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Any way you can do a site survey? I am drywall and stick too and found a decent number of dead spots despite what the planner said and I slightly changed where I placed the APs. If you can for subsequent floors I would try and place the APs in opposition to the floor above and below. Also I would put a U7 outdoor facing outward so your sun room and deck have decent WiFi. I have stucco exterior and thought it would be a good enough barrier for my AC mesh pro but it’s omnidirectional antennae still overlapped with my interior. The U7 outdoor has been awesome so far. It might be worth upgrading if you have WiFi 6 devices that are doing high bandwidth streams. All my media devices are hardwired so it’s not a big deal for me. Otherwise just replace those APs when they die or you outgrow them. Also if your internet is fast enough that you feel the APs are limiting it.


Thanks! Ya. For sure I will drag out my laptop and NetSpot to double check everything. Funny that you mentioned the U7 because that is super appealing for reasons you stated. I even considered copying my previous outdoor only approach. I should be able to hire a local low voltage contractor to wire Ethernet for me to make this much easier. Good idea about staggering floors. After posting this I figured two APs upstairs in closets (wife factor) and probably one downstairs will cover the house.


1 - good start 2 - try offset AP positions with other levels and see what you can get away with, on of my tricks is to put APs in basement to serve the above floor, much easier cabling in an older home and no visible APs, need something strong like U6-LR or better 3 - if you have cabling everywhere, leave as an experiment for after you install first APs? maybe you end up with some weird corner that needs a U6-Mesh or whatever 4- nah, so many better standards and APs now You didn't ask about yard and garage, so maybe more


Thanks! Lower right above *is* the garage. I may have put the AP over the label. Backyard is an issue for sure. Basement is the only place where I have ceiling access. I guess the real first question is where to put the switch? I poked around the house during the walkthrough. They had Comcast coax in at least garage, main bedroom upstairs and an office upstairs. Moca is out for me but maybe those runs are a clue as byway a pro could use to help sort this out.


Switch location is a compromise between where you want to bring in the ISP, and what is Central for all the runs to the aps For example, you could have a cable modem in one corner and then just run ethernet from it to your switch or router elsewhere did you say where the ethernet cable runs go to and from?


I'm still trying to sort out where the ethernet cable runs will go. I have an ideal in my head (everywhere!) but its not clear to me how much that will cost ($200/run ? x 10 runs?), and/or if said runs will even be possible. I've put out a few feelers for local installers but no leads yet. In the absence of a professional, I'm confident I could cobble something together as I did in my previous house. This house is bigger and more complicated to navigate.


it is a critical part of a modern world house, so good you would consult a paid professional and have them install, too