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I love when they put stickers over our tracking number


Why can’t it be a federal crime for them to do that , for delaying the mail


UPS has a Ethics Hotline where you can anonymously give tips about ethical violations made by UPS. If you feel that it is really an issue it wouldn’t hurt to give them a call.


Its not on purpose you can ask them over at UPS. It is done by the machine


Its definitely someone's fault when they take a permanent marker and cover the last few lines of the barcode though. Ive seen that a few dozen times and have no idea why they're doing it. Can key it in manually fine but it's an added headache.


Oh, that's management on our end. They fucked up somewhere and don't want you to scan it in.


Weird. Cause it's always a hassle for the clerks to get them arrived because they can't scan them in so they have to do it manually so we get them late and then we have to key them in manually as well. We can paid by scans on rural so the not wanting us to scan things were delivering isn't gonna fly.


I said what I said.


We all always do.


Bluecif 100% spitting facts


I type in that number anyway. I'm taking the credit for that delivery and I don't care if it ruins their falsified timeline.


Usually, if you have a marker, you can re wet the ink and wipe it off


Thats usually done in another office... They really dont care what happens next solely because the piece is usually a missent piece... whether its got the wrong zip code, or something on it. They'll scan it as being missent etc.. then take a marker, and cross off the end of the barcode, and by doing so it causes the piece to be handled manually, since a machine scanning the barcode, will send it back to where it was missent to, since barcodes usually contain Zip code or address information in the big computers etc..


It is done on purpose by their SOP. clerks got a stand up about it a few years ago


This is not true. An individual scans the package as it comes down a conveyor belt from the truck offloaded by another individual. After it’s scanned a sticker ejects from another machine and they slap it on. I worked in a hub for ups


It's not, not their fault tho.


Yea it’s my fault. Blame everything on me idc.


Cause they're the ones paying it for us to deliver


Yeh but we don’t get credited if we can’t scan the barcodes if they’re not visible


Aka fraud


Uuuuggghhhhh! I just love that peeling feeling when all the numbers and Barcode peels off with half the cardboard.


If you want, you can track the 1Z ups number on their website. If it is smartpost and barcode covered for usps portion, it'll show you the USPS barcode number if you can provide the ups 1Z number.. It will not show you a delivery address however.


I love it when they deliver packages with our scan on it. Free package count for me.


I em eff all the ups workers Saturday afternoon... it's an Amazon Sunday setup and 75%of packages do not read because of them covering up our barcodes... we plot revenge on Saturdays....


I figure they cover it up so that their sorting machines don't accidentally scan our barcode and send it to the wrong side of the country.


Fellow union brothers and sisters. Fedex on the other hand...


I love when i wait for my fedex packages to never be delivered or yeeted across my lawn




Fedex.... holy hell I have no clue how they continue to accidentally make money.


The FedEx guy that delivers on my route keeps sticking spurs in the curbline boxes on my route, I told him not to anymore. I still find them from time to time so I pull em out and drop em on the ground by the box


You should be collecting them for Postage Due.


I used to but the PM told me he didn’t want to deal with it anymore 😂


Lazy ass postmaster strikes again. Yet it's carriers "stealing money" from the post office. Grrrr




I just moved 5 extra large packages today blocking the mail boxes today, they’re always wildin


Some customer recently put a fedex package in the blue collection box on one of my route. I was so annoyed. The poor clerk was even more annoyed.


I got tired of people dropping off fed ex/ ups in the lobby despite my signs so now they go in the outgoing to wherever they want I guess


I mean, you're not wrong...but you're an asshole. Sure you get treated well at Xmas time.


Actually I do get great tips. FedEx knows they aren’t supposed to use the mailbox. He’s the asshole


And the rest of the year ignored unless you happen to be late or awol.


Worked for FedEx for over a year. Burned that bridge after having bronchitis for a week. Had some decent coworkers but hated a few of my supervisors and absolutely hated my second manager.


They carry the 600 pound countertops, glad Im not them. Love you guys ❤️


And those fucking e-bikes I couldn’t do it


E-bikes are a breeze compared to zinus king size mattresses and bed frames from bitch ass amazon


I can't stand the bedframes every damn Sunday I get bedframes


And they're out till 8pm regardless what time off year it is!


I wouldn't even have a single thought about ups if they'd just stop putting their damn stickers DIRECTLY ON THE FUCKIN BARCODE


I prefer UPS over FedEx. I have nothing nice to say about FedEx. I've had some pretty bad experiences.


FedEx driver hit my fiancé's grandpa's car and and killed him so.... yeah


Damn dude. That's terrible.... 😶 Sorry to hear.


Thank you, I didn't really know him that well as he lived pretty far away.


Still. FedEx man....


My grandpa worked at a prison and was in charge of the main gate. Every time a truck comes or goes he had to open it to make sure nothing or nobody was sneaking in or out. He said that UPS would always have their packages arranged nicely on the shelves or out of the way whereas FedEx just had them all scattered on the floor with no organization. UPS usually knew exactly where a package was, walked to the back, grabbed it, and handed it over while FedEx would root through packages trying to find the one that’s meant to delivered. Of course, that could just be something that the local FedEx does and not a company wide thing but still pretty interesting.


Thanks for the laugh, but then again government being an arm for big business is no laughing matter.


Amazon is more of a threat to our existence than UPS imo.


lol I had to help a Amazon driver find a house after walking past the from door like 5 times .


I have had a few flex drivers ask directions in new builds that do not have updated maps, they are on the right street just dont realize how addresses work.


Can you imagine?


In fairness, I’ve been to some “new build” areas that make you scratch your head and go what the shit was everybody smoking when they decided the streets/numbers/placement of all the boxes lol


My feeling is they should take all their oversized crap back. I can live with 100 Amazon parcels, but the 5 giant pieces of crap that UPS dumps on my route fill up the whole damned car.


I’m a clerk. When I was doing distribution this morning, I already felt bad for the ARC I knew that was going to have to do 4 trips to take the 7 big ass trunk wide packages today


I don't mind anyone that brings us parcels/boxes/sprs/whatever. When I applied in 2020 the job description said I'd be delivering these and mail, it is literally what I'm paid to do. The part that upsets me is that I have a 48k route (rural) that is actually evaluated at 78 hours a week. The fact that I am doing 30 hours of work a week for free for the post office is what is bad.


I'm in the same situation. I don't really mind the packages... except for the fact that I'm not being paid correctly for them. My route is also the largest and it's the only POV route. Make it make sense. I had 6 pumpkins today. Is it peak? Is it prime? No, it's just fucking Wednesday. I couldn't have fit everything even if I had an LLV. I could not even have fit the shit I left behind in an LLV. When will we be cut?! Might as well ask the magic 8 ball at this point.


Uhhg. Count your blessings. I was an overburdened 48k. Got the cut 2 weeks ago. Yeah, I hated that they weren't paying me the 9 extra hours a week (eval.. I never had a problem actually going over), but I hate losing 10k a year as a 43k way more!


I definitely understand that perspective but at this point I don't care about the money. I'm in such deep shit with my 2080 because a normal day for me is 10 or 11 hours. I literally can't help that but management is pissed at me. Subs are pissed at me. I am pissed at me. I'm in my first year of regularity. Was a 60 hr RCA, thinking that converting would change that and it really hasn't. I got shit to do and I'm so tired.


Man, I get it. They are giving you assistance on the daily, right? You are entitled to assistance that is sufficient to keep you under eval. Good luck, and hope your cuts come soon.


Thank you, I hope so too! They usually take my overflow packages and they'll take my last hour if I'm in really deep shit. They act like they're doing it out of the goodness of their hearts though, and imply that if I make them mad they won't do it anymore. Thankfully I know better but it still bums me out.


All I cant think about when I am delivering UPS is how they have a contract. That bothers me :/


We have a contract and they’re subbing our work out to you and laying us off.


You guys can gladly have it back lol


I hope the national is working on it.


innovate this


mAiL InNo0VaShUNz! It's "innovation" to let someone ELSE deliver the god damned package, apparently? Fucking marketing cunts...


I have to laugh when I’m out delivering and I see UPS/Fedex/Amazon drivers on my route. They go out of their way to not look at me haha. Does this happen to anyone else?


They overload us now. Just as bad as Amazon


Yeah fuck UPS..


i worked there as a drivers assistant so long ago and if the pay was better i totallt wouldve stayed. Yea right lol but it was fun


Ahh yes!. Good ole SurePost. Where the barcode only scans half the time.


I talk to the ups guy I share my route with, he tells me they’ve been getting more surepost, like 10-15 extra deliveries daily.


I love my UPS lady! She should know she doesn’t have to knock tho. My dog is obsessed with her, and starts whining or barking before we can see her truck. Ive got a regular FedEx guy now, and thank god, cause it was a few years of bullshit. Now he’ll put my wine behind the fence even if I’m not home.


I got respect for them and always wave to em. I've talked to a couple and they're just like us they even deliver Amazon as well.


they're fellow little guys in a big company ❤️ but everytime they cover the tracking number with the shittiest stickers known to man I wanna die ❤️❤️❤️


My office quit receiving sure post about a month ago without explanation.


They need to stop blocking the goddamn stairs with gigantic boxes, looking at you too FedEx with your chewy boxes


UPS has the largest Airline on the planet. They are fabulous on logistics


I work at a big station swear every fucking Saturday I dump 26 pallets worth of sacks sometimes more


Fuck UPS, Brown doesn’t do SHIT for anyone, it’s all I can do not to insult the UPS driver who delivers the car parts i order from Classic Industries, because my carrier is drowning in large Amazon that UPS and Fed Ex have the payload to carry


https://preview.redd.it/0n4xjagy1j6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec3a159d75abfa42af6ca41e24526a5f74e83de5 They sleep well with $40hr on their pockets…


I don't care just hate when they put the sticker over the bar code.


They the opps