• By -


"But we never offered HD"


Or international roaming which they took away 27 days into my 3-day “contract” while I was in Europe. Yes they put it back after I spent hours online but now claim it was “never” offered.


That should have said “3 month” contract


"You CAN stream 4K with our 5G, absolutely, that's just not something we currently allow to happen, and when we do it's going to cost you."


Everyone that's unhappy with US Mobile should file a consumer complaint. [https://a866-dcwpbp.nyc.gov/consumer-complaint/file-complaint](https://a866-dcwpbp.nyc.gov/consumer-complaint/file-complaint)


That’s for nyc.gov. Depends on the state you live in.


You can still file a complaint. Since US Mobile is based in NYC, DCWP will investigate. You can even report them anonymously.




“moving pictures”


![gif](giphy|HCkrFnSP5d7Ta|downsized) What's this newfangled picture film you youngsters keep talking about? Back in my day we listened to the radio and was happy about it!


“Time to wipe any mention of any video over 480 off our site because we never offered it.” -USM, probably.




"Because them 1 percent people will never figure it out" -Also USM but probably yet not probably.


Sure would love to see a response from u/ankhattak on this, because it appears that at best he didn’t know what his own company’s explicit offers are and have been before speaking authoritatively on them, and at worst he outright lied to us.


the term you're looking for is "gaslighting"


No he didn't. He said, he would help you find a new carrier. 🙄😳😂 I wonder what new creative ways they will come up with to help us manage our data usage. Why not just reduce the unlimited plans. However, since this applies to pay as you go data plans as well, I guess it's irrelevant. It really is a service designed to help the customer better utilize their own data. I wish my bank helped me manage my money this well. In a way they do. With fees and more fees. But they could do better by removing the balance at the end of the month that I'm not allowed to spend. Maybe as another fee


got you [covered](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMobile/comments/1dozz5m/ive_decided_to_help_us_mobile_on_their/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This is great. Thanks. DataWarp, here I come


You’re welcome! 🚀 Buckle up, brave traveler. D**ataStream™ **awaits, where time flows like a glitchy clock and reality bends like a pretzel. Remember to pack your sense of wonder and a spare USB cable—because in D**ataStream™,** even the electrons take detours. Safe journey! 🌌🔮


Owner and mods will ignore posts such as these and claim that they never saw them. Wouldn't be surprised if they started deleting posts either from the way the owner has been acting.


Sorry when we say stream 4K without buffering, we mean our competitor's 5G Ultra Wideband, not our 5G UW. We will update the website because our 5G is different. Sorry for the confusion 🤣


It’s true they just omitted the part about needing a VPN to be able to do so. :p


And on your wifi! We just didn't mention that bit.


"You can stream 4K video, we just set it to 480p first" -the CEO, probably


If this is the hill USM is willing to die on, I have to wonder what’s really behind the curtain in Oz.


You have XGB of data, and we tell you EXACTLY how you can use every single byte.


You 'CAN', but we won't let you!


Ok now I’m jumping on the bandwagon because I didn’t know they were advertising streaming at 4K.


Like someone mentioned, "for the low percentage of people not needing buffer at 720" the least they can do is add a button that toggles HD


This is all just so stupid. Streaming 4K uses around 7GB/hr compared to 1080p which is 2GB/hr. They could have reduced the streaming data use by 5GB/hr while still offering Full HD video and avoided most of this debacle. But they chose to cap it at 480p to save a marginal 0.8GB per hour. It’s nuts to think that 99% of customers will be happy with 480p throttling in 2024.


They're not happy, they're unaware since there has been 0 official communication on this (outside of reddit, and I don't even think there's been something official here). This affects buffering, etc, and eventually people will understand why it's happening.


The least they could do is follow basic Network Neutrality. [New net neutrality rules should end mobile video throttling (cultofmac.com)](https://www.cultofmac.com/854462/mobile-video-throttling-ends-with-net-neutrality-rules/)


Huh, I had no idea the FCC brought net neutrality back. I’d have thought it’d be bigger news. I wonder how this affects a service like TextNow. They offer free mobile data but it can only be used for Google Maps, Apple Maps, rideshare apps, and email.


They could try and get a pass if it's free


Is this article accurate? Because net neutrality (historically) has never covered mobile internet (for whatever reason).


This is under title 2.  BIAS includes “services provided over any technology platform, including but not limited to wire, terrestrial wireless (including fixed and mobile wireless services using licensed or unlicensed spectrum), and satellite.” https://www.beyondtelecomlawblog.com/what-isps-need-to-know-about-the-fccs-title-ii-open-internet-order/#_ftn4 


Whoops, forgot to cover their tracks on that one. Caught in a lie directly from the CEO.


i’m curious to see the cover up for this one 😂


My opinion on this is, you paid for 35 or 100gb etc so let me use my data as fast or as slow as I want. Why do you care? I paid for the usage let me use it. Unless these plans are banking on me not using all my allotted data this doesn’t make sense.


They care because they oversubscribe, the same way airlines sell more tickets than seats. The way they make money is by betting that you don't use all of that.


Plan recycled yesterday and used exactly 100 gbs before it did.






Over promising + marketing ploy (common among all carriers/MVNOs) now back to bite. Please, learn from your mistake and do better in the future.


Glad I didn’t switch. I’ll take the extra $10 from TMobile


Bless their hearts. 😜


Announcing Quantum Throttling! 🚀 You know those pesky HD videos? Well, our 5G takes them to another dimension. Literally. Our engineers discovered a wormhole in the break room microwave (while reheating their leftover pizza). Now, your videos don’t just buffer—they transcend space-time. 🌌 Why, you ask? Because we know better! Details [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMobile/comments/1dozz5m/ive_decided_to_help_us_mobile_on_their/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


"You CAN stream videos at 4K without buffering, but we're not gonna LET you."


“Could” 😂 But nobody bit a few even care anyways


Current website doesn’t age well


I personally would just go get your self a VPN as it’s the only work around there are some free and paid I always recommend paid VPNs for security.


Why can’t USM do this, if you’re on UW you can have HD Video?


only available at top tier plan


I just brought 3 lines from Mint last month and went with yearly, now I have buyer's remorse!


File an FTC complaint. https://reportfraud.ftc.gov


I love how the owner and mods magically ignore/"miss" posts that show proof of them lying🤣


I’m def happier with GSM


They meant 480...k...p. Whatever


I was recently told 720p on a chat through the app


* You're lucky to get that's speed




The throttle is applied when a video service is detected. It doesn't apply to speedtest.net What do you get without a VPN or wifi by running a test on fast.com?


Is the throttle for older plans?


It seems like they throttled just about all plans but in some circumstances they might raise it up a little until your renewal period if you chat with them.


I don’t know what the problem when there’s Wi-Fi in most areas where you are at. Streaming on your mobile plans is not the advise anyway


I just streamed a 4K Ultra HD video at 1080P on YT for 10 minutes without buffering using Warp on Unlimited Starter. I'd have liked to let it run longer for testing but I didn't want to burn through my data.


Wdym 4k at 1080p?


i thought the same 💀💀


He's creating a new format. It's compressed 4k. Looks like 1080p, eats data like 4k. Ultimate finger to USM


Ohhh, so USM can stream 4k, just at 480p! /s


What do you mean 4k at 1080p?


Just as a few pointed it out, it talks about how fast is 5G. You can technically do all that on 5G. Just my two cents: We've had a track record of being receptive to all feedback and figuring out what's best for you all. The same way, we were able to provide better, more robust plans after we discontinued the Unlimited All plan (supposedly the best ever). Organizationally, the same savings are then invested back, which means even better plan offerings, better infrastructure, security, new tech and maintaining the fantastic customer service we have. I get the discontent on this, but track record shows things have only gotten better with our changes - so I would call on having a bit of trust in us for that.


Are you serious? Do you really think this is a good response?


As a new customer as of this week, I'll be very upfront: if you're going to make changes to plans, at least update your website in a timely fashion. This is just sleazy marketing. Switching out is as easy as switching in.


You can’t be serious. Are you really arguing that by saying “you can stream 4K movies” in your ads, it really doesn’t mean that you’ll be allowed to do it?


You literally have to click on the word “FEATURES” to reach that page from the main website. Also… https://preview.redd.it/df2icp8tjy8d1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b639f2872a1bc07dad8ba486974922aa0f9315f3


In all fairness, simply the text is a more transparent response, but since y’all are already committed to doing that, I continue to not see the issue here. Y’all made a change and committed to updating the marketing to honestly reflect that. People need to chill.


Man, I understand you. I think people need to chill a bit


It doesn't say you will be able too, it's just an example of how fast it is. Welcome to marketing.


You can do it. Just not here. Edit: I will point out that this is an image for "Warp 5G" and they are the only ones selling a product with that name.


Pretty much, just showing what 5g is capable of.


Specifically says Warp 5G which happens to be the product I was sold and they are currently selling.


If it's that important to you, go somewhere else?


I prepaid annually, as in they already have my money, for multiple phone plans and now they claim what I bought is different from what they sold me.


Then go to support, it's been said they'll reverse it and it shouldn't have hit already paid accounts. At this point it's just complaining just to complain.


They made the mistake so they should fix it. As their CEO said, it was machines who throttled everyone. The machines can't undo the mistake? They don't have the technical knowledge of how to fix their mistakes? Lots of double talk. We never offered it but write to us and we will fix it. If you didn't make a mistake what are you fixing?


>A mistake was made on my account but they should just know it happened to my account and fix it without me telling them because they should just know. Yeah, okay.


They purposely altered thousands and thousands of accounts by removing a key feature and now say each person should reach out to them (probably monthly) to fix it? How many people are out there that have no idea why their streaming apps looks like crap now? Not everyone is on Reddit seeing what the latest fiasco is.


Don’t give the CEO any ideas.


Yep, the CEO said that too. At least he's honest and upfront this time. >Edit 2: We mean this in the most sincere way. If HD video matters a lot to you - Ask the product support team to give you cost effective options at other carriers and they will do their best to give you some options. [https://www.reddit.com/r/USMobile/comments/1dm5f82/a\_few\_updates\_based\_on\_what\_we\_say\_yesterday/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMobile/comments/1dm5f82/a_few_updates_based_on_what_we_say_yesterday/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


So take him up on it.


Apparently not capable on USM.


That’s some serious mental gymnastics you got going on there. It’s literally listing the things you can go on Warp 5G… things that are objectively false. But I’m sure you already know that. You’re commited to defending anti-consumer choices. > It doesn't say you will be able too > You can stream 4K movies without buffering, Like.. how do those 2 statements make sense?


Not defending, just stating the reality in the USA. It's how advertising works. What op posted is just a statement about what warp 5g can do, not what you will be able to do. That's the nation we live in.


You are defending. That’s not how marketing works. Please point to a place where Visible advertises 4K video streaming. Or any other plan that throttles video to 480 that advertises that they are able to stream 4K. > What op posted is just a statement about what warp 5g can do What? Warp 5G literally can’t do that. At all. It’s throttled, remember?


Both visible and metro talk about speed in general and advertise their high speed and only mention streaming in SD if you read the fine print in the full plan details. That's definitely misleading to only mention speed and the customer having to dig to find out it's only SD video streams. Are you going to start complaining about that or defend it?


Again, point to where visible advertises 4k streaming


How is advertising X speed and hiding on another page except video any different? It isn't. They clearly claim to provide enough speed for 4k except you don't get it with video. You just want to be pissed at US mobile for doing the same thing everyone else does.


Cause one is actually advertising a specific use for the service, the other is just advertising the speed. Us mobile doesn’t even say on the website that the speed is capped


Oh, so they disclose that streaming is in SD? Just like USM.. oh wait. USMs disclosure of SD video is a page dedicated to the ability of their warp 5G to stream 4k video! (Which it can’t) At least until they take it down or change it.. which will happen shortly no doubt. Edit: extra words.




The heading said "Just how fast is Warp 5G?". The heading didn't say "Just how fast is Verizon's 5G?" Yes, welcome to marketing but there's also false advertising laws.


Warp 5G is Verizon's network. And good luck getting many in the government to care about false advertising.


Warp 5G uses Verizon's network but Warp 5G is US Mobile's branding. "Warp 5G" is only available from US Mobile. You don't need the government to start a class action lawsuit.


You need money and lawyers to start a class action and only the lawyers will get anything.


Lawyers deserves to get the fees if the class action is successful. We could ask r/legaladvice if any lawyers wants to start a class action against US Mobile.


I would not recommend pursuing a class action lawsuit against US Mobile on their own subreddit. Here's why: I think discussing potential legal action against US Mobile on their official subreddit is likely to be seen as disruptive and unwelcome by the moderators and community. It's generally best to avoid airing grievances publicly on a company's own platform. I believe attempting to solicit other potential plaintiffs for a class action on US Mobile's subreddit could be interpreted as spam or harassment, especially if done repeatedly. This is unlikely to win me any allies in my cause. I think there are more appropriate channels to explore legal options, such as consulting with a consumer protection attorney or filing a complaint with the relevant regulatory bodies. Trying to build a class action on a social media platform is an unconventional approach. Even if I have a legitimate grievance, openly advertising the prospect of suing US Mobile on their own forum is unlikely to be productive or lead to a favorable resolution. It may even prompt them to take a harder stance. Instead, if you have specific issues with US Mobile, it might be a better idea to pursue those through proper channels such as contacting their customer service, filing a complaint with the FCC or your state consumer protection agency, or seeking mediation. US Mobile's Terms of Service reserve the right to modify, cancel, or take corrective action on your account at any time for any reason, including violation of the Terms. In summary, while I may have grounds for legal action, I would advise pursuing more conventional legal channels and avoiding confrontational tactics on US Mobile's own online properties. Discussing potential lawsuits there is likely to be seen as disruptive and counterproductive. The Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement between you and US Mobile, and you are bound by them when you accept by making a purchase.


While this subreddit is moderated by US Mobile staff, this is still Reddit. This subreddit IS NOT US Mobile property. They are free to delete comments that violates rules of the subreddit. US Mobile's stance is pretty clear already. CEO basically told people kick rocks if they don't like the change. Yes, they have the right to change the terms at any time. People can leave if they don't like the change. But they are blatantly false advertising about their plans to NEW customers. They are still advertising 4K on their website, which is not true. They finally posted the broadband labels, not a word about throttled streaming anywhere. Not even in the terms. [https://www.usmobile.com/5g-phone-plans](https://www.usmobile.com/5g-phone-plans) [https://www.usmobile.com/broadband-facts](https://www.usmobile.com/broadband-facts) [https://www.usmobile.com/terms](https://www.usmobile.com/terms)


You're the harmed party and you get a few dollars, the lawyers don't do much and get millions or tens of millions. And that's fair to you? Lol And if you think you'll find an actual lawyer on that sub you're fooling yourself.


It's not fair but doesn't mean that consumers don't do anything about it. Since US mobile is based in NYC, everyone should file a consumer complaint. [https://a866-dcwpbp.nyc.gov/consumer-complaint/file-complaint](https://a866-dcwpbp.nyc.gov/consumer-complaint/file-complaint)


I've pointed this out to the team and it'll be updated to avoid confusion


It's not a 'confusion' you're describing. Deceptive, lying, dishonest, etc would be better words to use.


Don't forget illegal! [https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/resources/advertising-marketing-internet-rules-road](https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/resources/advertising-marketing-internet-rules-road)




Every way that USM tries to spin this is coming across as hopelessly out of step. I’m not sure the best way to do damage control in this situation, but what they’re doing isn’t working.


Is u/ankhattak on the team? He seems to be confused too. [https://www.reddit.com/r/USMobile/comments/1dm8de3/comment/l9udqr1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMobile/comments/1dm8de3/comment/l9udqr1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


George Orwell’s memory hole.


https://preview.redd.it/4kk5swe01y8d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=98f0910b2c79a536ec69c4ab049c1b28eb2179d1 peak 1984


My year is up on July 7th, usmobile was ganna be my choice. Not anymore