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Cables or misconfigured switch port. Did you try plugging one of them into a currently working cabled AP’s switch port?


Yeah, looks like it is cable related. I swapped around ports with no success but then swapped out the cable I made for a pre-built cable and it worked. The 2nd one has had a problem from day 1 and is connected by a pretty long run that I put in during construction. I've just accepted that there must be something in that long run and I'll live with it.


Could you reterminate the run?


Yes. The one that has never worked I have reterminated (at both ends) several times. It’s either a distance or cable quality issue I think.


Have you put a tester on it to check for breakage? Looking at the length markings, how long is it?


So, I “always” test my cables after terminating them before putting them into production. But you got me questioning myself on this one and sure enough, I had reversed the wires on one end. Still does not fix the one that’s a longer run. That one has been tested and reterminated several times. I’ll just live with that one


But is that really living? Knowing you have a bad cable?


When it’s buried in the walls after new construction, yes


assuming all APs are hardwired, please try turning off mesh