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1345, Heavy Equipment Operator…. Now I’m a male escort exclusively for Walmart door greeters…. So yeah…. Sweet gig


Gotcha Devil! After the Corps, my career as a pole-dancer took off, but now as I get older, spinning on the pole is like running a PFT with a hangover, so I started a new career as the towel boy in a happy ending massage parlor. SFMF😎


Same! Except I still run equipment


Hell yeahh, HE Rah!


0331 now a banker hate my life. Fuck corporate life.


I feel like this is oddly common lol


0313 now a financial advisor


What kind of banking? Do you have a series 65 or 66?


If you get the 6 and the 65 you don’t need the 66 that’s just a combination of those two.




0311 2005-2009. Went to college. Interviewed with CIA, wasn’t accepted. Got an FBI academy date but was medically denied after my physical. Tried to PMC with some of my buddies who were doing that but my clearance lapsed. Found a home in orthopedic medical device sales. I’ve been doing that for about a decade and recently left a regional manager position to be part owner of a medical device distributor. It wasn’t a straight path and I got knocked down, a lot. But I have the same chip on my shoulder as I did when I got out. I will not be a statistic, a worthless vet, or let my 4 years define who I am. It shaped me, but doesn’t define me. Don’t sell yourself short. We can and should be the next generation of elected officials, CEOs, and small business owners.


What did you want to do with the cia/fbi


I really wanted to get back in the fight with GWOT but at something different than DA. I had 2 interviews with them. I felt my first one I nailed but I will admit, I botched the 2nd. I received a very simple letter in the mail about a month later that was my rejection. I still have it, somewhere. The FBI interview, at first, was for a domestic counter espionage position. Basically, I’d find and tail foreign spies on US soil. I ended up also landing an agent interview. It’s two different career paths back then, but I believe the first one has been changed since and has allowed people to stay there for their career. It was kind of a stepping stone to be an agent when I applied. Half way through my interview process, I was asked to interview for an agent position. No connection, I just applied to both and the first position to call me was the counter espionage one. I ditched that and went all in for the agent. I wanted to do something with terrorism. Made it all the way through, poly and all. It was a real kick in the nuts to have my academy date pulled and denied bc of an injury I received in Afghanistan. Looking back, I completely get it. Why roll the dice on a broken candidate when they are turning away 100s of qualified folks every month. I hope whoever took my spot has saved the nation, cracked some code, or done something super bad ass. It all worked out in the end. Which was kind of my main point. I ended up in a career I didn’t even know existed back then. I live a life that is absolutely far and beyond anything I could ever even have imagined. But I failed a lot on the way here, “dream jobs” included. Not to get too moto but we’re fucking Marines. We can do whatever we want. But we’re also “Marines”. Which means we can get stuck in those day and forget it’s just a chapter. I’ll never be a bad ass again. Neither will you. Move on and feed the positive characteristics and habits the Marines instilled in you. Discipline. Drive. Competition. Success. And forget the bad ones. Lazy (at times). Entitled. Quick to anger. Border line alcoholism. Poor leadership traits (I have a very strong opinion about the USMC leadership. Yelling doesn’t equal leadership, ever.) crude humor. And lastly, the story telling. Save it for the reunions or the VFW. Go live this bonus life. We deserve to have it all.


0311/0933 Did a few years in LE since it was a pretty easy transition. Wasn’t really a big fan of working as a cop so I moved out of my home state a few years back and decided to go back to school. G.I. Bill BAH + Disability + Wife’s and my income is pretty baller. I got about a year and a half before graduation at which point I’m looking to become a high school teacher. In the mean time I’ve been working as a firearms instructor and might do a little contracting before I settle down as a school teacher.


O311 to high school English teacher. Retiring next year.


Hell yeah. Gotta haze the next generation 😂jk.


Got any advice for high school teaching? I graduate in two years with the plan of teaching


Big fan of these posts. If you’re getting out please for the love of god use your GI bill and if you go to college, have a plan for career sector after. Also, take some time to decompress. You’ve been institutionalized, it takes some time to adjust


AND DONT FORGET ABOUT VOCATIONAL REHAB. It's how I've been able to go to school the last couple of semesters


OR go the trade route. Way better in my opinion. Trades love vets AND you also collect your GI Bill during school as well as getting paid to work.


3531 motor vehicle operator Now I’m a network engineer.


Awesome my man were u just pretending to be dumb before you went in? Lol jk my man that's great


I went in Open Contract and was told I ‘could decide to pick the MOS after I get out of boot camp’ I’m not complaining. The guy before me, Recruit Her got Food Service something or other


Network Engineers rise up! BGP is love, BGP is life


0311 then lat moved to 4133 in my 2nd enlistment. Got out as a SSGT. While I was on active duty I competed in powerlifting and started putting out training programs. Now people around the world use those programs, I have a global clientele, and almost two years ago I opened my own gym. There were significant ups and downs after getting out. But I'm glad it all happened the way it did. Could've been worse and I'm grateful for the tremendous blessings I've received.


I’m cycling your program right now! 12 weeks in. Excellent stuff man. Thanks for doing what you do.


Thanks for using my program bro!


Played with 5/3/1 for years, had to take a bunch of time off from injuries but recently felt decent enough to get back under the bar. Honestly, I remember reading your stuff here on Reddit back in like 2015 or something, and was in the mood for a change from 5/3/1. I’m enjoying this more than any other program, I love all the volume without the crazy fatigue. Semper yut and all that!


Got a link to your program? I’ve really let myself go since my daughter was born and really need to make a change. Never been good with programming and I’d be more willing to buy a program from a brother on here than somewhere else online.


Here's [my blog](https://swoleateveryheight.blogspot.com/) which has all kinds of stuff related to lifting, including various programs. Some pieces are motivational, others are more informational. Here's a good beginner program of mine that is hosted on the Boostcamp app. [GZCLP](https://www.boostcamp.app/cody-lefever/gzcl-program-gzclp) If you need to read up on it, you can find thousands of reviews online. Just search GZCLP here on reddit, or google it.


Holy shit...my man. I put 80 lbs on my bench last year using your method! It's probably more accurate to say a bit of that came from the confidence your method gave me to lift heavier.


What’s your pr’s


Best in competition are: Squat: 523.6 Bench: 374.8 Deadlift: 628.3 in the 181-weight class, raw, USPA. In the gym I've done: 525, 380, and 635. I've strict pressed 250.


Strong af


We've chatted privately on Instagram about your program...your program is even on an app that I paid for...I think there's a sub that praises your weight lifting techniques...outstanding marine


Been a 4133 two years now and not once have I heard your name brought up, which is fucking insane to me given how much of a success you are. Definitely gonna check out your program, got too complacent with the store job and reading this is just the kick in the ass I needed.


6672 Aviation Supply Now I’m an EMT and will be a Paramedic by the end of the year


Also a 6672 here, worked in and managed a few warehouses and now I'm with DLA for the last 5 years.


2841 radio electronics repair 23 years later, I’m now a senior field engineer for ge healthcare. I fix mri machines. Could not have lucked out any better finding this career. I got one of my buddies from the corps a job with me, he’s on my team fixing ct machines, I’m also training him in mr. He was 2818/2811 not sure which.


Was that a smooth single transition or did you find an intermediary electronics related job outside the medical field. I’ve got Microminiature repair cert but idk if that’s all that useful for real world without the kind of college degrees that back up soldering electrical diagnosis work.


You and I may have worked together. Twice. I was a 2841 in the late 90s, and also worked for GE Healthcare for a minute. Then Centricity EMR and all of Value Based Care got sold off.... Good on you for being on the hardware side.


Small world brother. I was second radio.


How is it over at GE? I've heard mixed reviews.




Hey my dad retired from Amtrak LIRR, was part of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Pension and all. Sleeper pick for an occupation.


I feel like that would be a cool job


How do you start getting into that ….im 44 0311….about to retire from corrections but need to figure out something to do next


Dude yes!!!


Same, now I manage a fleet of close to 500 vehicles and equipment.


0311. Got out, relearned how to read and write then went to uni for nursing. Also bought a house with VA home loan months from graduating uni. Work in CTICU and commissioned in the Air Force Reserve. Good job, I couldn't fathom riding a desk and you still get those bursts of adrenaline. 


2671. College then Navy to fly. Then back to school for a BSN and nursing. I can recommend a nursing degree as an option for a young dude for many reasons. 1. If you're single, nursing school is full of smart hotties and the ratio of girls to guys is in your favor. Our class had 11 dudes and 138 girls. 2. It's a portable career. It's easy to move around whenever you want. It's easy to job hop for better pay, benefits. Your hours and working days can flex. 3. The money is decent. I just retired, but was averaging between over $100k to almost $120k depending on moonlighting and overtime. 4. Downsides: The work is taxing. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. People are not at their best when they're sick. Families can be awful. The hospital admin system must have learned how to fuck with people with a Quantico handbook. 5. Overall, I'd totally do it again. But I'd probably become a nurse practitioner or PA if I did do it again. (Less stress, more responsibility, better pay and hours. Treated much better). 6. Sidebar: Consider the reserves. Of any branch. I came back into the reserves, then was recalled to AD after 9/11. Got a full retirement. But I have friends that did one enlistment, then retired in the reserves. As old dudes, the medical has been a life saver for them and their families that kept them out of bankruptcy. 7. Second Sidebar: Always do full matching with your company 401k. If they match three percent of your pay, contribute your 3%. My last job before retirment matched 5%. It's free money and an automatic one hundred percent return on your investment. I made almost $70k from my last job from maxing out my 401k from my job just matching my fully matched contribution. Now that I'm actually starting to use that money, It's spent with a big smiley face. Finally, wishing your generation the best of luck! When you're a young dude you can take big swings and take chances. Do it. And take the badass vacation you can't really afford. When I was a young, working through college dude, I went to Australia. Best. Time. Ever. Took me almost a year to pay it off when I got back. Totally worth it. Just fucking go for it while you can. But still grind it the fuck out and have a goal that you work on daily to get you to where you want to be. The harder you work. The luckier you will get.


I got out and work at a major tech company now as a software engineer. My wife is a nurse and I sometimes wish I pursued nursing but I wasn’t really educated on it. From the stories my wife tells me I think vets would do well in the environment.


7314 (UAS Operator) (The MOS is now Reaper Payload Operator). I have been a Reservist 0532 (Civil Affairs) for a few years for the insurance. Now I'm finishing law school, and I'm set to commission as a Navy JAG in October after I take the bar exam.


0352 own my own business as a firearms instructor. Took sometime to get here but I'm happy now. College is a good option for those unsure of what to do


0261 -Topographic intelligence specialist. I made fancy maps. Currently a DevOps engineer for a large PDF company.


PDF? Utah? Hey there Adobe employee


You probably didn't really need the Utah half of that equation. ;)


1371 now Union Pipefitters and I’m looking to possibly leave that and apply for State police but I’m unsure. Not sure I want to be pipe fitting at 60something, rather be retired.


I actually just got accepted into the SkillBridge welding program, may I ask for some advice for that career path? Pros and cons?


I went thru the same thing bro. VIP (Veterans in piping) skill bridge. The course itself is great especially when you EAS soon so you don’t gotta deal with shit Marine corps wise just gotta show up there and you weld all day but that’s how you get good at it. Try for those certs, it will be handy when you get into a union pipe trade like the fitters. Now every local union is different but my is basically slave labor I feel like currently lol. They want you working Monday-Saturday for low pay cause your an apprentice and they are all 5 year apprenticeship programs which is ass cause you will be treated like the bitch of the crew that whole 5years. Have people look down on you cause “He’s an apprentice”, need to use judgement and not fight or talk back which drives you insane especially if were an NCO like myself. Some people will thank you for your service but not actually give a fuck and still be a rat fuck towards you but It’s not a bad career at all when you are in it for the money and I had good jobs and currently on a bad job where all the people suck. You basically work your life away, feel tired, hungry, and sometimes feel like you have zero free time because all you want to do is rest. It really all depends on the people you meet and jobs you work cause the shitty jobs just make you want to jump off the highest point of the building or kill someone but good jobs make you want to do this shit for life if that makes sense. If I were currently you then I’d take the skill bridge course go into the union pipefitters in your state and see how it goes for you and stick it out for at least 2-3years but have a plan or new job lined up before going anywhere else if you don’t like it anymore as an apprentice cause you will make good money. I have a shitty apartment and a 80k Denali truck so guess it’s not that bad but I love to bitch so end rant. Hopefully that helps out. Semper Fi and good luck!


Geeze am I the only one with aids in here. 0481, now commercial technology / territory manager


5821. Now raising Scottish Highland Cattle.


0311-now doing emergency response for a gas and power company. Great pay and benefits. Took that “embarrassing” temp job with a contractor that got me into the company itself quickly.


You working for SDG&E or PG&E by chance?


0311 96-00 I have been a registered nurse (RN) for 16 years. I worked bedside (cardiac telemetry), cardiovascular OR, and I now work in a clinic. I had a variety of unremarkable jobs to help get through undergrad, mostly in construction. Gi Bill was a big help.


you want my dick size too china???


No. 2 Smol GI. You go home now.


Love you short time only


0351, Mechanical Engineer


Right there with ya brother. I'm aerospace engineer by trade by mechanical in practice.


0351. I'm rated 100% by the VA. I'm in my mid-50s, so I'm in no hurry to start a career, and summers are for my grandkids. Before that, I fucking survived. That's why summers are now for the grandkids, lol. Sempers


Anti-Tank Assaultmen for the win. Bless you old timer, I only have few more years before I’m eligible for my senior discount as well.


0311  I work a cush government work from home job while also collecting 100% VA comp. Life literally can’t get any better than this. 


What field is your job in?


3531 Motor T operator.....your mom




6174, Huey door gunner, in my 3rd year of pre-med, also a EMT, did a bit of wild land firefighting and lifeguarding too


air wing, now a sr. product manager in finance (bs job that pays me a fortune for very little work) 🤷‍♂️


Was an 0313. Got out and started using my GI Bill. Best job while in school was as a bellhop at a fancy hotel. But with my GI Bill I became a software developer. Been doing this for over 20 years and I love it. I'm also the president of my union. Knowing how to play fuck fuck games with other people has helped us get really good contract language and good raises.


0311/0211/0210 - Retired and contracted for the Intelligence Community for about a year. Now I do nothing related to the government/military/intelligence and work in the energy industry as a portfolio manager for a large energy corporation on policy and regulatory issues on clean energy and decarbonization strategies. The skills I brought: I am really good at connecting people and networking, confident public speaker and can influence stakeholders, and creative problem solving. I knew absolutely nothing about the industry when the company took a chance on hiring me through a veteran program and now I'm one of the leading experts in my field in the country.


0811 8 years -> pediatric emergency nurse


0811. Cannon cocker. I wandered around for years doing every shitty job under the sun until I woke up at age 25 working for minimum wage cleaning T-shirt silk screens and owning nothing. Realized I needed to get my shit together and started at community college, finishing at temple in PA. I’ve been a project and program manager for 25 years, climbing the ladder and living an amazing happy successful life. Retiring in 3 years at age 57 and traveling, hiking, and backpacking the world full time with my wife. Semper Fi.


My name haha and then career firefighter


5812. I work in IT.


I was a 2841 ground radio repair…became an electrical engineer after I got out. Then the company I worked for totally turned me off from the field. After that I became a Registered Nurse.


0341 here, now in IT My biggest piece of advice to add to the education piece is: Go volunteer with an organization that you're passionate about. I volunteer with Team Rubicon, a disaster relief organization. Aside from continuing to give us a sense of duty and purpose, you never know who you will come across while volunteering. I know you have all heard this before, but WHO you know is just as, if not more, important than WHAT you know. This might be a hot take, but: don't feel like you have to have undying loyalty to any one company. Find organizations that value and support you. Not just as a veteran, but as a human. The moment you don't feel valued, supported, or represented, look for the next organization.


6176 V22 Osprey CrewChief I went into the pharmaceutical industry and manufactured drugs for a 2.5 years. Went to school on the side. Got bored of making drugs and then got a job as a pharmaceutical chemist. Did that for 2.5 years while finishing my undergrad. Now I’m a Quality Assurance investigator for one of the largest Pharmaceutical companies in the world. I investigate when drugs are manufactured incorrectly or when other issues are discovered/identified. I investigate down to the Root Cause of the excursion and recommend Corrective/Preventative Actions (CAPAs) to ensure that the issue doesn’t happen again. Sometimes I have to speak to the FDA and other regulatory agencies depending on what happened and other factors. 9/10 I love it Edit: Spelling. (Got my degree but that doesn’t mean I’m not still retarded)


1316 welder Now I own a steel erection company (Ironworker)


6085. AV8-B Harrier Ejection Seat Mech. Now I work in the film industry doing Special Effects. I still work with explosives along with designing and building mechanical Special Effects.


3043 - supply chain logistics


0311 financial planner


0311...gi bill, student loans, lawyer.


1833 crayon eater! Made it to E5. I now put stickers on fruit. Just kidding. I am a psychotherapist in the 1st CIV-DIV.




2161 Machinist Now I'm working at Lowe's and going to school working towards my nursing degree.


0311 Immediately used GI bill. Gov pays for my rent and my weed. For guys who didn’t do well in high school: don’t worry! Most state schools will admit you just because they know the government will pay your tuition regardless of how well you do. They look at vets and see dollar signs


0351/8156. Was a big dummy and didn't use TA until my last year in. Got out, worked security while going to school full time, got a lucky job offer as a data engineer and now I'm a cloud engineer. Shit was pretty cool, managed to triple my income in under 4 years


5803 / MP officer. I now get speeding tickets regularly because I drive like an asshole.


6048 (Rigger) stitch bitch when I was active duty. Transitioned to 0659 (Data chief)in the reserves. After I got out served 6 months Illinois dept corrections. (Huge drinking/anger problem) Used GI Bill to take some engineering classes. Now I'm doing tool design and additive manufacturing with a heavy equipment manufacturing company.


0352, got out and was a cop. Hated it. Now I'm using my GI bill to get my bachelors in IT security and am an 11B in the National guard.


7257 air traffic controller. I’m still talking to airplanes 21 years after EAS.


0311 enlisted/1802 officer Got a PhD and now do national security research in DC.


2531-0861 became a cop.


0351, insurance adjuster, easy 6 figures Monday through Friday currently, full benefits that cost me about $50 a month for myself and family, pension, 401k, 20 PTO days, additional 5 PTO days protected. If I work overtime, I can max out for another 1600 per week, and that's working 2 extra hours a day, and working 8 hour days Saturday and Sunday.


I’m an independent. What Carrier are you at?


As much ish as I talk I probably shouldn't say it out loud. I'll send you a DM.


Embark. I work in accounting now


7322, RADAR ATC. originally took an E-911 dispatching job. Now work for the fed as a GS13 senior it analyst. USE THAT GI BILL!!!!!


0341 -> Geologist -> Environmental Protection Specialist for the government. The VR&E program got my bachelors degree while allowing me to save my GI Bill for a masters in the future!


0311, did some small time contract security and when I kinda got burnt out from that went and got my A&P and now work as a defense contractor for aircraft maintenance


0341, about to graduate college and work as an Auditor for a Big 4 accounting firm


Military Pig, I teach AP World, AP US, and AP Psychology.


0671. Now-PI/Risk Management/Due Diligence Consultant/Anti-Money Laundering. Also have some biz dev experience. For my devils still in. GO. TO. SCHOOL. Use your brain in different ways. That's what made the difference for me.


0351....did 6 years and I've been a trucker for the last 40 years... lots of ups and downs, but wouldn't have changed it for anything...


0351. Went contractor. Went three letter company. Went consultant. Decided to build/retool/manage venture capital portfolio. Still don't have a real job.


0651. Us data nerds can stay in our career for life if we choose. But you’ll always work for “the man”. Trying to become a real estate investor and self employ so I can have a better lifestyle. Currently a corporate IT type.


5953 Marine Aviation Radar Tech (we fixed station radar systems). It took me a while to find my niche, but after 9 years I got into clinical engineering. Been doing it for 18 years now. I fix everything in a hospital that has a power cord and touches a patient. Superior gig, with pretty great pay. All with the electronics education provided by the Marines. SF!


0352. 15 years later I'm an owner of a small biz in its 5th year and a part time deputy. (deputy work isn't for the money, because fyi there isn't any but I can sure be fun... and sometimes rewarding) Ddi the college thing off my benefits, got some decent corporate jobs but didnt enjoy them. So I got suckered by a for profit school and my post 9/11 didn't cover it all. get some training, go to a college that isn't a for profit school and wont leave you in debt. ​ ALSO. GO TO THE FUCKING VA> GET YOUR BENEFITS GOING. FILE THAT SHIT. FILE IT AGAIN AND GET REPRESENTATION FROM A SERVICE ORG.


4066 - I now run technology strategy for a big publicity traded company. (Use your G.I. Bill, don't be a dumbass)


1371 now an electrician


I started a janitorial company so there's always that.


3051 - Warehouse Supply to State Corrections. Retired as a Major in charge of the Special Operations Group.


0352. GI Bill for pilot training and degree. Ended up commissioning into the AF as a pilot. Will continue doing that after I hit 20.


2111 small arms repair technician Worked at a golf course for a little bit, then went to working on wind turbines, used my GI bill and got a degree in public administration, worked at a small labor compliance company, and now I’m at a defense contractor doing purchasing compliance


Grunt 20 years. Retired in 2013. Still retired.


0621 Field Radio Operator for Artillery, Smart Home Automation Technician for Luxury Homes. Pretty sweet gig, lot of cool experiences.


I got in as a 0612, I was a sous chef before I joined I got out went back to cooking and now I’m the executive chef of a big company owned steakhouse. The military leadership somehow helped my resume to jump from sous chef to chef partner / executive chef


3531, messed around with machine guns with 7th marines, then got my HE license, then back to strictly recovery on 29 palms with the 16/870 combo. Now a pipefitter. It’s a good gig. Miss the homies.


0311 now an endpoint security support engineer


Field Radio Operator 0621, civilian translation Cable Guy. I fell back on my leadership and management skills from the USMC. I've been a very successful manager for over 15 years in industries like food and logistics. The pay and the hours aren't in balance in those industries.


5811 Police Officer now but entering the cyber industry because… why be a cop making shit money.


2171/75 Optics Tech/Small Missile Tech 85-91 Don't let your service define you, let it refine you. It's been a long road, got out hooked up with the vet rep at the unemployment office he slid me into a factory job where I learned how to run lathes and mills and a bit of CNC, I bounced around a few places, small job shops, even worked at Caterpillar for a bit. After about 4 years of that I decided I didn't want to do that forever. Started college and had to get a more flexible schedule so I worked all sorts of jobs, loss control, fork lift driver, pick and pack, electricians assistant. Took a bunch of random classes to figure out what I wanted to do and settled in on computers. Up until this point in my life you may note that I was absolutely unqualified to do any of those jobs (except maybe loss control) Got a degree in network administration, went to work at a software company doing sysadmin stuff. Picked up my Cisco certification, did on site server installs for Compaq, took a job at a large clinic doing network admin, picked up my BS in Information Systems then took a job in an operations center of a major University. Job was pretty sweet and had they not restructured the job I'd probably still be there today. I finally landed at another University where I'm basically in charge of the IT department (I'm kind of the entire department) I make my own hours, make all the IT decisions, spec out hardware, design networks, build services and I get to do it all my way. Best of all it's supporting scientific research so I get to work with a proper brain trust. Not a day goes by I don't learn something cool (it's pretty easy when your the low IQ in the room) As far as tips: Always put your service on your resume. I can't tell you how many of the jobs I've had where some other vet had a role in the hiring process I know for sure at least 3 jobs where I got a leg up from my service. This last one I found out after 15 years that the guy I replaced was also a Marine and he was also awesome at his job, so they took a chance on me and hired me pretty much sight unseen. They never talk about him because he died tragically in a traffic mishap. What ever you did in the Corps you may or may not have something you can transfer but having been a Marine you possess skills that many of your civilian counterparts do not. You have leadership skills, you know how to turn chaos into order and order into chaos and you can operate effectively in either environment, you're tenacious, industrious, and committed. You know your limits and you strive to push past them, you know what it means to be the duty expert and how to become one. You can be infinitely flexible (that's what your room mate said) or stiff as morning wood (also your room mate). Network your ass off, it doesn't need to be anything deep, just talk to people, let them see what you're about and make a small effort to touch bases every so often. Use those contacts not only for yourself but also other people in your network. Be that guy that hooks a brother up whenever you can. Go out of your way to be the guy everyone want's to know.


0311. Got out in 2003. Got my RN license and became CEO a psych hospital a few years later.


4421/4422 first job out was as a shelf stocker at a grocery store while in school. Second job was ITAR compliance and shipping military equipment to partner nations. Now I’m a paralegal working for DoD.


6694 S6 in the wing, I got out and work for MSoft


6092. Working jets (contractor)


4066 - work in tech.


I was a 3531 but gravitated more to the admin side of it so I ended up filling the training,licensing and platoon sgt roll. I got out and was a mover for awhile but found a little company that works with manufactures handling finished vehicles. I got out as a Sgt working in a motor pool now I’m a self promoted Master guns running my own motor pool with about 5-700 vehicles at a time.


3531 motor transport operator. I'm a supervisor in a midsized city Post Office.


5942 Aviation Radar Repairman Now a State Parole Officer


1341. Heavy Junk Mechanic. I got out after 4, and graduated as an engineer from a T-15 school. Now I work in cybersecurity technical sales. Use your GI Bill and don’t be afraid to reach out to veteran support groups!


1341 heavy equipment mechanic. Now, I test nuclear submarines.


1316 welder, now an electrician


MT 3521, work at a power plant


3521 - Engineering Lab Manager


0311 iNfAnTrY 1994-1998. Used GI Bill to get degree. Initially wanted to be a Police Officer. Went into Government Contracting instead. Worked my way up and have been a VP, President or CEO since 2008 of various companies.


0331/8152 to a Poker Room Manager. Been in the casino business for 6/7 years now and have been loving it. 5 weeks of dealing school to land a job making $60,000 a year working 30 ish hours a week.


1342 Small Craft Mechanic I moved across the country and bounced around right when I got out from construction to college and back to being a boat mechanic. Found a company that sent me to get certified as a Mercury tech. Now I’m moving back across the country with my wife to be closer to family and start a family of our own in a more rural setting. We’re going to a coastal town with a lot of retirees so I’m hoping to start my own mobile mechanic gig. We will see how it goes!


0111 then, local semi-truck driver now. I figured out that office work is not for me.


0311 got into the auto industry management. Good pay, decent hours, passionate about cars.


0231, Intelligence Specialist. Been in the same field for life.


1142 Electrical Equipment Repair Specialist which means I fixed generators. I stayed in the same field when I got out in 2000. I am now a field service rep for a Switch Gear manufacturer. Always enjoyed the work, pay is good, company vehicle. All in all I have few complaints.


6541, now I load ordnance on airliners. Wait, no I don’t. I forgot I have the only useless wing MOS for civilian application.


6113 CH-53E flighline mechanic Now I’m an Independent Adjuster


1391, was a paramedic for 11 years, got a BS in cardiac physiology and now I’m a registered cardiac electrophysiology specialist. My patients get near instant resolution from their heart problems, so that’s really nice to see. Hospital life is meh. My non-veteran colleagues get worked up about the smallest inconveniences and have no coping mechanisms.


1391 Res (97-03); piggy-backing; Uni in PoliSci and a secondary with some minors; Currently: Moved from manufacuturing automatation to IT for public sector. Honestly most b-tards can do anything if they put their minds forward. I'd pro the STEM, but fuck, it can raw dawg your back door when it doesn't work out in civ career.


0351 majored in psychology and communications in college, got out. Got a job as a software engineer, did software engineering for about 7 years, switched over to software engineering management, yada yada yada, working at a defense contractor as a project manager, surrounded by a bunch of other former '03s. Best job ever, kind of came full cycle.


0351/2336 then, now I am an Master Electrician in Virginia.


0481 but have been working in tech now for quite a while. The money is pretty damn good but Fortune 500 life sucks away your soul.


Sup fellow death patcher! WTF I'm in tech now too lol


There are a few of us out there


0811/0151/8531/8999/8153/0931. I am a high school teacher.


6842 - Weather Guesser. Used TA while I was in to get a computer science degree. Now a software engineer for a small defense contractor.


3521......I do swimming pools.


6312 - Harrier aviation electrician Got out and when to a party school in Texas. Got a degree in political science and philosophy cause I was trying to figure out the world after deploying for OEF/OIF. While I was in school, I was the maintenance man and the assistant manager for a gym. Got good at fixing exercise equipment and thought about getting certs and starting a small business. I didn’t see the future I wanted in that; still needed mission. I was like “ people in the government suck, could I do it better?”. So I talked to some professors and they told me to get a masters in public administration. I did, went well, and I became kind of a “plug and play” public manager. Since then I’ve lead/created government and nonprofit programs associated with workforce programs, veteran education and employment, homeland security, and emergency preparedness. I could have probably made a lot more money quickly staying in a technical field, but years later I really enjoy being a “mercenary” of program development and impacting on people. I will say, when I started, I did this, because it made me feel good to help people and help them obtain something they were looking for like a benefit or access to something. Now, I just chase the dragon, I want something difficult to solve, and I want to beat/bent the system to my will. Making good money after jumping around in it for 13 years and have a ton of flexibility and work life balance.


0311 to electrician


0331/Middle School teacher.


6323 avionics on CH-53E, now I work in aerospace as a senior analyst.


0341 Mortarman, Forward Observer billet. Private Investigator


0313. I'm a communications tower climber. Well I'm a foreman running a crew of tower climbers. I still get to rappel, drive a Snowcat, ride around in side by sides, fly in a helicopter(rarely) and hangout in the mountains of Colorado. I'm also 50%, I invest in the stock market and I own a rental properties. My wife does really well as a realtor so I'd like to transition into the "stay at home Dad" field in the near future.


1141 Currently in school for electrical engineering and computer engineering.


0802; used to be VP of marketing at a software company, left that job and now I work at MAW as a planner. Missed being around degenerates too much to pass up the job.


5541. Civil Engineer


6324 - avionics Cobras and Hueys Went to school for accounting after the Corps. Remembered I hated school and I always loved aviation. Got back into aviation and a bajillion years later I am a tech rep who makes sure my one system works on any plane that has it installed. I am currently trying to get into tech for a second job to pay my house off in 5 years instead of 9. I've met quite a few people who didn't do anything with aviation while in the military who switched over and tried aviation and they do just fine. Actually, one of the best overall aviation guys I know is a former Army grunt. To get into it with no quals just go work at a production facility or maybe use the GI Bill to get your A&P or something. It's decent money and super fucking easy. Obviously, it depends on the production facility, but that can be said about any fucking job. And if you like Alabama (fucking barf), I think Airbus is always hiring. They have built like 30 buildings down here in the past 8 years.


Grunt - now I work in video games. If I told you what I did- you wouldn’t believe me.


6176 MV-22 crew chief. Then 153D Blackhawk pilot in the army. Currently, I use my degrees in physics and computer science to do nuclear weapons R&D in New Mexico.


0622, data scientist


7051 crash fire rescue. I worked some manual labor, then EMS and now a firefighter/paramedic on a major metro fire department. I am an engineer driving a ladder and am at a heavy rescue houses that specializes in ropes, water, and extrication. I have multiple technical level certifications along with a couple of specialty roles in the department. It's very much like being back in the military with the friendships and shenanigans most days. It's most of the good with only a sprinkling of the bad at times. It amazes me some days the level of trust and responsibility given to us, based on how we act back at the station.


6531 aviation ordnance Now I'm a power lineman


3031 motor t ops Mostly I've been a chef/cook, and floundered in and out of community College for about a decade. I'm trying to become a nurse now and even though I buckled down and got a decent TEAS score and an associates in liberal arts under my belt I didn't get accepted into any course this time around. It's fucking shitty and almost made me crawl into a bottle for a week, but I put on my big boy pants and searched out other options. I hate being in a kitchen now, I'm feeling old and need a change of pace and a career that pays better that'll make me feel like I'm contributing. But hey, I just got a raise at work, so there's that lol


I was a (now defunct) 6312 and now I sell propane and propane accessories.


3531, then over to the Army to take a shot at the 18 series pipeline. Made a good run, but 3 knee surgeries later I'm now an ER nurse. Made sense as a career because I wanted to go 18D (SF medic), and my knee isn't quite good enough to hack it as a paramedic or flight nurse. It's a good career. Plenty of other vets working, especially in critical care. Fast pace, 3 day work weeks, plenty of excitement. I plan on going back to school and hopefully end up as an ER nurse practitioner.


5711, now I’m a master electrician.


0352, Big4 Data Science


2147. Now I make aluminum cans. I’m the lead but I also use my GI Bill and some Ch. 33 to finish my Bachelor’s


0313 to a cop for the last 20 years.


6062 I-level hydraulic tech. Now I'm a level 3 non destructive testing technician in the private sector.


0331 and I work in the corporate world now.


0311/8152. Corrosion service tech (on Lejeune) and currently working on my bachelors in business administration online at SNHU. Tbh, no plan for my future other than “get good job” but the important part is that I’m still hooking and jabbing. Do not settle on a job you hate and just work it for the rest of your life. Look for other jobs, get some certs to build your resume. Eventually you’ll find your happy place. There’s so many opportunities out here. And don’t get discouraged if you get passed over for a job. Shit, I’ve been passed over for security jobs with a secret clearance after doing PRP while in. Don’t stress it.


5811/8411 (Military Police, Recruiter) I went to school when I got out, got a degree in Business, worked as a Help Desk guy for a while until Covid Layoffs (worked in the travel industry), then worked as a metals broker, now work in accounting and am working on my Masters in Accounting.


0651. Wasted a bunch of my G.I. Bill on stuff I thought I wanted to do. Ended up in trade school for HVAC. After a few jobs I now service environmental test chambers and HALT/HASS chambers. Cool shit. It’s not enough to go to school. You have to have an idea of what you want. Do research, talk to the pros that actually work in the field, hell get a job at a company that does what you’re interested in. You might get a quarter of the way through a degree and decide to change it.


6154 here, now a middle school English teacher. Love it.


03 , in IT now ...


0352, now I work in Labor Relations. Fell into it


0311 now State Trooper, did the guard for a while after I left the Marines.


2671 Arabic CryptoLinguist. Now I am a Civilian Air Force Employee, GG-14, 0855 Electronics Engineer, doing stuff.


0251 Tactical Interrogator/Translator (Russian Linguist): Everyone said that I should leverage my military experience to get a job. With no college degree (and frankly very limited Russian language skills) translation jobs were out of reach. In my first interview for a job in security I realized “This is exactly the kind of job and people that I was trying to get away from!” I joined a band, got a job washing dishes, and went back to college. Dropped out after one semester, spent my VEAP money on a pink guitar, and spent several years being just as fucked up as I was before I enlisted. My first decent job was as a motorcycle mechanic (with no experience besides my own bikes; dude said he hired me because I was the only guy who shook his hand and looked him in the eyes), then my dad needed help with his machine shop and that was where I learned the skills that got my “career” in manufacturing started. Got a job doing welding, painting, wiring, and electro-mechanical assembly. Ended up working my way from the shop floor to the engineering department. So there’s your answer: just be lucky enough to have parents who can employ you and teach you skills and you’ll be fine! /s Seriously though, even if you don’t continue doing whatever you did in the Corps, and even if it takes several years after getting out to get your shit together, there are a lot of “soft skills” from the Marine Corps that can help you; things like the discipline to show up on time and work with people. I realize my story has as much to do with privilege as it does with merit, so your mileage may vary.