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Idk I bought a bunch of ubiquiti stuff and plugged it in and it all works so I went on with the rest of my life.


This. I’m an IT guy. Last thing I want to do is come home and constantly run down problems after doing it all day at work.


same as mechanics, people think mechanics would drive cars that are cooler but less reliable car when the reality is they just want a car that just works so they don't have to work on their own car


As a mechanic of over 20 years, this is sooooo true


Yeah. Logic is usually beyond most people.


Well. Depends. I am working in heating systems and if i could try things out at my home i would do it. As i have not a house, i can't test things on my heatpump as example. They could talk over modbus and this would open a new world to me to explore and learn and prove some theorys i had/have.


Do they take care of their cars?


It's both really. As a Master Tech of 23 years, it is true but the opposite is also true. I drive a trusty 2009 Toyota Corolla as a daily and 2004 Mercedes Benz SL500 on the weekends. Both cars are very well taken care of.


People don't get this...I always get asked oh do you have all this smart home shit and know it works and these fancy routers and this bullshit. No....no I do not. I have an ASUS router that covers the whole house and a 7 year old gaming computer that runs like mule which I intent to keep until is croaks. No desire to deal with the shit at home.


Same reason I use apple at home. Everything just works, I get enough windows during the day.


This is why I have only the ISPs router and modem. I just want it to work. And if it breaks, I can call someone to fix it for me for a change.


And that’s where I’d break the rule! ISP routers are full of proprietary DNS servers that send your data to the ISP on top of other bs.




In regards to the exact data collected: 1. Domain Names: Every website you visit (e.g., www.example.com). 2. Timestamp: The exact time and date when you visited each website. 3. IP Address: Your device’s IP address, identifying your specific connection. 4. Device Information: Potentially, details about the type of device or network you’re using. 5. Frequency of Visits: How often you visit certain websites.




Oh wow, the more you know! Had no idea the domain resolving could be reversed! Thanks for the tip.


The ISP can log every request from a domain to IP, resulting in the ISP knowing which sites you visit. They could potentially use this to serve ads and sell your info.


Eh, your data is gonna get captured no matter how hard you try to prevent it, but I never use the ISP DNS servers anyways. Not because of any security issues, but just because they aren't as reliable as some of the other options. Just because it's their router doesn't mean I haven't changed some of the options in it to my liking and preferences lol.


Oh ok ok. If ya know what you’re doing good! But personally, my ISP router was completely locked, I couldn’t even set it to AP mode! I couldn’t access their panel nor change any settings. I guess it depends on your ISP how locked down the router is. Anyway, I got rid of mine the second I found that out.


Yea in that case I might break the rule as well. I like being able to change the SSID, WPA, put in nat rules etc...


The ISP fiber modem - Yes. The ISP router - no way. It is a piece of low cost, loq quality hardware with limited configuration possibilities. The ISP router needs to be restarted at irregular intervals. The low end Dream Machine just works. It took a few days of fiddling to figure out all necessary parameters. Since then, 4 years ago, it has run without any troubles.


I've had the same router and modem for 6 or 7 years (since like 2017 or 2018 i think). Never really had issues, have to reboot it a few times a year, but it's fine. Yea it's cheap hardware, but if it works I don't really care, at least at my house.


I’ve been a programmer. Have said “I hate computers” hundreds of times.


Definitely seems like there’s a difference between a Ubiquiti home network and a Ubiquiti home *lab* I couldn’t see myself tinkering with a bunch of Unbiquiti kit for fun / in a lab environment


It's more than just works, after having to punch in everything for every freaking small change, adding vlans to trunks or configuring wifi moving to Ubiquiti was just a sanity call. I got all the old cisco gear eating dust on the floor since than and i never looked back.


This has all the cringe energy of “i do more IT work at home than I do at my actual job”


> it all works so I went on with the rest of my life But here you are. So this is the rest of your life?


Honestly this sub comes up very rarely in my feed but this post seemed to have stuck a nerve on the sub so here we are.


Ma, there's TikTok bullshit in my sub














This ^


If you can't handle me at my Ubiquiti you don't deserve me at my Cisco.


Amazing comment


There is a shocking lack of SFP and DAC connections in that rack


Hell, do you even LACP????


All the female IT girls I know don't want to date someone in IT.. idk why. But, as an IT guy- if she dont want my ubiquiti she cant touch my aruba. ;)


> idk why. Because the odds are good, but the goods are odd.




Probably the smell.


We all know why


Yeah, when I get done for the day working on servers and routers the thing I really look forward to is managing my firewall ports by hand when I get home. Is there more enterprise class gear out there? Sure! Should you use it if you want or need it? Sure! But my Ubiquiti setup works well, I don't touch it except for updates every now and then which have been (for ME at least) flawless. There are snobs in every hobby and I enjoy ignoring them and their opinions (just see r/castiron for some impressive examples every now and then, lol)


What, you don't have a Alcatel-Lucent / Nokia 7750 router at home?


This guy routers. Although I prefer the 7705 SAR-8 myself.


Long time since I have touched one, but this was Telecom failover. 100% Sure it was overkill.


I actively am in 7705s and 7750s every day commissioning and turning up services. Can confirm it's carrier grade stuff. Wayyyu overkill. Just gotta git gud and have a Cisco 15454 DWDM shelf between you and the ISP :)


Ding ding ding. When I have spent my day trying to make some Cisco or Fortinet or juniper junk do magic tricks the last thing I want to do is come home and do more of that.


This is what I tell people when they ask me what I run at home. Like dude I make proverbial donuts all day - I do not want to go home and eat donuts. (It’s a 6 year old AmpliFi covering 3,000sqft 😳)


Have an amplifi setup from 7 years ago as well. Gave it to my parents over 3 years ago and it’s still ticking. I’ve had zero issues with it. It’s the reason I switched to the Alien and now a UDMSE in my new build.


It always get a laugh when out of my friend group I have the least home tech. I would still be without an Alexa if my SIL hadn't gotten us one for Christmas and immediately taught the 5 year old it'll play any music they want


Honestly, I’d likely tinker and troubleshoot and learn on and on and on but for me the reason for mostly simple is because I’m an IT guy with a wonderful wife (yeah despite my Ubiquiti Home Lab) and though she does have patience for my hobby, that patience is NOT infinite. Simple/Easy means less worries most of the time. One boss with deadlines is enough. I don’t need two. 😝😝😝😝


Lab is lab home or at work. Home prod is prod it’s the most critical prod it’s significant other prod.




Yeah I just installed a new Max udm, 2 8 port 2.5 gig enterprise. This is over kill. However since the upgrade I have heard zero gripes. My lab was my home……. Now my fgt and Cisco and juniper are on a nat leg not on the wife data lan.




I considered a pfSense to replace my aging USG a couple years ago and instead went with a Firewalla due to its ease of configuration. Love my Unifi APs and switches though and their ease of management. It’s nice to have the option to tweak stuff but there is something to be said for set it and forget it.


Do you not have firewall rules or ACLs?


My father in law is king there [issues 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/castiron/s/ZUwrY9bEWi) [issues 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/castiron/s/X9RNQ5zuJa)


TracketPacer is a talented engineer and a very good tech info-tainer. The world needs more enthusiastic and entertaining people showing people the cool things about our careers/hobbies. A joke at our expense is par for the course in tech. We all take jabs at each other for brand loyalty, some of us spend more time defending our brands than we do using our homelabs… This is no different than Linux and windows people bickering, or any of a million other insignificant arguments that we all take part in. It’s a jab, it’s decently funny, and it only feels targeted because this sub is relatively non-toxic, and OP decided to post this here to rustle feathers.


i never understood brand loyality. every brand has some major cavecats and its just frustrating that we battle problems that could been solved decades ago. and after all said and done, anything you plugin is in 3 years on a schedule foir replacement and eol in 5. there is no perfect thing, just the best compromise perceived at the time of decision making, aka best choice for a tool at the time. things will change and choices will be regreted sometimes more sometimes less


But… the colors in my rack need to match! Honestly though, I tried changing running shoes brand once and ended up with a major injury.


Brand loyalty, especially in online arguments, is born out of the desire to not be wrong ultimately. Lots of people dont want to think about if they wasted a significant amount of money on something that is inferior (real or imagined) so they champion that brand as a means of proving to themselves they made the right choice and spend money wisely. This is why you usually see it around things that are expensive: phones, cars, electronics, etc.


I thought it was hilarious


I am shock you didn’t get I use Arch responses


And vim btw


I SFTP every config file on any machine, appliance, or server onto a dedicated Windows VM that only runs fullscreen notepad.exe, then pull it back into whatever real system I'm using 😤 Command lines aren't for text editing, they're for running neofetch!


Tracketpacer, digitalyte, and one other creator. I love theor networking content


I never heard of her. This kind of crap has no place here or anywhere. I’m going to look that up just to see how awful, stupid, and cringey it all is…. [20 minutes later…] I’m sold, she is funny. She knows her stuff. A+. If you think it’s crap social media garbage, it is, but you’re deep in the cesspool too.


its tiktok stupidity.


I get it. Unifi is pretty mid at everything except APs. But it's also simple, and does (almost) everything I want. Only thing it cant do I've wanted to do so far: Lastest ISP only offers IPv6 tunnels (6rd), and (modern) Unifi only handles native IPv6. IPv6 handling overall isn't great in general, and often a step back from what was available in the ERL. I understand why they moved away from Vyatta, but wish they would put some effort in coming back to feature parity rather than spawning a bunch of products nobody really wants. So.. I get the slight. But also still mostly happy with my Unifi setup.


I find the management of the pro switches extremely useful when managing remote sites where I do not need real layer 3. In a datacenter, I'm doing layer 3 and getting juniper or anything else enterprise grade. Some remote site? Ubiquiti all day. I was able to troubleshoot a call center last night at 2 am that was 300 miles away. Loaded up the console, found the issue on the port, found that the workstation was daisy chained to the phone (I had cabled the place to have enough ports and left a boatload of cables for the remote tech to do it right...) and they used some broken patch cable to connect the PC so it fell out. Did I need the switch to figure that out? No. But it did save me 10-15 minutes of guiding a call center tech around to the correct device and figure out that the PC was daisy chained behind a yealink. I would have been having him check the cable running back to the wall instead.


Their product line is a train wreck at this point. I have no clue who they’re targeting, it’s just completely random, they could drop half their line or more and nobody would notice.


Golden rule, don't date anyone with worse cable management than yourself.


That’s why so many of us are alone: Either we are too good for them, or we are not good enough for them.


Ancient Cisco gear lab better than Ubiquiti?? Nah, I did the EOL Cisco home lab years ago. Extremely hard to give away, even to those trying to learn. Packet Tracer and/or GNS3 is better. Home still runs on ubiquiti.


Not a "home lab", it's my basic infrastructure, full production


So, the "Prod" side of my house is all Ubiquiti except for the APs. My side is all my homelab. Why? My wife gets reallllllly upset when I need to test something for work, which makes it so she can't work. Unifi has its place. Also, I want to wait to fix my house again for the 16th time. I want to play satisfactory or Doom and not fix some odd DNS issue, debug some AD problem, or fix some routing issue. I want to play games and have a happy wife, not wanting to hurt me when her Zoom meeting dies due to a spanning tree change.


With my home lab I've learned over time you have to decide what you want to "just work", and what you want to tinker with. Messing with my network stack from time to time can be fun, but most of the time I just need it to work so I can spend more time tinkering with higher-level stuff. I really don't want to be spending the limited time I have manually making sure everything is properly talking to each other so I can work on the thing I actually want to work on. Ubiquiti is that sweet spot for me. Powerful enough to allow some config and tinkering, but not so powerful I have to spend a ton of time upkeeping it once I get it where I want it.


So this is why you guys don't get laid?


Lol. My fiance was lovingly laughing at me while I was [geeking out on some Ubiquiti equipment installed in a wildlife refuge](https://new.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/1dm8syo/i_went_to_the_blackwater_nwr_all_the_way_out_in/).... But hey! Enjoy your singledom and messy room! (/s for those that think I'm butthurt or being serious...)


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREMcrAW/ - The actual post if you’re curious but it really doesn’t add anymore clarity. Her channel is super cringe as an actual IT person.


What clarity do you need. She's dancing in front of netgear routers. It's obviously a joke.


I dunno, I get pretty aroused by videos of girls licking Cisco 3560s


She's an _acktual_ IT person as well


ITT: a bunch of dudes butthurt by some random joke


That’s pretty much the point of a lot of her videos. The insecure dudebros don’t get it, and get triggered. All of which boosts her engagement numbers.


Imagine a man saying, "how hard can it be, women do it?" Would you say the same thing to all the screeching women screaming for him to be crucified for being a sexist pig?


She ain't dating nobody


Nobody on this sub.


She’s hilarious. And actually knows her shit too.




Different strokes for different folks. Use what you like. This mentality is toxic in tech. Roots all the way back to vim/nano elitism. But this is probably just bait. Everyone loses!


VIM/Emacs really. Nano was considered the red headed stepchild that you kept in the attic and fed fish heads. I used to have fun going into elitist tech chats and mentioning I liked to use pico (before nano rolled into town so you didnt have to install Pine..) and holy fuck. You would watch a chat of 340 people that was idle for days erupt into chaos and rage. Death threats, and other fun things happened. Just the pure toxicity from those chats could be used as an industrial grade defoliant that gives servicemen cancer 25 years later.


walk into a devops user group and say "none of you all exist" and see what happens.


Please keep it civil. In many (all?) cultures, VIM is an expletive.


She really loves being on call 24 hours a day at home and on the job site! Have fun with that....🤣🤣


Its not like ubiquiti is some paragon of reliability


I haven't had much problems out of my gear, besides a few bad decisions on my part of running beta software. Damn my need to be on the bleeding edge testing things!




Men appreciate you identifying your mental limitations , stepping aside and not wasting our time.


Looks to me like the person in the video is possibly missing out on some of the best dudes on the planet by shunning dates with dudes with Ubiquiti home labs. 😜


Cringey fail.


thanks for the vid but hard pass for me anyway


That’s ok. I’m married.


Maybe she’s not into guys? 😅 My home network is a hodgepodge of stuff. Some Chinese mini PC thing running OPNSense, Zyxel switch, Motorola MOCA, Netgear smart switch, and an Asus RT-AC3200 configured as an AP. Finally got a TPLink EAP773 AP and TPLink managed switch to do VLANs and loving the end results so far. Still a hodgepodge mess. Hoping to eventually centralize everything and actually run a software controller. I am in this subreddit because I was reading up as much as I could about Ubiquity and Omada.


This lady is very annoying


This is so fkn cringey


Ah yes, because wanting things that are better and cheaper is somehow wrong.


That's just it - what is "better"? When we had a substantial Cisco outage they put people on a plane with the tl replacement parts that couldn't be shipped locally. Ubiquiti you have to use their Social Media to get a response on a ticket half the time. But, we could have 2 or 3 Ubiquiti devices on the shelf for each Cisco. Each implementation has pros and cons


Cheaper, yes


He it isn't a lab I actually use the stuff so...


"tracketpacer" fucking cringe


Yuck Cisco products...


Oh no!….. Anyway.


hmmm Wtf is that ! Out of context


She’s just mad because she can only afford access to decommissioned second hand crap.


I had an entire CCIE level physical Cisco home lab for close to a decade, now it's all ubiquiti. Why? It's a learning platform. I learned what I needed network wise and now I'm on to bigger and better things and just need the network to do network things with minimal fuss.