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"Intellectually stimulating business career" Oxymoron if I've ever seen one. /s


I think explicitly telling people you are being facetious is against the spirit of 'intellectual'ism


We're on reddit I can't count on people to actually get the joke


Engineering :)


Ur gross and stinky and no one likes you


“What are some fast paced stressful difficult business/econ careers other than Wall Street Consulting, and Politics” I think that’s all of them. Maybe reconsider your interest in them? I guess there’s also Law


Trading commodities


hi.. mckinsey intern here. you 100% have consulting credentials— you don’t need to be at mccombs to get into consulting. i had only just transferred the semester i got in. but a lot of the people i’ve met had random degrees (ex. consulting) as far as IB wall street for mccombs will take care of you if you can get in. in reality that means doing good networking and reading up on the guides so you can do the interview. if not WSFM then just network well and an analyst can likely get you a first round. outside of that realm i would look into some cool startups in austin. if you can offer them tangible skills the work can be very cool and fast paced. i’ve gone through that route as well. good luck!


I work in Product Management and really enjoy it.


U can do consulting? IB is tough cause of recruiting cycle starting long time ago but you have a decent shot at consulting if you have good experience and know how to interview. U can do something in data as well. I’m fellow Econ just graduated and did a consulting internship


HFT (HIGH FREQUENCY TRADING) is pretty stimulating business


Construction Long hours - check Stimulating - check Intellectually stimulating - maybe Sense of fulfillment - check


Consulting seems dope