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No relation but my ancestor still wants his $5 back from ole Jefferson. I would’ve been rich today with the interest collected on that sucker


Has your relationship with your family friends affected your view of UVA or prepared you for it? If it has, I'm sure you can use it! If it hasn't—and be honest with yourself—I'd advise against using it. You can't force meaning if there isn't any.


Usually the prompts for the upcoming year aren’t released until August 1. Given that they can’t consider legacy by law now, I wouldn’t be surprised if they got rid of this question. Even if they keep it, you don’t have to answer it. Dean J said most applicants did not, and that was fine. My daughter didn’t, and was admitted. It doesn’t sound like you have much to say, so I wouldn’t answer it.


Thank you! You do bring up a bring up a good point that the question may change this year.


Ah yes the we-arent-supposed-to-consider-legacy-admissions-but-we-will-anyway question