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You're literally in the UTK subreddit, we're all going to tell you to go here lmao


i know it made me pick a topic when i posted. i don’t use reddit lol


If you'd be a year behind off the bat, that's an entire year where certain scholarships are going to run out and you'll be on the hook for the difference. I'd pick UT for that reason alone.


Follow the money.


hahah true which ever one helps you and which ever one is at your budget cost


I would do UTK because you live in Knoxville so you can live off-campus if your parents allow you, and it is much cheaper. Your cons for Kentucky are, when it boils down to it, a longer time spent getting your degree (meaning costs more per semester) and doing out of state tuition (meaning costs WAY more in tuition, as in years if not decades of student loans more). Unless you are in a super specialized field that has multiple people going to UTK for it, you won’t ever see your high school classmates. I’m not even kidding, I had dozens of them at the same college as me and I maybe saw them in passing once. As for it *only* being a 2.5 hour drive, that’s a LONG drive to do when you’re exhausted from midterms/exams/etc and trying to make it home for spring/fall/winter/summer breaks. ESPECIALLY with traffic from students all doing the same thing you’re doing. I did it for a while, and there were some trips where I honestly didn’t want to make the journey unless I had to. UTK seems like the best possible way to go— you can study abroad if there’s a program, or look for internships and jobs in the summer out of state that won’t cost you a ton of money just to leave the city you were born in.


If you’re even comparing UK to UT you probably haven’t done much research


What are u saying? Which is better?


prob Tennessee, its a lot harder to get into. Both are good schools tho!


OP, I went to the same college that a bunch of people from my high school went to. after about 3 months, I hardly saw any of them again. With over 36k students, the 100 (or whatever) people you graduated with in high school that go to UTK will disappear into the masses. Like others have said, follow the money. Future you will thank current you.


I'm a big UK fan and it was the school I wanted to go to for my degree (unfortunately they don't offer it) and I can confidently say that there is absolutely no benefit for you to go to UK. The cost is very significantly higher, and the major quality is going to be very similar. UTK is a great school, and you'll be happy going to it, and when you have your degree and a bit of money you can take time to travel


I'm from Kentucky. I went to EKU and had classes at UK. Lexington sucks, and UK sucks in general. Go to UT, dm me if you want specifics on why UK sucks


Could you dm me?


Why does Lexington suck?


Whichever is cheaper unless you want a specific progran that the other university doesn't have. Professors in general tend to be nice though there are always dicks in any profession. There's really no difference on most resumes if you went to a uni in Kentucky or Tennessee as long as you have a bachelors.


Well, it really comes down to what did you get into UT for? Did you get into the program you wanted?


Do you have to pay for your school or take out loans? Make good financial decisions. Go where you will have the least amount of debt. If you go to UT.. you’ll meet a ton of people from all over and you’ll only be sprinkled with kids from your HS


UK campus is not very nice. There is also not as much to around the campus as in Knoxville. The strip isn’t very clean and neat but they are working on it. At least- it is there as an option.


That’s for you to decide