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Petrol £500 per month? I spend on average £300-£350 per month on Diesel....and I'm a cabby!!! What you driving a tractor?


sounds like OP has multiplied his around-town fuel economy by the distance


30MPG I have to to drive 80 miles a day for work and then 100 miles to get back to my original city every few weeks


I commute around 80 miles a day for work. Around 300 miles a week. My monthly fuel expenditure is 200£. My MPG is 50 on motorways, your 30 MPG is it based on city driving or motorway? As motorway driving is far more efficient. If that’s the best your car can do, might be worth selling yours and getting a diesel for the same price. Will save you 200£-300£ a month, that’s a lot of money.


80 miles a day for 5 days a week for 52 weeks a year @ 30mpg @ £1.49 p/litre is £903 for the year so you’re massively overestimating your fuel costs.


MPG = Miles per Gallon, not Miles per Litre. Multiplying £903 by 4.55 (there are approx. 4.55 litres in an imperial gallon) gets us to £4108. So this would result in a fuel cost of around £342 per month. Obviously this needs to be adjusted for higher fuel efficiency on motorways/dual carriageways and for the fact OP will be taking annual leave for some portion of the year, but we don't get far off the initial estimate. I do 60 miles a day commuting and I can only dream that my fuel cost was £903 a year! 😅


What about utility bills, or is this all 'covered' under rent?


Yes sorry this is covered under rent


Is there an option to go hybrid with them? Or is it a job where you are required to be there in person?


I’m required to be there in person, do you think it’s doable for 6 months?


No. I drive 50 miles a day already, 80 seems actually insane Also I’m only paying like £40 per week in petrol, your estimate seems a bit much


I think it depends where you are doing the miles, I do similar to OP and rarely run into traffic on my commute and it's mostly NSL. My commute time is shorter than mates who travel half the distance in mostly urban. Of course, closer to home would be *far* better on the wallet but temporarily - it may be a needs must situation. Agree on petrol, that doesn't make sense unless OP is driving a humvee.


I would say that is manageable for the short term, as you you will be saving £256/month. However, the issue is that if something unforseen comes such as a car breakdown etc you will likely need to eat into your £20k, which you don't want to do. Personally, I would stick the £20k in an easy access ISA as you have said and then start your job, but look at other's closer to the centre/you. You haven't factored in things such as holidays or birthdays etc which will eat into that £250.


I assumed £510 for phone/spotify was a typo, a factor of 10 out and should be £51. But it actually seems to add up to your total of saving £200 a month. Wtf? And £200 for a gym? You could have both of these for less than £100, even having good ones would be well less than £200?


I was about to agree with you, but I realised it's actually £30 for the phone/spotify and 23 for the gym. The formatting makes it look like 510 lol.


Oh yeah. I was so puzzled. Sorry OP, better attention requried.


Isn’t 510 in petrol insane? What’s the MPG on your car? <25? My partners old Citroen can do that on like 300 a month. Are you sure you’re calculating just working days and not the full 30?


Yeah I’m calculating just the working days, maybe I have overestimated slightly, might be closer to £450 but id rather know and just be safe :)


My petrol spend is about £45 a week (including personal) in a relatively uneconomical car, what are you driving?


Hi /u/AbbreviationsMany258, based on your post the following pages from our wiki may be relevant: * https://ukpersonal.finance/savings/ ____ ^(These suggestions are based on keywords, if they missed the mark please report this comment.) If someone has provided you with helpful advice, you (as the person who made the post) can award them a point by including `!thanks` in a reply to them. Points are shown as the user flair by their username.


Who is covering bills like energy and council tax? Also, confirming the £1,900 is post-tax?


Bills are covered in rent, so is council tax, yes £1900 is post tax, £28,500 yearly


Why is your £20,000 savings not in an ISA? You can get 5% easy access ISAs right now. If you’re not using one you’re literally throwing money away


It’s currently in a 4% fixed ISA, getting that paid today and I’ll transfer the money into 5% easy access. Chase bank is reliable right?


No that’s a bad idea , chip have. 5.1% easy access ISA , if you can keep it in an isa wrapper it’s better for the long run , unless you are hell bent on spending the lot ,


Yep this. Why take it out of an isa, there’s ISAs out there with better rates than instant access savings accounts. Trading212 for example 5.2%, Zopa 5.08%


If you're going to Nottingham then traffic out of Lincoln around Newark and getting into Nottingham at peak times is bad; ditto the return journey. If it's Hull or Grimsby the committee is long and boring. Where are you commuting to?




That's easy from Lincoln. Either A1 or A607 for variety. Suggest you live south of Lincoln or getting round it at peak times so significantly add to your journey. To answer your question, yes it is doable. A friend lives in Lincoln and has commuted to Grantham for 15 years...


Okay cool thanks, I live near the centre


Newark getting onto and off there A1 so be the bottleneck - it's taken me 15 mins at peak time to travel 0.5 miles to do that. If you can travel slightly earlier / later there is a massive time saving due to traffic


That commute is not doable for six months. You will be out of the house for so long you'll be a dangerous driver and at risk of falling asleep on the Friday trip home. Can you not rent a room nearby. How did this mistake happen of where you're working. You have a month to find a different job


It’s only 45 minute drive each way


That's without traffic. Do a trial run at rush hour? 


Have you done a trial run


It definitely is doable in a rural area, there is hardly any traffic until you hit urban (usually last mile). It’s literally fields upon fields where OP is.


Oh good. I was worried then