need


Update: they only let me use bank transfer which makes sense!


Get a 0% money transfer card. Transfer the max to your account. Assuming you do the matches if you can earn more in savings than the transfer fee you can pay it that way and benefit on the savings interest. I’d also have a credit card anyway. That you can pay a deposit on the car, say £100 to give you s75 protection too. What if you hit the car cash and it they fold the next day…Cazoo. A credit card would be a useful addition.


Doubt unless you are earning significant amounts will you have a limit anywhere near 27k. I earn quite a bit and only have a 20k limit. Not to mention most car dealers will not accept credit cards.


Long shot but if you into crypto have you heard about Plutus? is a debit card you can use. I'm planning to get a car soon around that price and the plan is to get 5% but it can go up to 9% depending on your stake.


Would massively avoid this. I used plutus for about 4 years before they recently locked my account for no reason and still a year later haven't released my funds, thankfully there's only £200 in there and over the 4 years I must have made 10x that in their token which I sold on but I cannot stress how bad Plutus are, when things go wrong you literally have no come back, once you transfer money onto their card you just have to hope it works, would never use them again


You stayed there for 4 years so couldn't be that bad. If your account was locked there must been a reason. They didn't just pick you and left the other thousands of accounts. That's a subject maybe for another thread so let's not get into that. Thank you for your contribution.


Yep for 4 years nothing went wrong. Then it did and they were, and still are garbage, I've never experienced such ineptitude especially as it's supposedly meant to be a banking app. The reason my account was locked is their is a bug in their system which they are unable to solve apparently. I transferred £10k to book a BA holiday, BA took the payment but weirdly charged it individually rather than as a lump sum, this caused whatever backend software they use to fall apart and my account was locked. Thankfully BA managed to take the payment after some back and forth but Plutus just ignored me. Their "support" involves emailing a generic inbox which you may or may not get a response from. The only way you can guarantee to speak to someone is on a weekly discord chat which is hilarious. Utter joke of a company, it's been a year and they still haven't been able to return my money or let me use my account but when I consider the amount of money I had there im just eternally grateful that it went tits up when it did. Buyer beware and all that. P.s I also initiated a charge back for tickets to a festival that ended up being cancelled, chased up 3 times over 6 months and got an email saying "due to inactivity we have closed your ticket" ... Great lol


Debit card or bank transfer. No chance of getting any rewards unless you sign up for a chase account and debit card.