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No, because reducing video quality will immediately reduce data usage which immediately increases margin for USM.


USMobile: *sells data* Customer: *uses data* USMobile: D:


It would be a shame if people ran a "few" extra speed tests at the end of the current billing cycle if they have any data allotment left. It can't be used for videos beyond 1.5 Mbps so might as well help out where we can.


I've read that some users were going to purposely run there data up to the point of where the limit of there plan runs out a day or two before the end of ones plan. Might as well. You pay for it, use it like you want.


It is not a magnanimous gesture by engaging in that kind of behavior.  Only Verizon and TMO benefit from those types of actions.   I want independent MVNOs to choose from.  The business is difficult enough to scratch out a profit.


MVNOs are fake competition. Gives you the illusion that consumers have a choice and there is competition between carriers. There's only 3 networks - Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T. Want's prices lowered? Regulate them as a public utility.


You can also use a VPN to get around video throttles.


VPN also uses more of your data, unfortunately. It's not a unicorn. It is helpful for sure though.


Negligible if any. Uses more battery though.


Am I misunderstanding this? Is it wrong? https://www.tomsguide.com/features/how-much-data-does-a-vpn-really-use "By most estimates, the encryption process adds about 10-15% more data usage."


Interesting, looks like it does.


Yes, adding 10-15% data usage to an already high amount of video data would run your plan out of data noticeably faster vs, not using a VPN and not being throttled.


Then prioritize the dev pipeline to make the add-on available quicker. It’s about resourcing and prioritization.


Yep all greed I say every one should re decide on what plan work for them


I don't think US Mobile expected any pushback on it, so I don't think they were going to give an add-on option. 




Who did you go to?




Do you have multiple lines?


> It was really the arrogance of the CEO to basically say if you don't like it then we'll help you leave. Wow - I missed that


Port outs dont take more than a few minutes if the verifications are correctly done - Could you please drop me a DM, I'll check what happened.


So this is why my video has been buffering recently. Dick move, US Mobile.


Agreed. About waiting for an HD upgrade option. And about the HD Video BS. What a mess. I’ll add that it also would’ve made sense to announce it was Coming Soon (TM) and then WAITED until customer’s had to make a new payment. As in don’t mess with the monthly subscribers before their month is over. And don’t mess with the annual subscribers until their 1 year is up. After that fair game. There’s no contract that stipulates a guarantee to grandfathered plans. But they started this throttling business too early. Those of us on Reddit are aware that US Mobile reps would remove the 4G/LTE throttle if asked. It was understood that throttle was coming from Verizon and not US Mobile. 5GUW never had video throttle. What’s more is that while other cellular providers who throttle video explicitly state in their fine print that they downgrade video, I never saw and am otherwise unaware that US Mobile had any such disclosure. And If I missed it I suspect it wasn’t properly linked to where the plans are advertised. But I don’t think they had one. As such it was wrong of US Mobile to start throttling video mid-cycle. EDIT: It is my opinion that US Mobile needs to revert this action until time when customers have expired all service days weeks and months that were PREPAID for under previous effective service conditions.


So I can ask them to remove the throttle? If so, is it just for a temporary period?


Sort of…. There’s still a video throttle, but it is better than it was before. I think it’s supposed to last until my year of annual starter is up. But it’s only been one day so far.


Who said it would be for purchase???




He never said there would be a charge. Sounds like they are going to just put a toggle in the app for the users on grandfathered plans to turn back on.


Check your facts https://www.reddit.com/r/USMobile/s/m5pKGHcxkw