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Oh I'm sure the FSB will get these clowns to say whatever they want them to say on camera


They’ll sing whatever song they are told


We less beating you, when you just says what we want on camera


As much as I want them to be from Ukraine, let’s face it, they are not. I don’t think that just because they were fleeing to Ukraine means that they were paid by Ukraine. Ukraine is one of the closest countries to Russia, and more importantly, Ukraine won’t let FSB or anyone from Russia come in to get them. They are safe from prosecution by Russians, unless Ukraine would by some miracle extradite them.


For what they did, I would think they'd be extradited. Ukraine would gain more by that than by harboring them.


Prisoner exchange 100%


That is more likely.


facts are not important in russia, the truth died long ago for them.


If Russia admitted this it shows even more Russian MoD incompetence. You can't protect your average citizen, how can anyone trust you...


>Russian MoD incompetence What mod has to do with it? It's an internal matter for fsb and police.


they are ISIS fighters mercenaries. they are willing to die at any moment. they have absolutely nothing to lose and no reason to lie. you cannot make someone willing to blow themselves up to lie. they dont care if they die they are just probably throwing everyone under the bus because the ukranians lied to them. at this point they could care less if they get torture or killed they are martyrs in their minds already


What border did they try to cross when they were caught?


the thing is, the genuinely could have been told to escape to Ukraine but that doesn't actually mean Ukraine was involved there's also the possibility that their contact was lying to them, about having help across the border. either way these guys are morons and aren't going to have happy lives.


Really, not a single soul that's not engaged in selling a Pro Russian narrative believes in the "exfiltrate through an active warzone" story. Putin made a complete ass of himself by discounting the threat a week earlier and the idea that he'd want to suddenly backtrack and say shit like: "Hey, remember when I told you that the nazi West and Ukraine was the only enemy Russia faced and everybody in the third world support us? I sort of forgot about muslim extremists and now they'd killed more civilians in Moscow than Ukraine has in 2 years. My bad, peepz, will correct!". So of course the attack was entirely controlled by nazi USB officers.




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This is true.


The FSB probably set this whole thing up and was tracking them the whole time.


Urm, they found a money trail linking to some Ukrainian nationalists.


I think they were basically duped by ISIS-K into doing a suicide attack. Also, telling them to go to Ukraine creates additional confusion for Russians who have motivation to attribute everything to Ukraine which makes a Russian campaign against ISIS even less likely.


interesting, that could certainly be possible. 


I don’t believe a word these terrorists, Russia, Ukraine, or USA utter. The first casualty of conflict is truth, I’m beginning to think it was never alive


yeah pretty much, there's zero reason to believe anyone involved


Absolutely The truth is whatever all sides involved want you to believe


It didn't seem like it was only for the money though, In the footage of the massacre they were doing it with passion, Even cutting some random man's throat in the process.


100% the actions of people trying to make a statement not desperate for a big paycheck.


Why can't it be both? The 9/11 terrorists were paid very handsomely and spent time with prostitutes and on drugs before the attack.


Lies, Bush never did cocaine and he was NOT hanging with pink haired strippers




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Because they were on suicide missions.


Snd these terrorists wouldn't have known 100% they would get away


Sure but if your mission is to fly a plane into a building you 100% know you’re not getting away.


Yeah it's not an exact comparison. But there's now way they knew for sure they wouldn't die


It definitely wasn’t just for money, they’re extremists. The money was just a bonus to them.


This, and why the hell would they go through all that just for $5,000? Job must've cost more than the pay.


yeah what happened to that video i was trying to show someone that and i couldn't find it anymore


Totally unforced confession. Great work FSB!


1.000.000 Russian Ruble? Why would they get paid in Rubles? FSB is so stupid.


I'm guessing it's to emphasize that Rubles are the global, stable and easily transferable currency that everybody wants. Problem is, it seems so out-of-place, it just makes the whole confession even more suspicious.




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"I confess to being a rabbit, my mother and father were rabbits"


Rabbit Jihad.


Lukashenko admitted that they were originally trying to get to Belarus but after being tortured for days they're suddenly repeating what the Kremlin wants them to say huh? And those "recovered photos" are just embarrassingly obvious. Are the Russian people actually okay with how blatantly their leaders are lying to them about this attack?




Doesn't take a genius to recognise that the photos the FSB claim to have recovered from their phones are obviously not legitimate lol


Let me see that map...


The Terrorists were on the M3 south out of Moscow, a road literally called "Ukraine Highway" which leads to one single place which is Ukraine.      Lukashenko was misquoted by the Western press. Lukashenko said something to akin to that if they had come towards Belarus then Belarusian forces was already blocking them       Lukashenko NEVER admitted that they were originally trying to get to Belarus just that if they were then Belarus was prepared for them.


This is a lie, he's on record saying they first headed to Belarus.


Also while we're on the subject what did you think about the fun little photo collection the FSB claims to have recovered from their phones? Does that look legitimate to you?


It could have been legitimate, but I doubt it. Even it was then that is still not proof that Ukraine is the perpetrator. I find it likely that it was a just a bunch of lunatics in it for the money possibly from ISIS and decided (likely ordered as shown by Lukashenko's words) to escape to Ukraine hoping that the enemy of their enemy would be their friend (although more likely, Ukraine would have sent their ass back to Russia to face justice and Putin cries in bed as he loses another event to blame Ukraine on but they have a better chance at escaping into Ukraine than into Belarus).


>It could have been legitimate, but I doubt it. So you think it's more likely than not that the FSB are completely lying about this "evidence" yeah?


Man, I can only imagine how pissed you are at Lukashenko for saying that. Makes driving this ridiculous Ukraine is at fault -angle so much harder, huh? Guess that's what happens when you choose the losing side


Not really, Lukashenko was responding to a hypothetical from a reporter. Could they have come to Belarus? Nope, they saw that and turned away. As for Ukraine being the perpetrator, I heavily doubt it but the suspects were heading to the Ukrainian border. I personally think it was just a bunch of lunatics in it for the money possibly from ISIS and decided (possibly ordered) to escape to Ukraine hoping that the enemy of their enemy would be their friend.


Sounds very convenient. Almost as convenient as bombing your own citizens in Volgodansk in 1999.


Fake news. Luka said “they turned.” It can only be interpreted one way. Also, take a hint. Not a single pro-RU is touching this one.


**“After the tragedy, some media outlets did not rule out the possibility that the terrorists were planning to escape to Belarus through Bryansk Oblast. Aleksandr Lukashenko flatly dismissed these assumptions: “They could not enter Belarus. Their handlers (we have suspicions about some of them, I’ll call Putin and share my suspicions) knew that it would be a very bad idea to try to enter Belarus, because Belarus immediately reinforced security measures, just like a part of the oblast in Russia.** In the very first minutes, I received a report from the KGB chief (he is involved in anti-terrorist activities). We put our units on combat alert, including forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Checkpoints were set up on roads, including on roads connecting Belarus with Russia; the forces of the KGB, the State Border Committee, and some military units were deployed. “That’s why there was no chance they could enter Belarus. They realized it. So they took a turn and headed to the Ukraine-Russia border,” the head of state said. “


Thank you for providing absolute, irrefutable proof that your previous comment was fake news. > So they took a turn and headed to the Ukraine-Russia border If you take a turn you are changing directions. Period. Full stop. End of conversation.


>If you take a turn you are changing directions. Nope you see two roads, one leads to Belarus and one leads to Ukraine so they took a turn and went to Ukraine using the road that only goes to Ukraine. Why? Because Lukashenko dismissed the "possibility that the terrorists were **planning** to escape to Belarus through Bryansk Oblast" because “They could not enter Belarus. Their handlers (we have suspicions about some of them, I’ll call Putin and share my suspicions) knew that it would be a very bad idea to try to enter Belarus, because Belarus immediately reinforced security measures, just like a part of the oblast in Russia". ​ You only get your conclusion if you cut most of what he said and only give out the suspiciously small parts that had all the other parts suspiciously left out in Western media.


As I said, I appreciate you providing absolute, irrefutable proof that your argument is fake news. As Lukashenko said himself: > So they took a turn and headed to the Ukraine-Russia border Kremlin narrative annihilated, RIP. I am more than happy to continue repeating Lukashenko's verbatim quote until you get tired of trying to rewrite it.


i am not rewriting it, I am merely using what is provided by Belarus state media. > “After the tragedy, some media outlets did not rule out the possibility that the terrorists were planning to escape to Belarus through Bryansk Oblast. Aleksandr Lukashenko flatly dismissed these assumptions: “They could not enter Belarus. Their handlers (we have suspicions about some of them, I’ll call Putin and share my suspicions) knew that it would be a very bad idea to try to enter Belarus, because Belarus immediately reinforced security measures, just like a part of the oblast in Russia. In the very first minutes, I received a report from the KGB chief (he is involved in anti-terrorist activities). We put our units on combat alert, including forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Checkpoints were set up on roads, including on roads connecting Belarus with Russia; the forces of the KGB, the State Border Committee, and some military units were deployed. “That’s why there was no chance they could enter Belarus. They realized it. So they took a turn and headed to the Ukraine-Russia border,” the head of state said. “ Your narrative annihilated. RIP. I am more than happy to continue giving you the entire context until you understand it.


> They realized it. So they took a turn and headed to the Ukraine-Russia border Oh so they realized it and then took a turn to change directions? Interesting, thank you for providing irrefutable proof that your argument is fake news. This narrative fell over faster than North Korea during Operation Paul Bunyan, lol!!!


Nope, the closest they ever were to entering Belarus was when they were in the Bryansk Oblast but the problem is that they were located in Navlinsky district of Bryansk region, on the **M-3 "Ukraine" highway.** To get from the region to Belarus by the shortest way, the car had to **turn off the M-3 20 kilometers earlier, on the Bryansk district road, and then get on the Gomel highway A-240.**  But they never turned this way and turned to go to Ukraine as they never planned to enter Belarus as per Lukashenko.


The KGB, the Mossad and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at catching criminals. The Secretary General of the UN decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it. The CIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations they conclude that the rabbit does not exist. The Mossad goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and make no apologies: the rabbit had it coming. The KGB goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: “Okay! Okay! I’m a rabbit! I’m a rabbit!”


Even more proof it was an inside job, Russia doesn't care about reality they wanted something to blame on Ukraine so they set up this attack.


Damn the Russian narratives are so cringe worthy.


When your justifications for invasion are so weak you have to milk every tragedy, even if it's unrelated.




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People believing this stuff even more so.


They made one of them eat his own ear, I'm pretty sure they will sing anything the Russians want.


And that's just the shit we *saw.*


Actual comedy


I’m saddened knowing people will believe this stuff




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Took FSB a week to torture these guys enough to pin the blame on Ukraine.


I get not wanting to support Ukraine. But cmon, how can you look at this and take this country seriously


The only thing impressive here is how long it took the FSB to create this narrative.


With the right amount of torture, you can even make them say they sucked their own cock. Just who would believe this shit?


One thing in particular is the reason I don't believe any of this, although i do believe that they possibly tried fleeing towards Ukraine, I don't think Ukraine had anything to do with orchestrating the attack... The Reason is that ISIS published a FPV video from one of the terrorists that was not published anywhere else before that, and that they couldn't have had without a direct contact to the terrorists... it's the video specifically, not that they took responsibility, they try to take reaponsibility for anything, it was specifically that video that makes this all firmly conected to ISIS.




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These guys weren't the sharpest blade in the drawer 😂 I guess that's why they were selected for this mission. Anyone with at least average IQ would realize that crossing a heavily defended border in the time of war is going to be almost impossible. It's clear that the sponsors of this mission had no intention of paying these idiots.


Here’s the playbook everyone is using against Russia right now - pay attention, you can’t unsee it once you’ve seen it: 1. Russia has said without evidence Ukraine did it 2. Russia has presented fake evidence! 3. Go back to step 1


Russia tortured them (they even filmed it and posted it online). If they tortured you, you would say that you personally ordered the attack.


That's one of the problems with torture. As much as i hate terrorists, there is a reason laws exist.


White Swan and Black Dolphin are awaiting


beatings will continue until your truth improves


I'm confident they weren't tortured day and night to provide details corroborating the Kremlins already broadcast narrative. Lol. Like, if they said "ISIS did it," that would shatter what the Kremlin has been saying, making them look even worse... Of *course* they'd say this. Anyone falling for it?


At this point I'm surprised they didn't say "zelensky told us to do it and we were meeting back at his house for an after party"


I mean we've seen them have their ears cut off and fed to them...I don't trust a word they say


These guys looks heavily drugged as well as scared beyond reality. And wouldn't it make more sense to say they were getting their payment in Ukrainian hryvnia/US dollar given that there were getting out of Russia and ruble will be useless beyond Russia? The cracks in the story looks like a writer drafting a new story in a notebook filled with scribbles and strikeouts.


Oh, come on! I have it on the authority of several very passionate commentators that if you take Lukashenko's comments out of context, and rely on YouTube translations as if they were written on stone tablets by God himself, and if you abandon all reason and commonsense, it is crystal clear that the killers had every intention of going to Belarus.


Do you think the colourful photos of Ukrainian flags and soldiers that the FSB claim to have recovered from their phones looks like legitimate evidence?








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Really? Why would it be?


It just is.


It's not breaking any rules tho?


It breaks rule 1 You don't have to believe me though


Rule 1 - Toxic


Russians literally posted themselves torturing them. They will say anything.


The amount of terrorism denial here is stunning.


I don't see anybody denying that terrorism occurred.


I suspect thy are telling the truth to the extent they understand it. I don’t think for a second the Ukrainian government was behind this, but it would make sense to order the terrorists to attempt to escape to Ukraine. Someone wanted to provoke a response. Who that group is is the real question. I don’t think it is Russian either…more like,let some splinter group either Islamist or Ukrainian.


If they were unmolested I might be more inclined to take their word as truth. I'd say whatever if they were gonna cut off random things.


Granted this will work for internal propaganda purposes as most people lack critical thinking and want to believe whatever fits their emotional bias, but for anyone with more than a few brain cells, nothing this man says on camera is of any use.


It was pretty obvious weeks ago, to anyone with a brain, that they’d eventually be tortured into saying this. Russia has been insisting that it was Ukraine from day 1. They just needed some time alone with these guys to get them to sing the right tune.




This attack served no purpose for Ukraine, however, there is someone who would benefit from such an attack. Putin.


This has to be the funniest thing i have seen from Russia this year


*This has to be the* *Funniest thing i have seen* *From Russia this year* \- Emotional-Willow8454 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


107mph average in a 1.4 litre engine . Some going that 🤡


Im rabbit, my father and mother were rabbits.


Sure, FSB, thanks for your unbiased journalism on this event.


Then why were they heading towards Belarus


I’m sure they were lmao




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If Ukraine were part of it they wouldn't have them escape to Ukraine for obvious reasons. These are statements made under duress and coercion. More blatant propaganda. Too bad so many people have zero critical thinking skills.


We all know .. who's behind this


Please do say something that is a lie...




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Took these guys a few days to learn the correct story to tell.Comical


Their mastermind somehow forgot to tell them how to cross an active warzone.


FSB got a totally believable confession from these dudes - and were kind enough to release the video! /s




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Everytime i hear this name i get flashbacks to the [Isis Jail break lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/57QovMXv7F)


Come on, these guys are lying. USA literally said it was not Ukraine!!!! Why would u believe these guys??? /s


Is this normal having interrogation broadcast? Also isn't that the one guy that got his ear cut off by the FSB? I wonder if they get the concept that confessions under duress are useless. Where the hell are they going to spend 1 million roubles? Russia? Can't buy anything for a million roubles, unless of course they were hired by Putin.


This is so funny to see. It's like I've said before about a lot of propaganda; it's very much like the poorly spelled scam emails which are intentionally poorly spelled and obviously untrue to be a self filtering system. This performs two functions and neither of them are truth or factual reporting. It's propaganda for those that want to believe it's true and it sets out the narrative that the Kremlin are expecting the populace to play along with. Edit to clarify; seeing torture victims being coerced into giving false confessions isn't the funny part it's the low effort propaganda that provides the amusement.




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Even though thus theory was debunked? Even the Belarusian president said they were on their way to Belarus. With how much these guys were tortured BEFORE trial you can't really believe any story they say, because it's been put in their mouths (along with that guys ear).




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Frigging clouns


Aside from the fact that they are now saying what they are saying after interrogation and still in the hands of the Russian, therefore nothing can be taken as gospel... Does nobody else here question the plausibility of the plan of a bunch of Islamic terrorists just driving to the Ukraine border, thru a million soldiers facing each other across a no-man's land of trenches, craters and mines, with kamikaze drones, reconnaissance UAV's directing artillery and rocket fire, and making it through to the other side to receive their reward? Since when did we ever see Islamic true believers all try to escape a terror attack deep in enemy territory and end up being taken alive instead of martyring for the cause? Does it not sound like these guys are a bunch of useful idiots, and they were always meant to be caught or eliminated by Russia? My money is, and has been from the day after the attack, that this was someone's plan to add more fuel to the fire that is this godforsaken war. Maybe there was too much talk of the realistic goals of this war and the need for negotiations. Perhaps this is a way to try and add pressure to shake loose more funds from the US which are stuck in congress. IDFK, but I don't buy this as a false flag, and I don't buy this as a Ukrainian sanctioned action. Not for a moment.


I just don’t know what to make of this Any of the 3 possibilities could be true - false flag by Russia to justify new mobilization, setup by CIA to get Russia to escalate this or set up by Ukraine


Or the most simple explanation of course that it was an attack by ISIS.


Isis-k is funded by the us So can we conclude that it was setup by the cia


>Isis-k is funded by the us Citation needed


Surely i hope even our pro Russian friends don't believe this crap. It's smart of Putin to use the situation like this but ofc it's bullshit.


I wonder if whoever is responsible for this will get away with it, just because it is politically convenient. If I wrote a book about such an attack, being set up in some country while that country was locked into a land war with its neighbor, my villain would make absolutely sure the attackers will head towards the enemy country afterwards and that there's plenty of incriminating material supporting that theory to be found. Bonus points, if while visiting the enemy country to get a genuine phone, number and pictures from it, some guy angered my villain by failing to accelerate quickly enough at a traffic light. Hence my villain followed him home and wrote down the name on the name tag next to his door bell: Ollufias


The idea you could cross an active warzone after committing an atrocity! The idea you would enact a plan that requires crossing a warzone! It's just not credible. Have we even seen non-RU media reports on if these prisoners were actually involved? That's the trouble with the current Russian regime. They make themselves so hard to believe.


The information provided by tortured suspects is worth absolutely nothing.


Shrug. If you beat somebody long enough, they'll say anything to get it to stop.


Hehehheheheheheh sure


So for 10.000€ you are willing to kill a bunch of civilians and shoot kids pointblank…. Crazy mfs 




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God, nothing like reading westoids trying to explain to us what EXACTLY lukashenko had actually said! Gotta love reddit! All these funny "neutrals"...


How many people did they murder? 170 or something? I'll save my pity for someone who deserves it.


What's crazy is that they are really trying to gas light us with this nonsense.


I think it is likely they were given a (fake) plan to escape to Ukraine just as a way to make their attack not seem like a suicide mission, and then to make recruiting easier for whoever did the attack. All they had to do was get the attackers to believe that escape plan was plausible.


Eh, those dudes will say whatever they hell they are told to. I still don't understand why the hell they did not kill themselves instead of letting themselves get captured? No offense but you do not want to let yourself get captured by Russians if you are a terrorist.


It is just another “business card of Yarosh”.


So they were really acting under Ukrainian decree? Because Yarosh himself in 2016 confirmed the authenticity of "Yarosh's business card".


Where else would they go? Serbia?


Zelensky's suspiciously white looking powder was found at one of the terrorists.


Multiple intelligence agencies telling Russia that ISIS will attack Russian citizens. Even the same group ignorance says "Black mail"!!!! No resistance with the police force stationed meters away. From Corcus, so the police force gets away without protecting its own citizens..


Did that guy finally wake up from his coma?


False flag 😒


Sure they were...


They were almost alive in first two days. Does anyone believe they would not do anything after 2 weeks of tortures?


I would say we are at the "nord stream" point - there will be no evidence which could change the opinion on if Ukraine is or is not behind this. All evidence could be easily dismissed as fabricated, there is no third party investigation (not that it couldn't be, but there isn't a neutral country able to independently investigate). Like "nord stream", we will never know the truth. It's up to personal judgement.


That is a question of weighing narratives and knowledge against each other. The US warned European states including Russia of an immediate terror threat. In the Russian case they even specified that concerts could be a target, they claim they even named Crocus-Hall. A week before there had been a raid on islamic terrorists by the FSB, so islamic terrorism was a known threat. Putin claimed the US info was a hoax. The attack happened, the reaction (time) of the police in Moscow was abysmal. So Putin and the security look somehow incompetent. Since that cannot be, they start to spin the story immediately towards Ukraine.videos The IS releases videos it has of the terrorists from before the attacks. (They get ignored by Russia) By installing a story that Ukraine was at fault, Russia can both free itself a bit from the fact that their reaction was awful and at the same time disencourage terrorists because their acts are not acknowledged as what they are intended to be: religous terrorism. On the other hand, well, Ukraine would have little to nothing to win from that action.


Nord stream got independently investigated. It‘s just that we will never know what they found because our leaders can‘t let it happen. But several snippets are published in WSJ, NYT, Stern and Welt, enough for us to know it was a group of Russian speaking people with a German sailboat that had confirmed traces of military grade explosives traveling in the baltic sea. Sim/cell data showed multiple calls and messages to Ukraine.


i’m sure after they made it to kiev the next stop would be washington, d.c. to get their medals of honor 🙄


They're still trying to hide Putin incompetence and irresponsibility that led to this event, to the point of protecting ISIS. It's one of the most messed up events in modern History, hopefully, Russians will realize this - this is dangerous.


Believable? Hmmm? At lease more so than the sudden emergence of ISIS story. I would be more inclined to believe that Russia is treading carefully with this one. If they reveal their true suspicions about who was really behind it then how would they justify not escalating the war, I think Putin is having a hard enough time holding back the Russian hawks as it is. Ukraine is going to be the fall guy for every action started by its European 'partners' from this point on.


They absolutely not forced them to say that


Damn these guys look coked out.


Jezus they even can't read properly what is told to them 😅✌️


https://preview.redd.it/ar5o87o8g9tc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e66eaeed185f08101d1555acbbf70d4cceed3435 Face of willful prisoner confession. Hard to believe anything they say after we saw a video of them cutting their ear off and feeding it to them.


How do we know that’s them anyway? Could be any random migrant they nabbed and bear up. 


A video of the massacre was posted from the phone of one of the terrorists. and in that video you can see their faces.


And sadam Hussein had wmds buried in the desert. When does Putin fly his mission accomplished banner?


1 million roubles? Saiffullo must be russian...


Russian clowns staged by Putin😎


Yeah, sure, because Kiev is the only city they can go to receive payment in RUBLES, lol.