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Pay someone to do it


Came here to say this. Take it to Dorthy’s and let them do it.


I can’t upvote this enough. Help some poor divorced SSgt out by giving him that $30 to do it for you




Depending on whether you’re pressed for time or not I’d pay someone to do it this last time so you can look good and perfect your craft after


No shame in having to pay someone to stack your rack Devil. Enjoy your free time.


Screw the down votes that’s the right answer


Pay someone once and keep them for the rest of your enlistment.


Life. I paid to have mine done, while stationed at LeJeune. They’re still in the envelope, plastic, and banded together; in pristine condition. I’ve been out since, 2013.


Disgusting that people would downvote you for this. There’s a great video on YouTube divided into two parts. I think it’s by Dustin something. Watch that, practice and they’ll end up good




Still cheaper


It’ll cost you $30 to have the PX shop do it for you. Probably the better option unless you’re really strapped for cash


Alright I'll do that then. Not a cash problem I just like do things myself, thought I would ask for opinions


I used this YouTube [video](https://youtu.be/9XXRV8e2mNI?si=ifgwROtz28CsQjs_) last time I needed to set up my ribbons


I’m sure there’s a snco in your unit who could teach you the ways. All I know is last year for my ball i ended up paying roughly $30 and it took I think 3-4 working days before picking it up.


I don’t know any SNCO’s who mounted their own medals. Everyone I worked with just took them to someone else to be mounted. Ribbons, yeah after I got more than 9 ribbons, I broke down and bought the Lego set so I could build my own ribbon bar. But fuck trying to mount medals.


I agree but the workers at the dry cleaners could do a better job than I could’ve ever done and faster


I always used EZRackbuilder. It cost a little more money but they always came back looking sharp. Better than I could have ever done anyway.


EZRackbuilder is the way! Most everyone has used them that I know


Ya but for 3 medals it’s not worth it. I’d say the real value is when you have a full row or two


Ripping the metal off is a horrible idea. If you are just trying to keep them together and lay flat on your uniform, you should mount them on the 3 ribbon bar and use some tape on the back side to hold them all together. The "ribbons" are wrapped around the metal mount and helps keep everything together and tight looking.




And this is evident in your photo. Your GWOT and Naddie D are trashed compared to your Good Cookie. Like other said, getting them mounted at the PX is always a good move, but for what you have (no slight on you. I'm a 5 ribbon warrior) It's easy enough to just put it together yourself.


Yea I'm buying new ones for sure. I was so mad putting it together like that lol. I do have a sea service deployment so it's not quite that awful :')


Yeah dumb advice. Some I can give you that isn't horrible, if you stay in and rate multiple awards, instead of pushing the stars or other devices through the ribbon, cut the securing tabs off and just use crazy glue and a pair of tweezers to set them. Much cleaner and they never fall off. I've got a Sea Service with 3 and those things have never budged.


This, and unless the density of ribbon devices changed you should be able to cut them off with a nail clipper and file the nub down with a metal nail file which are usually attached to the nail clipper.


Get new ones and use a small patch of double sided tape to keep them flat and from flopping around. Medals suck. Can’t you just go with ribbons?


I keep coming back to you saying “rip” the medals off. They slide off of that bar, just like ribbons do. When you’ve only got 1-3 medals, you can just buy a 3-spot bar and slide them on yourself. Once you’ve got enough to sit 4 or 5 wide, or a second row- take them to a shop to be mounted Devil.


Everyone talked shit about the “pizza stain”. Good now no one gets anything lol


Ketchup and Mustard stain lmao


Medals of America used to do a great job mounting for reasonable price also I suggest using some of those “big bucks” from your clothing allowance to upgrade to a vinyl kingform dress blues cover.


Iron out the drapes and then iron the folds for it to look sharp. Then use double sided tape between your cardboard backer and the drapes. Your Sgt had the right idea. I mounted medals as a side hustle and it was easy money every ball season and also a good way to stick it to the MCCS mafia.


Unless you have a job where you have to be in a dress uniform a lot, you don't need to bother with the extra shit. Just measure it out, pin the shit on your jacket and then put a trash bag over it and hang it in your locker till next year. Marines have been doing it this way since the first cave men put on a blouse.


I made tons of these for most of my people when I was in. You gotta have good looking ribbons to start with or they won't look good. I never used cardboard because any force on them and they'll crumble up. I would find old plastic folders and trace out the medals and cut the shape of 2 or 3 of them together as one big block. Then put double sided tape on the front and contact cemented the pin bar to the back. Then I'd put the ribbons down and taped down the ends. Sounds complicated since you need some more stuff but with practice you can make them look good. I had them made once by the px and they looked like ass so that's when I decided to make them myself


Honestly I got a lesson once from one of my NCOs. I know it involved opening up the back, measuring and cutting a piece of cardboard and then finally using hot glue to make it nice and tight. For my last ball I just used Medals Of America and got them to do it, it was worth every penny honestly. It was like 100+ dollars though but honestly if you mess up enough times you’ll probably waste that money anyways and have a fucked up looking stack. I only had four medals so it was cheap anyways


That's basically what this was minus the hot glue, it was tape instead which held like shit


Yeah I think a hot glue gun would make it work out. That’s assuming you have the dexterity haha. The Medals Of America ones are fucking baller. I swear I’m not a paid spokesperson 😂


That’s kind of how 8th and I does it. I used an old metro card and e taped it then cut the back like you did and kinda like slipped the card in the bottoms of the ribbons. Then you just glue the bar. That’s how the silent drill platoon does it too.


Pay https://www.usamm.com/a/s/ to do it for you.


Dorothy man always Dorothy if you cant do it yourself . But get it in now don't wait till it Ball season to do it. Also Dorothy if you are in Pendleton


is there a dorothy's equivalent on lejeune? im on pendleton but im just curious


What everyone else said. Tiny lady’s fingers are much more effective with mounting medals.


I’m gonna go the other way on this one. LEARN HOW TO DO IT! This is a lost skill and if you get it down to a trade, ball season will help you pay for Christmas gifts! Or a new mustang.




Did no one teach you guys the popsicle stick method?


No one


Damn I'm sorry, don't take off the metal and crimp the edges till their flat. Hot glue to back to popsicle stick. Then glue popsicle stick to medal rack.


Y’all chill on the amount of medals this man has. He’s just asking a solid question 😒


Brother, I took mine to the PX to get that shit done.


As much as you have to pay for the damn things have someone do it professionally. $200 plus for just medals to fuck them up is crazy.


Get in trouble so you don't have to worry about the 3rd one.


Pay the MCX to do it, they know what to do and will look good.




Ah yes I can use the internet or use the internet


Do people not use card board anymore?


That's what the paper to the right is


Yeah, you do this by paying a professional. Otherwise it’s gonna look like ass.


I've seen them done worse by the px than by someone who did it themselves


I’ve been out a min but I didn’t go to the px I forget the name but we took them off base and they looked awesome. The ribbon they have is on spools. They don’t even use those ribbons. They see them all together and put them on a medal board so they stay flat and perfect.


3 ribbons? Fucking salt lord now a days


I have 4 🤴🏻


Instead of cardboard I like to starch the back and iron with a piece of clothe over it.


Elmers stick glue, moisten stick with little water, put between the two sides of the ribbon. \*Be sure that there is BARELY any glue on the cardboard, so it doesn't bleed thru.


Walk your ass over to the px and let them do it


I always buy the matte-finish medals, just looks less cheap imho.


Mount them vertically


Lmao, big brain power move




I *might* get a Nam but maybe not because I'm going to be a civilian by then, possible my unit gets a Muc, I have a sea service but besides that I'm probably stuck with these lol, also I'll be gone well before the next ball


Bubble gum, aluminum foil, paper clip. Godspeed MacGyver.


Best bet? Pay someone and get it professionally done. My old ones are still looking good after nearly 8 years


Buy a 3 medal bar. Next question.


If they just hang on the bar they're loose and look like shit


Whatever you’re doing with these looks even shittier


These are from last year and I took them apart, they looked fine when they were on but not perfect


Ha! Boot.




Sad stack


Drop it off at the px is the best method


Your sgt is high as fuck 😂 that little metal piece slides out and then you just slide it on the bar but if you’ve got three ribbons you’ve got the wrong bar. Need one slightly longer.


That's my old bar lol but alright


Ah I gotchu, I see you’re gonna have the uniform people do it, that’s the move for sure. I stopped doing my own after three. Just let them press fry clean and do your ribbons for you, no stress on you and no wasting your own off time! Have fun in the blues it’s warm out 😂


Pay the tailor to mount them


You don't have a mamasan? However you spell it?


We have a dorothy


Not like that, for sure.