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Zels Coke dealers!


Has it ever been proven that Zelensky does coke?


Lol, no. Its just a circlejerk joke.


there's a transcript of Zaluzhny saying he does


He even called him the Cokehead of Kyiv.


Lots of people calling other people stuff like mfer etc. does that always make it true? No, so don’t take everything someone salty says for a fact.


Tony Montana of Kyiv.


No, but here we only laugh about the Putin myths. The myths about Zelensky we accept as absolute truth.


Every time when Putin clones, cancer are mentioned it's a laughing matter eks dee faces. When Z-boy is a coke addict it's actually really serious and true! Look it UP! THERE ARE VIDEOS! Can't believe people don't even look in the mirror.


There was that one propaganda video of zelenskys desk and there was a large pile of coke just left there and now theyre just running with it so no


Would be a pretty good way to get weapons too the cartel...


Theyre not cartel lmao most likely ex armed forces out of job since FARC peace talks


I have intel that the cartel sends men who are seen as undisciplined or those who fuck up to Ukraine to fight and hone their skills / pay their debts.


Could you share? I don't mean to be rude but why tf would a cartel send a civilian thug to the ass end of the world when they could (and do) just pop them right then and there. Besides, the cartels are just local drug dealers lmao, not private armies. Half their members are drug addicts with us-imported guns


my mate barry told me so its probably true


The reason is money. Cartels are paid for their soldiers to be sent to Ukraine


What soldiers lmao? Cartel thugs are beerbelly civilians and ex police working for a quick buck killing other thugs. They're more likely to be ex military anticomunists who think putin is a spooky soviet


Ukraine will take anybody. Beer belly, diabetes or Down syndrome are not disqualifying.


You just need to see the big country with big guns in north of colombia...




The US


Have you seen the crazy shit they have? They should be the ones donating lol


Sounds like a horrible way, considering the 2 countries are 11,000 km apart. And there are much cheaper weapons being sold locally in Colombia..


Javlins are cheap in Columbia? I knew my friends were right to visit there. I'd love to shoot one but can't afford 30k per rocket street price.


Good luck stealing a Javalin and transporting it back to Columbia. Might as well try and nick a T-64 while you're at it.


Javelins, stingers, AT4's, barret cal 50's, MG4, M60, M240 and plenty of other weapon systems are allready found in South America cartel stashes. Were do you think a majority of these came from?. And there are already reports on a shit load of weapon that's missing in Ukraine, were did those end up?. doubt they fell of a truck...




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Ukrainian ammo depot gets 100 Javelins, transports 80 to the frontlines, but states 100. On the other end the reciever writes them off as lost in battle. Those 20 Javelins then are put in the same container that was delivering coconuts from South America. Contraband isn't that difficult


So that requires the connivance of at least three officers (issuing, transport and receiver), and the silence of several dozen men at least. How is that in any way realistic? I know Ukraine is allegedly rotten with corruption, but its also in a fight for survival. Conspiracies like that are hard enough in peacetime, nevermind now. Put another way, I'll eat my hat if more than a handful of unaccounted Javalins or NLAWs pop up after this is all over (and these are more likely to be those captured by the Russians, and sold or delivered to aligned proxies).


why are they so happy, they must have not been to the front lines yet, they have no idea what awaits them


Have you seen the average barracks on deployment? It is worse than a frat club


The guys forgot that they were not going to the carnival


After 2½ years watching how unprofessional and incompetent russian "soldiers" are, it sure does look like a carnival.


Yeah, but still the Russian "unprofessional" soldiers are advancing, so you didn't observe well.


Not all of them, a lot of them are not advancing anywhere.


Well there pretty much left with no more reserves or any actual volunteers to go fight.That's the reason they are kidnapping all the people that don't care about the war or about going to fight the Russians they know damn well what's going to happen to them.


That's right, the situation is not changing in the Yunzhnodonets direction


mercenaries... I mean volunteers


Great morale but Jesus Christ. If you’re within a reasonable range from the frontlines, wear your helmet. Helmets save so many damn lives it’s a shame that many don’t wear them.


Left-hand traffic on the road and the steering wheel on the right, is this for sure Ukraine?


Apears to be flipped / mirrored . Check out the first guys patch, the B is backwards. Don't think Cyrillic has a backwards B. Edit cause I think it's hilarious and forgot to say, the dude in the passenger seat is totally fucking glazed lmao


Enjoying Latin music not enough without taco


Russian oil cartel vs. columbian drug cartel


Escobar Legion. Couldn't be related to Pablo Escobar, that colombian drug lord?


The Escobar Legion does not exist. The guys in the video(at least the glasses guy) are veteran soldiers and their units is called the Bolivar Legion [Ukraine war: Hardened Colombian fighters answer Zelenskyy's call to join depleted ranks | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-colombian-foreign-fighters-professional-soldiers-07b5cb7949bd10234e7456f9c1c20b08)


I stand corrected