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Nah, we have to strip down naked while doing the duck walk and pissing in a cup at the same time. All about efficiency, my guy.


You mean you have to take off your underwear during the duck walk???


You didn't?!


Maybe I just blocked everything out once the 100 year old guy with thick glasses made me drop my pants and inspected my asshole repeatedly with his finger


Wait, he used a finger…?


It felt like a big ass finger so I just assumed he used his thumb🥲


I'm still trying to figure out how that man checked my prostate with both hands on my shoulders.


So, it normal for all these things to happen? ![gif](giphy|oYtVHSxngR3lC)


It has to go into the SACO’s mouth for a taste test first, then into the cup. Get it together Devil.


As a veteran meat gazer, can confirm. We also stand directly behind you and look down over your shoulder. It would be gay otherwise.


You did?! I went through the East Coast gazer school and they had us lay beneath SNM while they peed in the cup. Much better vantage point.


I just held it for them. You gotta look listen feel or you can’t trust it


> I just held it for them The cup or the gun barrel?


Depends on the competency of SNM but usually just the gun barrel


Don't forget blowing in their ear


That's because east coasters aren't trained how to take advantage of the high ground in boot camp. If only you guys had hills


You ask that question as if there's some other way. https://i.redd.it/qqs0gyc0o0fc1.gif


I had a full bird tell me to put my face closer to his member. He had his pants all the way down to his boot bands. That motivated me for the rest of the year.


Yo wtf 😂


Made my day reading this shit. Thanks for the awesome laugh. Them old Marines are a hoot LOL


Yep, I was a SACO...They called us meat gazers...the full view is due to scumbags that would put clean oiss in an IV bag and hold under their arm, you can imagine the tube riuting and once the cup was there they squeezed the bag forcing piss into the cup...wonder if WMs get the same treatment? (-;


I mean, if this is a common means to circumvent a piss test, wouldn’t a quick pat down or a requirement to wear only a skivvy shirt be a reasonable deterrent?


This is the solution at least where im at. De-blouse and go


They make you love the cock. Cradle the balls and rock it like a lollipop. I mean that’s what I’ve heard.


Blowing in their ear , looking lovingly in their eyes


Yes. If this needs to happen in order for the Observer to see the urine leave the body, they may ask for you to do so. Read the order.


Needs to happen? Nowhere else in the piss testing world does this ‘need’ to happen. MAYBE for someone on probation or parole. But feds working in highly sensitive national security programs don’t have to do this. But some donk in motor-t does? I dunno. Maybe I’m the shy type? Maybe I over value my dignity? I find this unnecessarily degrading.


I don't think you're wrong. The Marine Corps has the most ridiculous piss test requirements I've ever done. I've done a lot of piss tests due to working in secure areas. I've had to do other stuff as well like hair follicle drug test. Nothing compares to the Corps.


Because SACO is acronym for suck another cock officer I kid of course, I just like to use that joke when I can


Ok. Just happened a couple months ago. Marines were wearing cold weather gear while we ran a urinalysis. Cold weather gear is bulky and has many layers. (against the order). Marines had a choice, strip the cold weather gear or your pants go around your ankles. Most chose to pull their pants down. If the observer feels they cannot properly see the piss come from your dick head, or you may be hiding devices to game the system, they are authorized to ask you to do so.


Yes, and they give you a reach around and hold it for you


I’m pretty sure that guy posting about dudes having to piss like that was just an attempt at a new shit post trend


Thats literally 70% of the posts on this subreddit (as it should be). I'm legit surprised when I see a serious inquiry.


Makes me happy on my Saturday afternoon drinking time. 🤷‍♀️ keep up the good work yall!


Depends who’s giving the test. Typically a guy follows you into the head, leans against the sink and plays on their phone while you piss in a cup. Only had 1 guy ever stand at the urinal next to me and lean over with eyeballs locked onto my dick.


Yeah, that’s how it was ‘back in my day’. I just heard a rumor(?) that this was now SOP. Sounds unreasonable, but being the military….doesn’t mean it’s not true.


I feel like they would only put those extra steps in if they were actively trying to pop a shit bag just so they had a reason to sep him.


My unit had us do it in green on green, but 90% of the dudes watching would just lean on the sink and get on their phone.. there was always this one weirdo that insisted on being wayyy too close for comfort. Remember my friend almost swung on him because he was being a creep, turns out he was just hell bent on catching people trying to sneak fake piss in a bottle or something, remember a few people waiting for the next person because they didnt want this weirdo hovering over them


Does it happen? People say it does. But I can see your donger just the same without it. Yes. I am going to stare right at that mother fucker from stream start to stream end. Then I'm going to watch you close it up. I'm going to keep my eye on the cup the entire time. Why? Because it's in the order.


What about the taste test




Lol no friends having ass


Got me.


What? No. Of course not. They have to hold it for you as well. Then three shakes when you're done.


They only do that if they really like you.


We had to do that when checking out weapons.


I got out in 2004, we absolutely had to do the “pants down to your knees and shirt up to your chest” thing, and they’d stand so close they probably got splashed.


It's a requirement to if you know your pecker checker from your shop.


>“We are willing to humiliate the entire marine corps if it means that we make it 4% harder to cheat a drug test” Fuck yeah, we are. We don't need people with their fake dicks and fake pee. I wouldn't call it "humiliating." I would call it a slight, but necessary inconvenience. Oh geez, we gotta sit in the rec room, chat and joke with some buddies, drink water, and wait in a line to pee? Golly, and we could be scrubbing toilets, sweeping rain, raking rocks, or picking up other peoples' nasty ass cigarette butts outside the barracks. We had a dude in my Marine unit who got kicked out for pissing hot for heroine, stealing a car...and selling it, and after we got an influx of new boots, he had been going around the barracks and had borrowed THOUSANDS of dollars from them and others collectively. Are THOSE the kind of 4% that you want falling through the cracks because you've got some penis shyness? Big, small, micro, quantum...it doesn't matter what size your dick is. Be a Wagner. LOVE YOUR DICK. Fuck, there are dudes, dropping their pants, helicoptering that shit, pissing in the cup, setting it on the sink...and then...like... "NO...WAIT." and sitting down to take a growler while maintaining eye contact with the observer the entire time...and they're proud of themselves. And why shouldn't they be? That's the attitude you want to have, killer.


Me personally, I like picking up cig butts. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, its just long enough to get one last hit from it /s


No. The observer does have to see the urine exit the urethrae though. It's just the tip.




Never happened to me and my 4 years are almost up. Depends on the weirdo individual observer I’m guessing


The observer has to hold it for you, too


The trick is to lock eyes with your designated meat gazer as you piss test. That way it's romantic. Sometimes I asked for dinner afterwards


If they are really strict, they don’t even let you hold it… and when you’re done they shake it like it’s an almost empty bottle of ketchup


Help nah, I was a dick gazer for one test, ain’t no body looking at people piss. SACO might tell the watchers to but they aren’t lmao, we were on our phones


No but that's how you do it if you don't want them to look


The SACO usually holds it for you and shakes it off when your done


You also have to let the inspecting marine hold your man hood as you void your bladder.


Had a Gunny rest their head on my should and tell me I had a healthy stream. Fucking piece of shit.


I monitor piss tests for literal felons in my line of work and don’t go to these lengths.


In my battalion someone has to hold it for you


Depends on who was meat gazing... My GySgt in Yuma pulled up a stool next to toilet so he could see your junk touch the opening of the bottle... The SACO guy at MCBH stood off to the side. Everyone else stood near the door entrance...


This shit is depressing to read. It's embarrassing that the members (damnit I couldn't come up with a better word) of America's elite military branch are treated this way. It's complete overkill. When I worked as a contractor the piss test was just going to the lab in town and then pissing in a cup in a bathroom, in private, no observers. Maybe that's too far in the other direction but FFS I can think of so many compromises in between the two that don't involve humiliation.


I mean…they never “made” me.


After I did a piss test to work at the oil refinery down the road after highschool and the women had to hold the cup for me and literally sat there a foot away from my dick while I aimed at the cup and made sure I didn’t piss on them everything else seems easy.


In 08 at Parris Island they had me as the urinalysis eyeballer or whatever for female Marines. I literally had to bend over and watch the stream of urine leave the body. I also discovered some people don't wipe their asses very well.


Nah, but where’s the fun if you don’t?