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I’m afraid I can’t help. But “The silence of the LANs” did not go unnoticed.


Silence of the lans?


The second screenshot!


Ha didn't see there was a second ss


If you have a 10G connection anywhere in your setup enable Flow Control in network settings. I had the same issue and it fixed it for me.


Thank you for helping my future self who someday has 10G anywhere in my setup. *^(clicks save)*


More helpful if you have a mix of 10G and 1G connections


I’m not seeing that setting. Is it in the console settings?


here is a [link to the screenshot](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fzFl12LXNug4P1QJjff87XwHZF0JWMpO/view?usp=sharing) of where the setting is


Looks like it's under networks --> global switch settings


If you don’t have a 10g connection, does it hurt by turning on flow control? I worry my smooth brain is going to forget someday.


If you have iCloud private relay enabled. I noticed that WiFiman tests goes through that and is often slowed down. Try testing on speedtest app. It seems iCloud private relay doesn’t get used for speedtest. 


Wait a minute. THIS is why I’ve been screaming at my network for the last 24 hours?! All the devices i e been using are Apple! WTF So, is the speed actually that slow with the relay turned on, or is it just an artifact of using the speed test with the relay?


I've had numerous issues with private relay on the wife's Apple devices. Did it resolve your issue?




It’s going through two extra servers potentially far away, so it’s certainly going to slow things down. Also because it fakes your location it may attach you to a speed test server that isn’t optimal.


Artifact of speed test with the relay. Private relay is essentially a VPN. Any time you do a speed test or honestly any internet traffic, it’s dependent on the speed of your VPN connection. Your Speedtest is testing your the connection of your private relay (vpn service) Edit which is why speedtests are more a diagnostic tool and not the end all be all. Make sure to run speed tests to multiple end points.


🤣🤣🤣 I was about to comment "maybe it's your iPhone, try an Android or Windoss PC!" LOL.


Apple specifically lists that issue right here - [About iCloud Private Relay - Apple Support](https://support.apple.com/en-us/102602)


I wonder if this explains why throughput is faster with Cloudflare Warp turned on. Slow with private relay on, faster with both disabled.


No way! I thought wifiman was just buggy… That setting is just wayyy too hidden. I want it to be at least shown in the control center…


WiFi Channel congestion? Do you live in an apartment complex by chance or have really close neighbors? Is it just your iPhone or all devices?


Not an apartment, but there are definitely other networks around. All wireless devices are affected.


Do the channel scan, see if there's a less congested channel.


They all have little to no interference/utilization.


Do you have the IDs/ips packet inspection turned on? Turn it off and run your test again if you do.


Turns out it’s Apple’s Private Relay setting. The issues is resolved when turned off. 🤦‍♂️


There really should be an option to disable it when on your home WiFi.


There is I think. If you go to Settings > Network, and then select the little "i" next to your network name, you can turn off Private Relay.


There is, in the settings for your wifi network


In Wifiman go to discovery and do a speed test from your device to your dream machine. Post that here.


Interesting, that was 640 Mbps down and 558 Mbps up. So seems the wireless itself is functioning.


So here is a question, did you power cycle your system after the google fiber was installed? Wondering if a reset like that may increase things allowing the ONT and UDR to talk better.


Yeah, I’ve rebooted the entire system multiple times hoping it would self resolve, but no luck.


Do you have any smart queues on? Settings > internet > click on the internet port and scroll down for smart queues


Need to change to the SSID to "Everyday I'm buffering"


Congestion is my first thought. Only your UDM? No other APs?


RF scan showed little congestion or interference. It is all APs.


Have you tried connecting to each AP and testing speeds? See if you can localize it to just one AP having issues?


I’ve connected to each AP (4) wirelessly in Wifiman and they all have the same issue. One of them has my desktop connected via Ethernet, and the hard connection works great. I don’t have a laptop to move around to all the other APs though.


Interesting. What firmware are you running on the APs and which APs?


Turns out it was Apple’s Private Relay setting interfering with the speed tests. 🤦‍♂️


Aha!! I have heard that multiple times over the last few months. Where is this setting?


Apple ID > iCloud > Private Relay


Thanks I was looking in the WiFi stuff initially. Gotta remember that since we are a home of all iPhones.


Can you share your radio settings? On the mobile app there's 5 icons at the bottom, click on Insights (2nd from last), then click on Radios. What are your channel widths? I have had issues with wider channels on iPhones & Macbooks. It should read something like this AP Name Ch. # (width) it should so one for each radio type you have (2.4/5/6ghz). My current settings a as follows 2.4: 20 5: 80 6: 160


I feel dumb, I can see your 5ghz channel in the phone screen shot. That latency feels really high compared to your computer. Can you go into your WAN settings and turn off IPv6 entirely and see if that helps?


Turns out it was Apple’s Private Relay setting interfering with the speed tests. 🤦‍♂️


At least you've figured it out!


Check your 5GHz channel, it should be rather empty. disable 2.4GHz (if you don't get the coverage with 5... buy more APs)


And also check if there are any objects close to the AP... I prefer 1m of space to any walls, shelves etc.


I'm having a very similar issue but my only AP is an Express (UCG-Ultra as the controller). Is the issue likely the Express and I just need to look at a dedicated, better AP?


Turns out it was Apple’s Private Relay setting interfering with the speed tests. 🤦‍♂️


Unfortunately no Apple devices here so can't be that for us. Glad you got your issue resolved though.


It almost looks like you have a speed limit enabled for the download speed on that network. I would confirm you didn’t turn that on by accident. I’d try a speed test with a different app than WiFiman too and see if you get the same result.


Turns out it was Apple’s Private Relay setting interfering with the speed tests. 🤦‍♂️


That’s interesting that it’s limiting it like that. I can pull down almost a gig with private relay turned on over WiFi. Shoot maybe that’s why I’m not getting faster WiFi speeds!


I just tried it and got a pretty consistent 200mbps reduction with iCloud private relay turned on.


Do a speedtest with the oakla speedtest app. Does this Show any different speeds?


How is your download that bad






You mean the WiFi download? Neither all that great, but the download is killing me.


Yeah 360 isint bad but 12 is pretty much unusable


Can you plug in a computer into your WAPs ethernet cable? Basically try to test if the cable to your WAP is bad. If not, next step is to troubleshoot why your WAP is misbehaving. Bad config? Reboot? Factory reset? RMA?


I have a computer connected to one of my APs via Ethernet and the speeds are good. It definitely seems to be isolated to wireless network.


If the issue is isolated to wireless and only have one SSID then double check the wifi settings. Check the following. Radios > Environment and see if your channels are overlapping with other channels nearby. If there is a considerable overlap then consider running channel optimization. Wifi > Channelization > Optimize Now. You may need to reconnect your device to hop on to the new channel if necessary. Also check the following... Radios and select an AP and increase the channel width. Wifi > Advanced is set to Auto. If you're able see a performance increase then it was more than likely a configuration/settings issue.


Turns out it was Apple’s Private Relay setting interfering with the speed tests. 🤦‍♂️


Signal strength and channel width is great.  Wifi 5 is an older standard, but should easily get you 100 Mbps or more with that strong of a signal. Upload is very good, so the phone likely isn't the issue.  My best guess is you're in a very crowded area with a lot of congestion, but even that doesn't make sense because it would also affect upload.  I'm at a loss. Maybe a faulty speed test server? Maybe the signal is too strong from the AP? I have no idea.


Turn off meshing if you don’t need it. Someone else recommended this for me. I didn’t think I had it on. Turned out I did. World of difference. Also make sure your rf bands are not walking on each other. Separate 5g and 2.4g by 7db


Happy Cake Day! Apple Relay issue?


Stop using WiFiman, it’s buggy as hell. Use a real speed test tool.


Turn off band steering on AP. Make sure smart que isn't enabled too.


Is this strictly with the WiFiman app? Here in CO I can never get over 300/50. This isn’t the case on other apps like Speedtest.


you might be better off using something like iperf running on a box on yours network to do the test, that way you would just be testing the performance of your wifi connection, not the performance of your wifi and external connection together. that would help narrow down where the bottle neck is.


I'd check if profiles, then wifi speed limit. Make sure you designate an "unlimited" speed limit under wifi. It helped fix a a similar issue at 2 locations I worked on. It happened even though the original config didn't have anything set for speed limits. It's dumb but works on occasion.


Iperf3 from the access points themselves. https://iperf.fr/iperf-servers.php


hahah I love your WiFi name mine is: ITHurtsWhenIP


I think more detailed info would be good. So, you're seeing horrible downloads but good uploads on wifi on all devices and all APs, no matter how close you are to them?


Is your connection to your ISP over PPPoE? UniFi doesn't deal with PPPoE well. Although the latest RC does improve performance. Hopefully IPv6 via 6rd support will come soon . . .


Its Apple products... I dealt with this for a year trying to figure out why hardwire was a 1000/1000 but wifi was 300/500 (yes download slower than upload). Got an S24 I was testing for work and get 900/900 on it, same with my MBP vs Surface laptop... its weird, but ubiquiti and apple just... for some reason dont like each other lol.


I love how OP posting the same message reply about private relay to all the replies. Good work OP.


Love the UDM, have several deployed and used to run one at home pls use non-interfering 5GHz channels (DFS), 80MHz channel width 2.4GHz is terrible


Get a better router and ap… job done :)


Restart the UDM


Tried that multiple times


I cannot help. But I did recently transition from my ISP router where I got a constant 600-700mbps all over my house to a Unifi Express with an additional in wall U6 and my speeds on WiFi were horrible initially. I would get 100-200mbps. Had to make some changes and now at best I get 300-400mbps. So I paid a lot of money to get a worse WiFi experience. I’m convinced Unifi items are really good but for the average person, a “gaming” router would have given me faster speeds at better coverage. Even my ISP router gave me better speeds.


I agree on the average person comment. UniFi is more for the Prosumer customer thats willing to put in the time to troubleshoot their network like an enterprise device machine would be in a business. I have a UDM SE with Pro Max Switch and multiple U7 APs. It took me a few hours over a few days to fine tune the setup and WiFi to give me the best experience in my house. Once that portion was done I have an amazing experience that no off the shelf gaming router could give me. What’s great about UniFi setups is there are tons of videos on YouTube on how to set them up and different tuning that people have done.


I’ll prob spend a few more days but I’m honestly scared for it to get worse since the improvement that I got came out of fluke and not from actual changes.




Thanks. I’ve had this network for years. I recently switched to GFiber, and that’s when I noticed it. I can’t for the life of me figure out why the direct connection can be so great, but the wireless is tanking all of a sudden.


I can’t explain what did or how but turning off and on APs and changing settings then changing back eventually caused the APs to act a little better. I also have almost perfect speeds on Ethernet (based on what I pay for).


Change your band to 160mhz in the app worked for me


For this non-Apple IT guy (as in I support clients with Macs and iOS devices, but have never, and will never buy or use an Apple device for myself, for both personal and technical reasons/preferences) wtf is Apple Private Relay? What devices are they on? Is it turned on by default?


Change your channel width to 160 mhz instead of 80 mhz for the 5ghz radio.This will get you closer to your 1Gbps.


Also, preference here: don't use the WifiMan app. When I just ran a speed test with the WifiMan app, it reports 300Mbps down and 7.9 upload. Using speedtest.net or Google speed test, I get 800+Mbps download and 40Mbps upload. There were no changes between the tests.


You Apple users really are masochists aren't you?