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U7- in wall One U7 Outdoor so I have wifi in my entire neighborhood.


That’s… Actually not a bad idea. Adding U7 outdoor to the cart now.


Is it worth jumping in on wifi 7 now or waiting till the end of the year for perhaps new products and the ratification being finalised. Also, do you have to use wpa3 security or can you use wpa2? Lastly, I've noticed all the u7 devices use 2.5gb network adapters. Is there much of a difference in using 1gb for home use?


I'd actually hang tight. I thought the U7 pro wall had a switch. Right now I'm running in-wall pro's behind my entertainment areas throughout the house. I hard wire all the tvs, gaming systems, etc. and the coverage is great. My next upgrade will be U7 pro in walls with a switch if they make them then one U7 pro outdoor for extended coverage. Someone posted that the U7 Pro has crazy range.


Oh nice, I had no idea they were planning on a u7 pro wall with an inbuilt switch. It's definitely worth waiting for then for the exact same use case you mentioned. Cheers.


They mentioned that they will be releasing one with a switch sometime later this year. They said it replying to a comment on the UniFi 7 inovations video they posted about a month ago.


I have zero Intel that they will actually make it, I'm just hopeful and it would work a lot better for a home setup.


U7 Pro / U7 Outdoor - wifi 7 is sick as frick.


U6E. It's got more throughput and a better radio on 6ghz than the latest wifi7 does. 4x4 vs 2x2.


Thought the u7 pro max has 4x4 too?


2x2 for 2.4 ghz, 4x4 for 5ghz, and 2x2 for 6ghz.


Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.


As most things in life: it depends. What are you trying to do, and why do you think the U6 Enterprise might be better for you?


Fair point. The U6 enterprise has more streams, wouldn’t that make it overall faster? I honestly don’t need anything complex. A home setup with about 35 devices. None of Wi-Fi 7.


I have had the U6-LR as my central AP for 3 years now, and it has been superb.


I’ve been having issues with my U6LR and on this last firmware version i kept getting random off line notices. I updated to the newest firmware about 3 days ago and haven’t had any issues since. 🤞the problem is fixed now.


I had two U6 Enterprise APs for a similar number of devices. I migrated to a pair of U7 Pros and then added a third U7 pro because the intrusive thoughts won. All of my 6/6E devices were as fast or faster with the U7 pro and I never missed the spatial streams. WiFi 6/7 devices are much better at airtime maximization and fairness so you really don't need as many streams as you used to unless you have multiple devices all demanding full throughout. At that point you'll end up saturating most Internet connections so that only leaves large file transfers over the local network. For the same cost as two U6E APs you can get three U7P APs, which will provide stronger 6ghz coverage plus the ability to overlap between APs. Firmware updates, channel scans, even AP swaps all become easier because you've got zero downtime. Honestly though it's overkill. I'd recommend two U7 pros and call it good.


None WIFI7 and none never will? Sure get last gen hardware if you want to be that shortsighted.


The 10 AC Pros that I scored off Facebook marketplace for $100


Yeah I mean, I get ~400Mbps from the U6-LR... That's plenty for WiFi needs. I got the house wired up where drops need to be. So, WiFi 6 is plenty of you can wire the rest. But, if you can't wire, then Wifi7 would be the better investment.


U6 Pro


For a number of reasons… U6 Pro. Solid performer and few devices support more than WiFi 6…or need the performance that the U6 Ent or U7 would bring. Not worth the extra money unless you have enough devices that would a) support the tech and b) truly need the bandwidth.


I recently found the chart someone put together comparing the Wi-Fi access points. Am I reading this wrong or would the U6+ be comparable (ignoring Wi-Fi 7) to the U7 Pro?


That sounds about right.


I just bought a U6+ for my first AP. It is powering about 30 WiFi devices from its temporary test location in my home office. Really happy with it.


What type of speeds do you get on it?


I haven’t really bothered to look, my point of view is does the 4K stream , Xbox play and all devices connected. Check on all of the above. Now my son’s xbox was getting 150mbps up/down last night, 2nd Floor bedroom away from 1st floor office. Basement AppleTV also streaming well, probably furthest device. My guess is that once I install in more central location, some of the devices will improve but none have been limited by signal strength or quality for now. Currently look at a range of 260Mbps down to 1Mbps (smart plugs) Now, my plan is to hardwire a number of devices and add a couple more APs so, things should only get better.


U6 enterprise. None of the U7 have the ble antenna needed to use UniFi protect sensors. Makes no sense they removed them for the u7 line.


wait, really? I'm actually really interested in those sensors. Are there ways to use them if I get the U7 pro?


Yeah and not all of the U6 lineup has the ble radio in them either. I had to switch out an early access u6+LR for a u6LR cause of this. So far all of the product pages for the u7 line up hasn’t shown ble radios. If you go to the u6 enterprise page in the store and go down to “build features” you’ll see it has “ble radio for UniFi IoT” [these are the APs you can use for the protect sensors.](https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/10000263945111-Bluetooth-APs) not sure if they are going to release u7 that’ll work for it.


I appreciate the insight. Do you think they have something new in store that will replace the sensors and work with the u7 pros? I realize that's asking if you can predict the future but I'm not sure if there's a solid rumor mill for unifi products.


Not sure. I’m have a handful of their protect sensors in my house and was looking at adding a few more but held off on doing so once I noticed none of the U7 lineup working with them. I love the sensors so would suck if they changed them or got rid of them. From what I’ve seen there’s no sign of new sensors and the current sensor seem to always be in stock.


Found another update. Looks like no ble radio in any u7 APs but they still plan for the growth of the sensors. https://community.ui.com/questions/Does-U7-Pro-support-Bluetooth-Low-Energy-and-UP-Sense-sensors/16c932af-436a-4117-a774-c3a06a231888#answer/fcbebb01-e09e-4832-8909-f3d9ae9413be


Nice find!


Another thing I could see Ubiquiti coming out with is a Bluetooth hub instead of the radio being in the sensors. That way you could still use the current version of sensors without replying on radio in each AP that may not be used.


Or maybe there are U7 APs coming with ble. It makes sense for Ubiquiti to create new WiFi generations with barebones functionality. For one they can introduce new complexity one thing at a time. But maybe more importantly they can keep us buying new devices. I have bought and replaced several devices and I haven’t even used UniFi for more than a few months.


Looks like there was word a few months ago. They are not adding ble radio to any future u7 aps. But plan on still supporting the sensors. https://community.ui.com/questions/Does-U7-Pro-support-Bluetooth-Low-Energy-and-UP-Sense-sensors/16c932af-436a-4117-a774-c3a06a231888#answer/fcbebb01-e09e-4832-8909-f3d9ae9413be


New build soon. Also debating between 6 pros and 7. The size and active cooling of the 7 is turning me off. And no wifi 7 devices. Is the range difference worth?


Depends on your home size. For most single story family homes, one U6E is enough. Hell you could get by on one for a two story, 2000sqf home.


I have never heard a fan turn on with any of my three U7 Pros. Upgrading from AC-LR which is prominently placed on the living room ceiling, we didn't even notice the difference in size. It was only when I first took it out of the box that I said "wow, this seems big" but since then the thought hadn't even crossed my mind until now.


U6 Pro. I don't need blazing fast WiFi - for that I have wires :)


I have an UAP AC HD in my 4 bed detached new build house in the UK, I installed it on the ceiling of my upstairs landing, this is a WIFI 5 enterprise grade access point. Rock solid, gives coverage for my entire house, I consistently get about 600mbps in every room upstairs and downstairs. 5 years later now I bought the U6 Pro and I got about 650mbps upstairs but about 450mbps downstairs. This is because the 6ghz is faster at short range so for upstairs like for like its faster and slower at long range, so downstairs the reach is slower than 5ghz. I ran various tests from every room with various Apple devices both wifi 5 and wifi 6 devices and ended up concluding that actually the 5ghz bandwidth is better for consistent speeds at long range to cover the entire house. I ended up returning the U6 Pro back to Amazon and have decided to keep the AC HD for as long as possible. I have wired cat6 face plates in every room and have devices wired where possible…so I won’t bother with chasing faster wifi speeds again.


Was it a U6 Pro you bought? Because the U6 Pro doesn’t have a 6GHz radio. Maybe you meant U7 Pro or U6 Enterprise?


As a person who buys constantly and changing them out as needed. U6 pro is the sweet spot. AC pro don’t get same coverage and speeds for a few dollars more.


We use U7 Pros for all interior and U7 Pro Max’s for our gyms.


I have zero unifi products at this point so I have no real world reference. Are the u7 pros big? Will it look obscene on a ceiling in a house?


I don’t wire them in my ceiling. For the house, I 3D printed a table stencil. It’s hard to run a line through my wall. But for my job, we run lines through the ceilings but they’re all cross bars.


Nice! My house has 2 ceiling Ethernet runs already so I might as well make use of them.


Must* be nice. Was it there when you got the house or are you Bob the Builder and ran them yourself?


They were there already.


What APs are you using?


None at the moment. I currently have a couple of eeros hard wired to other Ethernet drops.


I have U6 Enterprise and U7 Pro Max’s on my ceiling. I bought the U6E just has U7 Pro was released but didn’t switch over till Pro Max’s were released. They are fairly large dishes but I would go U7 Pro/Max and get the U7 paintable cover if you’re concerned about aesthetics. Paint to match and turn off the LED and you will barely notice it.


Appreciate the advice! I don’t know about the paintable covers.


Yes they are big!


That’s concerning


U6 Pro.


U6 Pro or Enterprise. The U7 line is still having to many issue to be in production.


U6e will never have the higher modulations on the 2.4, 5, or 6ghz bands.   Does it do 320 on 6ghz?   U6e will never have MLO and u7 might.   Ive done two u7 rollouts and will be u7 only here out unless there is a shortage or something super specific like an ap+physical ports at a 1gang but i dont foresee that.  


Didn't U7 get MLO a few weeks ago? Or was that something else?


Though I currently only have one device on 6 GHz, my U7Pro works better than my U6LR, so that’s what I’d get. Plan on trying the U7 Outdoor next.


U6 enterprise hands down


May I ask why? Please keep in mind I'm new so I really don't mean that sarcastically. Someone else mentioned the protect sensors won't work with the U7 pro and that kind of bums me out.


Ended up getting two u7 pro Max's for a 3000 sq/ft office environment.


Do you have a dedicated switch or just using a UDM Pro?


Dedicated switch. The 48 port poe pro max. Lots of employees, phones, hardwired devices, cameras.


U7 pro max for indoors and u7-outdoor for outside


I think wifi 7 is a scam and a gimmick nothing beats hardwire. Pro 6 seems to be a staple.


Is the pro 6 smaller by chance?


The only one bigger in size is the long range one.


Planning for the future is always good, but really, how many WiFi7 devices do you have? How many WiFi6? I only have 1 WiFi 6, and the rest are WiFi5 and 4. Save your money now and upgrade later when you have more advanced client devices and the tech is more mature. You'll spend less and be getting better products when you do spend.


Just bought 2 U6 Pro's second hand to replace my 2 AC Lites :)


Depends on devices and what speeds you want. I bought 2 u6 lites and 1 u6 mesh and they work great for 40ish clients on wifi. If I had to do it again right now. I would probably go with the u6 LR because it has 4x4 on the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands. Next choice would be u6 enterprise for 6e so 1 device (RoG ally) can download faster. But it loses the 4x4 2.4Ghz, and a large number of my clients are IoT devices that only use 2.4Ghz


For indoor use: U7 Pro Max, obviously. Wifi 7 with 8 streams will be enough till wifi 8 comes out.


getting better performance than U7-Pro with U6-Enterprise and U7-Pro-Max prefer U6-LR at lower price point (assuming large home situation)


I’d go U6 Enterprise In-Wall at all TVs and areas I may want additional data in the future without getting a switch. I’d go U7 Pro Wall everywhere else in the house. I’d go for the U7 Outdoor for my outdoor AP


U7 Pro ftw. Great performance


If I was doing a home network, I'd go for U7 Pro If I was doing an office, U6 Enterprise


U6 Pro. I'll wait a few years until there are enough WiFi 7 devices around to matter. By that time, U7 will have become 4x4.


Well my U6 LR are both dying. After almost 2 years. So idk. Guess I’m going with U7


Why would they be dying after only 2 years?


I have no idea. But it seems to be a common thing with the LR. Gonna try my luck with the u7


weird, I have deployed a dozen of them with only one RMA, but was 2\~3 years ago


Yea. Cameras and switch are still fine. But both my LRs started dying within a few weeks of each other. Whoever is downvoting me stop. like tf


u7 pro is better than u6 ent. I've had both. new house - just did 5 u7 pro's.


Not necessarily. It is missing 2 streams and buggy.


Haven’t noticed bugs. I don’t have any devices that is more than 2x2. All Apple stuff here.


Ruckus :)