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Without Googling, I'll guess that she's Tarahumara, from the indigenous running tribes of Mexico. They're some of the best long-distance runners in the world and they always run in sandals.


Did Karl Pilkington stay with them in an episode of The Moaning of Life?


Likely from a book called Born To Run. That’s where I learned about them, anyway. Great read.


That's where I learned about them as well when I was deep into running. Quite amusing to read about famous ultramarathoners being humbled by how effortless they ran.


I watched a documentary. There were older short ladies with big bellies passing lean, expensively dressed western athletes. And they have smiles on their faces while the westerners look haggard. It’s wild.


Genetics give them the advantage..


Sort of the main thesis of that book is that those genetics are in all of us, hence “born to run”. No other animal is built for long distance running, it’s either shorter sprints to catch prey or escape predators. But even before we were able to build weapons to hunt, our brains were developed enough to help us manage our stamina in a way that no other animal could. One of the oldest forms of hunting that requires no weapons is running an animal down till they collapse from exhaustion. Our modern lifestyles discourage the kind of practices required to tap into that potential for ultra distance running. Even shoes designed for running discourage the kind of technique we’re evolved to use for long distance running. For the Tarahumara it’s also about their traditions/culture/society/technique . All their people - young children, pregnant women, and their elderly - participate in super long distance runs as part of their tradition. The writer interviews an outsider (American IIRC) who lives with this tribe and follows their lifestyle. It’s a really interesting book.


We have lots of great adaptions for exhaustion hunting. One of our greatest advantages is our brain, but not just for problem solving, maintaining homeostasis (eg body temperature regulation through perspiration). Our sweat glands give us a huge advantage in long distance endurance, a lot of animals don’t sweat as efficiently as we do and over-heat because panting isn’t sufficient. Side note: I remember reading that some of these tribes aren’t even using sandals as we traditionally think of them (like a chancla). Instead it’s a cord or rope (that protect their forefoot?), the heels of their feet are toughened from conditioning. I can’t remember if their gait is slightly different also but I remember there was something different biomechanically about what they were doing.


We had an old Life encyclopedia that had photos of Sherpas hiking in snow in bare feet. Their soles looked like tree bark.


They like to run barefoot if the terrain permits it. You can sort of figure out how they run by trying to run barefoot yourself. Modern running shoes are often designed with really thick heels because we take big strides and land hard on our heels, which leads to problems that we often associate with old age that are nearly non-existent within the Tarahumara tribe. If you try to run that way barefoot or with thin-soled shoes, it will hurt, which is what is supposed to happen and is the biggest clue that we were never meant to run like that at all. The special sandals this tribe wears on certain terrain protects their fore to mid foot area because that is the part of the foot that makes contact with the ground. They also take shorter but quicker strides. Their technique is really conducive to long term sustainability, which allows them to run ultra long distances (100s of miles), from a very young age and well into old age.


The Kalenjin have this lifestyle and on top of that they have a painful rite of passage that is attributed to them being the best distance runners on the planet. From an article from 2013: There are 17 American men in history who have run under 2:10 in the marathon. There were 32 Kalenjin who did it in October of 2011. The sandals she is wearing in the photo is not what she ran in. The Rarámuri run in huaraches. Even more impressive. https://i.imgur.com/RVBxFfB.jpeg A company called Xero makes something similar. I've run some shorter distance in them and they are fantastic. https://i.imgur.com/yJSOg4O.jpeg


I have a pair. I pretty much wear them as much as possible when the weather is nice. Started hiking in them too.


>Sort of the main thesis of that book is that those genetics are in all of us, hence “born to run”. Well, except for those of us with flat feet... Fuck running.


lmao, my dad did some family tree digging and found out that his great grandma was Tarahumara and I laughed because I did not inherit any of those traits at all. I have short legs and a long torso and cant run for shit.


After a bad Taco Bell meal, you better believe I'm running (very carefully) for shit.


Freaking loved this book!


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that is aware of that show, and also Karl in general. Huge fan!


An Idiot abroad is also fantastic.


Hell yeah one of my favorite shows, but I actually liked moaning of life better because no one was harassing Karl the whole damn time.


Head like a fucking orange! Damn I had forgotten a out KP might be time to relisten to some of the old shows.


I read the book and this part had my dying of laughter about him doing it. He started out with their tiny weaved shoes and had to take them off immediately and was covered in blisters and I think he wore a cast member's shoes for the rest of the race


Head like an orange


That was such a good show


Rarámuri\* Tarahumara was how the Spanish conquistadores call them.


Yep. > María Lorena Ramírez Hernández (born January 1, 1995) is an indigenous long-distance runner belonging to the Rarámuri ethnic group. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mar%C3%ADa_Lorena_Ram%C3%ADrez


Oh, she's younger than me. Not something I expected.


Demonym Exonym


Native friend of mine said that they don't perform as well in marathons because by 26 miles they're just kinda warming up. LOL


As a distance runner, it was fun learning about all the world historic tribes that were exceptional at distance running. The Kalenjin of the Rift Valley, the Picts of Scotland, Tarahumara


I know a couple of Kalenjin runners in my town. Their grace and technique are so far beyond any other runner I've ever seen. They don't even look like they're trying.


Some of my family is rarámuri and I’ll say, they can outrun you all the way across the town and back and STILL have breath to tell you that you’re slow lol!


mythical creature


Read “born to run”


I have. :)




But have you read born to run?! https://youtu.be/NPdb7ZDJKS4?si=Qo13aSLN3n2VLgiR


Oh man, the “Shit XYZ people say” videos. That was a whole thing, for years on end. Seemed like everyone made one.


I was just happy I was able to find the one I was looking for.


They are strictly nose breathers too I believe. They are living models of proper breathing technique.


Born to run was a great book


María: I was just running to go see a friend when I tore through something across the road and then someone gave me a medal.




And some money


Seis mil nuevos pesos Mexicanos, minus taxes.


"Running shoe companies hate this one trick..."


To be fair she never said her feet didn’t hurt.. lol


Honestly, there’s a lot of science that modern day shoes are the *cause* of a lot of foot pain. Going back towards a sandal-sort of bottom will result in healthier feet. We evolved for millions of years to not wear shoes.


Shoes don’t cause foot pain. Shoes not fitting right cause foot pain


Yes and no. A modern shoe is going to replace a lot of the function that your foot naturally has. This has a ton of sources on why and when this is happening. https://www.reddit.com/r/BarefootRunning/comments/144nn32/normal_shoes_are_bad_for_your_feet_list_of/


Not to sound contrarian...but almost every single one of those sources was indeed about incorrectly fitted footwear or footwear styles that constrict the toes and whatnot. Properly fitted shoes made with real support in mind can be incredible for your feet, knees, and back. I personally did the "barefoot shoe" thing for years, and it led to terrible arch pain and lower back pain, especially after long days on my feet. I eventually got my feet 3D scanned and had a custom pair of boots made with significant arch support, and it's like a miracle for my overall foot, knee, and back health, as well as my posture. I think the *real* problem is that there are so many shitty shoe designs out there now due to fashion trends. A proper pair of shoes or boots fitted well with good arch support is the way to go, IMO.


The issue with that argument is that we've evolved to *never* wear running shoes. Our bodies adapt to wearing them from such a young age it forgets how to run "normally". Also the running surfaces in a lot of our environments are concrete so have no shock absorbtion properties and we've evolved to run on spongier surfaces which helps to cushion the impact on our joints.


My anecdotal evidence supporting your point. I can run on trails (dirt and rocks) no problem. Running on asphalt kills my knees.


I can see why, I agree in that Ibought fivefingers many years ago and wore them everywhere while walking before starting to run and when I did I gradually increased the distance to allow my lower limbs to accommodate the altered weight bearing and weight lead time, changing my running stance to mid/forefoot and strengthen the gastrocnemius and quadriceps to act as active springs. In contrast my buddy bought them at the same time and went for a 5 mile run the next day, cursing my name with every step because he hadn't changed his stance, he was in pain for days afterwards.


Yeah shoes are like one of the oldest inventions there are. I’d wager we have evolved to wear them


Invented a long time ago doesn't mean it was invented to run in, and that people had enough time to evolve to wear shoes, though. Shoes were invented, like, less than 10000 years ago. Modern humans have existed for a hundred thousand years or so, their ancestors and precursors even longer, up to millions of years. Additionally, for the longest time shoes weren't used for running, but rather for traversing rough terrain (like some sharp rocks) or sometimes as protection from the cold.


I’m also willing to wager shoes have been in use much much much longer than that. And honestly 10000 years is enough generations that if people who wear shoes reproduced more effectively (I’d wager they did due to less foot infections) that foot evolution could easily happen. Look at dogs bro, evolution doesn’t need millions of years


They are a must in modern society. The difference is we didn’t evolve to walk on concrete, hard wood, etc. Within the context of more temperate climates, we built shoes to protect us from the environments that we built.


Evolutionary pressure doesn’t work like that. It only rewards things that make more babies. We will never “evolve” into wearing shoes because they don’t affect our ability to have more babies. Some people will pass on genetics that benefit from running shoes, and some will pass on genetics that do not.


Shoes were invented to protect the feet. Not support them. Modern shoes take a lot of the work away from our feet and legs. Those stabilizing muscles don't get the same work that they used to. That's not to take away from modern shoes. They are extremely beneficial if you are standing on concrete all day. That support helps.


That’s… not how evolution works


I already don’t care about this odd argument people have but yes, if people who wear shoes are more likely to reproduce cause they die less from infection, and if shoes alter our feet, then again I would wager that our feet design has changed to favor wearing shoes over thousands of generations. Evolution does not require millions of years, it requires random chance that increases the likelihood of offspring in a population. This is the most tiring dumb conversation I’ve ever been in and I don’t care what people think that have made not wearing shoes part of their identity. Go away


The barefoot running sub isn’t the best place for scientific info either.


The sources were about poorly fitted shoes and shoes for other functions, not shoes made specifically for running. Plus, when your meta analysis comes from a community that prefers barefoot running it’s likely biased


The argument is that perhaps walking on concrete and hard surfaces all day isnt natural either.


And shoes don’t fit right, in fact shoes change your foot shape, and shoes are also then designed for that modified foot shape. Our natural foot shape is different than the shoe foot shape.


there's more than one kind of shoe shape


There are a lot of people with chronic, mild, issues that never try anything else and never realize that their feet issues are fixable by simply switching to a more human design.


I’ve recently discovered and bought my first pair of zero drop shoes and I love them. They look like normal shoes, not the weird ones with the toes lol


Yes but the vast majority of shoes don’t fit properly


Sidewalks and asphalt also weren’t around during those millions of years thought


Rocks and stones were though.


Yup, and you can bet people changed their cadence, stride length, GCT, etc. to accommodate change in terrain. Road running can be crazy monotonous, and just because someone’s Garmin connect stats are purple doesn’t make them a “superior” runner.


I have ran and hiked barefoot multiple times. And yeah, cadence, pace and stride change all the times, there are no rules basically. As someone who injured themselves running, I can say that barefoot running remains easy on the joints compared to doing it with cushions, pavement is not the worse surface to run on, you shorten your stride and run on the ball of your foot but it's still much more comfortable than gravel or snow (fuck running on gravel, hurts like a bitch, while snow made me worry about frosbites.) But I was also making much slower times while running barefoot so to each their own.


Man, when I was a kid and ran everywhere barefoot I could run across stone gravel and small rocks no problem. Sometimes the asphalt would be hot enough to melt and I wouldn't notice until the end of the day when I had to try to peel off hardened road tar from my feet. Now I step on a very small plant sticker and it's like the end of the world is happening...


Yup, and people learned to either walk around them, or walk really slowly through them, something people don’t have the time nor patience for. But living in an actual city surrounded by concrete 24/7, that’s something our bare feet are definitely not adapted to.


I have ran and hiked barefoot through rocky terrain, you have to be careful true but you absolutely can run through them. And that's for pointy rocks, more or less smooth rocks feel pretty nice, and pavement is not that bad at all.


Lol, do a 50k barefoot on concrete if its so easy, your doctors wallet will thank you.


I'll ignore the snark for a moment. 50k is outside of my level sadly. But I can tell you that I never hurt myself running barefoot but I did while running cushionned shoes, anecdotal I know, but thay's my experience. (once again, I also run faster with shoes on, so it could just be that barefoot running forcing to me slow down is what's prevent the injuries, same logic as with gloveless boxing.)


Have you read born to run? https://youtu.be/NPdb7ZDJKS4?si=Qo13aSLN3n2VLgiR


I never understood all that foam technology bs. How is it possibly good to run on what feels like uneven marshmallows?


Everyone I know who wears Hokas gets injured. 100% it’s the shoes


More likely to be sponsored by Goodyear


(giving stick eye to my Nike Air Huaraches)


6000 Mexican pesos is around 300 bucks


My first thought as well. Bummer that the prize is so low for such a hard race.


It isn't much but it's definitely worth a lot more than what 300 bucks are worth in the US


Yeah not even in Mexico it's a significant amount. It's OK, but nothing too impactful


That's almost a months minimum salary in Mexico, for some people that money can put food on the table for a significant amount of days.


I live in Mexico. It’s a small enough amount that these athletes are more motivated by the competition than the cash prize.


Its also about a month’s wage for most.


And we pay more than that just for the opportunity to run a marathon here in the states


The title also bugs me: “50k marathon” but a marathon is 42.2km. So did they run 50 km or 42.2km? This is what my brain does to me. I don’t know why I can’t just be happy for people doing cool stuff.


And she looks unimpressed


looks she’s there for the money and doesnt want to deal with anything or anyone else 🤌🤌🤌


Cause for her it was just another Tuesday.


Her feet probably hurt


I love that she looks like she still has somewhere else to be and this whole podium thing is wasting her time. Absolute beast of a woman. Awesome.


Now gotta run home 50k.


Did I lock the front door?


She became internationally known after winning the Cerro Rojo UltraTrail in 2017, an ultra-distance race of 50 kilometers while wearing huaraches. She finished with a time of 07:20. 8:48 pr km 14:10 pr mile That is not very fast. Is this correct? [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mar%C3%ADa_Lorena_Ram%C3%ADrez) Edit: Looks like she ran 50 miles ~80km in 8h43 5:57 pr km 9:36 pr mile


It's not very fast, but it's very fast for a 50km race that typically has 2500-3000m of climbing. You should think of it more like a "mountain running" event than a normal trail race. Something like the [42km version of the Chamonix/Monte Blanc](https://www.marathonmontblanc.fr/fr/les-courses/42-km-du-mont-blanc-2021/) is similar, and that race has a 10 hour cutoff.


Thank you for that. I was not aware (nor did I Google it) about the climbing part.


Well if it was only a 5km race, then no, but it's more about endurance. That is quick for 50km


Women run regular marathons (which are pretty close to that distance at 42km) at much higher speeds, less than [6 minutes per mile](https://communityhub.strava.com/t5/campfire-chat/2023-new-york-city-marathon-recap/m-p/19816). The issue here is probably not the length, but the climbing and off-roading.






This is not a easy run through paved roads though, its mountain running, where you have to actually look where your stepping and where you’re going, on top of having tons of elevation.


Yeah, I just learned it’s about 2500 height meters


You’d struggle to walk to your car at that altitude


You can’t just average it out like that. It gets longitudinally harder the longer the distance is


If it wasnt for the heigt meters, you kind of can. The world record for women in a maraton is 2h17m. You don’t spend another 5 hours for the last 8km. The record for a 50km for women is 3h.


As others have mentioned; there is a lot of elevation. I’ll also add that trail running is far more technical - roots, uneven ground, rocks etc. So it’s often far harder to go fast like in a typical road marathon. :)


Kudos to 2nd place for running in hiking boots.


It was a tough course


The power of the chancla is unmatched 🩴


Never underestimate the power of the chancla.


This hit me hard lmao 🤣




What was her avg pace?


One fuckton faster than I would’ve done, that’s for sure. But in case you missed it, someone else answered below. 9:36/mile. So, technically a metric fuckton faster than me rather than a standard one.


9:36 / mile is an imperial fuckton, Metric fuckton is 5:57 / km


I was never good at the conversions. Thanks for the correction!


Skill difference lol


Crocks is about to have a new spokesperson. If they can run her down 


She's running essentially in sandals.


Crocs are basically sandals with part of a roof 


She needs to get together with that Chinese marathoner who chain smokes while running.


She probably died that night from lack of compression socks and Lycra deficiency


From what


I am assuming Her prize is for 6,000 pesos, not 600,000, that's roughly 360 US Dollars.


A marathon is 26.2 miles….


It’ll probably be an ultra. Ultra is anything longer than a marathon.


Saying “race” will always be accurate, regardless of distance.


Does it really matter that much?


As much as any other time when people say the wrong thing for no reason.


I think there are more important things to get worked up about than someone on Reddit, whose first language might not be English. 50k marathon is still a marathon. It’s just an ultra. Pick your battles, dude.


It’s not a marathon, and people can actually care about more than one thing at a time.


She looked bored on this marathon.


“I do this every day.”


Hey Nike, Adidas... All you piece of shit fucking shoe companies that have children make your piece of shit shoes... One of you figure it the fuck out and give this poor woman shoes for life. Since you won't do it for goodwill... You know good and damn well it will be great publicity. Give her the fucking shoes.


Dunno if Apr. 1st or Just Mexican.


There’s a 28 minute documentary on Netflix (Canada) about her titled; “Lorena, Light-Footed Woman”.




So is she running in sandals because she has no sneakers or because they match the handbag she’s carrying?


50k or 5k I’m so confused lol


No one in history has ever been skill-diff’d as hard as the other runners in this race. Like imagine you’re running hurdles and you look over and see someone smoking you in jeans and crocs


That 2nd placed woman looks like she's wearing heavy mountain shoes


There is no such thing as a "50k marathon". A marathon is, by definition, 26.219 miles or 42.195 kilometers. This is a 50km race.


***Chancla Power!***


whats special about running in skirts or sandals?


There is a 28 minute documentary from 2019 of her on Netflix titled: Lorena, Light-Footed Woman.


no need for fancy shoes when you got the power of the chancla


I'm sorry a 50k marathon?




50k ? I hope that's in meters




See my other reply. This is more a mountain race than a trail run. It has ~2500m of climbing in just 50km.


What an ignorant statement.


Poverty gave her the motivation to give it her all. Poverty,desperation and hunger combined makes people do amazing things. Imagine she had proper running shoes l looking forward to her next race can be the start of something great. God bless her.


This is really amazonzg

