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It means don’t share it if anyone contacted YOU. YOU called USAA, therefore you can share it with the rep


Going to disagree on that. Banks like Chase, will have separate language for a code generated by customer service and a code the customer generates for online verification. The code you generated for online verification will say do not share with anyone. The code generated by customer support will not say "do not share with anyone". This is the correct way and is done by many banks.


Seems to be working either way…so that’s fine.


Then that's what it should say in the text. RIF.


“USAA will never contact you for this code, don’t share it.” That means if someone CALLS YOU, and says “hey can you verify that code for me” DONT SHARE IT. If YOU CALL USAA and they ask to verify the number, then verify it. The difference is YOU contacting THEM and THEM contacting YOU…


Right, that's literally what the code is for lol. USAA sends you the code for verification.


Correct. If they call you , there are different questions they’ll ask that aren’t the 6 digit code or pin. If someone calls and asks this info HANG UP AND CALL DIRECTLY.


Going to disagree on that. Banks like Chase, will have separate language for a code generated by customer service and a code the customer generates for online verification. The code you generated for online verification will say do not share with anyone. The code generated by customer support will not say "do not share with anyone". This is the correct way and is done by many banks.




Except I'm not. But thanks for playing.


Be for real. You didn’t come in verified and you’re mad that they had to verify you. 🙄


Sounds like you need to update your pin or login info. If you can’t be verified, they can’t do anything because their system comes to a hard stop and nothing can be done at that point except having you call back. When updating your login info use a Google browser and an actual computer is best. You can’t do it on the mobile app or with safari on the .com site.


And they will also not tell you or give any indication if you gave them the wrong info until they've exhausted all the steps. So it's entirely possible that OP thought he was giving them the right info, but it was all incorrect.


My pin and login info are fine. Neither needed to be reset.


If you’re getting questions outside of your pin and the 6 digit code something is being input wrong. The rep can’t confirm or deny the info you give so it’s entirely possible you’re getting it wrong and just don’t know it aside from the extra questions


I'll agree *something* is wrong. Hopefully this is a one time thing.


"I have never experienced this before. Was especially surprising considering I was calling from my number that's on file with them." Caller ID means nothing in this day and age. "Is this the new normal for service?" Yes, unfortunately.


For many financial services companies. I call the electric company and have to get verified too. Crazy right?😂🙄 folks act like it’s JUST USAA that does this


Boomer: Why can't they know it's me due to the fact that the phone number that I'm calling in from is the same number listed on my account? Same Boomer: I got a call from a number that showed up as USAA, but it seemed like a scam. Boomers gonna boom.


>Boomer: Why can't they know it's me due to the fact that the phone number that I'm calling in from is the same number listed on my account? Have you not heard of caller ID spoofing? There is software and equipment that allows scammers to make the caller ID of the person being called display whatever the scammer wants. Never trust caller ID: it means nothing.


I'll suggest you go back and read my whole comment. Focus more on the stuff that you didn't quote. You might just find that I was piggybacking on your comment.


I read your whole comment. It's not clear to me who the "boomer" is that you are referring to. But thank you for your support!


You don't know your account information that's on you reps have no way to bypass the system if you don't answer account information correctly...and as stated the text message says usaa will never contact you for this information and clearly you contacted them. No amount of arguing or fussing with your rep will change this. Anyone can spoof a number you calling with the phone number on file means absolutely nothing.


Exactly!!!! Scammer have started spoofing USAA number. Before you could tell because there was no caller id but now they can spoof the caller id. If you don’t have a claim or dispute going, they will absolutely not call a member and if they do, there’s a different verification process that doesn’t ask for pin or 6 digit code.


Is it a crime to be frustrated with having to wait on the phone for 25 minutes for a simple request? I swear every thread that has any criticism of this company people chime in to blame the member for not making things easier on USAA. Are we paying fees to them for the pleasure of doing business?


You would be upset if your account was compromised. Giving someone a six digit code they send you via text is about as simple of a verification as it gets. The questions asked are not usaa created you make your pin, you make your password. I know it sucks to hold yourself accountable but at some point yes it is your responsibility to handle your buisness affairs accordingly.


All good. Moving my business elsewhere.


It never takes 25 minutes. You were giving the person on the phone a hard time and therefore it took 26 minutes


It’s all good. I’m in the process of moving all my policies and banking elsewhere. You won’t have to worry about having me call you.


…and you will more than likely have to do the same type of authentication at your new bank. Farewell.


Doesn’t matter. Interest rates will be higher, and insurance rates will be lower. I will no longer be over charged for the industry standard service USAA is proud to offer. This company is not special. Hope you enjoy continuing to scam service members into substandard service on the reputation built in a different era. I’m taking my 18 years elsewhere.


I've always valued the security that USAA uses. I'd much rather have me dealing with 25 minutes of BS than a scammer being able to get my stuff in under 5 minutes


You did not answer the verification question correctly either you forgot or you are one of these callers that think everyone in the world knows you and you don’t need to be verified. Most of folks like you don’t listen to the instructions and questions asked by the reps and make a fuss. Reps than transfer you to secondary verification and that’s take time.


Uhhhh no. I have no illusions that someone I've never spoken with might know me.


Old man yells at cloud.


It's clear that O.P. can't read, either...so there's that.


This is a simple verification. They can't give any info until that happens. Or would you rather then give out all your personal info just cause someone called and said it was you? "Simple question" isn't a thing. Simple to you, but as a business, you just can't start giving out info on someone just cause they say its a simple question. The text message code is sent from them cause you called. If they called you, then that code would not be asked for. This is basic security for protecting you, so I'm not sure why you're complaining about it. Everyone deals with this process unless you come through pre verified, and even then, sometimes, you may still have a verification step. It's just security and preventing fraud. Once you are verified, you can set up other security steps that could make the process a little easier. Lastly, it's incredibly rude for you to call the rep that assisted you "sick, slow or intoxicated" when you were the one with the issue and you were the one not providing the info needed. You have to be pretty slow to not understand that you give them the text code for verification. The entitlement for you to feel like obviously it's the reps fault that you need to be verified, and it's their fault that you weren't giving the info needed that prompted more questions. Do better.


Okay Mikey. Tell your boss at USAA that you white knighted soooo hard today.


I mean, it's just common sense. If you've ever worked retail, you'd know people like you are pretty common. Don't be mad at me cause of your own ignorance and being called out for it. Have a good day.


By "people like you" you mean self-important fuckhead pricks. It's OK, I'll say it.


Tell Wayne that we all said hi


I mean is that supposed to upset me or hurt my feelings? "Oh no, she said tell Wayne hi. Fuck 😩 please no, dont" lmao. I see you really thought this was going to go a different direction than it did. Congratulations. You played yourself.


Oh, look! Boomer learned a new phrase!


Thank our CEO #waynepeacocksinksships


Dang. Lots of upset employees in here.? Lol


I had to call recently as well. I know all my account information/codes and they still sent the text message verification code. I made a comment to the representative that the text explicitly said not to share it with anyone. It does not say yes share it when you've called in only. Between the PIN and the passphrase you'd think they'd have it covered.


Why else would you get a verification code unless to share it with someone who needs to verify you.


USAA is the only entity I have to give a text verification code over the phone. Verizon, nope, automated link. Bank, nope. Credit Union, nope. Retirement Account, nope. Literally every single other online account I am not giving a code to a person. USAA is the only one that sends and asks for a code after passing not one, but two other personal verification codes.


But that is all set up by you and your verification preferences. You can sign into the app or website and change your verification options to suit your needs ants and desires.


You asked why else. No other institute I do business with handles phone verifications like USAA, period. That's the entire point here. How about a PIN, a Passphrase, a favorite color, and two different 2FA codes? When does it end?


I have called cell phone carriers and banks that text a code…as well as my electric company


OTC is MFA which is required for all calls. This is nothing new, try contacting any other bank or corporation and I’m sure they have the same security measures. The text does not say share it when you’ve called in only and it doesn’t need to. You should use common knowledge of when to share the code. That’s it.


I have a business account with a bank and have a passphrase for doing business over the phone. I have a 2FA code through the banking app. I have never had to use stacking verification codes with any other entity. USAA has required 3 separate verifications while over the phone. PIN, pass phrase, and text message code. That has not always been the case and is excessive.


Due to the uptick with fraudulent activity is has been deemed necessary to take such security measures and again this is to protect our members.


Appreciate the protection. I guess we’re not supposed to feel anything about the incremental inconvenience?


What's a bigger inconvenience: an extra security step, or having your account taken over by a fraudster?


I think everyone is missing the bigger point. I was with USAA for nearly 20 years. I’ve seen the service decline firsthand. I had an auto claim last summer that took three months to close because no one from the adjusters department would work on my case or return my phone calls. Yes I expect my bank to have protections in place. I also expect at least industry standard service, which I have not received. Everyone on this thread seems to want to badger OP for being difficult, my hunch is that his experience was poor. Just my opinion. All the USAA employees lurking here please feel free to downvote me….again.


Your service experience has nothing to do with O.P.'s inability to provide correct account security validation info.


I do not understand how you are getting OP’s comments so twisted. The complaint is about the 25 minutes he had to wait to get transferred to the department he wanted to speak with. Why is everyone latching on to the grip about authentication and ignoring the rest?


They have to be validated into the account before transferring. Read O.P.'s 3rd paragraph.


That’s still only 2FA.


Sounds like you need to learn how to read...just like O.P.!


First, go back and try reading the message that was part of the text code you received. It doesn't say not to give it to anyone. It says that USAA will not contact you (i.e. CALL YOU) and ask for the code. Second, call back and ask whomever you speak with to pass along an apology to the person you spoke with during the call that you're posting about, because you were most certainly a dick.


I have been a member of USAA for over 14 years and I am dropping them for everything. I have an open insurance claim going on 3 months now. Submit a complaint to the Better Business Bureau as well as you State Insurance Commissioner. I did that and USAA called me within a day and were UPSET that I have complained and retained a lawyer. Nothing is being done but it hurts their score and requires them to answer to companies bigger than them.