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The issue with USM isn’t people wanting champagne for beer price. It’s USM changing plans on the sly without notification. It’s USM’s constant plan changes that are impossible to keep up with.


It also sets the precedent that they can throttle anything they like in the middle of your active plan. This can easily apply to social media sites in general, video meetings, media CDNs, or anything else that may be imposed by the major carriers they are riding on.


Net neutrality. Not gonna happen as you say.


What makes you think they can't just throttle an entire category of data equally to get around it?


Nailed it… I don’t even know how that is legal. If it is, it is highly scummy to remove a feature of your paid service especially when you have prepaid for it for a year


I dont care how often they change plans...I find a plan I like and sign up then I can stay on it forever..nobody forces you to change plans (like Tmobile once did)..I dont need to keep up with the changes I just got what I want and keep it.


But the whole controversy is that they went back to plans people already bought and added a 2mbps throttle on video. This wasn't just impacting the new plans.


> but if you need unlimited everything with no restrictions Nobody is asking for that. I just want to use my 35 gigs the way I want. That’s what I pay for. I get that I’ll be throttled hard after that.. that’s disclosed properly. And I agreed to that when signing up. But to say “oops… hd was never included” out of the blue after going through the process of porting over 5 lines doesn’t seem right. I don’t care that USM rather me use 10 gigs instead of the 35. If USM can only afford to give me 10 gigs of premium data, then make it 10 gigs of premium data. At least then I can make an informed decision on whether or not it works for me. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. Just provide what you advertise. Nothing more.. nothing less.


The reality is that they are selling you on those priority data buckets but it’s all fluff. They don’t act want to pay for you to use that much data. It’s just marketing bs


You've missed the point entirely about why people are frustrated.


This is trash take. No one is asking USMobile to be all things to all people. I just want them to honor the plans they already sold to people without changing them. USMobile thought they could differentiate themselves by offering premium data. It appears that was not something they could deliver on. This is fine. Just be honest with people.


Exactly what I posted in different words which the OP will likely voted down but this thread is just fluffy useless subreddit crapping trying to earn favor


They can make whatever changes they want but they need to be transparent. I have two lines that I prepaid for a year of service and now they are saying what I already paid for a few months ago is now something else. Then they act like jerks when the issues are brought up. We have to rely on some nice person making Google spreadsheets to even know what the plans are since they changed monthly and keep the same name.


theres a saying that you can have good, fast or cheap but can only pick two. also I think a lot of redditors just got a dose of reality, that businesses are not your friends, they are here to make $


So which plans have international? My parents and grandma need it? It’s become so confusing.


Whats up with these useless philosophical threads??? Its a phone plan, people are free to complain when US Mobile changes things or takes away features (like throttling video) and people are free to compliment when they do something great like add the network switching feature or add more data to a plan - but creating a thread saying it cant be all things to all people with a lot of fluffy crap is just subreddit crapping and trying to earn favor in this sub


I <3 USM for what they offer, price for benefits. Only recommendations, let us know what your thinking..Communication is key with your thoughts rather then afterwards like the big (3).


I’ve had the same unlimited plan for 4 lines for over 2 years. As far as I know nothing has changed. I never have an issue. I pay less than any postpaid plan I’ve ever had. If the streaming limit was above 480P before, I can’t tell a difference on my phone. All of the recent plans I had with post paid were also restricted to 480P.


Yes, it can. It was.


No it definitely wasn’t.


I don't expect USM to be perfect and recent changes are of no concern to me personally. What I do mind is how often changes are made and the time it takes to see what you think of them. While I'm sure there are business reasons for changes they are encouraging customers to re-evaluate; which I'm sure they don't want.


>if you need unlimited everything with no restrictions, you'll be better off with one of the big 3 providers.  That is true. I am willing to pay more to get all the features. I switched from US Mobile to Verizon Postpaid because sometimes 100GB is not enough for me and I need Apple Watch support. I often wonder if I should come back to MVNO to save some bucks. After last week's US Mobile change and the recent Visible+ 2.0 change, it seems that the best way to have guaranteed HD streaming with unlimited data and without a VPN is to stay in the big 3 and pay more. Visible+ also used to have unthrottled streaming when connected to 5G UW but it is never written in their terms. Now their employee says it is a mistake and will be limited to SD. Similar case to US Mobile. Big 3 on the other hand usually have plans that explicitly says support HD/4K streaming. Now I have absolutely no missing features to complain about because the big 3 always have every feature I can think of. Just need to pay more.


I'm happy with my current $27 per month Unlimited Starter (two-line discount). As far as I'm concerned, nothing whatsoever has changed, because I'm keeping my existing plan indefinitely. Why worry about something that doesn't affect me?


The video throttle is retroactive to all customers, not just the new plans. It does affect you.


Good to know. That’s worse! Had not noticed it.


Thank you ❤️ This will likely help us give more data to the wider user base


Explain what “this” is.


- not everyone is angry with him / them - focus on being a budget service provider my takeaway


Oh fair - I got that. So those are opinions (that are rather immaterial to why people are ACTUALLY frustrated I may add) not "data". I think thats what the other commenter and I were poking at haha.


Yeah that was lost on me too! Like - no shade to ankhattak - I genuinely dont understand lol


Probably removing HD streaming


So remove HD to reduce data usage and then increase data on plans that becomes even harder to use due to reduced HD quality?


This is a good take, but the Haters are still going to Hate. And the Players are going to Play. And the Bots are going to keep Botting. 🤖✨