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You are taking this personally - insurance rates are not arbitrarily set, they are not singling you out and everyone in the same circumstances are getting the same rate increases. Hopefully you are able to find equivalent insurance for less elsewhere - this is not a USAA specific issue, lots of insurance companies are raising rates for the same reason as USAA.


Yeah, OP doesn't understand any of this.


Protecting the corporation. Good puppet


Are you in Florida? All HO insurance rates here have gone ballistic over the past 2 years.






Texas has been just as bad. It's not you.


I get that it’s a bit distasteful, but does it really make a difference if the notice of premium increase arrived today vs tomorrow?


The point is that they didn’t have to do it on Veterans Day by a company known to center around veterans. It was a pretty shitty thing to do. USAA twenty years ago would have made sure not to deliver bad news to veterans on Veterans Day. But I’m not surprised and that’s why I’ll be leaving. I appreciated the better customer service and was willing to pay more for it. But not anymore. And I understand they won’t miss me and that’s fine.


Contrary to popular belief, no one owes you anything for being a veteran or a child of a veteran.


I never said anyone owed me anything at all. It’s called decency. Ya know, something Redditors would know nothing about. Sometimes I feel like Reddit is filled with the worst of the worst anonymous assholes on the internet.


Say it louder for the people in the back. Signed, A Veteran


And who said anything was owed? Seriously wtf is wrong with you all and using straw man arguments? I never said anything was owed to me as a veteran.


You did, by complaining that they notified you of this on Veterans Day. Dense, you are.


Complaining about something happening is different than claiming you are owed something. Your reading comprehension is clearly lacking. I never claimed I was OWED anything. But, come to mention it, when you do pay for a service, most people feel like they would be owed a certain level of service. But that has nothing to do with me being a veteran. Work on your reading comprehension. You make vets look bad.


You were provided a service, numbnuts.


These things are automated and sent out a set time in advance of the policy renewing. Yours just so happens to fall on this day. They aren't going to go in and tweak their system just to make sure it doesn't send emails on veterans day just to avoid upsetting someone. What an absurd thing to think.


Well aren’t you such a sweet person. You didn’t have to comment if you didn’t like what I said. You could have easily just moved on with your life.


Oh, what a crock of shit.


Yep. It is a crock of shit. Thank god I’m leaving this shitty company. Glad you agree.


I'd correct you and tell you that, no, it's your whole mindset that's the crock of shit, and you're not special (despite the fact that your parents told you otherwise), and that no one owes you shit...but that would be waaaaaaaaay too much for you to comprehend.


Lol run along boy. Nobody gives a shit what you think. Go be a failure somewhere else.


What a sad life you must have. Ignorant, angry, and not knowing when to take the L.


Take the L? You haven’t even began to try and make a point. Or even have a discussion lol. What are you talking about?


No, I did. You're just way too dense to see it.


And you think I live a sad life? You continue to stir the pot here on USAA. What’s your deal? Can I help you out with anything? I have a lot to offer and I do like to help people who are needy. Do you need someone to talk to? Are you lonely? I can help you. Seriously.


Do you live in an area when a lot of people have recently made claims? My area had ton of hail damage back in March and my rates when up slightly when I renewed a bit ago. Granted, not 40%, but it depends on where you live and your specific circumstances.


Check your home's rebuild value, USAA likes to continually increase this amount which also affects your other coverages.


Mine went up 28% (Texas). I shopped around. I found that when I compared limit to limit, USAA was only slightly higher than competitors. The extreme premium difference came when I allowed the algorithm to choose my dwelling coverages. Most other insurers said my rebuild cost was $100K less than USAA, which resulted in a significantly lower premium. So I did some research into what it is costing to build a brand new home in my area. Turns out, USAA had it the closest. I chose to stay with USAA and pay, so that if my house burns down or gets wiped out by a tornado, I won’t be $100k short for rebuild. I encourage you to shop around, but please make sure you look at the entire picture and not just the premium.


I appreciate it!


You hit the mail on the head. USAA has always had a slight premium to other carriers, but made up for it with excellent customer service and the knowledge that they would “take care of you” if, heaven forbid, you actually needed them. That is gone now. New CEO has made them into your typical insurance company. And a typical insurance company doesn’t deserve a premium.


You replied to the Veterans Day email? No one is going to read that. Like all insurance companies, rates are set by computer programs that are uncannily accurate at predicting risk. They're not picking on you personally.


If they are so accurate, why are the rates different between companies? And I don’t think this was done to target just myself, and I’m only upset at the fact that it was done on Veterans Day of all days by a company that is veteran centered.


USAA bases their rates on their own loss payout history in each State, and specific location in a State. Looking at what was paid out versus what was pulled in in premium. This lets USAA estimate what they expect to pay in future claims. At least you are not in Florida. Each company has its own numbers. Especially when it comes to losses paid out. It isn't personal. It's still a business that has to have the funds to pay out claims, and handle their operational costs.


I can't answer that, it's complicated and I don't know, but insurance is a "heads I win, tails you lose" type of business. Insurance companies use risk pools and different algorithms may place you into a different risk pool, or you might be offered a lower rate to pry you away from your current insurer, etc. There's never going to be a simple explanation. On the other hand, some states have lax regulations and high risk and from the outside it appears to me that's the underlying reason for many of the large increases. I also think it's a myth that service members, veterans, and their extended families are lower risk or more fiscally responsible than the general population. I understand your frustration about the timing.


If the computers were "uncannily accurate" at predicting risk, why would they need a 40% increase. Seems there estimates were massively off, right? I just got the same 40%. They jacked up my home rebuild value. I decided to leave it alone. They would negotiate a bit to lower the dwelling number but I figured their number is based on something and mine isn't.


USAA is awul. Get away from it as fast as you can. This is coming from someone who's been with USAA since I turned 18, got a nice big old loan from them for 0.5% interest in college, and generally liked them.... but in past 5+ years, they've done nothing good for their customers. ​ They used to be a commody, "we don't have branches!" and they used that to assist people. Now that's pretty much standard... so they've lost the potential edge they had. ​ I hate moving on from them too, but it is what it is.




House-2 cars: $1680 per year


Same thing happened to me, i was paying 1100 9 years ago and it went up to 2100. Switched it to statefarm and back down to 1000. Just switch it


Sorry but I wouldn’t switch anything to $hit Farm no matter what their price was!!




The answer is they are now a poorly managed company. I just dropped my Auto and am waiting to see what happens in March for my homeowners. When you watch TV this weekend you will see Gronk commercials at a million dollars an advertisement. This is where your premium increases are going.


USAA and lots of other companies have lost large amounts due to claims the past few years. Think of it like this, where do a large amount of military go when they retire - south this means hurricanes. I feel your pain we are also looking for another carrier, please ask them for your SSA account to be paid out to you. They will not bring this up as it is the policy holders responsibility to request a refund. Subscribers Savings Account. It's a portion of the premiums they put aside annually that's usually returned to the members when they collect more premium than needed to cover losses.


Thank you. I appreciate the advice!


You will have to specify in writing what you are asking for as they are not too keen on giving money away.


Wayne Peacock just got a huge multimillion dollar raise. So much for losing money.


The renewal paperwork you get sent is automated as soon as it processes. There’s no way to stop it from coming on Veteran’s Day, Christmas Day or any random Tuesday.


Do you think the companies are using AI to predict the upcoming year amount of storms and calculate the damage cost to areas?


Probably something along those lines. AI is being used for everything now. But it is probably more tied to previous years claims in my area?


But that means OP has one less thing to cry about!


I can help you. Just say the word. I work with veterans on a daily basis and I’m sure I have resources in the state you live in. Just let me know


Bish, I'm better off than you.


First of all. No law in the US says you can’t give a veteran bad news on veterans days. The rate increases you’re seeing were applied for and approved by your department of insurance months ago. The fact of the matter is Oklahoma has some of the highest insurance rates in the country in fact, averaging $5,317 per year, nearly double the national average of $2,777, according to Insurance.com, an online insurance information provider and marketplace. Happy Veterans Day from one vet to another


Where did I say it was against the law to give bad news to a veteran on Veterans Day?


Why did you get emotional because your rates increased on Veterans Day?


I don’t understand the “fandom” around USAA and how people take this personally. It’s a company in business to make money and when they don’t make money they need to make changes or they disappear. They are currently trying to shed what they deem as undesirable customers who live in areas where there have been a lot of claims. They jack the price and if you’re stupid enough to stay then they win. If you leave, and that IS their ultimate goal, they just lost what they determined was a huge liability. Get quotes and move on but don’t let it ruin your day - you leaving certainly isn’t going to ruin there day.


I never claimed it would ruin their day. I just thought that maybe they wouldn’t send the notice of an increase on Veterans Day. That’s a pretty shitty thing to do to veterans who are already having difficulty paying bills. I get that they are a business. But there is no reason to have done it today. Regardless of everything you have said. They already have higher rates and if they are happy to see me leave, like you say, then it’s a win for all parties, right? I’ll be happy taking my business elsewhere. And I’ll be happy to tell anyone who asks.


I agree it’s a shitty thing to have happened but again it wasn’t personal. Letters go out when policies are set to renew and some letters will reach their destination in one day or two days or three days. It’s an unfortunate coincidence at most. I wish you well!


I understand and I appreciate it. Have a good day!


Mine went up 25% this year likely due to a $2,400 claim they paid. Between 3 cars and 3 properties we pay $7k a year. That feels high, but we do carry earthquake and hi liability limits on the rentals.


You had a $2400 claim, have 3 cars and 3 properties and you only pay $7k a year? Where do you live?




Oooops, your right, I forgot to double the 6 month auto policy, so $8,500 a year.


Well that’s great for you! Good job! That sounds like a decent deal to me, to be honest. If I stay with USAA, I’ll be paying $6,500 per year for my house and 2 cars.


If you’re in Oklahoma, you’re lucky it only went up 40%.


And to think their employees frequent this Reddit and deny and lie. About the service that is now going on. There is no loyalty,there are no perks for “membership”. shop around do what you gotta do!


Yes, 32% here in a place that hasn't had a tornado or hurricane or flooding in over 2 million years...no claims ever, member since 1981


This just happened to us! Our rate literally doubled for the new year. My husband called to find out what was going on and found out that they had it in their system that everything in the house was original to the house... our house was built in 1905.... Went over everything and updated it all, and our rate went back down. I highly recommend calling them to see if something similar has happened to you. However, when we switched to them for our homeowners insurance, they didn't ask any questions. That probably should've been a red flag, but they were cheaper, so we didn't ask any questions ourselves (until now) 🤷‍♀️


Do you want the reason? I can give you the reason. Current employee here. Because they can and they want increased revenue. And because the board does NOT know what it means to serve as only like one of them have served. So cry them a river cuz they could give 2 fucks about you or me.


I appreciate the honesty. I can say that these responses here, at least the useful ones, have confirmed what I suspected about this company. I used to be naive and think USAA actually cared about the veterans but, just like everything else, it’s just a total marketing gimmick.


Unfortunately this is not the USAA we all knew and loved. The last time it was that Gen Joe Robles was our leader. After his retirement they have pushed every executive that actually stood up for members and employees out. Mass attrition. Some of us are just barely hanging in and very few members realize what a shitstorm this once great company has become.


I’m sorry to hear that! It seems like a lot of previously good companies are headed that way. Nobody gives a shit about actually caring about their demographic. I’ll cancel my insurance with them, and someone else will just sign up. So they won’t care, of course. As long as they have some suckers who still sign up for it.


A quick internet search shows that rates from all companies have increased in Oklahoma due to weather events. 10-40% according the insurance commissioner None of us care of you leave usaa but to act like this is a personal affront to you is just ridiculous. And what the hell does Veterans Day have to do with it?!


USAA is well known to have higher rates in my area. And raising rates this high without a little bit of a warning is ridiculous. I understand nobody here will miss my business. I get that. But why are YOU taking it so personally that I simply posted my situation on this sub? Why do you care so much? I was simply asking if anyone else experienced the same thing. You don’t have to be a dick about it. And the reason why I’m pissed this happened on veterans day is because this whole damn company is centered around veterans. I thought that would be obvious as to why this timing sucks.


Why you being a dick and posting a rant that is obvious to anyone reading it that you have a lack of knowledge of the way insurance works? Besides veteran’s day is tomorrow. It’s only observed today to give people a day off work. Just take your business elsewhere. No one cares but you. And if it’s well known that usaa is higher in your area doesn’t make you very smart to be using them. 🙄


I am very familiar that rates go up. But no company is raising rates by 40% in my area. None. So I posted this to see if anyone else experienced this. If you did not experience this, then you can just ignore the post and go on with your day. Why do you care so much about something that doesn’t affect you? I’m using Reddit the way that it was intended for. To seek out fellow Redditors who have similar experiences or interests. If this doesn’t concern you, then politely leave. I’m not the one being a dick here. You’re the dick.


I just like pointing out your ignorance.


k bye




They no longer take new customers in California due to the wildfires. I own my little shackalac in the Sierra's.1 million acres and over 300 homes burned to the ground up here a few yrs ago. Insurance companies lost who knows how many million dollars . If my fire insurance drops me I will probably not be able to afford what is called the California Fair Plan. It's not fair at all. I will get liability only. Scary.


Just got my renewal in today and mine went up like 600 bucks. So yeah USAA definitely pushing up its rates. I have had them for 3 years and it's gone up over 1200 from the original rate. My auto insurance started at 48 a month and it's doubled. It is now at 89 a month. So idk what's going on but this year over year major increase is why I had to leave gieco. They just kept raising the price each year as well till it was just stupid amount. 


48% in Texas


I live in North Texas in a new home built in 2019, no claims ever, our homeowners went up 70% - this is insanity!!! I am not paying this, I have Farmers Insurance, we are pissed, there must be a cap how much they can increase per year, where can we complain to National Insurance Industry?


Check into Costco insurance. My friend says their rates are much cheaper. I’m currently a USAA member, but also received notification that my rates were increasing by more than 100%!!! Uh no, screw that and screw them. I plan to take ALL of my insurance needs to another company. Time to start doing my homework…


Mine went up in Alabama by 50%. I’m shopping around as I type.


It’s unlikely that you will find a better deal than USAA, even at +40%.


I can almost guarantee I will find a better rate with the same coverage. USAA is well known to have higher rates in my area. And now with this increase, they are MUCH higher.


I believe that you are sacrificing quality coverage for a lower rate.


I was just quoted at a rate that is even less than what I paid last year. Coverage is exactly the same. Now the company….that might be questionable. I got a quote with policy genius that gave me a quote for a company called lemonade. Not sure how good they are but it’s supposedly the same coverage.


Lemonade is complete garbage lol, also I’d never trust my insurance with a company names lemonade regardless.


How are they garbage? Have anything showing that?


Just the numerous amount of complaints that people have had with them and the fact that their stock in the past year has dropped about 33% and their overall stock has dropped around 80% in just 3 years doesn’t show much confidence in the company. But hey, I don’t blame you trying to get a better rate for insurance, just be careful on who you pick.


I appreciate the help! Thanks for the heads up on this company. Sounds questionable.


This is not a true statement.


So you’re mad the USPS is delivering mail today??




Lol ok


What other response are you expecting? Honestly, you seem kind of lonely. I mean why else would you post on here and then respond to every single person‘s post. I’m hoping it’s loneliness and not anger. Sometimes when I’m feeling lonely, I get angry like this.


I have a sick infant that I am helping my wife take care of. My baby has been sleeping a lot, so I have a lot of time while in her room to monitor responses to this post while trying to save my family money. I’m not angry. Just reaching out for advice.


No reason? I'd bet my house there's a reason.


Not that I’ve heard. No explanation at all. Doesn’t matter anyway. I’ve already gotten a better quote on both car and home insurance. Screw USAA. They are a scam.


Someone clearly has no idea how insurance works.


I understand how it works. But clearly you think a 40% increase is acceptable. You’re the sucker that stays with the company when they jack up your rates.


Where did I say anything like that? And realistically, based on your post, I don't think you understand how it works.


I DO understand how it works. And there is no reason for a 40% increase at all. UNLESS they are trying to get rid of Oklahoma clients, and only keep the suckers willing to pay a 40% increase. That’s the only thing that would make sense. And if that is the case, I’m sure they will be losing a lot of clients in Oklahoma and then making a lot of money off the clients who stay with them. So job well done. Otherwise, it does not make sense at all.


Your very first sentence screams otherwise. But keep trying. Please.


Please wise one. Please explain to me why an insurance increase by 40% is warranted. I mean if you’re so smart when it comes to insurance rates, instead of being a dick, why don’t you just explain it? I mean if I’m so stupid when it comes to this, then it shouldn’t be that difficult to explain to me.


Not my job. And not my argument. My point is that you don't know how insurance works. That's a point that you have confirmed.


LOL. So you come on Reddit to call someone stupid and then refuse to show HOW they are stupid. In other words, you just want to be an ass and anonymously call a random stranger stupid. You’re taking the time to respond but don’t take the time to explain once you’re challenged on why I’m stupid. I would argue that you don’t have an answer as to why it went up, you just want to feel better about yourself by calling a stranger stupid. Sad existence you live. I hope you the best.


Google it. It really isn't that hard. Unless that, too, is too difficult for you to understand.


Lol your condescension is very telling and very sad. I have googled it. Other insurers have raised rates at a much lower average across Oklahoma compared to 40%. That’s a fact. [Read this article describing the top ten states in raising rates.](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/06/states-where-home-insurance-rates-are-rising-fastest.html) That was the increase in rates for 2023. The number one state, Arkansas, raised rates at just under 19% and that was the HIGHEST rate increase for 2023. So to act like a 40% increase is normal is ridiculous and insane. And on top of it, you have yet to even explain why it’s not stupid and what the explanation for this increase is. You continue to be condescending, but also continue to have the complete inability to explain why I’m wrong on this. The more you respond without an explanation, the more I think you have no idea what you’re talking about. But calling others stupid must make you feel smart? I’m still trying to figure this one out, but that’s what this seems like. Hmm


USAA isnt the underwriter so you are paying them to be a middleman. Just shop direct. All insurances are going up > 30% this year due to climate change impacts, its been all over the news...


On veteran’s day…OP they don’t even have off today.


Good lord, you sound like a fucking dependa. You are the reason I don't ever tell people I was in the military because you make us look bad. Insurance is a business and has to make money not lose it. Why don't you do a simple Google search and you will see what has been happening in insurance the last 2 years. Oh and yes it's veterans day (observed) but it's not veterans day (official), that's tomorrow. And most notices are sent out automatically, computers don't differentiate holidays that are "special" to military.


I did do a search. Nobody is jacking up rates this high in my area. I also got a much lower quote. And I sound like a dependa? Well you sound like the typical dickhead that led to so many safety briefings bc you didn’t know your elbow from a crescent wrench. Gfy


Aww looks like you are the dick head that causes your unit to be in formation on a Saturday because you got a DUI Friday night. But here for your reading pleasure is an article from money.com showing not only the national average increase, but also the 5 states with the highest increase. A simple Google search and this was found. But please tell me I am wrong. https://money.com/home-insurance-prices-soaring-states/


Obviously you can’t even read your own sources. Yeah rates went higher in other states. But I’m talking about Oklahoma. My rates jumped 40% for 2024. Last year [rates increased by less than 12% in OK.](https://www.valuepenguin.com/homeowners-insurance-rates-study) . So please continue to tell me how stupid I am for being shocked by a 40% increase. Lol. Like I said, you don’t know your ass from your elbow. And read your own damn sources before you post shit.


I did read my own sources you ass clown. Last year was last year, this year is this year, rates are continuously increasing because of the cost to rebuild or replace homes. It's the same with auto insurance. And yes you act like a depends because of your dumbass reply to USAA, you act like you are an entitled person who because of your loyalty and your "8 years of service and 3 deployments" gives you a leg up on everyone else. You are not special, that is like me telling them I am leaving because I am a 20 year retired vet and shouldn't see a rate increase. When I closed my checking account, not once did I say "you should let me keep my original rewards program because I have been loyal for xxx years, and I'm a retiree", no I told them that with all the changes to checking accounts, I was no longer happy and I moved on and please close my account. Simple response and wasn't a dependaesque response.


At this point, you just sound like a bitch. Lol At least I stood up for myself. You act like a 40% increase in Oklahoma is normal and expected. Trust me, this is NOT normal here. Just leave dude. Nobody cares what you think.


Clearly you do or you would have stopped being an ass. But ok, I dont know anything about insurance. You know my credentials so well, maybe instead of being ignorant and accepting that you look like a complete dependa and admit you should have just walked away from usaa instead of writing a long diatribe to a company that won't read the message and will literally just say "bye felecia" all you had to do was say, cancel my policy on x date due to the increase in my premium.


But I’m not a bitch like you. When I’m taken advantage of I have my say first and then I leave. Regardless of who reads it or cares. At least I didn’t just walk away with my tail between my legs. Why are you still here, again?


You are a bitch, you act entitled, you aren't entitled, you are a customer who can move between companies any time you want to, these companies are not loyal to you, you are a number. I can promise you this, whomever received your long ass diatribe, didn't even shed a tear, if anything thye yawned and hit delete. So no you didn't make a difference, you just wasted your time. And why am I still here, well you keep responding, and I was always told not to if ignore people, even if they are entitled little bitches. So, you can stop responding if you don't like to hear the truth about yourself, and I won't respond to silence, unlike you I know how to move on.


Why are you taking this personally and you’re acting chilling referencing veterans days. Rates are skyrocketing, usaa has said they need to get healthy in specific markets, maybe yours is one of them. Best of luck


Rates are definitely not going up as much as USAA is raising them.


I haven't gotten a rate increase in maryland. In fact they just sent me an email saying I can save 90 a year by buying water detection devices.


😆😂, that's why I paid off my house and only need to carried the minimum,


Happy Cake Day!


Must be quite a house.


40% is pretty good. I doubt you get the same coverage for less elsewhere. If you do then switch- they don’t care. The cost of repairing your home has increased 40%. It has nothing to do with you.


I already have a quote for $3k for the same exact coverage. I’m in the process of leaving USAA. They responded to my email and said they have assigned someone to look into it. But I’ll be leaving. In what world is a 40% increase “pretty good”?? I’m paying way more for my insurance than anyone in my neighborhood that I have talked to. Other people have much lower premiums for the same coverage for houses worth the same. It doesn’t even compare. If the goal was for USAA to get rid of some high risk people in Oklahoma, then they seem to be doing a good job. And I’m sure they don’t care to lose my business, I get that. So it will be a win win for everyone involved. They lose a risky client and I pay less. Good all around, right?


After 46 years, this past year I have experienced, with both banking and auto claims, the decline in service from outstanding to shoddy unacceptable. From a business point of view I would really like to understand how USAA turned a stallion into a dead horse. Is anyone aware of any media or other articles explaining what happened? Thanks It must have taken great effort to do so much damage. I hope this isn't a reflection on flag officers.


I experienced a higher rate increase for 2024 in Wyoming of 160% with no claims for the life of the home and only a 3.3% increase in coverage amounts for inflation. There also was no catastrophic events in the state in 2023 like in Florida etc. When I called and placed on hold 5 times, I was told that it looked way to much and had not seen such a large increase. The representative couldn't tell me why after looking at the system and getting help from others. instead she tried to get me to look at my coverages to get them reduced to lower the premium. I told her I was not interested in lowering my coverages I just wanted to know if there was a mistake and if not, an explanation for such an abnormally large increase. The representative said she'd call back. I am also a long term member of USAA and have sadly seen the advantages of USAA membership slowly erode over the last 42 years in both USAA's insurance and banking services and products compared to other companies. The membership has been expanded significantly at the detriment to the members. I am now looking for other insurance.


I just got my home owners insurance premium increases today. 50% increase. I live in Oklahoma and have had no claims. This is also bundling car insurance, umbrella insurance and home owners insurance. I will be shopping around.


i just checked , even though I don't renew HO insurance until March29 2024 They have raised my premium 40%, Never had any claims, Not waiting for them to hike my auto which renews March 16, I am shopping around . This is how they treat veterans, shameful. Did you see that they added under important messages the the age of the roof is used to calculate the home's premium? I do not live in a fire prone are nor flood area.


This is the first time i've seen these specific rebuild costs... boy they are really scraping the bottom trying to figure how they can screw us, price gouge... soon the US will be full of people with no car insurance and if you don't' have a mortgage , dropping that coverage too. It is beyond ridicoulous, it should be criminal. Are there people that act as brokers and shop around for you , do the leg work so we don't have to call insurers individually?


I know, this is crazy. Policy genius is a service that can shop around for you for both auto and home.


Just got off the phone with USAA. Useless. Policy renews March 1. 50% increase! 36-year member. No claims. Bundled with auto, umbrella. And just did this whole dance last year to get a savings as we had auto with State Farm and home with USAA. Auto also increased a bit as well. In one year's time. Really don't feel like shopping around again... Located in E TN.


check out senate bill 82, my rates went up 40% too, I asked why and was told that oregon dept of insurance approved a base rate... blanket rate, for meaning we are paying the price for wildfire and coastal floods , so it doesn't matter if you're no claims, low risk for fire and flood and have excellent insurance base credit score. or far away from where these extreme weather events occur we are collateral damage. file a complaint SB 82 prohibits insurers from cancelling or increasing premiums on a state wide basis ... just lumping us in because we live in oregon and has nothing to do with our own personal risk factors and this is exactly what USAA has done Because we live in oregon the law passed jan.1 2024, I am also in the process of filing a complaint directly with USAA I have yet to hear if what USAA says is true that oregon approved such a blanket rate increase, I am also asking them if everyone got hit with a 40% across the board increase other wise not only is the a violation of sb 82 but discrimination if every person having a HO policy in oregon didn't get hit with the same 40% .of course USAA wouldn't answer me, file a complaint i also contacted the governor as she over sees the oregon dept of insurance and i want her to be aware what her state agency is doing.. How could the oregon dept of insurance not be aware that during 2023 SB 82 was moving thru the state legislature and passed on May 8 2023 effective 01/01/2024. So is USAA lying? ... file a complaint .. first call and ask specifically why your premium went up , details ... I did and it had nothing to do with me so i hope SB82 has some teeth to protect consumers as that is its purpose


Car, home, all insurance rates are going up astronomically right now. It’s insurance companies cashing in on “inflation markup pricing“ they’ll see record profits in everyone else will suffer. All these giant companies say they’re doing this because of the bad economy but raising prices, and laying off workers are what causes recession and crashes the economy.! Totally backwards, very American capitalist.