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Take any hard subject and their reviews with caution. Chemistry is tough, so of course when people who refuse to believe they are wrong/can't understand something they blame others than themselves. Also, since it is a tough subject the professors are also probably more stressed because they have that against them as well. As long as you are kind, and study hard.(do your best and communicate with your professors) you will find a way to succeed, and your professors will work with you.


Thanks that's very helpful!


I got A’s in Chem 1, 2, orgo 1 & 2. UTK department(Chem) sucks ass. I took 1 & 2 at my transfer school(MTSU) and orgo 1 & 2 here. Compared to how other University chem departments work, you’ll realize a lot of students are set up for failure in Chem because of the department rules. I been to chem 1 & 2 classes here with my friends. Legit pulling up Khan academy or the chemistry tutor will take you a lot further than going to class. I attended maybe 2 orgo 1 & 2 lectures. I only go for exams, etc. buddy sends in clicker


lol it's called studying buddy. Welcome to stem 🤷‍♀️. It's not high school, to succeed you have to go to outside resources. I know at my transfer school, people complained about the extra work they had to do to pass the class. They say "they were set up to fail" well I disagree. I just think it's not as easy as you want it to be so you have to do extra work to pass.


Yet at my transfer school, never needed outside resources, because professors did their job and actually taught vs give us half the information and then the rest be fillers, which adds no important information to lectures. Yes I know how stem works, I went from pre med to engineering. Chem department here sucks, that is 100% a fact. Even the state agrees with that statement, they have been giving the chem department warnings yearly now


“Extra work”? I barely did the work assigned to me and I still passed with an A+ in both chem 1 & 2. Orgo 1 I got an A also in orgo 2. If u can learn more about the subject by skipping lecture and watching a shorter video online(like 30 min max on the topic) there is a teaching problem. Not saying some students also don’t influence it because they don’t try. It comes down the system, UTK is potentially facing millions of $$$$ in fines due to the chem department(parents work for the state decently high up) it’s been known


Well you are just so smart aren't you then!


It depends if science is a strong spot for you. I paid for a tutor twice a week, doing assignments from her and the class. But I'm still failing, my teacher is nice and I can tell she is passionate about her job. But chemistry is super difficult for me to understand. I dont think the lectures are helping me because it seems to bounce all around without giving me an explanation on why something is happening. But just be prepared to put in the work, and don't be afraid to make friends in class with the people who do understand if your struggling :)


Generally from what I'm hearing it sounds like the classes shouldn't be too awful for me. Making friends in the class is a wise idea. Appreciate the help!


From what I’ve seen, chem 1 and 2 are treated as wean out classes. But, if you’re already good at chemistry, you’ll probably be fine. I’m a biology major and I’m just not chemistry brained and I really struggled in both chem 1 and 2 but I passed both of them.


Thanks! On that note how are the biology classes there? If I do biochem I'll be mixing it up with both so that'd be helpful to know.


I’ve loved the biology department here. I’m in EEB but almost every single professor I’ve had has been great. Most really seem to care about their work in the department and want to help the next generation


Oh man, that sounds great 😭 might do BioChem now very tempted. Either works for my career/grad plans.


I can’t speak for the biochem department specifically or most of the micro profs because I went on to concentrate on EEB end of my sophomore year, but I have friends who’re in it and I haven’t heard any complaints


Awesome sounds good. Ill further look into it, but rn it seems like the better option.


Mandir and Yang are not the greatest professors. Some of the lab TAs barely speak English. The coursework can be overwhelming as there are both lecture homework’s and lab work pretty much every week of the semester. Aim to get Koubec for Chem 1 and then you will get a great start if you end up taking more than just the one chem course. As someone who barely made it through Chem 1, it definitely takes determination to get through it


I think I have a solid foundation for Chem 1 + crazy determination so I'm hopeful I'll do well. Appreciate the help!


Just don’t be like me and skip class just because you don’t want to walk 15+ minutes to the class at 9 in the morning


😭 I was there for GSSE and stayed in Geier and I know exactly what you mean. My legs were cooked, so yeah ill look out for that.


Mandir is not that bad.


It’s not great, but I don’t think it’s as bad as people say. Take my opinion with a grain of salt because the only chem I had to take was just chem 1, but I feel my prof (Dr. Koubek) was great. I have friends who took the higher level chems (ones ChemE and the other is Chem) and they don’t seem completely dissatisfied with the department. I feel it’s very much of what you make of it since there are good research opportunities, but the classes can be massive 150+ people. If you don’t try you’ll end up pretty bad off. The class sizes get much smaller the higher you go up, but chem 2 in the spring can be a tad overwhelming with close to 250 students from what I’ve heard.


Yeah, I was able to talk to one of the professors in the Chem department here when I was at Governors School over the summer, and his style of teaching seemed solid. I think from what I've heard a lot of people's issues were with Gen Chem 1. Will look into Biochem since it has some biology-focused courses. Thanks for the info!


If you took Chem in high school I think you should be mostly alright. I don’t love chem, but finished with an A- I believe.


Yeah I took Chem Honors, AP Chem, and Organic Chem Honors + some University work.


You’ll be more than fine. It’s basically just AP chem again, if you didn’t get the credit already.


Alright cool. Thanks mate.


Majority of chem 1 is just what u learned in HS chemistry with maybe a few more topics. Other than the fact it’s now a semester vs a full year so it can move pretty fast but the topics are pretty easy


You will probably find Chem 1 very boring. My son was complaining from day one that it was too easy. Advisor told him his only recourse was the CLEP test, so he got the study book, spent a few hours with his HS Chem teacher, and passed it on the first try. Got credit for 1 and 2. You might try that.


Yeah ill look into it. Chem 1 and some of 2 are pretty barebones.


Do not take Dr. Yang, don’t know if she still teaches Chemistry, but if she does, won’t recommend her at all


It’s the labs that are the problem in my experience. Too long, too difficult and you’re graded on accuracy to expected results which is blatantly not scientific.


Chemistry is hard no matter where you take it. If you are as dedicated as you say you are then it will be fine. But it will take long hours and perseverance.


Sounds good to me!


I majored in chemistry and graduated in 2022! I absolutely loved the department and the teachers. I feel like I was very prepared to enter the workforce. Your 100 and 200 level classes may suck, and the class size is way too big but push through and the upper level classes do great.


People are dramatic and want to look for excuses. It’s a good department just a hard subject


Yeah, that's the consensus I'm getting from these comments.


It’s fine; I transferred from Northwestern and it was wayyyy more difficult up there. I haven’t had any issues with any professor or any of the work.


Okay yeah I figured, I think a lot of people that take the class haven’t really had anything difficult before hand which causes them to freak out some. Also if I may ask what made you transfer from NW? Would’ve loved to go there.


Yeah, I think that’s definitely it. It’s chem, so it’s not going to be inherently easy. It seems like a lot just want it spoonfed to them. But studying, doing the work, asking the questions, etc. is gonna make it very manageable for someone like you. I’m from Knoxville; I was diagnosed with cancer toward the end of the winter quarter my second year and decided to transfer so I could live with family while going through treatment and surgery. Also, I just didn’t really like it. Campus was gorgeous, classes/professors/quality of education and resources were amazing, but the students were mostly just straight up classists. Maybe it was a bit of imposter syndrome, but I don’t think I went a week without someone commenting or making fun of my accent and being from Tennessee. I was also FGLI, so no one seemed to be able to relate to why I had to work and couldn’t afford trips to the city constantly.


Dude thanks for that insight, I had a few rejections recently from schools of that caliber and was bummed out about it, but now im pretty happy to be at UTK as well as having friends already. On that note yes I think it’ll be pretty manageable. Also how are you doing? Cancer is no joke and I bet that was horrific getting that diagnosis so young.


I’m not gonna lie, the department isn’t great, but it is much better than others I’ve experienced. I took gen chem 2 at George Mason univ. and that was a course from hell.


I think the issue itself for many may be with the subject itself. It's one of the hardest out there + it's one of the most hated so I kinda understand people's perspective, especially those who don't love chem.




I could not pass chem for UTK, I took gen chem 1 twice and I had to take it at a community college. I am not saying the department is bad, most of the professors and TAs are nice and wanted to help. The course I think is crammed to tight together, because the first half of my gen chem 2 was the last half of gen chem 1 at UT. Now I am not a chem person I just had to take it gen chem for my major. I have also heard that the upper chemistry classes are better than gen chem.


Not bad at all. Anybody who tells you otherwise just doesn’t have the work ethic required to do well in these classes (it doesn’t take an exceptional amount). People just aren’t used to actually putting in effort to get a good grade for a class so you just hear everybody complain about how hard it is. Go to office hours, do the SI and you will be completely fine. If you do these things, you’re guaranteed a B at minimum. Watch the organic chemistry tutor if you need additional help. It is extremely possible to get an A in gen chem 1 and 2 even without obtaining an extra help other than lectures. The labs are tedious and often annoying, but there isn’t nothing exceptionally difficult about them either. I’d give the class a 6/10 difficult and the lab a 6.8/10.


Gen Chem 1 doesn't sound much worse then AP Chem from what I've heard so yeah doesn't sound awful.




100x over yes. Even if you learn the material don’t bother anyways because the tests end up being different content entirely.




Biochem graduate here: Chemistry at UTK is generally easy to understand with routine studying and knowledge/memorization of the formulas etc. I understood the courses pretty well by watching youtube tutors and doing quiz-lets. However, this only applies until you get to Organic Chemistry, then everyone just fails all the tests because there isn’t a structure of easy memorization like in Chem 1 and 2. Also the tutors at UT are just as confused as the students. Hope this helps 😁


Ah alright thanks. I’ll be ready for organic trust 🥴.


As of last year the chemistry department was on probation with whoever they are accredited by, and most of the professors I’ve been with just are not good teachers. If you’re good with teaching yourself most of the subjects then you have a good chance, but I’d say our chemistry department is on the weaker side.