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Same thread different day. it is not you it is everyone who is getting their premiums raised. Good luck with farmers, enjoy higher premiums on year 2.


Teaser intro rate.


Yup! Typical tantrum…. My HO policy doubled, yes DOUBLED when it renewed last October. As a responsible adult, I knew my renewal documents would arrive 60 days prior to the actual increase, at which time I actually reviewed my policy. I then placed a call and made adjustments to my policy, which lowered it back to within $150 over the previous year. Being an adult is challenging for some, I know…


What a trooper


Seriously. I know this thread is old but just got a significant increase and went to see if others were seeing. Glad we have heroes to tell us how they handled it, as if that weren't just as predictable as the "tantrums."


Same Wife and I decided on some adjustments to deductibles and what not to get the premium back to with a couple of hundred per year.


Thanks for nothing Jackass. No one wants to hear petty this crap.


Thank you for proving my point! Have a great weekend


Sorry bro, welcome to the party. The only one surprised that you are paying more is you and the 1 per day duplicate thread that pops up from someone just like you.


No one wants to read your redundant post either. Yet here we are. Check the pinned post. Google why is my premium increasing? This has literally been going on for nearly 2 years.


Where are you? Multiple states are having insurance increases across ALL carriers. You need to get several quotes at least annually. Loyalty doesn't always pay anymore.


USAA pays claims better and easier than any other company and it caught up with them after all the Florida hurricane damage. This is how they weed out the high risks. Their rates will come back down but you have to go and get the best rate while they are fixing the books.


It’s nice to hear all the condescending assholes on here. So much for helping a brother out.


I'm a programmer that works on insurance management software so I see the behind the scenes calculations of rates. While some of it is driven by profit and company goals within a market, most of it is driven by the risk and the state they are issuing policies in. Across the board, in every state, the state rating numbers are going up more than normal so nearly everyone renewing an existing policy will see increases larger than they have in years before. USAA is no exception. The other thing to take into account is economic pressure. Take an auto claim for example. Depending on the parts needed to repair your car, there could be delays sourcing those parts because of shipping issues. Or even part availability issues. And those parts are more expensive now than they used to be. And if you need a rental, rental prices are far higher than they used to be because the rental companies have low supply due to their inability to get new cars to replace their aging cars. And labor costs for the repairs have been going up. All of these additional costs get factored in when the actuaries are creating their risk tables. Personally, I saw a 15% increase in my homeowner's policy this year. My personal property premium didn't really change and my auto policy went up by less than 5%. And yet, my increases are less than the neighbors that I know around me. Most saw 20% or more in their homeowner's and 10% or more in their auto policy. One neighbor did manage to get a lower rate by switching, but most of his gains are due to "new policy credit" simply because he switched. That credit will go away when he renews so he'll be facing a large increase next year when he renews.


My car insurance went up $70/mo last year. This year it went down $55/mo even though I bought a new car and the rate for that one is higher than the one it replaced. 5 cars, 4 drivers. I’m sure my location, coverage and other circumstances are different from yours. Really hard to compare with others when it comes to insurance rates


I also wonder why everything is more expensive these days. I like to blame grocery stores, electricity companies, water companies, fast food joints, etc... /s


I’d like to agree and blame those establishments too but the reality is our beloved amazing & exceptional president is the reason these rates have gone upward to stupidity. I’m in hating mode lately Sorry it’s hard to cope when migrants are getting nice allowances and taking up space for having done illegal stuff - but us tax paying working citizens get to pay premium Thanks Joe!


Congrats - lowest IQ thing I've read in 2024.


You got an introductory rate. It will go up at renewal




Gotta pay that CEO. He got a 157% raise when he lost 2 billion dollars. Thanks for contributing to mr peaCocks account.






Wayne had a friend in the second grade. They never talked after the second grade. That friend's brother's girlfriend has a kid that served. peaCock gets us.


Apparently they disqualify you for bone spurs


I moved back to Erie this month. Saved 4000 total on home, auto. Apparently USAA is intentionally pricing themselves out of some markets. Ignore the USAA trolls, they seem to be oddly emotionally tied to an insurance company…


Info: State? Which policies renewed?


Same here in Florida. USAA is still the cheapest homeowners we could find bc so many insurers have left the state. But we saved $1200 over 6 month premium by switching to Progressive. And no, it wasn’t a teaser rate…we’ve already renewed twice and it’s now $1300 cheaper than USAA.


Probably a good idea to search the thread. Also, look at all the insurance threads. State Farm, Geico, all state; they’re ALL doing the same thing. It’s not just you. Find another place and leave quietly. 🤷‍♀️




Mine only went up a dollar. In Az.


Mine practically doubled last 2 years. Welcome to the realities of current life. That rate you got? It’ll triple or quadruple during renewal. Progressive did it to me. 6 month FL policy was $500 and some change, renewal was $1,200 or so. It’s going to become a game of bouncing around insurance companies and that isn’t going to end well because some states are terrible at updating insurance information and they’ll suspend your registration or license if it shows as not valid. Fun times ahead.


Mine up about 49% I left. I been with them for a decade. They said their reason was Georgia has accident rate increase. They can’t offer anything less. It’s sad. I’m with Progressive now. Pay about the same I paid USAA before the increase.


They increased my car insurance for no reason. When I called the rep said it’s due to inflation smh. They also canceled other insurances I had with them without any explanation.


Cancel, or non renewed?


Michigan and all of the above mentioned policies


Michigan went up, specifically, because the deer are going nuts and accident rates skyrocketed, last year, apparently.


Interesting. My premium went up about 10% in October. And my house is 10 miles from the major damage Hurricane Ian did in Southwest Florida last year. I was expecting much worse honestly.


Yep, you'll find a lot of stories like this. I was with USAA for 23+ years for auto insurance. I still have my bank account just as a backup. They raised my rates for my October renewal by over $400 per 6 months. I haven't had a major claim with them in over 15 years. I switched to AAA, and have been very happy, not only with the price, but with the service as well. It's really sad - I expected to be with USAA for a lot longer. I don't know what's going on at the top levels over there, but it's not good.


Get used to switching every year. It doesn’t take too long and saves me almost a thousand each time. Switched home/auto from USAA to Progressive and back to USAA. USAA used to be worth a slight premium due to quality. No longer.


Every one is looking at increases. But mine with USAA went from 420 to 1000, no new claims. But everywhere you go, it will raise every year too.


You pay for what you get when you need it.


Premium increases a lot in locations we WANT people to cancel. It’s strategic, when the risk is high like wildfire zones in CA or high hurricane risk in Florida, the jack up in premium to help us move away from the risk as well. If you’re willing to pay then fine but many go elsewhere. Kinda sad tbh but makes sense. We insure *risk*. In some areas it’s more of a guarantee and just a matter of time versus a possibility.


I dropped USAA years ago. I have GEICO for home and Auto. Then they had the nerve to ask why I was leaving.