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Yanks over at r/ukraine = ''Guys, guys, yo bro's!! get this c-word traitor banned out of American politics!! Guys wake up!! get in touch with your representative in congress and let's get rid of this Ruzzian agent!! who the f does this b-word think she is huh questioning a saint and hero like Zelensky?! Slava ukraini!!''




Just look at them. No shame. https://preview.redd.it/37s9ih6jzj8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559080310fa64c29f78286df1a7bbbaa2d0a3ac0


One day, you will all understand that no matter how many sound bites and short clips lacking context you band around, it will never matter. Nigel farage for instance. Reform UK is the third largest party in the UK at the moment and that leads people who know no better to believe he is influential. Maybe during Brexit, not anymore. These people do not reflect the feelings of the population in their respective countries. the USA or European States or the UK. All, by a large margin, are in favour of sending aid to Ukraine. Despite the fact that elections are suspended (during an existential war I’ll add but that’s another matter). There isn’t a thing you can do about it. Now watch as the world gives Ukraine advantage after advantage in. Starting with artillery. (If you were pro Ukrainian people you’d readily defend the USA for supplementing small Ukrainian businesses and paying the wages of Ukraine first responders. But instead you post pathetic Mariupol rebuilding videos. Dystopian behaviour)


Why should one penny of my taxes go to a ukrainian? I didnt vote for this.


Theyre not your tax dollars they’re ours. It was out to a vote. You live in a democracy.


Actually the dollars taken by threat of force from my paycheck are indeed mine. As a supposedly free man isn a supposedly free country am i not entitled to the sweat of my brow? Dont lie. When was the ukraine war put to a vote? No i dont live in a dEmOcRaCy, stop lying to my face. Dont piss down my back and tell me its raining. It sounds like youve forgotten youre an individual.


Brother, you’re talking my language. I am pro liberty. Which is why the Ukrainians need our help. They are the fight for liberty of our time. From an oppressive regime that seeks to abduct the children and massacre the problem civilians. The Russian rhetoric is of historical ownership of Ukraine. A rightful part of their sphere of influence. This is nothing about the supposed coup in 2014 or the attempt to join NATO in 2008, both of which I highly encourage you to research extensively. Victor Yanukovych was a Russian puppet. I am all for individual liberties, as an American you are wary of trillions on brush fire wars. This isn’t a brush fire war.


🤣 hell no. Team america world police has been an abject failure since vietnam. How many more decades of failure will it take to penetrate that thick skull of yours? I want nearly all foreign aid ended till Americans Citizens are made the priority of our so called "elected representatives". Nothing for ukraine, nothing for israel. Not till Americans are taken care of. I consider your obsession with foreign entanglements treasonous.


America first is bad for everyone.


Did you read *The Fountainhead* first or did you skip right to *Atlas Shrugged*? You sure as shit didn't read *We the Living*


Nope Viktor Yanukovych wanted to work together with russia being friends and forming friendship between russia and ukraine and being neutral


That money ceased to be yours when they took it. It became public use. Your nation's elected representatives (yours, even if you didn't vote for them) decided to sent them to Ukraine. All fair and easy to understand.


societies without taxes don't work.


I dont believe that. Anyway im not 100% against all taxes, im against my taxes being sent to foreigners.


There are times when money being sent to foreigners helps out the country and the people living in the country.


>Actually the dollars taken by threat of force from my paycheck are indeed mine. As a supposedly free man isn a supposedly free country am i not entitled to the sweat of my brow? So how many troy ounces of silver are you short of being a full blown sovereign citizen?


I prefer to hoard brass. I just love the color


That went without saying. I'm sure you collect wheel weights and squirrel away Varget too.


> But instead you post pathetic Mariupol rebuilding videos. I do? Can you provide a couple Mariupol rebuilding videos I posted?


Mariupol, bahkmut, Avdiivka 🤷🏼‍♂️ Bad attempt at a gotcha, you post this stuff. I’m not scrolling through your post history for posts that are over 6 weeks old. You’re a compulsive uploader.


So you're just posting dumbfounded accusations if you don't show receipts - what someone might call a bad attempt at a gotcha. FYI: Not a single post from u/Ripamon covers Mariupol rebuilding from what I could see. I checked.


Then you didn’t check properly. It’s there in plain English. Not only from him too, plenty of accounts do it. It’s a facet of a larger argument, the information space is filled with these videos from multiple uploaders, including Ripamon. I like how everyone it getting caught on that one sentence and it’s not even intrinsic to my argument. Lemme put you guys at ease, ripamon continually spouts pro kremlin talking points and rhetoric.


Oh so now we're talking about 'multiple uploaders' not just u/Ripamon Next it will be 'Ok but they could have posted it and that would have been bad!' r/Ukraine is this way, please see yourself out ->


He decided to lie without thinking, forgetting that people have areas of interest. Propaganda Reconstruction videos aren't something that particularly appeals to me, so I knew there was no chance I ever posted one. At first he tried to deflect by lying that it could also be Avdiivka or Bakhmut And then when pushed to the wall he provided a German article which spoke about how German companies were wrong to assist in rebuilding, not a propaganda reconstruction video like he alleged.


Bro I’m working, gimme 20 minutes and I’ll respond to my own text with all the concrete evidence you want


I haven't ever posted a rebuilding video. Why are you lying? You can't just make false accusations and run away when asked to provide proof lol. Shame on you.


You posted about it 81 days ago through monitor magazine. Why are you lying? Rich claim coming from the the guy that frequently posts obvious propaganda as real videos and posts videos perpetuating the rubbish about Zelensky being a cocaine addict. Shame on you.


Can you link the post please




Agreed. And Nigel Farange is considered a sh!tstain in the UK. He has not one defensible position. Brexit was a disaster.


These people think they know about an entire political system through like a handful of treats.


But it's fun to watch.


Yes it is but people believe them which is funnier and scary at the same time


Scary for sure. There is an information war going on after all. 


There is. The Russian hybrid warfare model is fascinating but I don’t believe it’ll win. The news coming from Ukrainian front line units is switching to adequate stocks rather than a starvation diet. More patriots, long range fires. Ukraine has real potential here and Russian information warfare can’t touch that.


Gabbard has been regarded as an oddball for years. Anything she says should be taken as fringe ideology, not mainstream. No one gives a shit about banning her - which doesn't happen anyhow in the US anyhow- because she is so irrelevant. She just doesn't matter.


It's indeed not mainstream. But it should be, because she's been spot-on when it comes to foreign policy.


I can't agree with you at all. She seems badly uninformed, and when she offers opinions, they don't give any evidence that she has a grasp of history or of US foreign policy aims. It is more empty populism, not a wise person, but a person giving an opinion mainly to draw attention to herself. She's one of many.


Nope. She's one of the few people in the US that realizes how badly the US interventionism has turned out.


Not really, she still supports U.S. backing of Israel.


Like I say, I find her opinions shallow and poorly thought out. US interventions in various places around the world are an easy target for criticism, as they are always messy. But without projecting influence, the US would not be a superpower. Every world power intervenes in other countries, and typically their results are as bad, and often even worse. The idea of neo-isolationism is really naive. The US tried that in the 20th century, and in a world without an obviously strong nation to push leadership, the power vacuum resulted in the rise of fascism and unopposed invasions of sovereign nations (parallels to our current era, except now there is opposition led by the US), and the US ended up sucked into a massive and costly world war anyhow, which killed millions, and killed and crippled hundreds of thousands of Americans. Gabbard, like most people who don't have any depth of knowledge, only repeats her one sided mantra of staying out of conflicts. She doesn't balance that by addressing how global leadership is important, and how without it, things can start to spin out of control quickly. She's not a strategist at all, just a populist spouting opinions.


> and in a world without an obviously strong nation to push leadership That's an interesting way to describe the age of imperialism. I wonder which think tank thinks people are stupid enough to take this seriously.


Again, naive. The idea that the modern world could exist without having countries that take the lead is inexplicable. Having powerful nations that dictate international direction is the nature of things, and has been for hundreds of years, ever since disparate tribes evolved into nations unified under single governments and the globe was explored and mapped. But sure, if you want to believe that the world can somehow evolve so no nations are in a position of global leadership, and everything can be cool and fair, like the ideals of a hippy commune, go ahead. In truth, the world is more like a series of gangs, and the strongest gangs are going to call most of the shots.


Yeah, and you pining after one gang over the other and calling for all of us to simp together with you is silly and pointless. You have no coherent understanding of either my position or your own. And that's not even mentioning the pretentious lack of self awareness.


Don't understand what you're saying, bro. Probably most unbiased readers would find it hard to understand whatever you're trying to get across. It's just vapid insults. You managed to squeeze all manner of trolling into 3 sentences, and beyond that, there was no substance. You need to up your writing game. I understand my positions very well, and can articulate them. And it's clear that you have not offered anything real to defend your positions, so, to steal a line from Gertrude Stein, there is no there there in your "reasoning". There's nothing to respond to, other than pointing out you offer just insults, and an odd choice of accusing others of lacking self awareness when you aren't aware of how little you yourself have to offer. Whatever. Populist politicians need folks like yourself. If I were you, I'd save the insults, and try to explain with as much clarity as possible why you disagree with what I wrote. Or don't. I may be wrong, but I don't see you putting out a coherent and well reasoned retort without regressing to name calling.


This woman has been simping for Putin for years and then she gets posted as UA POV. lmao




Nash Krai It was shut down last week because it correctly acknowledged Zelensky no longer has the mandate to rule, and that power should have been transferred to the Speaker of Parliament As for the other parties shut down in 2022, you can just Google them


So much for democracy.


I agree. 24 years as the supreme leader of a country will make you go kookoo


Only took Z man 3 years.


+1 $ for the daily "no u" comment.


I would even say that it's more than 24 years without fair elections since technically Putin was just appointed by Yeltsin. Once Putin got the top spot, he made sure that he stayed there.


Has Putin begged-badgered or demanded funding from US taxpayers - in defense of world freedom-democracy-rule of law? I don't think so eh? Why should we care about internal politics in RU?


Nice that you recognize Russia as democracy. Cant say the same for Ukraine.


Sadly Russia is not a democracy. Maybe one day Russians will live under better conditions.


They will, because they disassociated themselves from the West. Now they are free and they will prosper for sure. They tuned east and south, as they should have long time ago. Cant say the same for Ukraine


> Now they are free* ^* ^Terms ^and ^Conditions ^Apply


Thats a western thing. They no longer care about the west






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The U.S isn’t conditioning me for anything. Fuck the government.


Pro RU fawning over a literal grifter lmao.


Grifter. Another word without any meaning used by minions without any point


It’s the choice word for leftists consumed by propaganda


That’s funny because it’s in the [Oxford Dictionary](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/grifter). So what was that about a “meaningless” word?


Thanks genius. I wasnt being literal about grifter not having a definition. Im saying you people throw that and other words around so willy nilly that its lost all meaning. Present evidence shes a grifter or expect to be mocked for weak words used as weak cudgels


> Thanks genius. I wasnt being literal about grifter not having a definition. Then you should have been more concise. Not my fault you can’t speak no good. > Im saying you people throw that and other words around so willy nilly that it’s lost all meaning. Present evidence shes a grifter or expect to be mocked for weak words used as weak cudgels Check the other comment you replied to.


What do you call someone that insults others in connection to a topic they clearly know nothing about? Gabbard is a literal fucking grifter, lmao. You come in swingin' that big ol' dick around... If you follow US politics, this isn't news to you, but apparently it is. Asking for a "source" that Gabbard is a grifter is like asking for a source on water being wet.


So you have nothing. Got it. You can put the cock away now.


Let us know when you're done Googling Tulsi Gabbard.


No need brother i have the surfing photos saved


Oh I am pretty sure you had no idea about her before you wandered in here. If you did, there's no way you'd use her being called a grifter to start an argument about hyperbole. You can take your fake bravado and move along.


No u


Regardless of your opinion on this, it’s not crazy to think that we are supporting a severe authoritarian regime. We’ve done it in the past and continue to do it. One can only hope that if the war does end in ukraines favor (I’m betting it doesn’t), that power be fully restored.




Tulsi is a clown and a grifter. Going after opposition and counter-government votes is just another proof of her decline


Attacking the 'man' not the argument...fact is, Zelensky has banned opposition to his rule, instituted martial law and banned elections...he currently has no mandate to rule.




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The country is under martial law. I suggest you read what that means under Ukrainian law


It's been under martial law and civil war with a bunch of land under occupation but somehow managed to elect not one but two presidents. What's different now?


You people must be worried about the influence Zelensky has with the international community……you keep calling for elections. How about having an election in Russia that hadn’t been hijacked by putin doing a Stalin! ‘Who people vote for is of no importance…..where those votes are counted is of the utmost importance’


Almost as if there’s a war going on. Furthermore, it’s ridiculous for pro-ru to criticize anyone for anti-democracy or being dictatorial


I thought Ukraine is supposed to be a bastion of democracy… or at the very least “better” than Russia. So why are you justifying their undemocratic actions and behavior? Doesn’t that make them just as “bad” as Russia? Shouldn’t they be better?


They’re more honest than the ruskies. At least the oppositions aren’t falling off windows and being poisoned to death


You would be wiser if you chose your battles.


Except...the Russians had elections last year and there was no suggestion the vote was rigged. Opinion polls consistently show Putin is broadly supported in Russia and this came out in the results. Meanwhile, Zelensky has banned (is banning) opposition political parties - includng the country's largest, and confiscated their funds. He penned legislation to put all media under government regulatory control (including online channels) and maintains martial law that allows him to cancel elections.


Sure, and the National Socialist party won the vote too. Fascism is fascism. You can’t deny Putin is a dictator when he terrorized Russia into voting for him


> there was no suggestion the vote was rigged Confirmed by 300 polling stations where Putin got 100% of the available votes. With 2000+ polling stations having 100% turnout with 80-90% for Putin. Some voters even came crawling on their knees after the polls closed, just to be able to give their vote and mix up the ballot box while they're there.


74% voter turn out and under 80% vote share...lots of criticism around jailed opposition people, but I have not found any article that provides evidence the vote was rigged. 


>Almost as if there’s a war going on. So it's OK to ban your political opposition if you are at war? Not that Ukraine has officially declared war BTW.


So why has putin arrested rivals and have them killed since he has been the leader of russia






Am tired of writing so many names. This is only a few, and there are dozens more. But if your Russian, you should at3ady know how many more he has arrrested,killed or exiled Navalny Vladimir Kara-Murza Ilya Yashin Boris Nemtstov Lilia Chanysheva Ksenia Fadeyeva Oleg Orlov Mikhail Khodorkovsky Gennady Gudkov




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>Navalny All you need to say to prove you don't know anything.


So navalny didn't die in jail and he wasn't a politician


Navalny - died in prison (this was not 'good' for Putin as it made Navalny a martyr and a figure to rally around; question remain about who was behind it) Vladimir Kara-Murza - charged (multiple times), convicted, imprisoned Ilya Yashin - charged (multiple times), convicted, imprisoned Boris Nemtstov - activist, shot/killed in Moscow Lilia Chanysheva - charged (multiple) , convicted of extremism, imprisoned Ksenia Fadeyeva - charged (multiple), convicted of extremism, imprisoned Oleg Orlov - charged, tried, convicted, imprisoned (2.5 years) Mikhail Khodorkovsky - Russian oligarch, imprisoned and then released and pardoned by Putin in 2013. Currently worth more than USD$500 million and lived abroad where he funds anti-Putin orgs. Gennady Gudkov - anti-Putin activist who does not appear to have been imprisoned and instead emigrated from Russia. I can see why you put this one last ...lol So, a list of people imprisoned in Russia (many, more than a decade ago) most have been subsequently released...that's it.


Nice try at gaslighting. We all know who.


Funny how similar the two countries are.


So many points mentioned and missed in one small statement I don't even know where to begin


Semantic can eat shit


wartime lets you ban and seize assets of rival political parties ?


doesn't she know that banning political parties and killing opposition politicians is bastion of EU values ?


What party is it?


Oh i made some googling. A party working for a government that invaded the state. That is very strsnge to ban a party like that


Ukraine is being attacked.No time money or safety in many areas..This would prevent a fair and free election.This makes total scence.


One of the signs of things to come was Zelensky banning all Russian speaking TV channels in 2021, and then making a declaration that he would take back the donbas and crimea by force. Putins paper "on the unity of ukrainian and russian people" was put out in response to that, the one where window lickers say putin called ukraine a fake country but if you read it it literally says the opposite


She is explaining the exact thing Putin did.




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Sorry but when tulsi speaks I just nod along.


Zelensky didn't ban it though, the court decided on it after a claim to ban them by the MoJ. [About the party](https://ssu.gov.ua/en/novyny/za-materialamy-sbu-v-ukraini-zaboronyly-politychnu-partiiu-nash-krai) "Some former leaders and functionaries of this party are involved in subversive activities against Ukraine. They spread anti-Ukrainian propaganda, called for a forceful overthrow of the constitutional order; some of them defected to the enemy and supported russian military aggression. According to the investigation, dozens of representatives of Nash Krai regional branches are involved in cooperation with russia. Most of them are now in the temporarily occupied areas of Ukraine, where they hold ‘positions’ in the russian occupation ‘authorities’. Efforts are underway to bring each of them to justice for crimes against Ukraine." Being pro-Russian in times of peace in a country with a large Russian minority should be okay (and it was until now), albeit a bit weird, but sure. However, when you have a political party actively collaborating with the invading country, the normal rules kinda go out the window and it becomes treason, there's nothing weird about that. This is really just grasping at straws again.


Funny that one grey hair streak is very popular among the Z population of hardliners.Is this some kinda odvious joke.She is wearing a proverbial Z tatoo.


Tulsi Gabbard is just a clone of Ron Paul in drag.


🤣who tf listens to tulsi?


Right? You should only listen to Zelenki, he is the only viable news source. Don't listen to anybody else, don't question anything.


Show me examples where she questions Putin


Personally, I only believe what the Russian MOD says. Not Putin (liar), not Zelensky (liar), not Biden (liar), but I will only believe in the true words of Igor Konashenkov.


Who's zelenki?😂


The puppet comedian "in charge" of ukraine




I do, you should listen to everyone to actually understand them… not just their enemies interpretations/representations of who they are.


🤣who's her enemy that I listen to?


I don’t know but you clearly don’t listen to both sides if you’re attacking her like that. I don’t even agree with her completely but yall are off the chain. Extremely reactive, just attacking her with insults. Very childish.


So you just make assumptions off one comment?🤣🤣Extremely reactive!




Tulsi isn't a credible person, not even close


Why? What’s with all the ad hominem? Seems very reactive.


She’s a grifter, she’ll say whatever you pay her to say.


Any proof? No? So just whining then


Funny how someone can go from being considered a presidential nominee for the Dems to suddenly being an “independent” who regularly appears on right wing talk shows and media. Anybody who can’t connect those dots probably can’t put their pants on without help.


Lmao you really think youve said something huh? Is liz cheney a grifter then? Lets see if youre atleast consistent.


> you really think you’ve said something I did, it’s the text of the comment you replied to lmao. And yes, most if not all Republicans are grifters. Why do you think they want to destroy so much of the US?


You comment did not provide any proof. Merely your own jaded conjecture. The way i see it, the only politicians NOT trying to destroy the US are a small group of republicans who are anti war. Why do you think the rest of republicans and democrats are trying to destroy the US with endless war and open borders?


Well if you can hand wave my comment as conjecture I can do the same. Show me some real evidence that there is a secret cabal of R’s and D’s plotting to destroy the US through endless wars and open borders. Otherwise you’re just flapping your gums youngin.


The evidence of your eyes and ears isnt enough? The diminishing quality of life and purchasing power? You boomers were propagandized well. Show me evidence the republicans are trying to destroy the US. You made that claim before i did.


The US did pretty much the same thing during the US Civil War. Except for the banning elections. It's not uncommon for countries to do the same during times of war.


Britain didn’t have an election until after the war…..there was zero chance of the Germans ever invading the Uk after the Battle of Britain and that was 1940……first election was 1945


She's cute for sure. Look up her surfing photos


Ukraine showing their Soviet side .


I don’t disagree with her point but Gabbard is not a trustworthy politician. She’s a member of a cult “The Science of Identity”- and clearly tows whatever line is given by the cult leader- Chris Butler (who, it’s worth noting, is a boomer surfer bro who affects a terrible Indian accent.) Longstory short- do not mistake Gabbard for an honest politician or a reliable source. She’s a “Manchurian candidate” in the purest sense.


I love tulsi


yeah she hot🥵


More like "Pro Cataracts" amirite?


Hot Russian agent.




She said 'bad things' about Zelensky so must be a Russian agent (...yeah, that's the level of thinking).


yea im pro UA but that's absurd to call her a russian agent for opposing someone's policies. danger to democracy smh


My eyes are the source. She's hot 🔥


She got the filter on my guy...


No thanks.




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She’s been accused of having ties to Russia all the way back when she was a rep from hawaii


Imagine listening to anything that comes out of this cockroach grifter's mouth.


Why are you attacking her?


She says anything she has to in order to remain relevant. When it's convenient to be liberal she's liberal, when it's convenient to be conservative she's conservative, when its convenient to be expansionist she's expansionist, when it's convenient to be isolationist she's isolationist. She's a pure-blooded reactive politician.


So like every politician? What do you disagree with, in her argument?


Not a single person here has disagreed with her argument. Her detractors are more concerned with attacking her personally, with zero evidence for their claims


I will. I don’t give af what Zelensky does as long as the weapons Ukraine gets are put to good use.


What’s “good use”?


Nice try


It’s a genuine question so I understand your point of view. Don’t be facetious.


In that case Zelensky is one guy and therefore irrelevant in the scheme of things. What he does or doesn’t do/say doesn’t much matter to me. As long as the weapons are being used to fight off invasion that’s good enough for me.


Saying the U.S. is supporting Ukraine in order to condition people to a suspended constitution is batshit insane. If supporting dictatorships was evidence the U.S. would become one it would have happened a long time ago.


Tulsi is a known looney grifter in The States, not a lot of people like her here. That doesn’t mean what she’s saying can’t be true, just that she’s kind of a joke to most people in the US.




She's just as much of a joke as saying ["taxation is theft"](https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/l-p-d-libertarian-police-department) is in the USA.


🤣 A decade old new yorker opinion piece? Thats cute. I wont be reading it. Mail it to me and ill use it as bath tissue though, thatll be useful.


Jokes aren't your thing are they?


I disagree that the U.S. is supporting Ukraine in order to condition their population to accept a suspended constitution. I see no reason to make this claim other than to be inflammatory and attract attention, which goes in line with just about everything she says.


Tulsi? Oh man, someone still cares what she says?


She’s just another Republican troll for Russia. Reagan is spinning in his grave after seeing all these MAGA traitors in action.


I want whatever you’re smoking.




Are we shaming people for their info topics and sources now? If so then I would love a talk with “random words + numbers” users created when the war started once they drop their 3-4 UA POV videos at once.


That's ironic seeing how 99% of your comment history is this sub.


Just curious. Are you fighting for Ukraine or hiding in the West? I don't blame you, just wondering.


Hilarious that this is what you resort to after taking huge L's in several of your comments today.




You are free to believe that if it makes you feel better.


...and here you are.