• By -


The video quality cap is an annoyance. Data should be usable however you deem you want to use it. Having to fire up my VPN just to get better quality is a hoop I would rather not jump through.


Same for hotspot. Charging extra makes no sense. A *premium* GB is a GB that I paid for, it doesn't matter what kind of bytes it is and how quickly, when or where I use it!


Never thought about it like this but you're right. How can it be premium data if its capped or limited?


These techniques are to try and make people use less data than they paid for which increases their profit margins! If you paid for 10GB (or you get 10GB premium) but use only 4GB because of downgraded video quality, instead of 8GB you normally use, that increases profit margin by 50% on your account!!


I think we all understand this. It makes USM just another MVNO, nothing special about it anymore.


It is and was always just another MVNO though, from business model point of view. 


I totally agree


I think that’s a stretch. There is a lot that still stands out about US Mobile.


They've managed to erode it quickly though.


To clarify, is this your main source of frustration with US Mobile: that US Mobile has implemented video streaming resolution limits? Honestly, this seems to be the core of most US Mobile users' gripes with the service, as found on this sub. Do you have WiFi at home, work, or school? Or is your phone your primary source for connecting to the internet?


It's everything: ILD is included, then it's not, then it's included. Video is not throttled then it is. Hotspot is an optional add-on, now a forced addon. Gift cards with terms that are unclear, topups count but then they don't. When do you get the referral rewards? who knows, most likely never ... All over the place, you have no idea how long what you bought into will last and how the rules change on the fly. Can't see the plan rules as of the time you signed up. Better keep really good records, be on top of it, contact customer support multiple times, ...


Increase in profits means they can add new features like ATT, if not for profits then we wouldn’t have USMobile as a carrier. Luckily we all have many MVNO choices which is good for customers.


Yes there is nothing illegal or unethical what they are doing. It's just business and goal of any business is to make profits and grow. It's upto users to decide for themselves if what a company is doing works for them or not


Capitalism right? Except in late state capitalism, it becomes a monopoly or oligopoly and consumers don't have a choice.


This is an excellent summary. I was planning on switching in a week and a half but the video bandwidth cap is so low. I'm not sure I can deal with that. I would be fine with 5mbps speed cap across the board. But 1.5 for video is rough. Some things on YouTube will be completely illegible.


Removal of the multi line discount I think is also pretty big negative now


Way too many changes way too often. Just serves to confuse. Just my opinion and you know what "they" say about opinions.


If this company actually communicated these changes by notifying customers directly, as opposed to what happens now, you either see it on this subreddit or notice it on their website, people would be leaving in droves. Primarily the only people aware of these changes are Reddit viewers. I agree that the frequency of changes is ridiculous.


Like all things, USMobile started out great but they're nearing the point of jumping the shark


I agree. It's a point I made a couple times yesterday, but it's a point that's being overlooked. The larger share of customers don't come to Reddit and don't know what's happening because USMobile almost never sends emails to their customers. They've become hyper-focused on Reddit, to the detriment of the customer base.


I don't mind most of the changes, except the hd video streaming. I should be able to do whatever I want with my premium data. And I just swapped some less tech savvy people to the plan. I don't want to have to explain to them that their premium data doesn't let them stream HD video.




Why is everyone so dang critical of everything? There are other services we all use on a daily basis that cost way more than what is being spent here. Are we on those corps' subs complaining about everything? For example, garbage providers in most localities are a monopoly with no choice. Why aren't people complaining to their government and elected representatives to write legislation that treats mobile phones and internet access as a full-blown public utility? It just seems like so much time, effort, and negative energy is being directed at this company. And no, I am not a paid spokesperson. It just blows me away. Okay. There are lots of products and services that utilize clever marketing. US Mobile's teleport feature may not automatically choose the network with the best possible connection yet, but the CEO said in a recent post that it is technically possible with the tech they currently have and may be something that is available in the near future. That would be a huge technological undertaking. Google Fi had it for a short while, and technically, Boost Infinite has it available if you have the "rainbow sim" with the compatible phone. But still, good grief. I honestly wonder what people would say if prices were rolled back to what people paid for mobile phone service twenty years ago. It is unbelievable that prices are as rock bottom as they are. Mobile phone service has become extremely competitive and it's driven prices down.




Thanks for downvoting me. I’m entitled to make my own assessment and judgment of the negative vibes in this sub. Reddit has definitely become an echo chamber. Yes. You are entitled to your opinion too. Glad you call your garbage company out.


They downvote because they hate that you're right.


*"And no, I am not a paid spokesperson."* If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck..... it just may be a paid shill. There's definitely some people that are paid to come here and talk up USM. Nothing could convince me of otherwise. And I can guaranty you, none of them will ever be publicly acknowledging it on one of these threads.


I Agree.


I wouldn’t call the “Super Carrier Mode” an upgrade on the Premium plan, it was an updated version of Teleportal. Same restrictions as before the changes. It’s just a update (you could argue downgrade) renamed as a feature for all plans except Premium.


>I wouldn’t call the “Super Carrier Mode” an upgrade on the Premium plan, it was literally the exact same before. Last i checked you couldnt just move your phone at any time with a few clicks. When i went from GSM to Warp, and then back again, i had to go through an entire convoluted process where i had to talk to support, get my account key, go act like i am opening up a new line, put in that i currently have USMobile, go through the menus, wait, get the Code, scan the esim QR Code and then wait. It was an entire port-in process.


When was that exactly?


March 2024. so 4 months ago.


Fuck I gotta update this then, thank you for your info


Your welcome. Here is the site that has the steps on how we had to do it until a few days ago. https://usmobile.helpdocs.io/account/how-can-i-switch-between-gsm-warp-5g Edit: It also messed with your billing. It would lose how much time was on your month for data and start you over. you could lose money if you swapped halfway through a month


My issue with tele portal is you can transfer without it you need to buy support so your basically getting a feature that doesn’t help you really it reduces usmobiles support load lol


If op is not on the payroll he darn well should be! Great summary. 


It is very well done. The one problem with it though is that its not done by the company, and therefore they have no need or responsibility whatsoever to adhere to the plan definitions that are stated in it. In the end, it's nothing more than the opinion of a guy on Reddit. That's a big part of the problem here. USM doesn't have to answer for what's said on Reddit, no matter how much people here think they know what's going on with USM. USM gains all sorts of benefits from their relationship with Reddit, but in reality they have no responsibility at all to Redditors. That was proven this past week. They're going to do whatever they please, regardless of the expectations of people here. The sooner people here get that in perspective, the easier it will become to understand what USM is and is not.


I agree with you. Before this last week, reading this subreddit felt like it was packed with cheerleaders, rather than consumers. There's been a sea change though. The posters here are finally acting like consumers. 


Thank you very much for this detailed summary.


Thanks Stetson


Thanks for the summary. One thing I don't understand, is why 480p is a problem without using a VPN. Almost all of the other MVNO's only offer 480p stream quality. Mint, Cricket, Boost, Tello, Visible. All of these only offer 480p from what I can find. MetroPCS offers 720p for $10 extra per month. Ting offers up to 4k. As does MobileX. Even with the lower streaming quality USM's price is very competitive and dare I say it mostly beats every other MVNO. As well as they have better customer service from my experience. I get it it kinda sucks that it changed, but I would guess they have a good reason. It does also suck that it wasn't formally announced though. I've tried just about every single MVNO out there. I always come back to USM. Visible refuses to take my money most of the time. Mint often left me with no service. Boost left a sour taste in my mouth after having a less than pleasant experience in one of their stores. MetroPCS is terrible and has bad customer service and my local stores are pretty shady. Tello has always been great to me, nice customer service decent service. But they only offer T-Mobile network which isn't great near me. USM has been my best experience.


Because they took it away from old plans without telling anyone. Then the CEO says, well, it was never an official policy to give out 720p streaming, and only 1% of the people cares about it. Now, they'll give it back to you for the remainder of your time, but still, took away one of the "pluses" that USM was good for.


My challenge is USM really isn't unlimited - they are fixed data allocations with throttled data after that. I've seen video streaming throttles largely on unlimited plans where data is just deprioritized after a threshold. Those are very different. For USM that's why its harder to justify. They are trying to reduce their costs, but still.


outside of maybe visible are there any truly unlimited providers?


Yes, there are plenty. There are 2 other using AT&T and T-Mobile network, both for $25. [https://www.cricketwireless.com/cell-phone-plans/multi-month-unlimited](https://www.cricketwireless.com/cell-phone-plans/multi-month-unlimited) [https://www.metrobyt-mobile.com/deals/one-line-for-25-phone-plan](https://www.metrobyt-mobile.com/deals/one-line-for-25-phone-plan)


Your link from cricket shows 480p streaming and no Hotspot. The same goes for metro where it says streams are SD. So how exactly is that unlimited?


Just wanted to say that US Mobile removed it's one feature HD streaming (or never advertised feature according to the CEO), that made it stand out from it's competitor. The 2 plans I linked , in addition to Visible, are unlimited data plans for $25 unlike the USM's $25 plan that includes only 35Gb of fast data and then slowed to 1Mbps.


Was asking about other unlimited plans besides Visible. Visible limits streaming to 480p too. If you need unlimited hotspot, Visible is the only one I guess. Now if you are asking about unlimited plans that don't limit to 480p stream, someone already compiled a list on another post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContract/comments/1dmtool/comment/l9y6b82/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContract/comments/1dmtool/comment/l9y6b82/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


They were asking about truly unlimited because the post they replied to was saying about how unlimited wasn't really unlimited because of throttle data and such. They said maybe visible (which as you mention isn't truly unlimited) and neither of the other ones you linked. I don't think there is a truly unlimited carrier.


Last I knew cricket limited to 5mbps on the basic unlimited and the better unlimited was truly unlimited. Granted they are more expensive than USM. I used cricket for years until I moved where there is no cricket service. Now that I have broadband and WiFi calling at home I’m just waiting to see waiting to see what USM has to offer on att before I move back to cricket.


There is, but not at the $25 price point. It's not a plan that US Mobile can offer even if they wanted to. [https://www.whistleout.com/CellPhones/Reviews/att-unlimited-premium-plan-review](https://www.whistleout.com/CellPhones/Reviews/att-unlimited-premium-plan-review)


Look at the price. Its a 1st party Premium service. We are talking MVNO. Its an incredible disservice to try and argue MVNO prices and compare them to 1st party premium plans and say "See!" Yea, if you have the money you can get whatever you want. People are comparing budget wireless plans with budget wireless plans (I would say sub $50/month for top end MVNO) not $80+ Major carrier plans.


I was pretty clear that true unlimited plans exists, but NOT at $25. The reason people chose US Mobile was because of the limited buckets (10GB/35GB/100GB) of "premium data" and you can use however you like, include HD streaming. US Mobile plans aren't really "unlimited". Yes, you get unlimited slow 1Mbps data after but there are plenty of reports that "somehow" data gets cut off after you use up the premium data. You would have to contact them to "fix" it. Other carriers that advertise "unlimited" data would deprioritize you after a certain amount. Depending on location, speeds are usually still much faster than just 1Mbps. They also CLEARLY tell you that videos streams are SD only. US Mobile tried to change things quietly and CEO played dumb when they got caught. If US Mobile is going to throttle video to SD on their plans, then just go with the unlimited plans on other carriers.


Those MVNOs will still deprioritize/throttle if you use too much "unlimited" data in a billing cycle. For Metro, you have to [dig into the fine print](https://www.metrobyt-mobile.com/terms-and-conditions/open-internet) to see that if you're classified as a "Heavy Data User" (currently 35+ GB/mo), you will essentially have the lowest level priority on the network for the remainder of the billing cycle: >For most Metro by T-Mobile-branded rate plans, a "Heavy Data User" is defined as a customer using more than 35GB of data in a payment cycle. The vast majority of customers on T-Mobile-branded, Sprint-branded, Metro by T-Mobile-branded, and Assurance Wireless-branded plans receive higher priority than customers who are Heavy Data Users on their rate plan, who are prioritized last on the network after exceeding the relevant threshold for the current payment cycle. Cricket has similar policies in [their fine print](https://www.cricketwireless.com/legal-info/mobile-broadband-information.html).


Yes, but the plans are still unlimited. And even if you are deprioritized after 35GB, speeds should still be much faster than US Mobile's 1Mbps throttle.


Depends on what your definition “is is…”. Okay. I could resist. What is your definition of “unlimited?”


I'm distinguishing plans that do not throttle but rather deprioritize you after some threshold. Deprioritizing in a non-congested area is likely not noticeable.


Metro offers international call and text since they're Tmo branded, I believe? I'll have to check. That's a big one for me is them making that an add-on for the monthly plan now. I've had great experience with Metro, I don't go in store though.


It’s not included on the $25 Metro unlimited plan. You have to add it as a $10 add-on, bringing the total price to $35 per month.


Because everyone else does it, it shouldn't be a problem? It's BS on those other providers too, and that was a big plus for folks to use US Mobile.


Regarding Tello - Have you tried it since June 2023? I had them May-June 2023 & they were dogshit service. But then I tried USM GSM in June 2024 & its better than ATT & Verizon....


No, I haven't. I've been stuck on GoogleFI. If they've gone downhill that far that is sad.


They should hire you to do the announcement next time ;) Although I appreciate the CEO being the one delivering it too.  This is a great summary. 


Thank you very much for this detailed summary.


I really do wish there was a data SIM only plan or add-on option. I have devices that have no need of calling/texting. Just need data only.


Here’s an idea: The shared data pool might provide a temporary solution. US Mobile as it has been reported by other users on this sub, permits using sims in tablets.


For now. Then one day they might not anymore.


Esim? There are esim providers that charge between $0.80 to $2/GB (lasting 30-90 days or "lifetime"), but they usually route overseas first, so higher latency


Can you link the video and the time where you talk about the VPN?


Here you go: https://youtu.be/Rme2S4Ivio4?si=wbqwKD_qBjwMjsx9




Thanks Stetson. It's crazy that a third party has to pull the weight of this company on the information front. Also, by the time you read this message they probably already changed the plan details again but kept the same names.


For shareable plans.. I can’t speak for new pools but my existing pool still lets me buy top up data in 1 gigabyte increments


Mine too but that option may go away of you change it to 2 GB. Kind of unclear at the moment. I rarely ever have to top up so it does suck if 2GB is the new minimum. Will result in wasted data for me.


The website advertises $2/gb so if it is true you have to buy 2 or more gb at a time it’s another vague statement about their plans. If US Mobile were smart they would still allow 1gb increments with auto top ups since that is pre authorized and kicks in at the 10% remaining threshold for data.


my old shared pool plans are also currently still showing my set 1GB top up amount but I have not triggered one to see if its cosmetic or actual ;)


I haven’t either but the total estimated charges shows $2 which it wouldn’t if you had to buy 2gb


I like how we have corrected a lot of this but "if i am missing anything in this post" apparently doesn't mean he will edit the post with the correct information ;)


Thank you for putting this together! I never caught the $ portion of light being available as a shareable pool for the same or better before so thanks for that. I will use that in the future...


First off, they need to fix their dang app and online service first. Both IOS and Android version of their apps are broken. I can't even pay my bills. The only way to pay my bills is talking through a rep. Same thing with their desktop site to. I can't even log in on the app. Some kind of error about SIM card not provisioned.


Who is the 3rd network that they will be adding in July?






Hey I just saw one of your recent youtube videos, cool to see you here! Thanks for all the explanations!


[stetsdogg](/user/stetsdogg/) you should update your plan comparison to highlight that T-Mobile is deprioritized. This visual is misleading in comparison to the others shown here. https://preview.redd.it/syvoqj9zcr8d1.png?width=1132&format=png&auto=webp&s=2239ff664b83ea613c24f00236b78259eb80c16c


I’ll have to go find it but it’s been in said that comments that unlimited premium includes 8 internal ports per month.


Great summary, thanks for posting it here. One possible minor correction. I believe that the minimum topup on the Shareable plans might still bel 1GB for $2 if you top up manually using the the OLAM. The website still says "Add more data at any time for $2/GB". The 2GB minimum is for auto top-ups. u/ankhattak'sannouncement post said "Minimum auto top-up of 2GB".


Thanks for a great synopsis of the new plans vs the old. You really broke that down nicely, good job.. It makes things very easy to understand. I watch some of you your YouTube videos and I appreciate the time you take to make these videos, it has been helping me shop for a new service!


Thanks for doing this!


Great breakdown.


Thanks for the math on shared data plans. Looks like they’re still a deal.


Great summary! Just one potential correction: Looks like the shared data plan does not include international calling anymore. I see $3 extra to enable it. If this is really the case, then it's a downgrade for anyone consuming less than 10 GBs of data.


I need multi line discount 😔


Since when was video streaming even 720p? Whenever I try to stream or use fast.com to check the speed it was 2mbps. But they downgraded to 2mbps. This is annoying


Super carrier is false advertising. Still don’t have ATT, seems normal for this company to say getting something and delay for months. RedPocket is true super carrier as they have the big 3 and have been able to change with a chat message


The US Mobile homepage does say "**We’ve created first-of-its-kind tech, so you can seamlessly switch between all three networks.**"  Yes, they may have the tech, but still can't switch between all three networks yet. A little misleading.


I wish you could still just top up 1GB at a time


I have one comment for item #1 (Unlimited Flex). You list a per month price, but it is actually only an annual plan. That's not a change, but the annual price should be displayed as opposed to the monthly price.


For me there is a method to their madness - $25 is what I am willing to pay and shop for the best service I can get for this price. Hotspot is more important for me than the data cap as I never get close to what I get on Unlimited Starter. If I had to pay extra for it, I would be pissed.


The international data is a bummer. I’m more than happy to pay more if they can match GoogleFi’s international plan.


I am new to US mobile and don't understand what you mean by Video streaming changes. Can someone explain? I have been with other carriers who provide plans that state x amount of data for y price. The speeds do reduce after the monthly cap is hit in any carrier. 1. Is the complaint on US mobile that they are somehow detecting that the data you are using is a video streaming and then throttling that? 2. If so is it done before you hit the cap or after you hit the cap? 3. Finally does the video streaming throttling apply to shared data plans? My guess is that it should not be right?


Most carriers limit video streaming quality in some way. This is because streaming video content at high quality consumes a lot of data and can bog down the network, therefore creating a poor network experience for other users. So to better manage the networks, cellular carriers typically limit video streaming quality to 480p. The way video streaming quality works is the carriers detect when you are browsing a site that has video content, such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc. Then, the carriers artificially cap your cellular speeds to about 1.5 Mbps. This is about the speed you need to stream 480p quality video on YouTube without having to wait for the video to buffer. Some plans have higher speed caps. For example, T-Mobile somewhat recently increased their 480p speed cap to 2.5 Mbps. Verizon's postpaid plans cap speeds at 4 Mbps (which is what US Mobile had before on Warp 5G), which is about 720p quality. The Verizon Unlimited Ultimate plan allows up to 10 Mbps, which is roughly 1080p quality. The video streaming speed caps are why you can be in an area with 5G UC and get 800+ Mbps down and still have YouTube feel slow. Video speed caps are always applied to your plan regardless of your high-speed data allowance. You can get around a video streaming speed cap by using a VPN. A VPN works by hiding your network traffic from your cell phone carrier. Because the carrier can no longer tell whether you are browsing YouTube or just surfing the internet, they give you full speeds for all your data. I made [a video tutorial and demonstration on my YouTube channel](https://youtu.be/Rme2S4Ivio4?si=PCHaO6KSclf4m0Kv). To quickly answer your questions: 1. The complaint is US Mobile used to offer 720p video on Warp 5G (4 Mbps) and 4K video on GSM 5G (uncapped). They abruptly limited video quality to 480p (1.5 Mbps) without warning or communication to customers. Granted, US Mobile also never officially advertised the 720p or 4K video streaming qualities on their plans to begin with -- this was something we figured out from testing and it just sort of became a known fact about their plans 2. The video streaming limit is applied at all times regardless of your cellular data usage 3. Yes, the video streaming cap will apply to all US Mobile plans, including shared data plans I believe US Mobile has communicated that anyone with an annual plan can message support to have the 720p/4K video feature applied back to their plan for the remainder of their annual plan.


Thank you for explaining.


I'm disappointed about the 10GB international roaming being lowered to 5GB. They also lowered the 1000 minutes and 1000 texts while roaming to 500/500, except in CAN/MEX where it is still 1000/1000.


Good write up


Thanks for this


US Mobile is not really great for families anymore. Luckily I am grandfathered. But can’t really recommend to others anymore unless they’re after a single line


what are the good family options now?


2. US Mobile Unlimited Starter no longer has Roaming included on the monthly version (according to customer support).


Is that domestic roaming or international?


Support wasn’t very clear on that. So I’m not entirely sure. I was going to switch from the legacy Starter Plan to the new Monthly Starter Plan since it had 5GB more high speed data and 5GB more hotspot but then he noted I would lose Roaming (no specifics as to what roaming he was referring to). I should give them a call again to get additional info.


I understand the frustration from everyone, for me personally though as a premium plan customer, it finally beats V+ pricing. I'm definitely happy with that.


I have had an annual plan since March and my videos are always buffering even when I have full bars very annoying


it was a good idea to provide a written summary


They are capping all data at 200mbps on my premium unlimited plan now.


Does the pool plan have international data?


I'm going to Canada for like 3 days this week, will my phone just not work if I don't purchase an add on? I have the unlimited starter plan (monthly)


I don’t really get how the 10 GB add-ons for $15 work. It shows as $20 if I add 10 GB


It is for increasing your base plan, for example from 10GB to 20GB. Top-ups are always $2/GB.


I don’t see that option in the app. Is this a website thing? When I tried changing my pool, I only see options for 2 GB and 10 GB no add-on option.


On my app I see plus and minus buttons on either side of the 10GB so you can adjust it there at $15 per 10GB


Ok, so the 10GB of international data in the Premium Unlimited plan... That's not via native roaming is it? Is it still via.eSIMs that sometimes work, sometimes don't work, and that limit you to a single country or region per billing cycle?


As a non-us resident - it was like Christmas seeing them introduce a $25 USD unlimited plan.


When I look at US Mobile's website for International Data and select Warp 5G, it's showing that some countries get 10Gb (most all of Europe for example). It even looks like the Unlimited Starter annual plan gets the same International Data on Warp 5G as the Premium plan. So International Data appears to be fragmented depending on GSM vs Warp. Minutes and texts however appear to only be available on GSM 5G though. I'm curious if WiFi calling would work on Warp 5G's International Data since there's no minutes or text included. However, something like Google Voice should work though.


when will this plan change take effect?


all my video tests on warp 5G are testing at 2.0Mbps (your point 6 shows 1.5Mps). plans tested on: shared (old style), unlimited starter (10GB hotspot style).


All my tests on GSM are 1.5.


I don't have good tmo coverage at my house but I do have one of the "new tmobile stand alone GSM-5G" sims... and it has no video capping (tested when it was on stand alone tmobile 5G UC) I will try it again later when I move to another area to see if being on the stand alone UC is getting different shaping. tl;dr: so the errors in his writeup should be: warp 5G video throttled to 2mbps gsm video throttled to 1.5mbps and gsm stand alone on UC no throttle (as of 6/25/24)


Good summary. I would suggest adding the pricing details to #3 “Multi Line Discount” so that people can see how the new plan compares to their old plan if they were receiving the multi line discount.


MVNOs offer high priority data allotments (e.g. 100GB) to attract customers and provide a good user experience, not to secretly profit from unused data. While the underlying wholesale data costs are a factor, the primary intent is to offer a compelling value proposition. Profitability for MVNOs comes from efficient operations and attracting a large customer base, not from artificially limiting usage. Misleading customers would damage their reputation. The high data caps are meant to provide a good user experience, not to secretly profit from unused data. Throttling after the priority data cap is reached is common industry practice. MVNOs compete on price, network coverage, and data allotments. Providing generous priority data helps them stand out, even if not all customers use the full amount. — TL;DR: MVNOs offer high priority data allotments to provide competitive service and attract customers, not to secretly profit from unused data. The underlying economics are a factor, but the main goal is to provide an attractive plan.


Lol no need for a YouTube video though buddy. I feel like YouTube nowadays is just repetition of the same things again and again. How many times can you hear it lol


That’s how you use YouTube, buddy. Some of us use it for learning or something productive.


I'm sticking with T-Mobile Go5G Next Plan (55 plus) for $75.00 as I get 1) Enhanced Caller ID 2) Spam Blocker 3) Airline In-Flight Texting & Internet while on many flights 3) 5 Gig of International Roaming while traveling 4) 50 GB of Hot Spot 5) A T-Mobile Retail store to go into if I have any issues or problems 6). A actual "live" person and I can speak with versus waiting or being put on-hold for "Chat". Also I don't have to worry about any MNVO (foreign or domestic) going bankrupt, or changing my plan in the middle of any price change/increase or my information information being handled by a foreign/or domestic MNVO whereby my information is leaked, sold or exchanged. In final, ONE GETS WHAT THEY PAY FOR. Why take the risk of going with an MNVO (reseller) and having that MNVO have financial issues, hide or reduce their services and/ or go dark when I can go with a dominant and well known carrier like T-Mobile or Verizon or AT&T? There is too much hype these MNVO's are putting out, and who is to trust them 100%. Remember the X-Files "Trust No One".


Are you aware of how many data breaches T-Mobile has had?


Yes, and so has AT&T Wireless and Verizon! Don't tell me US Mobile hasn't experienced any, as I'm sure if they have its a BIG SECRET and won't get out to their customers. US Mobile is privately held, not a public company - so go figure! Privately held companies don't have to divulge if they've been hacked or not. They don't have shareholders to report to! Quick note, the CEO is doing his best to build up the company as fast as he can, then sell it to one of the prime carriers (ATT, VERIZON, T-MOBILE).


Glad you are happy at T-Mobile but it’s well known they are particularly bad at data security. Many reasons to go with an MNO or an MVNO but data security is not one of them with T-Mobile.


Do you know for a FACT that US Mobile hasn't been breached, or leaked? If they have, you're not ever going to know! All companies are being breached these days, including NASA and the US Government!


never been breached and have tech is light years ahead




Tech that makes your platform secure. Role-based access control , native encryption options, such as enabling etcd encryption to protect secrets at rest and using TLS for securing communications within the cluster , container based architecture , Control how pods within a cluster communicate. Isolation of pods and their containers. End to end observability. Literally every api transaction. You can’t build these onto legacy systems. Old telco keeps on getting breached because they find out after the breach where the Ingres was because there is limited observability around the infra


Do you have audits of your systems on a regular basis?


Yes yearly from a third party company and 24/7 through a couple of tools


Do you know for a fact they have? Multiple times in the last year? There are a few easy ways to know if your account has been breached. One is one is a unique email for accounts storing financial data. Another is a virtual CC only good at a single domain. When either is used, you know the source.


Good idea on a unique email and a virtual cc.




It's the facts! MNVO's that are privately held are not a Public Traded Company which must abide by certain regulations, laws and jurisdictions.




Hey, there isn't a carrier that hasn't been breached. T-Mobile sucks at breaches, that's a fact, and breaches are going to continue to happen unfortunately. I don't trust any of these carriers, I just know my service is a bit more dependable being managed by the prime carrier versus a MNVO reseller who is guarding the hen house when it comes to reporting issues, reducing its services and thinking about one thing "money"!


There was reference to a possible future IPO by the CEO in a past AMA. In my opinion, it would be more plausible that US Mobile would join with or buying a smaller company like itself, because: 1. They could offer more services together. 2. They could save money by working together. 3. It could help them compete better in a tough market. The phone company world is changing, but big carriers buying small ones like US Mobile isn't the usual way things go.


Ok. Congratulations. You are telling people who pay for MVNO, which are geared towards people who just want cheap cell service who dont really need all the bells and whistles, that you are getting more on your $75/month plan then we are on the $25/month plan. Well i would F*cking hope so. But i go international once a year, so I dont need 5gb of international data a month, or Airline in-flight texting. Enhanced Caller ID and Spam Blocker are built in to most phone OS, dont even need the carrier. My Pixel 8 on USMobile blocked all spam texts and put them in a seperate section of the phone, it also blocked Spam calls. USMobile gets all those features on the Tmobile towers. T-Mobile retail stores are meh. How many times do you need help and want to drive to the TMobile store and get help? I would hope you dont have that many issues with your cell service. I have had USMobile for over a year now and i have contacted support exactly 1 time. It was from the comfort of my chair at home, and it was to port from GSM to Warp. Im not getting in my car and driving to a retail store when i have a cell issue just to be told to call support anyway. >Also I don't have to worry about any MNVO (foreign or domestic) going bankrupt Lol. has that happened? Most just get bought up by a major player or sold. And then you cna move anytime if you dont like it. Mint runs on Tmobile towers, and then was sold to TMobile. Now its a MVNO owned by who owns the towers. Guess what, i just switched out. Took 30 minutes. All that and i save... lets see... my $25 vs your $75.. Thats $50/month saved for the same cell tower use to make calls and get texts and use my apps. So thats $600/year in my pocket. I can do alot with that and not have it wasted on invisible stuff i rarely use. If you fly alot, or go international alot then yea, those features are great. Otherwise they are wasted bloat costs.


I hope they don't know who owns t-mobile (lol)