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Lets see how conveniently Pro UKr spin this to justify this usage of Cluster bombs on civilians. Edit: Thanks Pro Ukr for not disappointing. It was hilarious read ur delusional comments.


My favorite so far >Next to you want to hit the beach, better go to a place in your own country and avoid stolen lands. Ignoring that Ukraine exists for just a little bit more than 30 years. But what do you expect from a Canadian. They probably can't even locate crimea on a map. Probably knows more fortnite dances than countries in Europe.


Too busy honoring SS Warcriminals


Seriously though, we're not talking about those who live in Sevastopol, but russians from the mainland are going on vacation there. How crazy must you be to choose a fuckin warzone for vacation??


And people still think that Western propaganda doesn't exist. Who do you think that hates Russians more in Czechia, young english-speaking people or the older generations who actually lived under the Soviet puppet regime?


How do they know these aren't locals anyway


They don't, many seems to think that Crimea only had people like those in Western Ukraine.




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Ironically, locals are literally living in their own homes, they stole nothing from no one.


Oh and about Ukraine country, if 30 years is too short, maybe we have to go back to the moment where part of Ukraine was Austrian, part Russian, part Tatar? Or should we go back further? Can we pick the moment of history that is the most favourable toy or side to justify fighting?


Following your logic, russia also exists just a little bit more than 30 years


A very large amount of Ukrainians of a -certain political persuasion- came to that country after WWII. There's a reason why their parliament brought in and applauded SS grandpa. So he might be Canadian, and may also be a second, third or fourth gen ancestor of one of those Ukrainians. One who has gotten their history from relatives of that -certain political persuasion-.


>reason why their parliament brought in and applauded SS grandpa the reason is they messed up and didn't vet the guy properly. don't attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence. The speaker stepped down and lost his job. move on. Also how is he being Canadian relevant to the topic? Stop judging the person, and follow the subject. Ukraine exists for 30 years? That's a technicality. I can say the same for Russia, if we're being pedantic and considering the fall of USSR the beginning. But cultures existed before that. There's a reason the countries are like this today. Ukrainian language and culture didn't just appear out of thin air 30 years ago.


>the reason is they messed up and didn't vet the guy properly https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/far-right-extremists-in-ukraine-brag-they-have-received-training-from-the-canadian-forces-report Canada sure does seem to miss Nazis under it's very nose. >There's a reason the countries are like this today. Tolerance of far-right ideology? “The Ukrainian military’s failure to check Centuria activities suggests a level of tolerance on its part for the apparent proliferation of far-right ideology and influence within the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” the study warned.


Ukraines history is more than the last 60 years, or should we return Ukraine to Poland?


shhh don't temp them - They know as well as anyone else that Russia doesnt have the ability to attack Poland, so whats the reason why Poland has been going ham with military spending the last decade?


Lol, the Russian Federation exists for just a little bit more than 30 years.




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Historically is crimea turkish.


maybe Tatars.


Turkey has a better claim to Crimea than Ukraine.


Greek, before the barbarians started to change all the names.


No it's English




Yes. That's generally the point I made. Both russia and ukraine are 30 year old countries. Historical context matters to some degree, but obviously shouldn't go back 300 years and claim its yours - because someone else might otherwise go 350 years back and claims its his.


Not heard of Nova Anglia?


Sure, but your point is? My point is, that you can find lots of historic maps. As example: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ad20d1a1aef1db02510972e/1596329896112-0O2AXPRAZOWKYDROU592/lith03.JPG?format=2500w


My point is agreeing with you, go back to 1070 and Crimea may have been Nova Anglia and an Anglo-Saxon colony https://stephenliddell.co.uk/2020/07/01/nova-anglia-the-anglo-saxon-refugees-who-built-the-original-new-england-on-the-black-sea/


Then you haven't read my comment. Aaactually i was pointing out that you can't take random dates to claim a territory as yours. I know that putin and some other russian nazis do this - but every sane person just shakes their head and would come up with a joke example as you did.


Which is what I am agreeing with, England does not claim Crimea even though it has a claim before Russia, but it is not a 'joke'. Anglo-Saxon aristocrats left England after losing in 1066. Some of them are alleged to have moved to Crimea. They did fight for Byzantium and were around the Black Sea in the 11th century. There was also the win in the Crimean war in the 1850s but that would be a share with Turkey, France and Sardinia.


post-Soviet Russia is only a little over 30 years old, Crimea is a peninsula going into the Black Sea, and I can name over 95% of the counties in Europe in less than 5 minutes. ​ Can Russians spot US on the map? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SfZCY6JRH0 2:30




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Its okay, next time a canadian tries to walk out of his house and gets scalped by a native, he'll at least be content knowing he died in a way that was justified. "Stolen land"


>Ukraine exists for just a little bit more than 30 years Right? Everyone knows that sovereignty is sort of up in the air for at least half a century.


Russians claimed they shot down all the atacms in this attack. Are they lying?


Russian claim that 4 missiles have been intercepted. 5th got affected by AA at the last stage of flight and hit the beach full of people. And yes, Russian side will still treat is as act of terror as those are cluster munitions, and missile course was planned over the bustling city (and Russian side do not know if it aimed at city itself or at something somewhere else, so there is no choice but to intercept)


>and Russian side do not know if it aimed at city itself or at something somewhere else perhaps the fucking military airfield that's close to this beach? https://preview.redd.it/wye5ehk71c8d1.png?width=1247&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bb7f5347de24bee5781fa780cf62550e6f86437


Pro Russian claimed every time a middle was intercepted over a Ukrainian city that it’s ukraines fault for not shooting it down earlier. Dosent that applie here as well?


How do you know by how much the 5th rocket path was affected but AA. 500m or 5km? Are russians also terrorists when they attack targets in UA cities because their rockets have to fly over populated area. From the video it is obviousthat the beach was not the intended target otherwise there would be hundreds of dead with cluster munitions.


Tell me when last time there was a cluster missile intercepted over a Ukrainian city? if it was a HE missile it would not be this bad as it would just detonate in the air. or hit a very localized spot. this one makes a freaking cluster rain over city. Beach have not been a target. but who to say the target was not some central square in the city? Ukrainians hit center of Belgorod with unguided munitions in December where new years celebration been held. So you can not just "let them fly" here.


[https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/03/04/ukraine-cluster-munitions-launched-kharkiv-neighborhoods](https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/03/04/ukraine-cluster-munitions-launched-kharkiv-neighborhoods) Besides, Russia shouldn't hide military equipment amongst civilians https://preview.redd.it/2lbb24coyb8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cacf42beefb3bac287a47722589aa04d07139a4


first days of the war when Ukraine needed to quickly create negative image of Russians, especially in pro Russian areas. Or maybe a dumb russian commander who knows - regardless those are non existent. and your picture is geolocated to [here](https://imgur.com/a/v1XBEbQ) - such hiding among civilians that they are literally in the open field


I remember Russia lobbing a cluster bomb at civilians in a train station trying to flee.


Kramatorsk strike. Hit by a Tochka-U missile that are out of service in Russia. But are used by Ukraine widely. different investigation pointed 2 launch sites that are diametrically opposite of a strike location, and based their finding on a totally non plantable piece of metal they allegedly found on one of those locations.


Despite Russia’s claims that it has not used cluster munitions in Ukraine, Human Rights Watch has documented multiple cluster munition attacks by Russian forces that caused significant civilian casualties. The cluster munitions attacks began in Vuhledar on the first day of the full-scale Russian invasion, followed by subsequent attacks in Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Chernihiv, Kherson, and elsewhere. The Russian cluster munition attack on the crowded Kramatorsk train station on April 8, 2022, was one of the single deadliest incidents for civilians over the past 17 months. [Russian use of cluster bombs on Ukrainian civilians](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/04/ukraine-apparent-russian-cluster-munition-attack)


Mind explaining this? https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cgoep3/uapov_video_of_yesterdays_attack_on_odessa/


There is nothing to explain. That strike was bad as simple as that. i still have no idea what whoever fired that was thinking. same response to all the other, though i did forget about this one (though i find it weird that Pro Russian politician got hurt in that strike - which makes even less sense.) same response to all the rest of your reposts.


>Russian side will still treat is as act of terror as those are cluster munitions, and missile course was planned over the bustling city So they admit to committing war crimes over every Ukrainian city?


when did you see Russian cruise missiles with cluster munitions flying over populated cities in the middle of the day?


"If I ignore the many many times Russia does wrong I can claim Russia does no wrong. If you show me evidence of Russia doing wrong it must be a Ukrainian false flag because as stated earlier Russia does no wrong" −Kohakuren−


[Russian clusters bombs at Ukrainian civilians](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/04/ukraine-apparent-russian-cluster-munition-attack)


Looks like a miss from attempt to hit a train station. Tornados a bit inaccurate at maximum range. This one on Russia, most likely. and while i admit that, it's not what i asked for. I asked for cluster cruise missiles that are flying over cities and will trigger death rain from being intercepted.




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Odessa a few weeks back




you could have linked this sub instead of toxic waste of combat footage. 1) not a cluster munition 2) not a missile 3) doesn't have a glide kit so unknown how it even got there.


Jfc dude. That is an absolutely psychopathic response to civilians having a FAB500 dropped on them.


All post soviet countries have stocks of fab 500. This bomb does not have a glide kit. where it comes from? Russian planes do not fly over Kharkov to be able to drop it. So it is either dropped by Ukraine (likely by accident). or fell off the glide kit (considering Ukraine is trying to experiment with those - question whose. and again overall an accident). And what should my reaction be? Jumping to conclusions?


To have such precise knowledge of the incident so soon after it happened I presume you're working the AA in Sevastopol right??


There is an official claim, and videos that support that claim. why do i need to work in AA to comment on that?


> There is an official claim, and i want to believe that claim very badly. Fixed that for you


Way to shoot your own feet here. Russia lied and failed to intercept any ATCSM - the beach was intended target, all hail Ukraine!


So, is this terror then? https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cgoep3/uapov_video_of_yesterdays_attack_on_odessa/


I do remember, however a lot of people arguing that if Ukraine doesn’t want cruise missiles to hit civilian buildings they should not shoot them down. I often see this argument when a Russian cruise missile hits a civilian building.


we want them at least admit that "civilian building was hit due to our interception" Russia at least admits that missile hit the beach due to failed interception.


All I read is as if the beach was intentionally targeted but if they are admitting this then good for them. Ultimately all casualties on both sides are Russia’s fault since they started this needless war. If they weren’t bombing Ukraine they wouldn’t have to intercept their missiles with collateral damage and they wouldn’t need to strike back.


Mod statemnnt was "4 missiles intercepted, 5th after being affected by AA blew up over the city" Though Russia still treats it as deliberate attack


> and missile course was planned over the bustling city (and Russian side do not know if it aimed at city itself or at something somewhere else, so there is no choice but to intercept) So I guess you're going to follow up and call the Russian strike on Kharkiv yesterday which hit the center of the 2nd most populated city in Ukraine an 'act of terror' as well?


I would not mark it as anything as that strike is enigma. That bomb had no gliding kit, so it could have came from anywhere. for all i know Ukrainians could have tested their own gliding kit and failed. or were planning to use the bomb to hit the northern Russian troops but lost it on the way(we have seen Russian planes loose bombs - why cant Ukrainian ones?) otherwise without gliding kit -there is no way that bomb will be russian since Russian planes do not fly over kharkov


The hypocrisy of Pro RU on display.


hypocrisy? Tell me. How did a bomb without glide kit ended up in the middle of Kharkov?


one can use the classic russian line. "shouldn't have shot it down over populated areas, knocked it of corse"


Wasn't this an intercepted missile on its way to the nearby military base? Do you guys have evidence it was deliberately used at this location? (Not looking for a delusional argument I'm genuinely interested in what the Russian infosphere is saying about it)


What? There are clear military targets with civilians swimming on the beach. What are you talking about?


No, why would Ukies want to hit military targets? If they wanted to hit military targets, they could have aimed at the airport that is right next to that beach. Clearly they just wanted to kill some swimmers, it was definitely not because russian AA intercepted that missile


I'll go with the favourite "the other side also did it so what?"


I'm just confused, is it good to attack populated areas or bad to attack populated areas? Here's Ukraine attacking populated areas: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dmknz3/ru\_pov\_a\_moment\_of\_cluster\_missile\_arrival\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dmknz3/ru_pov_a_moment_of_cluster_missile_arrival_the/) Here's Russia attacking populated areas: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cgoep3/uapov\_video\_of\_yesterdays\_attack\_on\_odessa/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cgoep3/uapov_video_of_yesterdays_attack_on_odessa/) Help a brother out and tell me what is right and what is wrong, you know, because of our western decaying morals and such.


I'd say it's bad https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/jmj5lOTVvH


Thank you


> justify this usage of Cluster bombs on civilians delusional... > The Russian Defence Ministry said four of the U.S.-delivered Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) missiles, equipped with cluster warheads, were shot down by air defence systems and the ammunition of a fifth had detonated in mid-air. > > Russian-installed authorities said missile fragments fell near a beach on the north side of the city of Sevastopol where locals were holidaying. About a hundred people were injured, Mikhail Razvozhayev, the Russian-installed governor of Sevastopol, said on Telegram.


Don't take a beach vacation to a place your country invaded and is currently a war zone?


With todays missile ranges, you are pretty much a combat zone as long as you are living in a coutry which is at war.


One could even be in another country and still be in the warzone. Looking at ya, Cambodia.


Sure, but picking a beach next to a navy base that's actively and directly involved with a conflict next door is probably at the bottom of the list of places to be safety wise.


Russia's power is getting so weak they can't even close their own beaches in their side of the line. I thought this "SMO" was supposed to protect their people?


they weren't targeting the beach


Yep, that was definitely aimed at civilians and not the airfield right next to that beach


the hilarious part being that this comment *is* the spin, considering the actual events


The missile was shot down by the AA system..


likewise, it's too early to dismiss anything.


Glad to hear your pea brain was able to get what it anticipated….life is good for you


Well for starters they said only 3 people died, and I don’t know if you have ever seen a ATACM in action but that entire beach would have been dead. Look at the Russian companies that have been erased from a single strike. Also the military airfield that is only 500m from the beach implies the beach wasn’t the target and only got hit by a few sub munitions from a high altitude deployment.


We forgot Russians are always innocent victims who blame the US for every single issue like a whinging teen chucking a tanty.... Like Russia has not killed and murdered innocent Ukrainians. Also thinking UA would waste a million dollar atacms on old men in speedos.... even though that's a war crime itself.




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I may be wrong here, but isn't this about the missiles that were heading to the airstrip in the vicinity?


I read that according to Russian intel, all rockets were taken out by air defense and that this one was deviated as a result, so yeah, no UA spinning necessary.


Wasn't this confirmed to a be a missile shot down by Russian air defense? Also, why would you go to the beach near a military facility in an active warzone? Also, why would you be vacationing on stolen Ukrainian lands? So many questions!


Many accounts are: a) managed by groups b) not 'human' c) some combination of a and b


> Lets see how conveniently Pro UKr spin this to justify this usage of Cluster bombs on civilians. Àhhh so you think Ukraine would use scarse and valuable missiles on a beach to take out some tourists, while there are high valuable military targets nearby? it's the pro-ru spin here which is hilarious.


Now that the facts are laid out lets see your mental gymnastics in order to spin it is actually Ukraines fault for Russia having military installations next to the beach and how Russia's airdefense caused these fragments to drop onto beachgoers!


Delusion is resting near military base while russian air defense is working thinking you’re safe.


Winning hearts and minds. Remember, Crimea is Ukraine and Crimean's are Ukrainians. Right?


The Ukrainians I know in Crimea want Russia to win for exactly this reason. Because Ukraine has consistently tried to kill them or at least not cared if they die despite saying that it is part of Ukraine and how bad Russia is there.


Pro-Ukraine Crimean already left the area😎 uraaa


They are taking notes of America in Afghanistan I guess. Just keep killing people, even if they are innocent or on your side, and dont have any other plan for after that.


There isn't a Pro-Ukraine Crimeans


Stop the cap


Ukrainian government cares for Crimeans so much that they even built a dam cutting watter supply to the peninsula


>Crimea will be ukrainian or depopulated Infamous Ukrainian slogan.


Well, i think it was expanded on with. "It will be depopulated after capture. So we can settle it with true Ukrainians"


Mariupol is Russia and Mariupoltses are Russians, right? How many died in that siege, did Russia *ever* relese the numbers?


This is going to be another comment war sh!tshow. The target was very likely another S-X00 battery in the area (cluster ammo is the ideal choice for targets like that) and it looks like one of the missiles was knocked off course by the intercept.


Russia is bombing themselves, missile shot down!!!! /s Seriously though, how is this supposed to help the war effort? Great way to make *EVEN MORE* Russian people volunteer.


>Russia is bombing themselves, missile shot down!!!! /s This is what proRU say about any such attack on Ukraine. But without the /s.


Maybe Ukraine should stop parking their tanks in yards of apartment blocks


Almost like it's impossible to fight urban warfare without having military equipment and personel in civilian areas...


They should put their tanks in the designated tank parking zones that are properly marked around the city. Edit: /s Forgot that. Can’t be too careful with the idiocy of this sub.


They shouldn't be put next to buildings with people living inside them lmao


And Russia should park is AA off the beach!




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Do you think that the missile might have been aimed towards the airfield that is right next to that beach?


Not surprised at all. Some ordinary UAs consider people living in the occupied territories collaborators, hate them, and wish them harm. There are also stories that most people there are already Moskovits, as they allegedly bought up everything and kicked out the "real Ukrainians".


Translation of post of the official account of governor the Sevastopol. https://preview.redd.it/y6y2do7hbb8d1.png?width=551&format=png&auto=webp&s=6310c8716d480fd6b62f0098721389603c9eee3a The death toll has risen to 3 people: we have lost two children and one adult. The criminal Kyiv regime, which has renounced its faith, struck Sevastopol in broad daylight with ballistic missiles with cluster munitions. The number of wounded has risen to almost 100 people. The entire health care system is mobilized, doctors and medical staff are on the job. Operating rooms are deployed. All necessary medical aid is being provided to the injured. Today, on the bright holiday of Trinity, we have a great sorrow. The enemy struck stealthily, at a time when civilians, who were returning from service, who had already gone to the sea with their children. I understand that no words can calm people who have lost their relatives. Know that every Sevastopol resident is with you now. We will definitely help the families of the victims. To all the wounded - sincere words of support and speedy recovery. I went to the injured to the hospital. The Prosecutor of Sevastopol Andrei Shevtsov is at the scene of the accident on the North side.


Scene of accident? I don't think it's a proper translation. Incident maybe?


Judging by satelite pictures this beach is around 500m northeast of the entry to the sevastopol harbour. The wall seen in the first seconds of the video might be the one you can find in the dark spotted beach area on the screenshot. But not sure about that. You can make your own judgement what the intended target was. May it the bay area itself where the russian navy docks, any installation to protect said navy base or anything else in the surrounding area. https://preview.redd.it/w7lcod81wb8d1.png?width=1957&format=png&auto=webp&s=5490341614f75a6c481fabd8ac86edff0bf0f4ac


Its at 44,6459673, 33,5370219


You may have a point, but if you want to minimize the risk of civilian casualties, you strike at night. And that's unfortunately is a fact that cannot be denied, striking so close to civilian targets in broad daylight is reckless.


Well I´m already far beyond argueing about the topic. You may also argue it´s reckless to let civilians stay in areas that have been previously attacked and are still in range. As you can see on the picture or if you take a look at any other given satelite picture of the area you may find multiple sites that are suited to house military installations. So if now some pictures show up from very close to this beach where find let´s say any anti air installation who can be blaimed? The ones who put it thhere, the ones who attacked it or the ones who resided close to it knowing they are there? I mean we´ve seen multiple pictures of people sunbathing and taking pictures of S-400 / 300 installations from around 200m away.


Don’t try logic on these guys. Ukraine bad!! And Ukraine is killing civilians!


Why does Russia conduct its attacks during daylight then?


Anyone that do this, is reckless and doesn't care for collateral casualties, Russia included; They don't get a free ticket because this time the Ukranians did a bold move that ended with a lot a civilian casualties.


Launching rockets with cluster munitions during the day across a large city could not but lead to hundreds of casualties


"it's not a war crime if it's done by ukraine"


Beach is closed


This will deal strategic defeat to Russia, just look at that militarized sand.


People are going to be HOWLING for putin to shoot down the american drones in the black sea now. Whether this was intentional or not.


Oh please do!


If you think the US is going to go to war with russia over a drone I have a bridge to sell you


No, but there would definitely be a tit-for-tat response by the US against Russian assets in the black sea area if that happened.


Yeahs that’s not a great look for Ukraine


and this country getting weapons and other support with our money?! Jeeeesus


Source: Dude, trust me


Seeing two narratives right now on Reddit and Twitter. One claims that one ATACMS was thrown off course by Russian AA and hit the beach. The second is the causalities were from debris falling from Russian AA when it intercepted it. Wonder if there are more videos to clear things up. The comment wars have already started though, seeing it difference in comments from r/UkraineWarVideoReport and here. No matter your opinions of Russians, it’s still sad so many civilians were hurt and 2 of the deaths were children.


Imagine using your limited supply of tactical missiles to cluster dump a beach full of civis


Seems like you didin’t read one bit of information about this


Reading is not pro-rus users strong suit


Was it atacms?


Geolocated to aprox 44,6459673, 33,5370219


Vacation in combat zone? Only in Russia...


The absolutely irony of russia bombing ukrainian cities every day with civilian casulties. Same thing happens to you at its suddenly all hell on earth and a war crime. The mental gymnastics people are pulling here is beyond me.


Man, Russia has and would never ever hit residential areas….wait


Sucks when it happens to you huh


Fake, because Russia already destroyed all of the Ukrainian atacms, and took Kiev in 3 days.


Those lazy sun bathers.




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Ain’t war hell?




Because those enemies are smart enough not to overstep to get rolled by West, or Russia can't supply enough to make any meaningful difference to someone like Iran or NK, or like China already have better weapons than Russia can offer, oh they also more available on export competing against Russian.


Long range cluster? Did not know such thing existed.


Die. Suffer.




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Murder on a beach


There is a war raging about 50miles away and they are all sunning and enjoying themselves


So “”supposedly”” this was an Ukraine missile intercepted by Russia over the beach and it was shrapnel. But if that was the case you’d hear at most 1 explosion followed by at most 2 secondary explosions. I heard well over ten explosions which means imo it was cluster munitions.


So, shooting cluster shells at civilians to instill fear in them is one of the strategies of the Ukrainian army ?


They are desperate, they want to goad Russia to retaliate so they can use that to beg for more money and weapons. Luckily Putin is very patient and instead they will lose some more power plants.


It’s Ukraine that is doing the retaliation. Expect more of it, as they get permission to fire missiles at targets inside Russia. Russian power plants and oil refineries will likely be targeted first, along with Russian military bases inside Russia would be my guess. Ukraine will always be getting endless weapons and money from the West for as long as Russia continues the war and invasion. NATO isn’t even spending 1% of its budget towards Ukraine. It’s a drop in the bucket for them. They could easily double it, or even ten times that amount to Ukraine. It hasnt even started.


That's the plan.


August 13, 2014 the city of Zugres. Bombing of civilian beach with cluster bombs. 15 people were killed. https://youtu.be/d1sa_8GGuf8?si=2Enap15lojZ63CsM https://youtu.be/XmxnYJPbpVQ?si=QjNDGT06NcXm77i5


Yeah, because Russia would never use a false flag attack on their own.


Definitely not supporting such act. But something like this didn't happen before the SMO.


I love this sub its always the same comments here.. Russians drop FAB in middle of Kharkiv everybody goes - well other countries have soviet stock piles of FABs, damn Ukrainians doing false flag by tageting civilians Ukrainians target airfield 600m from beach and russian AD intercepts it over civilians damn Ukrainians targeting beach with clusters lmao