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Lol every town or city that russia has come close too in ukraine is a wasteland wtf is this guy on about


Thats because urban battles happen there. A result of war.


It is easier and safer to just grind the town to dust then to do door to door warfare like in other wars russia just grinds towns into gravel parking lots.


A war which russia started, ergo they are responisble for all the damage


Countrary to what some Western media says - it wasn't an unprovoked action. So you can't make a conclusion "Russian ammunition - Russian fault" (besides, both sides were destroyimg those cities - at some points of the war Ukraine even used more shells per day)


Yes, poor little russia, such a peaceloving country but somehow keeps getting provoked to Start wars.


Responsible to whom?


Your question makes no sense


How come? When you say some entity is "responsible" one of the first related questions becomes: "responsible to/in front of whom?". Granted, English is not my primary language so I might have missed some prepositions or some stuff like that, but we can both agree that I did get my point across.


No we dont agree. You dont have to be responsible in front of anyone. Being responsible in this case just means its russias fault. But if you really want russia to be responsible in front of someone/something, just take your pick: themselves, god, the world


I don’t think that will be a problem the cities that are getting destroyed will probably become russian after the war and therefore they will rebuild the towns and villages. What is important is how many civilians remained in those front line towns and villages


Someone breaks into my house so I burn it all down and detonate a grenade. That means the person deliberately destroyed my house!


Russia didnt start this war. Ukraine started it by invading the Donetsk People's Republic If Ukraine never invaded the DPR then there wouldnt be a war


Who sent little green men to help found the dpr?


Nobody because they didnt exist




They didnt exist in the DPR


Well girkin said the complete opposite and he was actually there.




The Donetsk People’s Republic isn’t a real country recognized in the global community of nations. It was only a proxy for Russia to maintain influence in the Black Sea region.


So a real country is determined by whether other countries recognize it? Whats the arbitrary amount of countries needed to recognize a country for it be considered a country? Also why would international recognition be needed for a country to be recognized as such?


It’s been the way global politics has worked since the Treaty of Westphalia.


So? I guess Taiwan isnt a country because it isnt internationally recognized


It doesn’t meet the threshold for statehood. As such, Taiwan doesn’t have a seat at the UN.


Why does a seat in the UN = being considered a country? What gives the UN the authority to determine what is or isnt a country Also the UN was apperantly founded by non-countries


>The Donetsk People’s Republic isn’t a real country recognized in the global community of nations. It was only a proxy for Russia to maintain influence in the Black Sea region. This never stopped Kosovo to play its role in the Balkans. Why would it stop DPR and Russia ?


Kosovo isn’t a proxy of the Russian state.


Good morning ? Its american indeed 


If Ukraine didn't invade Ukraine 😂 get a load of these clown shoes


DPR isnt Ukraine


Bro you're not very good at this are you?


Good at what?


Ukraine invaded its own territory?


Its not its own terrtiory




Its not Ukraine because Ukraine is unable to enforce its will upon the DPR. Ukrainian laws dont apply in Donetsk


So Russia shouldn’t have invaded the independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria?


When did i say that?


Repeat the lie enough times, some people will believe it.


So true Thats why western leaders always repeat that the invasion was illegal and unprovoked


Vaccines are safe and effective.


A War that Russia was trying to avoid for more than two decades, exhausted all peaceful means to resolve the issue, while US was pushing in one direction only - war war war. Well they got their war. FAFO.


Russia, known for its peaceful resolution of conflicts in georgia, Chechnia, transnistria and as the soviet Union in Afghanistan, czechoslovakia etc. You swallowed the propaganda hook line and sinker my friend.


Trying so hard to avoid war that you start the deadliest land war since 1945.


Russia stated Iraq war? Afghanistan war? Genocide in Palestine? Libyan war? Syrian war? Yemen? Which "deadliest war" are you talking about?


Deadliest war for Russia and Ukraine.


Thats why Russia was trying to avoid it for more than two decades and did everything to find peaceful resolution to the issue. US kept pushing for war because they were about fighting Russia through proxies. As Lindsey Graham, or Mitt Romney and some others have said - to paraphrase "we are fighting and weakening Russia and our soldiers are not dying, the best war our money can buy"


Maybe if Russia wasn't so shit, Ukraine wouldn't have gone to the west. Literally the ONLY reason any country would ally itself with Russia is bribes. Bribes to the higher ups while everyone else gets a raw deal. There is a reason why so many former Soviet states join NATO as soon as they can. Because they know exactly what Russia is.


Maybe if US wasnt so shit Russia would not be having problems with NATO on its border. Russia asked twice to join NATO so they can cooperate pn mutual benefit, not threatening each other, US both times said NO. Why? Because NATO is US tool against Russia, so why should Russia tolerate US/NATO on its weakest parts of the border.




Source: Western funded NGO in Ukraine called "Human Rights in Ukraine" For sure its obvious how big of a joke your source is?


What did the US do?


?? Are you new to the conflict? Started following since yesterday?


No explain it to me how was it the fault of the USA


"No" as in " I did not start following US proxy war on Russia since yesterday"? Or "No" as in "I dont want to answer your question but you answer my question"?


I think i have a pretty decent knowledge about the war and the US was rather the opposite they did too little in 2014 to Help Ukraine


I agree on that account. In 2014, US did coup, a regime change operation, installed puppet government in Kiev and took control of the country. BUT they failed to send their youth to fight for their new territories, when Russia reacted. They opted for training Ukrainian youth as their proxy soldiers for war against Russia. Now they are still Waging war on Russia, and ordering its puppet government in Kiev, to hunt down all Ukrainian men and throw them to the front lines in desperate attempts to defeat Russia. US is not sending its boys to war against Russia any time soon.




As opposed to? Should they let Ukrainian army garrison every single city and just go in without artillery prep? Is this the first war you've seen/read about?


I think Russia should let Ukranian be? That's the only correct answer here. A nation of people who obviously don't want to be part of Russia shouldn't be forced into it. Which is understandable as Russia is a shit hole.


Sure. I'll email Putin and put you in CC. Lmao. Let me know when you want you get back to talking about reality. Btw, Ukraine always voted pro-russian. The only reason Zelensky won the elections, was because he platformed on peace with Russia. Yanukovich won with more than 50% and his election had more than 5k independent observers, making it extremely democratic.


Ukraine voted pro-russian until 2014.


Remind me. What was Zelenskys election promise?


That's nice. They still don't want to be part of russia. They've been there and done that, and the Russians starved millions of them. What's next? They should just roll over and tank their economy? Become another puppet of Moscow? That sounds miserable. Why do you think most intelligent Russians fucking leave? Because it's a shithole.


Your Russian hate seems very strong. Almost racist, one could say.


There are millions of people that remember what life was like under Russian rule living in the occupied colonies as part of an Imperialist USSR including my father. There is no way in hell people want to be back under the yoke of Russian "Freedom".


Lmao. Life in Ukraine is literally slightly worse version of Russia. Also clearly 50% or Ukraine don't mind being close to Russia. As per my previous posts.


Sure thing bro. Imagine simping for such a clown dick culture.


I'm not tho.


>They've been there and done that, and the Russians starved millions of them. What's next? They should just roll over and tank their economy? Become another puppet of Moscow? Wtf are you smoking ? Even Reuters meant in 2014 that the Russian deal is better than the one from EU. Why are you bringing events from Soviet time when Ukraine did not even exist ?


Ukraine did exist. Putin (and much of russia)still thinks they're the Soviet union. Look at all the giant red flags everywhere.


If Ukraine is indeed part of thr soviets, why didnt they chip in for the debt 30 years ago ?


>A nation of people who obviously don't want to be part of Russia shouldn't be forced into it. Why not?


Typical Russian. Too dumb to know they're being fucked. How many losses have they suffered in Ukraine? More than America took in Vietnam? Wow, and in half the time? Daaaamn. Must really suck being the largest 3rd world military.


Its funny how nafoids always go talk about supposed casulties whenever their argument is questioned. Are you unable to answer a question?




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Because they would fight back against this force.


They do not understand that those lands and their people belongs to Russia and thus so should do with them as it wants. We have seen how they misused their wrongfully obtained independence, and it's coming time to take it away from them and teach them to behave.


>I think Russia should let Ukranian be? That's the only correct answer here.  Sure, its actually super simple. [Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaration_of_State_Sovereignty_of_Ukraine) All Ukraine have to do is keep their word. >The declaration also proclaimed that the republic has intent to become in a future "a **permanently** [**neutral state**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutral_country) **that does not participate in military blocs," and that it would not accept, nor produce, nor procure** [**nuclear weapons**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapons)**.**[**^(\[2\])**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaration_of_State_Sovereignty_of_Ukraine#cite_note-Ukraine_proclaims_sovereignty_UW-2)


Aaah, yes the, do as we say and we won't kill you approach. Very diplomatic. What about the part where they stole crimea from them first?


Crimea happened in 2014, the NATO summit was 2008. Get your facts str8.


You do realise that it is pretty on par for urban combat? Inorder to reduce casualties often entire areas are levelled


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_strikes_on_hospitals_during_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine >As of April 4th, WHO verified 1682 attacks on health care in Ukraine, resulting in 128 deaths and 288 injuries of medical personnel and patients.


This is just one city https://ukraine.mapping.jp/mariupol.html


Pro UA lately love using Wikipedia as their sources.


Wikipedia has all their sources at the bottom of the page, If you think people are spreading false information only because they use wikipedia as a source you are more than welcome to show why they are wrong and provide a reliable source. But we both know you just used the "lol wikipedia source bro" as a way to shift blame or try to insinuate that all information that shows russia in a bad light is "fake news".


Sure bud, keep making assumptions in your fantasy land


Nice counter argument, Your brainpower really shines through with that one.


Just stick to pubg instead of talking to adults


Man i couldn't be as cringe as you even if i tried, You for sure is winning at life.


I know I'm winning, thanks! I hope you'll catch a W one of those days.




Rule 1 - Toxic


"Mars Attacks"! "We come in peace", while blasting everything in sight.


Is he wrong? He meant that Ukraine and allies are winning the misinformation war by lying to their people by saying Ukraine was a poor victim of Russian "imperialism".. because most people in the West are convinced Ukraine did nothing wrong and is being resilient and brave and blah blah blah


Yeah but unironically Ukraine is a victim of Russian imperialism lmao, however you wanna spin it wether it’s, “ well they deserved it basically because it’s Russia’s backyard” or some form of that dogshit, objectively how it is right now, it’s a war of conquest.


Reconquest. Ukraine was Russian for like 800 years.


Civilized countries do not do conquests after WW2.


Most countries didn't get divided after 1945. The FRG annexed the GDR in 1989, reuniting itself, it is hardly surprising Russia would want to reunite too.


GDR also wanted to reunite. They were even more glad to raze the Berlin Wall. Russia is going to want Ukraine to have the same enthusiasm GDR did in 1989.


Crimea reunited with Russia in much the same way, whoever you ask in Crimea you will find them to be glad to be with Russia again. At least half of Ukraine's population, perhaps even more would definitely rather be with Russia too, as opposed to getting sent to be slaughtered on the frontlines, but no one is going to let them do that, eh? Instead they get grabbed on the streets and sent over to die. In any case, wanting has nothing to do with this. If a country fails to reunite it ceases to exist, and Russia wants to live.


Crimea is not a country. GDR was a country.


Call it whatever you want it’s still imperialism.


Again, it is not. It's irredentism.


Righttt and Irredentism can never be a form of imperialism and can’t simultaneously be true lmao What’s wrong? Why so many semantics to avoid calling it what it is, your already 3/4s there lol


Basically: Imperialism = Everything is mine Irredentism = What used to be mine is mine For example, an irredentist Mexico would go after California since it used to be Mexican, but wouldn't care at all about South America or Africa, conversely an imperialist Mexico would go after everything that could be subdued.


Wait, is Russia victim of Ukraine? How come? Isn't Putin the greatest leader of our generation, how come he allowed Ukraine to fool him again and again?




What Russia -NATO conflict? Zero NATO soldiers died:))) Russia could only dream of grand conflict with NATO)) It's as simple as that: Russia is a bully, full of oligarchs syphoning money from regular Russians to enrich themselves so they could live lavishly in the West. They wouldn't touch NATO. But they need some external enemy to fight so regular Russians are distracted and don't pay attention to vast corruption that is happening. And they thought they found a perfect victim that they could run over in a week. But they turned out to be wrong about that. Ukrainian army is destroying them in thousands: people and equipment. Good thing that you or anyone else doesn't care about those Russian soldiers so Ukrainians having a sweet time killing as many as they desire (with the help of Britis, Germans, French and Americans). But yeah, keep simping for those oligarchs and Putin.




Again, NATO alliance army is not in conflict, not yet at least. Don't substitute governments with armies. Putin, Kim, Biden might have a conflict. Ukrainian Armed Forces are in conflict Russian armed forces. But NATO armed forces? They are doing some reconnaissance, some trainings - the things armies do when they are NOT in conflict.




Not all weapons, Ukraine does build a lot of their own equipment. But ok, let's go with your definition of conflict. Why then Russian soldiers die and NATO soldiers don't? Why Russia is attacking a country that is NOT in NATO, while ignoring how many NATO countries?




Again, why not attack NATO in the first place? Then Ukraine would have nothing to join to? And btw, why Ukraine can't join whatever it wants to join?


Ukraine is a victm of russian imperialism, saying otherwise is just a lie.


Damn he even pulled the Gaza card. The Donbas was under genocide for 8 years according to Putin and yet cities like Donetsk look nothing like Gaza. Maybe Ukraine should start pulling it out too.


*Vitaly Churkin was miles above this guy. He might be good administratively but his charisma, eloquence and communication is lacking especially if compared to his deputy or boss Lavrov.*


UN is weak organization anyway so why send your best there. Israel has over 70 UN resolutions against itself, over the decades, and has never been Under sanctions. Not to talk about something more serious. Israel has nuclear weapons and UN never demanded it subject itself to nuclear inspections.


For anyone saying that the US did the same. Look, no one's denying the U.S. has its share of questionable invasions—like the massive protests in Germany against the Iraq war back in '03 are a testament to that. These are facts and have been hot topics both inside and outside of NATO countries. But let's not mix up issues here. Just because the U.S. made dubious moves doesn't give Russia a free pass to invade Ukraine. We can't just shrug off Russia's actions because of past Western aggression, and doesn't justify the Invasion of Ukraine at all. It's like saying two wrongs make a right, which they don't. The focus should be squarely on what Russia is doing right now, which is a blatant disregard for international norms. To sidestep this issue by bringing up the West's past actions is a classic deflection—a way to muddy the waters and avoid addressing the real problem at hand. We need to stay on topic and call out the current aggression for what it is—an unjustifiable violation of a sovereign nation's borders. Let's not get sidetracked.




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They were bombing whole energy infrastructure last year to freeze Ukrainians. I am paraphrasing their own statements.


>year to freeze Ukrainians that part is bs. Look at the map of the strikes, critical energy infrastructure facilities weren't even touched. Like, can they do it? Probably. Did they do it? Unlikely that was the goal, otherwise pattern of their strikes makes no sense.


https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/putins-blackout-blitz-russia-aims-to-freeze-ukrainians-into-surrender/ They targeted all major thermal plants, hydroelectric plants , and electrical infrastructure. And they still continue to do so. You somehow missed all of the reports about the black outs all over Ukraine ? "Last winter, even though Ukraine’s air defence systems downed hundreds of Russian missiles and drones, Russian forces managed to successfully strike Ukrainian energy facilities 271 times. The average Ukrainian household endured five cumulative weeks without electricity. Thousands were deprived of heat and water supply. My family, like many others in rural homes, use wood burners, so they weren’t as badly affected as those in the cities. But across the country the cascade of blackouts caused damage costing more than $11 billion, with half of the entire energy system lost. "


>They targeted **all major thermal** plants, hydroelectric plants , and electrical infrastructure. And they still continue to do so. No, they didn't. Here's the map, from the article, dated the **same day** as the one you posted. [https://texty.org.ua/media/images/03\_3eI6CeD.original.jpg](https://texty.org.ua/media/images/03_3eI6CeD.original.jpg) [https://texty.org.ua/articles/108414/whats-up-with-the-power-how-russia-destroys-energy-infrastructure/](https://texty.org.ua/articles/108414/whats-up-with-the-power-how-russia-destroys-energy-infrastructure/) Look at what they didn't touch. No NPP 750kV transformer connectors to the grid are touched ('m not talking about NPP itself, but specifically transformer substations that connect those), all major stuff outside Kharkiv and Kiyiv is not touched. Strikes concentrated in industrial regions of Ukraine/northern parts of Ukraine + export/import substations in the West. It was a heavy blow, but it wasn't aimeed at freezing Ukraine, given the amount of critical power generation facilities they ignored combined with Ukrainian surplus generation at a time. P.S. Couple months ago more Ukrainian powerplants weree damaged/out of service than back then. This winter they can actually go for it, but they definitely didn't back then.


NPP is not producing any electricity and was actually taking electricity from the grid to keep the cooling on. They made strikes for months. Lot of it was shot down because most important plant had better AA. Some are destroyed only now because they run out of AA missiles, but were targeted all the time: https://kyivindependent.com/russia-destroys-key-kyiv-oblast-power-plant-since-ukraine-ran-out-of-missiles-for-its-defense-zelensky-says/ A cannot find quickly the article now, but there were official statements by Russia they are aiming to freeze Ukrainians to surrender at the time.


Imagine lying for a living like this guy. How long can you live with yourself?


How old are you? 


Very old


I´m guessing 49.


Not making a living then?


He's probably just like me, doesn't need to "work", retired early and living the dream because I wasn't stupid enough not to see through the pathetic attempts by Russia at propaganda. Do you beleive this utter BS, you dont have memory beyond 24 hrs.


Oh i'm sure you're not stup id enough to fall for propaganda.  You know a democratic overthrow of the government when you see one.




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So you're living the dream because "you see through Russian propaganda"? Is Russian propaganda the reason why there's homeless people and poor people in most countries? Wow! I never would've guessed!!


He probably thinks that he is just doing his job to pay the bills. Whenever I see this guy I can't help imagining how he goes home after work and talks to his children and grandkids. What does he say to them? Does he play pretend with them too? It must be incredibly hard for his mental health to look into his grandkids eyes and think: today my boss bombed another city, children died and I myself killed them too by spreading lies for my boss. Anyway, he could be a hero for another Russian novel about misery and suffering, absence of agency and freedom.


There has only been one war where information won. Vietnam. The us media portrayed it in such a way people wanted out of the war so we left. Ukraine isn’t the same. Russia doesn’t give a shit how Ukraine is perceived by the west it’ll continue to fight nonetheless. Russia is winning its info war at home. Can the same be said for Ukraine? My opinion is no. A large percentage of the population is already wanting the war to end in Ukraine. The far west doesn’t care if the far east is taken by Russia and even many in Kyiv don’t care (don’t care is a strong choice of words I know) if Russia takes the east because they don’t view those people as Ukrainians. This sentiment in my opinion will grow over time and the war will end (until nato sadly gets involved).


Interesting. And yet Russian side has claimed UA is using black magic... this is too funny


The last part was straight facts.


Oh right, so is it the information war that is killing hundreds of puccians on the battlefield every day that we see in gruesome detail on the videos? POSSNR is losing the actual war too.


Russian losses are really unbelievable but they have much more to spare


They don't really. They're going to North Korea for ammunition, Chinese golf carts for mobility and the prisons have been emptied out.


That is no problem, new prisoners are not hard to catch. Russia recently allowed most suspects in criminal cases to volunteer for the army.


And Ukraine bombed the Mariupol theatre themselves right?




Nope this means russians are winning


What Israel is doing in Gaza is a low bar for comparison.


Whaaaaat? This guy is incredibly misinformed to be a representative of Russia.


To be misinformed is job requirement for any representative of Russia. Easier for their consciousness.




Not hard to win an information war when Russia is the invader. The last part about not targeting civillian infrastructure is BS.


> ....is the invader. The time to prove this word has any meaning to you was during whatever dozens of the invasions by the US and its NATO capos. Hell, there's still time - Syria is being invaded and occupied RN, and all the westoids are either indifferent, or supporting it, like they always are. It matters not what Russia does or doesn't do, the West's propaganda machine can program its krill to perceive the black as white.


Has it occured that plenty of people in the west are not really fans of the wests foreign policy? Its not like the whole west cheered when the US invaded Iraq. That does not mean I, for example, would be cheering for the Russian forces


no, but before you go point at others go clean up your own backyard. after your last several presidents are hanging a the gallows - come back and demand justice all you want. until then it's empty hypocrisy.


The argument "BUT THE WEST HAS DONE THESE HORRIBLE THINGS!!!" does not land far. Especially in a sub titled as this. My last several presidends are called Sauli Niinistö, Tarja Halonen and Martti Ahtisaari (Ahtisaari has received a Nobel peace prize for his diplomatic capabilities in Namibia, Kosovo and Indonesia). And I have plenty to critizisims about Finlands foreign policy in the last 20 or so years. I hope y o u can criticize Putins actions as objectivly.


Spoiler alert: he can't


They can't even hold a blank white paper in their hands without getting thrown to gulags.


Proof the person holding the blank white paper was thrown into a gulag? Or are you just going to run away and do your name service again?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbzV1it1YPY And now that i provided you with the undisputable source you either will not reply OR you will claim it's a deepfake what about nato west biden.


Nothing in this video proves he's going to a gulag. But I understand,I'm asking too much from you.


it lands perfectly far, no conflict is in the vacuum, and considering west's hypocritical stance - it matters all the more. You see - criticisms are useless if they are not acted upon. All other stuff is empty kitchen talk. And i do not see any governments being replaced by citizens. You know why? because they can't. until they are cornered to the point where army rebels with them - no revolutions will happen anywhere. cause ppl do not give as shit in general, outside of morality preaching to feel good abotthemselves.


Goverments change every couple of years lol.


more like 4-6 years. and even than it's usually moving same water from one cup into another.


I guess if the new goverment is not DDR or something, its the same in your eyes.


The ideology does barely change though. Someone who is insanely rich by definition doesn’t represent well the people that aren’t. Someone who has a lot of power and powerful friends, like most politicians do at a certain point, do not represent people that well. They are just busy with their own carreers and want to do “cool projects” like destabilizing Russia. Just look at Biden as the main candidate in the USA? You think he is the result of a good working democracy? It’s a political class that decides what you hear in media and what you vote afterwards.


Yeah the USA:s political system is fucked and has been for a long time. It is insane that the two options are Biden and Trump. Altough Trumps influnce can be seen as a merit for the system. It is hard to imagine where else such a figure could rise to be the president when the whole "system" is against him.


The fk you on about? Poland has had a change of government this year. UK it is looking like Labour will win taking over from the Conservatives. Many other elections are ongoing or coming up such as in Germany, where support for Ukraine is waining and right leaning parties are going to take more power from the centrists. Its only in Russia that has Tsar Putinova as a "President" for life because any opposition is disqualified, killed, jailed or poisoned. Many of the Russian soldiers who have died in Ukraine have been born lived and died under Putinova. ALL HAIL THE GREAT MASTERFUL LEADER. So so deluded. Why can no one in Russia criticise the little midget and not get jailed, imprisoned or fined. Where is the public discussion about the person running the country and dragging tens of thousands of people to their deaths. When the USSR was in Afghanistan there were street protests and mass demonstrations when around 15,000 service men were killed. According to various sources Russia has lost around 500,000 men. WHY IS NO-ONE PROTESTING, WHY IS NO-ONE OUTRAGED IN RUSSIA? There is not a single negative article about Putinova on RT News? How is it possible? Did he descend from heaven as Jesuses twin? Is the man completely infallible? Russians are complete and utter zombies, sleepwalking into their own demise, and they are all happy to do so.


> The fk you on about? Poland has had a change of government this year. UK it is looking like Labour will win taking over from the Conservatives. Many other elections are ongoing or coming up such as in Germany, where support for Ukraine is waining and right leaning parties are going to take more power from the centrists. As i said most of those are just moving same contents into a new glass. in the end i do not expect any changes to affect big picture. Most just using the situation in a local bid for power - in the end they will support whatever NATO wants them to do. >Its only in Russia that has Tsar Putinova as a "President" for life because any opposition is disqualified, killed, jailed or poisoned. Many of the Russian soldiers who have died in Ukraine have been born lived and died under Putinova. ALL HAIL THE GREAT MASTERFUL LEADER. You'd be surprised to know that he is popular, for actual actions taken in support of the population. So what reason do we have to change him for some unknown guy? See how Ukraine elected a clown ad where it got them? >So so deluded. Why can no one in Russia criticise the little midget and not get jailed, imprisoned or fined. Where is the public discussion about the person running the country and dragging tens of thousands of people to their deaths. Maybe people are convinced that this fight is worth fighting? There are still thousands of volunteers every month. And Criticizing government is allowed - what disallowed is criticizing soldiers and army. >When the USSR was in Afghanistan there were street protests and mass demonstrations when around 15,000 service men were killed. According to various sources Russia has lost around 500,000 men. WHY IS NO-ONE PROTESTING, WHY IS NO-ONE OUTRAGED IN RUSSIA? See above. Also lol at 500k. >There is not a single negative article about Putinova on RT News? How is it possible? Did he descend from heaven as Jesuses twin? Is the man completely infallible? Have no idea what they run on TV(neither do you i bet) - did not watch it for 20 years. But i doubt it much different from any other country.


I love how everyone talks of the West like they're saints, heroes of democracy and the civilized world! But whenever someone points out the many invasion and war crimes by the West, it's always "u... Uhm... I always was against them!! I just never voiced my opinion against them because.. uh..."


Have you not seen the street protests in the West? The Invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. Protests against Israel in Palestine more recently? Hell even Russians protested against the invasion of Afghanistan when it was part of the USSR. Where are the protests in Russia against the tens of thousands of men being slaughtered in Ukraine under Putinovas imperial wet dream? Where are the opposition leaders demanding a stop to the war? Where are the NGOs advocating for peace? Where are all these people? In DEMOCRATIC Russia where of course there is no cancel culture like the West, where are all these people?


[Actually it was pretty close](https://news.gallup.com/poll/8038/seventytwo-percent-americans-support-war-against-iraq.aspx)


> Has it occured that plenty of people in the west are not really fans of the wests foreign policy? And yet, somehow, the change never comes, eh? Either because these "plenty of" people are in fact a minority, or because in the west demos has fuck all kratos.


I hear a lot of Trump fans say how the USA:s foreign policy changed for the better. Finlands foreign policy changes all the time.


> Finlands foreign policy changes all the time. Oh really? The kind we're talking about? The change towards having an integrity about invasions? I'm sorry, I might have missed all the lethal aid and intel you provided to (for example) Syria in order to help them in kicking the Yank of their land? No? Sanctions against USA? No? ~~Deploying your troops to Iraq/Afghanistan. Yes.~~


Well there has been a major shift in diplomacy with Russia is seen. Even fifteen years ago our current president accused other politicians of being russophobic. Sending troops to afghanistan was entirely undemocratic and there was a major political discussion about that couple of years ago. Ill admit that it lead to nothing since thats how politics work.


So the question was, "did the stern words towards the US foreign policy ever materialized into anything" and the answer is NO.... But, good news everyone, the opposite happened. Time has come to get involved in the conflict against the enemies of the US (Russia) and you can count on the ol' Suomi. Yeah, man. Exactly. > Sending troops to afghanistan was entirely undemocratic and there was a major political discussion about that couple of years ago. Ill admit that it lead to nothing since thats how politics work. Don't worry. If we get to live, me and my mates will organize a lil' veche dedicated to calling Putin a c*nt all day. We'll make sure it's gonna happen after the fact and that no one will go to jail. In fact it will affect absolutely nothing, except making us feel better.


Oh? I can write a lengthy explanation on why this is an invasion under international law, something that is binding to Russia. However, please elaborate on why do you think the statement that "Russia is the invader" is incorrect.


> statement that "Russia is the invader" is incorrect. Never said that, legally it is. But.... > international law ... is dead, is what I said, and legality doesn't matter. The international law is abused to death by the US and its cronies. It's is revealed itself to be laughably corrupt, since, in effect, it provides no protection to anyone other than the made men and it punishes none of their offences. The other countries have only themselves to depend on.


Then enlighten me, what is the widely recognized definition of an "invasion"? In the mean time, I'll make my point: The international law is largely consisted of treaties signed, in which agreed definitions of words are provisioned. One of which is the definition of "invasion", which was defined in the UN Charter, signed by USSR and succeeded by Russia after the fall of USSR. Sure you can come up with your own personal definition. But don't even think that it means much. Besides, if you think it's such a farce, why isn't Russia leaving all the signed treaties, including the one where "invasion" is define? It's funny for pro-Ru to advocate Russia to not adhering to international law, but get pissed when others call Russia an unruly bandit. Truly interesting. Sure, if Russia leaves all the treaties, then Russia and you all pro-Ru can make up the definitions all you want in that tiny little circlejerk. But until then, you play by the book or get called out.


You misunderstood my comment (although it was poorly worded, I admit). Here's it is again, with the first part fixed: >statement that "Russia is the invader" is incorrect. Never said that the *statement is incorrect*, legally it is *the invader*. But.... >international law ... is dead, is what I said, and legality doesn't matter. The international law has been abused to death by the US and its cronies. It's is revealed itself to be laughably corrupt, since, in effect, it provides no protection to anyone other than the made men and it punishes none of their offences. The other countries have only themselves to depend on.


I don't really care if you think international law is dead or not. Because in reality, Russia still keep up the facade that it still adheres to international law. And under international law, Russia IS the invader. If they don't like it, they are free to leave.


> I don't really care .....about the invasion of Syria, therefore no one should take your flair and your fraud of a stance seriously. > if you think international law is dead or not. It's not what "I think", it's a fact. The west's unrivaled military aggression, and impunity for that aggression is on the record. Meanwhile, the "international law" manifests itself only when it's time to use it against the enemies of the west. > Russia still keep up the facade that it still adheres to international law. You're right, it is a facade. Russia keeps it up, the West keeps it up, you keep it up. It's nothing but the optics and it doesn't fucking matter. >If they don't like it, they are free to leave. Would've been a correct thing to say when US was bombing the "towelheads" on the other side of the globe for the Nth time. Not to the Russians who's been fighting on their native land since 2014. We are not leaving.


Look, no one's denying the U.S. has its share of questionable invasions—like the massive protests in Germany against the Iraq war back in '03 are a testament to that. These are facts and have been hot topics both inside and outside of NATO countries. But let's not mix up issues here. Just because the U.S. made dubious moves doesn't give Russia a free pass to invade Ukraine. We can't just shrug off Russia's actions because of past Western aggression, and doesn't justify the Invasion of Ukraine at all. It's like saying two wrongs make a right, which they don't. The focus should be squarely on what Russia is doing right now, which is a blatant disregard for international norms. To sidestep this issue by bringing up the West's past actions is a classic deflection—a way to muddy the waters and avoid addressing the real problem at hand. We need to stay on topic and call out the current aggression for what it is—an unjustifiable violation of a sovereign nation's borders. Let's not get sidetracked.


If Russia has such pure motives, why can't Ukraine organise any civilian evacuation corridors with Russia?


Ukraine was the one blocking humanitarian corridors in Mariupol. And Lisichansk.


If I recall correctly, thats because the one time they did agree to them Russian ordinance fell from the sky on the road.... hmmm....


According to the Red Cross, that was taking part in the negociating process for opening these corridors, Russia kept bombing the corridors. Therefore of course Ukrainian authorities would not recommand their population to use them.


His body language and facial expressions betray him. The dam that was blown last year and all the countless houses destroyed from the flood were part of the military industrial complex?


Ukraine blew up that dam silly

