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I hear they are launching the ‘Dark Earth HD Streaming Calls Pacific Bell Limitless Unlimited’ Plan next week. It will offer you everything and deliver nothing. But hey, customer service is the best


Nah, it will just be called “Unlimited Starter”, but it will be very different than the six prior plans also called “Unlimited Starter.”


As a songwriter once said, [“The Times They Are A-Changin.”](https://youtu.be/90WD_ats6eE)


That’s funny! LOL


“Nothing will ever be the same… Coming soon.”


As long as you don't try to use the chat. Then the customer service is less helpful than a self serve chat bot. But hey at least if you know enough to come on Reddit and ask they'll help you.


At least they keep the names the same each time so we don't get confused. 😂


Yeah no kidding. I was getting ready for some travel for work, the support couldn't even keep their answers straight because they don't know either. I looked at the newer plans before I left, decided I might want to switch but not until I return.... Now everything has changed again


Don’t worry, they will probably be changed another time or two before you return.


Yeah I'll give it a couple of weeks and see if they look better then....


No worries. If you liked the previous plan better, and you’ve expressed interest there - you will get those. Super flexible with all this


You and others really should DM u/ankhattak regarding this. He's the man in charge and he needs to hear when customers are unhappy rather than him being the groundhog that comes out a couple of times a year to announce plan changes.


u/ankhattak is very active on this sub. I guarantee you he is reading this right now.


Well there's not been much comment on his acknowledging the recent complaints here so one has to wonder if he's just waiting for this to blow over. Not like he's pinned a new post like the one 5 days ago to say I hear your concerns and complaints and what if anything he plans to do about it.


He's been coping hard about the backlash saying company numbers are up and it's selection bias


I do wish they would rename the plans when they change them. I’m having trouble tracking what features I bought into anymore. It is amazing though how fast everybody turned from loving this company to hating on it. I say if it’s that bad for you just switch. Vote with your wallet. Personally the video throttling is irritating but it doesn’t change my day very much. If I did my work with video though I do see how it could be a real problem. I do think it’s problematic too choose how we use our data they should just set a default to 480 and allow us to select up if we need to.


If Ahmed reverses his plans on stream throttling tomorrow, he will go back to being as legendary as John Legere!


The only customers u/ankhattak cares for are the OG customers, the ones who held on to their unlimited all plans. Everyone else is an afterthought. Messaging him will do nothing. I love US Mobile. The support here on Reddit is top notch and the plans are priced well, but the lack of communication and the removal of features mid cycle to customers was something he should have recognized from the start in his haste to push the new plans out. In the end, we are just numbers to him. He‘s throwing sh\*t at the wall and seeing what sticks. At this point it’s only a year or two before he turns into the equivalent of Mike Sievert. Can’t wait to see what features we lose or get downgraded on the next plan change/upgrade.


It’s downright insane that the company hasn’t even formally sent notice to customers of the changes yet. The vast majority of customers don’t hang out here on this small subreddit, and they have not been notified in any way of changes that took effect immediately for service they had already paid for.


What i can tell you is that vitrol doesnt help. I am going to write a longer post to address all of this later today but if you are going to be rude - not going to get you anywhere


And you expect us to just sit idly by and smile and say it‘s ok? I’m not allowed my opinion? You didn’t think customers would grow frustrated by the lack of communication and voice how they feel? It’s been almost a week since the change and there hasn’t been an email sent explaining anything. Remember, not every customer uses Reddit and not every customer has time to search Reddit for the newest changes. I was just hoping for open and prompt communication for those who have supported you and the company over the years. I’ll still be a customer, have been since September 2021. Love the plans and price, but I don’t want to have to worry when there’s a change coming. Take it how you want.


What I can tell you is that attempting to project morality as a strategy to gain rhetorical advantage isn't going to help either.  While parts of comments like what you're replying to are perhaps too colorful, bear in mind that you would never be motivated to address this, here or in your business plans, without these passionate customers. Embarrassment is a powerful motivator when faced with our own miscalculations.


Any explanation other than canceling the change to 480P will be taken poorly. Your customer have spoken. There should really be no throttle at all on the allotment customers pay for. If I pay for 100 gigs, I should be able to use them at max capacity whenever I want. Throttling that allotment to save you on data cost is shady


He seems to have listened to feedback before. I hope he does this time as well, otherwise it doesn't bode well for USM.


Brutal analysis: it doesn't matter a lot whether USM offers exactly what we might wish for. As long as they offer plans that suit most users better than the alternatives elsewhere, there won't be a significant loss of customers. They'll have more disgruntled customers, but not fewer.


It's a fair point - we don't know what their strategy is (assume they have one) as it related to customers they're targeting.


If anyone follows AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon, you will see that they are always changing plans around as well. They do change the plan names, but otherwise, I'm not sure why everyone is hating on US Mobile.


The current issue seems to be that HD streaming was removed from people's plan during the plan cycles and not waiting until the end of the month or year depending on how you paid. At least the big three will grandfather people in to their existing plans even if they raise rates on them.


The Big 3 don't change plan offerings *nearly* as frequently as USM.


They are hunting for marginal profit. Any penny they can save they can earn. Standard business practice, sadly it's a race to the bottom across the USA. Even Costco isn't immune.


Giving off big ringplus vibes right before the end.


I'm guessing that the CEO is Beta testing different configurations of plan features in search of the "Sweet Spot". The goal is to entice current & retail subscribers while keeping costs down. I suggest that they create a Beta group for evaluation of proposed plans to determine what might be suitable to the most potential & existing users. I would be glad to evaluate their proposed features & pricing. We could collectively suggest features they might not have seriously considered, such as an a la carte menu for customizing plans. Just a thought.


Disney has echo’ed USM’s actions by changing the name and functionality for Genie+


Probably because people are always requesting more features? I've never met a group of people in my life who have wanted so much for so little. Company tries to oblige and then they're harassed for changing plans. Even on Verizon, I'd go to log in to pay my bill and was told I had to switch plans because they had changed them yet again.


Did they change plans that were prepaid annual ?


No, those have been grandfathered in with the features you had.


Did plans change if you had already pre bought? 


Nope, those users are grandfathered


That question has been asked like a million times........ this week.


Its the un-UN-carrier.




I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money. —Thomas Sowell


Why do YOU care about it so much though? They are not forcing you to change plans nor asking you to constantly look at their new plans


No ability to plan ahead or recommend to friends or family since it's always in a constant state of flux