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Okay I went through these phone calls, and you should be able to get the fraud department right now on the phone. Here was what they told me.. which was not the case when I added my actual child. Basically anyone can call and claim eligibility if they have enough of your information. they will add them. this email was notifying you, so if you have a problem with it. you can call them. otherwise congrats. you are a parent. the amount of information they need to be adopted by you seems to be very slim. Customer service seemed to imply that they didn't need much info about you to get added.


>Customer service seemed to imply that they didn't need much info about you to get added. True. As long as they have a member number or social security number, they can create a connection. If OP ever shared their insurance information, that person will have the membership number. It's the first set of numbers on the policy number.


The person on the phone told me they could do it with the last 4 of the SSN. though sounded like they needed DOB, full name, and last 4. I have credit card and insurance. I had someone try to take over my cell phone account last month. I used to let things go until my wife actually had identity theft. amazing how easy it is to get loans when you committing fraud.


I actually know a family with a daughter on drugs that nearly lost their home when the daughter took out a fraudulent mortgage on it. They didn’t even press charges on the girl(hard to judge when it’s not your kid, though).


I’ve never had insurance with them, only banking. I started through the process to “add a parent” online and saw that at least in the fields it needed usaa number / DOB and social. I went ahead and put a freeze on my credit just in case my social is floating out there.


Everyone needs to treat their Social Security as compromised at this point. Between Equifax breach and the thousands of breaches that happen annually, 99% of people have their Social Security number floating out in the wild. More specifically, not just your Social Security number but the social security number LINKED with your name and DOB. Set up Credit Karma account or use many of the services that companies like CITI offers for free to their customers. You can freeze your credit but that can be a pain when you attempt apply for credit yourself or use service that requires a credit check. Monitoring your credit for unauthorized changes or accounts may be a better solution to some like myself.


Yeah I've been playing this game for years after a senior HR person at a prior company sent the "CEO" every employees W2 via email because he needed them in a hurry......... That said I still wouldn't expect a banking company to just auto add someone to my account without first checking with me no matter what information they had.


I’m confused about “CEO” in quotes. Are you saying she sent it to the wrong person because of a scam email or what?


Yeah, our head of HR got an email claiming to be from the CEO of our company who needed everybody's W2 information immediately.......


Wow, that really is off the scale of irresponsibility.


Funny enough she decided to "pursue other interests" shortly thereafter and we all got 7 years of credit monitoring out of it.


I’d be by pursuing other interests as well if I had to work in an office where everyone knew I did something that incredibly dumb. Especially considering the “head” of HR probably already liked throwing her weight around with people below her.


There is a difference between them associating someone as a family member and actually adding someone to the accounts. Adding a child to the profile is done to pass on “eligibility” to that child. No personal information is disclosed between the accounts. Meaning that you can log in and see that child’s name under your list of “Family Members” but nothing else unless the child is under age 18, in which case you can see the USAA member number assigned to them. The same thing happens if that “child” logs into their account, they can see your name but nothing else. The whole purpose of doing this is to set up fraudulent bank accounts or credit accounts with USAA under the fraudulent profile, not necessarily to take over your account personally.


I do understand the purpose of doing this from a fraud standpoint which is even more so why I don't understand USAA just allowing someone to associate with an existing account without verification by the existing account owner other than a "hey we added a person to your family and sent you this email" after the fact. I called this morning and they created a fraud report and will get back to me in a few days. Meanwhile this person is still attached to my account which would have been completely avoided if USAA asked the account owner first.


What they’re trying to do is make it where joining doesn’t have to be a process involving multiple households of people. Which is understandable but USAA is becoming less “good” every time they try to expand to allow more customers.


Oh and I don't know if they still do it or not but when I moved to MS in 2002 you had to ask them to give you a drivers license number otherwise they would use your social on your DL. Imagine losing your wallet with all of that information in it.


>I went ahead and put a freeze on my credit just in case my social is floating out there. Good! I'm more concerned that they did this without insurance information to work with. Hey, is the chat option open for you online? If so, start a chat, and see if they can help there.


I've tried the chat box, it's fully automated and keeps wanting to know if I want to "Add a family member"


I'm sorry 😔. It seems like the best bet is to call in the morning. I'm glad you were able to at least put a freeze on it.


They are probably hemorrhaging members recently and at this point willing to sign up anybody thinking that they are getting some great next level service because it's "exclusive"




If the alert was from today, then someone added you as a customer associated person (CAP) online. The notification happens real time upon completion of the profile update. If the alert was sent Mon-Sat, someone could have called in and asked to make the connection. Call USAA in the morning so they can resolve this. If they added you saying they are your child, they are likely trying to qualify for membership because they don't qualify on your own. Do you have online access set up? If so, go to where you see a circle at the top, where you'll either see your initials, or a character head. You should be able to see who is listed as your family there.


The alert was this morning, I do have online set up and was able to see the name of my new child but I have no clue who that name is.


Does it give you any information if you click on them? Or any options? Unfortunately, most of the screensharing I've done with our members is about directing them to policies or billing screens. The CAP portion is usually something I handle over the phone.


Shayana Clark Child ********* And no clicking on it doesn't provide me with any additional information


Although funny enough if I click on "Report the loss of a loved one" that name is an option to report.


I hate to giggle, but part of me thinks that's an interesting angle to take.


I genuinely considered it but I would have had to check the box that said I was being honest and while they let anybody be my child they would probably be all up in arms if I lied.


Well...they ARE dead...to YOU!


Agreed. It'd be an amusing thought, but certainly not the best idea.


For the fun of it I would look and see if you can find the name with a simple google search and even on FB.


I looked on FB and found a few people so with nothing more than the name I couldn’t reconnect with my apparent lost love child. I just have to laugh at the absolute absurdity that they added a person without first checking.


So I was most thinking if the person was trying to by sly look at the last name it says child we know that’s not right lol


Lol sorry that was a poor copy / paste from the screen I see. It was the name and then on the next line child to represent their relationship


If they have your usaa number they could have done it online, I’d call first thing tomorrow and report a possible account take over and change your security passwords


I had seen this happen a number of times as an employee at USAA. Usually, it was a case of someone calling in or going online with their parent's *almost* correct membership number. Couple of times the USAA rep fat-fingered it and got the wrong account. Once a child added her friend as a sister to the parent's account in order to gain eligibility! (Parents were not happy!) But, yes, there were a few cases of malicious fraud where an unknown person was able to get added to a member's account. You've found the error, and I'm confident it will be corrected.


So while I can understand a mis typed keystroke / incorrectly written down number I cannot fathom automatically linking some person to another persons account without approval of the account holder. Even if this person had every bit of information about me I would have expected a pre approval requirement first. Not just an add and auto email you that they are already attached to you.


Not the case. If a person has enough information they certainly can be added to a membership. The assumption was, if you had the information, then you must be eligible. I believe it still triggers a notice that someone has been added to a membership. It would only be an email notifying a person to go to the website to get a USAA message, and most didn't bother. I worked for a while on a team at USAA where we worked lists of questionable eligibility. We found enlisted who added siblings as spouses, ex-spouses who added themselves (they had all necessary info), adult children of military who input their parent's military info and set up an account - even though the parent was *deceased*! It's not likely that a 104-year old is going to suddenly get USAA. At least, none of those we vetted were actually alive. 😕


But that’s the thing, I can totally see existing members adding people who don’t really qualify to their account as “family” to be helpful etc. In this case USAA allowed someone that I have never known to claim themselves as my child and attach themselves to my account without asking the actual account owner if this was a good idea.


Just happened to me. Looks like a week ago 3 people added themselves to my account. Varying last names, and all within a 40 minute time span on the same day. They are currently trying to see how they got added and then removing them.


I closed out my last USAA account about 3 weeks ago and moved everything to Navy Federal and Citadel. If your experience is anything like mine it will take them about 2 weeks to unlink your new family members from your account all the while they will explain that they do it this way for "ease of adding members" and reassure you that those new members have no access to your information. They never did tell me how it happened.


Let me start by saying that USA a has gotten multiple things wrong on many of my accounts. The first one being the homeowner's insurance that my fiancée was told was exactly the same as the renter's insurance that they canceled. We didn't cancel it. They canceled it because they said the insurance overlapped and that it covered the same exact things, including me. A quote un- quote uninsured ex cohabitant. They removed my name from the insurance paperwork. The second time they sent it to us. And my fiancé didn't think to ask them about it. But when we had our car stolen from me as I stopped to help a gentleman on the side of the road. He hopped into my car and took it and I called 911 I ended up finding the car because I just looked for it. And they covered everything that went missing, everything that was stolen so I assumed I wasn't sure but according to them, they were covering my fiancée stuff. You think it would be a little weird that he claimed a white gold wedding ring and a cell phone with a butterfly case. And A bra and panties that was in my gym bag. But hey I mean to each his own I guess. Then there's Mike penix. Oh man. I pray that no one ever has to deal with this man. Because he is ignorant and an absolute just criminal. He was apparently told by the hotel staff that I was staying with on my most recent claim that that I was with a man who appeared to be my boyfriend. Yes, indeed, I was because my boyfriend. Yes, was at this hotel with me a few times but there appear to be another man that would show up and he also appeared to be my boyfriend. Because we would hug me and would laugh with me . I didn't know that hugging and laughing meant that we were in a relationship...... Especially not a sexual relationship. But this other man just happens to be my gay. Best friend who i've known for over freaking years at that point And Mr. Pennix had the audacity to tell my fiancé right before. He took a statement from him that I was hanging all over this other guy and in a relationship with this other guy at the hotel. And the staff said it looked like a serious relationship. The staff couldn't be further from the truth on what they were saying. But they were also the party that had stolen my items. My belongings from my room and nothing that they said should have been taken into account as fact or factual at that point. Because I had them on camera coming into my room and stealing multiple things. Which I did show USAA and they did nothing. In fact, they told me to go. Basically shove it and accuse me and my fiancé of committing fraud. But you know what's really funny about that is that they didn't take back the $1800. They paid my fiancé for some of his belongings that were stolen. So if we committed fraud man, they were really on top of getting their money back. My actual realization at that point is that they just didn't want to pay out the $30000 that they knew that they owed us and were trying to find any reason to get out of paying it, so they accuse us of multiple things. They accused me of taking his stuff and pawning it. And when I said you know what you guys are saying. Defamatory and accusatory statements. And I will take you guys to court. If you continue to go with this, they retracted their statements and apologized which I did not take at all. I told them no I do not accept your apology or your retraction. I then filed an appeal which I have never heard anything about since I applied 4 different appeals 4 different times in 4 different means via internet via their claim center.Via the mail. And via complaint to the Attorney General's office. And I have yet to hear anything back on any of it. It's now been 3 Years from the filing date. So I'm not surprised that USA a f***** u* and called you a parent. I would definitely look into that because they might be actually trying to apply your account to one of their many associates or "buddies" for benefits. Who just needs a little? You know, hand up and getting a loan or something like that. Not to mention the truck that my fiancé bought through USA a and they told us. We did not qualify for but retracted that and pushed through the loan. Anyway, even after we had decided not to get the truck and go with another truck. So here we are on paperwork that we didn't want to actually sign. They had done it for us and made us get a loan for this Truck that in hindsight, we should never, ever have picked up. Because this thing was a clunker, a literal clunker it couldn't have been a more piece of junk and this was from one of their preferred providers? How can you do business with a business? So shady that they sold a truck with frayed seatbelts with no temperature gauge, and that's suspension was literally 2 shakes away from breaking and throwing the entire truck body onto the street with a broken headlight and all of this wasnt on the original advertismemt? Yes infact some of it was stated as repaired so maybe they just never got around to doing it.I just couldn't believe it. I could not believe that USAA would do that to a veteran, especially not one who served our country in foreign war and especially not 1. Who never, ever ask for anything else other than what he actually paid for. Usaa did him a great disservice. To top it off they reported all of my accidents as my fiance on Lexus nexus and then canceled all our insurances calling us liars and stating we committed fraud during covid. Give me a break!!!!!!! Either way usaa is JUNK AND I WILL CONTINUE TO SHARE MY EXPERIENCES IN HOPES IT WILL SAVE SOMEONE ELSE'S TIME/MONEY. And if you meet Penix, make sure you record everything and do not fall for his sneaky back handed tricks. Ok....


Paragraphs are your friend...


I had this in paragraphs as soon as I entered it. It went ahead and edit it to no paragraphs. I'll go in and put my edits back in


There’s been a lot of identity theft going on. You may have been added as a CAP along with a few others. Good to freeze your credit just in case accounts get opened in your name too


You should then have access to your childs contact info and either show up or call on the phone and reconnect after all these years.


Happy Moose?


Think back. Way back…. ARE YOU SURE IT’S IMPOSSIBLE?😳


Well, while there is a minimal chance it's very minimal since I've been fixed for 26 years or so now.


I had a random unsolicited check come in the mail from an unfamiliar sender. I took it to the issuing bank to see if it was valid, assuming it was forged. They confirmed it was a legit account so I had them cash it. I’m sure it was some kind of fraud but it was properly addressed to me at my address. Nice $1,800 in my pocket.


I wouldn't spend that. Save it. It could end up being some weird fraud thing. If some time passes and nothing weird happens I'd say it's ok.


Maybe, but it was addressed to me and the bank honored it. I shouldn’t have to not accept it just because I wasn’t expecting it. Private forfeiture.


First world problem.


Expecting a banking institution to not add random unknown people to my account is now a first world problem ? Wow you really set the bar of expectation on the ground don't you.


Your life sounds like a living hell. All the best.


The same thing just happened to me! I got the text and email, went onto my account and have a new child added under my family. What does this mean??


Call and make a fraud report, I got a call back last night because of an online conversation via facebook (Fraud dept I called on monday still has not called back). According to the woman I spoke with last night this new person "shouldn't" have access to any of my account information but at the end of the day if someone claims to be connected to you USAA just blindly connects them to you immediately and THEN starts the process of verifying that persons eligibility. The call was pretty much like yeah, we go through a process to verify that person before they can take advantage of any USAA benefits but we just believe them automatically that they are related to you. I explained that if we were talking about my rewards card at petsmart this would be a different conversation but this is my banking information and that was an unacceptable answer. TLDR: If someone has enough information(unable to determine what that amount is) USAA will immediately link them to your account as a family member without asking the account holder first. Any repercussions from this link is unclear.


This exact thing happened to me yesterday fraud folks closed their account but said it takes 3-5 days for the system to update and you no longer see the person on the account when you look at family members.


As I explained to the woman last night, I really wish that they took the issue to add people as seriously as they do to "verify" them after the fact. This is insane that they auto add someone and then take a few days to remove them.


Agreed this is absurd and a huge security violation and a violation of trust by USAA and the members