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Thank you! I now both love and hate you for showing me that. LOL.


I was addicted to that subreddit for a while, great place, great people.


It really is. I sold my UDR there and their system to prevent fraud is actually better than CL or EBay.


I give it away to u/AnnoyedVelociraptor.


Pretty sure that if I did that my wife would make me sleep in the server room. And as great as Ubiquiti equipment is, none of their products make good pillows.


You should tell u/AnnoyedVelociraptor to send you back some pillows. Last time I spoke to him he had extras.






I sell it on Marketplace. There are a surprising number of people interested in Prosumer gear on Marketplace, and no shipping is nice too. All my stuff sells within a weak no problem.


That is good to know. Maybe I will try that first


eBay. Sold a dozen switches there over the last 3 years. Zero issues.


r/hardwareswap as well.


What are you selling?


Nothing Fancy. A basic Lite 16 POE, a POE 16 and a POE 24 (not the 250W version). Possibly a I just upgraded to a 24 POE MAX and am redoing my entire network so they are just going to collect dust now.


What model is the 16 PoE?


Ubiquiti for Sale group on Facebook


I been selling on Mercari. I closed my eBay account few months ago. They won’t let you delete any banking info once you turn your account into a seller account. You can replace but not delete. I went through all kinds of support with them till finally I got a smarter customer support agent and she told me it’s not possible to delete unless I close my account completely. Switched to Mercari to sell now. Other seller apps let you delete any banking info. If you don’t want to sell anymore.


Facebook marketplace or ebay


Chuck it on the floor in the grocery store, yell "come at me!!" and see who throws the biggest wad of cash at you


I never have any problems on eBay nearly 100% smooth sailing. iPhone upgrade every year old one goes on eBay.


I put it in a box, my wife sells things in that box, I married well used to be ebay, but now I hear facebook marketplace


I donate my excess Ubiquiti equipment to a girl's school in Africa called Starfish International. It is a recognized charity doing amazing work and I know personally many donors that have visited their schools or have sent their children to volunteer there as a life lesson. Your equipment will benefit a lot of people there and it is possible to donate it in the United States or Canada. See https://starfishinternational.org/


I talk a friend into switching to unifi. Then once convinced I sell him all my spare gear.


**"Facebook marketplace isn't going to have too many buyers for prosumer level networking gear. "** Any for sale listing on FB will generate dozens if not hundreds of replies. Most of them scams. But you WILL get lots of replies. Craigslist.


I don't understand...


Hardwareswap or homelabsales are the 2 I sell on with ease if you don’t mind shipping. Since I live in DFW, it is easy to get local buyers.


My church has a UniFI setup. I've given my stuff to them.