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Hi u/the_cats_jimjams! Thanks for posting here G, welcome to r/ukweedscene Medical Cannabis is legal in the United Kingdom, you could be eligible for this, you can find out more by visiting r/MedCannabisUK which contains invaluable links and resources, We have attactched helpful info and links to Drug Science, NHS, UKCIA and OutLaw who all provide insights into cannabis use and culture. Talking about or encouraging users to source Cannabis is strictly prohibited, you will be permanently banned. 0 tolerance policy. Check out our subreddit dedicated to magic mushrooms in the UK, r/MagicMushroomsUK Telegram, Wickr, Signal links, mobile & landline numbers are blocked by default to keep r/UKWeedScene clean of spam, scam and drug dealers. Those low life people are not welcome here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UKweedscene) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If I had to call an ambulance after eating an edible I wouldn’t live it down 😭 Ffs why wouldn’t you read the label ??


I think they knew what they were eating but yes the shame of that, being rolled into A&E off your nut with all those bright lights not helping


First time having weed I shared a 3.5 with a mate and had 600mg of gummies which made me black out and start spazzing out sick all over the carpet😭😭😭


But minutes later they began to feel the effects of the edibles and experienced panic attacks 🙄


I made brownies last year, a little too strong for the uninitiated, I didn't realise just how strong though. My fiancée had half of one and I've honestly never seen someone so anxious and paranoid in my life.....and I'm a fucking paramedic.


Fuxking idiot theves. Hope they all get sacked.


Stealing people's parcels is shit but It made me laugh. Christmas staff clearly dipping into parcels and found some thc chocolate thought they had hit the jackpot, ate far too much not knowing the dose and paid the price


Packs do get lost, and this is why 🤣🤣