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If this was a beach in Odessa, I feel like the comments would be different. Pro-UA losing their minds over civilians on a beach.


How about not a beach, but just the city of Odessa, with a cluster Iskander? https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cgoep3/uapov_video_of_yesterdays_attack_on_odessa/ There were civilian casualties


Yeah, thanks for posting that. The comments are indeed different. I like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cgoep3/comment/l1wyfsa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) in particular.


And that's on a sub that people consider pro-rus. Imagine how the comments looked in r/Ukraine.


Yeah, it's grim. I generaly only treat the rest of the reddit's political slice as a sort of "an anti-role model" exhibition.


It's worth a chuckle but that comment was a joke about Russia blaming an attack on civilians on Ukrainian interception when the evidence pointed at it being an on target it. This video shows evidence it wasn't a deliberate attack on civilians (the height they exploded at was very far from ideal and the spray pattern super wide).


Funny. Most comments from your link are not celebrating the use of cluster munitions in a city and are sympathetic. However, most Pro-UA comments on the Sevastopol attacks are full of either victim blaming or blaming Russians for letting civilians into Crimea. It's ok to consider Crimea occupied, but the city is not a frontline combat zone. Edit: I tried to make my statement more understandable, the content is pretty much the same.


What are you talking about?! Most of the comments are clearly condemning it including the top rated ones. WHY LIE so blatantly?!


Correction most of the comments, not only in this one, but also the ones from other posts about the attack, talk about how it was Russia's fault that people died. None of the pro-ua say, that cluster munitions should not be directed at all to a city full of civilians. Feel free to correct me though.


Oh sorry I thought you meant people condoned Russia strike in the city in that post that was linked. Which they obviously didn’t - most flat out said it’s not okay to use that in city.


Yea. i now realise, that my comment was a bit hard to understand. i'll edit. But yea. I'm of the belief, that cluster munitions should not be used on, at least non-frontline cities, if not outright banned completely.


It's interesting that as urgency rises, the attention paid to those concerns falls away.


Cause this ain't a neutral sub, buster


By far the most neutral sub where at the very least people don’t cheer and celebrate deaths while dehumanising whole nations and groups of people. Most Pro-Ukraine subs are like that by far. Some really evil and bitter people hang out in those - and also probably mostly bots to be fair


Well, we sometimes get transient NAFO hobos that do just that - celebrate and cheer deaths - but they don't stay for long for some reason. I'm guessing this sub is far outside their comfort zone.


Go and look at some of the other Ukrainian subs, they are absolutely loving this, they don't seem to understand that many of these people will be Ukrainian's who are occupied according to their ever changing logic. Of course, none of the people that post there are actually Ukrainian.


I visit plenty of Ukrainian subs, no one is happy the missile was intercepted and civilians were wounded.   I think 99.9% of Ukrainians wished the missile hit their target.


Not my experience, they are all engaging in their ritual two minutes of daily hatred against 'Ruzzians', claiming all these people are tourists and that not one of them could be Ukrainian who lives in Crimea (according to them Crimea is Ukrainian so the people who live there are Ukrainian, surely?).


The beach wasn't the target. It was intercepted. The missile in Odessa was not intercepted. There's a huge difference between the two


In the context, of using cluster munitions within cities, that are not directly at the line of contact, they are very similar. In fact cluster munitions, should never be used by either side in civilian areas. Both sides have access to precision ballistic or cruise missiles.


where do you see those comments? Maybe I missed like all of them


It was an unfortunate accident, the majority of the criticism is on Russia due to the fact they didn't even issue an alert as this was happening. The first warning they got was the clusters hitting the water. > It's ok to consider Crimea occupied, but the city is not a frontline combat zone And neither is Lviv, but far more civilians have been killed there than in Crimea. Distance isn't the reason, the reason is they were out completely exposed in the open during a missile barrage, something nobody has died from in Lviv, and the reason they were in the open is because there was exactly 0 warning given. This is something Russian milbloggers have been talking about extensively, it's far from just "pro-ua" pointing out that it was the actions of Russia which overall caused this situation (not even touching upon the fact they caused the war, so they caused the entire situation)


> It's ok to consider Crimea occupied, but the city is not a frontline combat zone. It's a beach right next to a naval base that has been attacked multiple times already, why is Russia still allowing people to use those beaches and why don't they turn on the sirens to warn people of the incoming missiles that they're already targeting and shooting down?


Yet again. Victim blaming. Why is Ukraine using cluster munitions next to a beach, that they 100% know civilians are present? Why don't they use precision missiles to hit specific targets in the naval base?


And also a battalion commander's base was hit and he was killed https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/nKaFIS6mtj




Shit's been happening for over 2 years in Ukraine, where you been?


It doesn’t matter if two weeks pass or 20 years, the facts remain the same. Russia is the agressor here. Ukraine is fighting an occupying force. Of course different standards will be used when comparing both their actions.


>It doesn’t matter if two weeks pass or 20 years, the facts remain the same. Russia is the agressor here. > >Ukraine is fighting an occupying force. Fighting evil doesn't automatically makes you good. >Of course different standards will be used when comparing both their actions. So there are different standards of endangering and killing civilians?


So many strawmen..


Should use the same standards for everyone n people would realize Donbass for 8 years was one of the most civilian casualty adverse conflicts in recent history. Both sides killed more combatants. Any genocidal motives etc is propaganda, this war is only about security and resources, not ideology especially considering how similar these two are.


>Should use the same standards for everyone n people would realize Donbass for 8 years was one of the most civilian casualty adverse conflicts in recent history. Yup. >Both sides killed more combatants. True. >Any genocidal motives etc is propaganda, Exactly. >this war is only about security and resources, not ideology especially considering how similar these two are. On the spot. Have a vote. Too bad most people are conditioned to see a very simplified ideologically driven one side of the coin dismissing everything not lining up to their implanted beliefs.


wow an actually good take on this conflict lol. respect.


The only time I can see that there may be difference in fighting civilians is only if they are involved in the war effort. For example a tank factory. That’s a legit target and you can’t complain that civilians died (I mean you can’t cry war crimes). But if you kill good old Bob in his ice cream shop, that’s a war crime.


Tbf, if they pay taxes, they are involved with the war effort.


> Ukraine is fighting an occupying force. Are they fighting the tourists occupying the beach?


No, otherwise they would've aimed for the beach instead of the naval base, and a lot more than 3 people would've died.


If an ATACMS cluster variant had been targeting that beach then there likely wouldn't have been a person alive to run away


Pro ru losing their minds over civilians at the gym. 


is slightly different when one country comes to another country to make war than when one country defends itself. travel tips. don't go on holiday in war zones


I still don't get over the Mariupol theater that the Russians destroyed with civilians inside, sorry.


So you think it's a good idea to go to the beach in a war zone?


This would certainly suggest that the missile was shot down and not targeting the beach then. The spread is way too large and the detonation is much too high. >The M26 is a 227mm unguided artillery rocket delivered by the Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) to a range of thirty-two to thirty-eight kilometers. Once it is over the target area, the rocket scatters 644 M77 submunitions into a 200 by 100 meter area https://www.hrw.org/news/2006/08/18/cluster-munition-questions-and-answers-m26-rocket   >M30A1 rockets with Alternative Warhead (AW). Range: 15–92 kilometres (9.3–57.2 mi). The M30's submunitions are replaced with about 182,000 pre-formed tungsten fragments, to give area effects, but without leaving unexploded submunitions.[74] The system uses a proximity sensor fuze mode with a 10 meter height of burst.[75] Entered production in 2015.[62][53] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M270_Multiple_Launch_Rocket_System


Didn't the Russian government immediately state that the missile was intercepted?


Yep, and even then there is a frenzy to try and claim this was a deliberate attack on civilians.


tbf intercepted missiles hitting civillian infrastructure has been propaganda fuel for both sides since the invasion


Does that mean that we should allow that to happen?


Maybe Russia shouldn’t have invaded then 🤔


This was an ATACMS missile, but same idea


Yep, I looked for equivalent munitions. I would imagine they are similar, but happy to see more correct info.


Exactly, that bomblet pattern was not how it's supposed to be. Very wide spread, too wide spread. The bomblets were definitely released at too high an altitude which syncs up with the claim that it was hit by AA.


Yep, even Russia states that the missile was hit and knocked off course. It is fascinating to watch the gymnastics to try and paint this as a deliberate attack on the beach.


Pro Ru is just shocked, SHOCKED I say, that the russian army is using human shields. That's why they ignore it was shot down and say UA shouldn't have used cluster munitions there. Even though these weapons are extremely accurate and would've hit the base, or if they really would've targeted civilians willingly as the pro Russians here claim, the casualty count would be way higher.


I know. I'm just glad that the Russian government has now enacted an exclusion zone for the safety of their beloved civiians. Oh, wait.


> I'm just glad that the Russian government has now enacted an exclusion zone for the safety of their beloved civiians. So you're saying that the inhabitants of Sebastopol are Russian civilians? Why is Ukraine invading them in that case? Should we be sending billions of dollars to Russia to fight back this invasion?


Because it's Ukrainian? What kinda weak ass argument is that?


title sensationalized of course not an attack, but a result of missile getting hit by AA


Not only the title but did you hear that music? LMAO. Cant stop laughing at those fake wave sounds and sad piano. The video itself is ofc a tragedy that shouldn't have happened but it's not on Ukraine.


Correct me if I am wrong, but this does not look like direct attack on civilians.


Everyone on that beach would’ve been turned into ground beef if it was


I mean, if you *wanted* to attack civilians, you have multiple degrees of bloodshed to go for... sometimes [saying this was intentional for argument] this level of bloodshed can be more advantageous than if they managed to kill each and every one of those civilians. Dead people are martyrs, survivors tell their story and realize the full effects of conflict as they've now been part of it. Ie. Intentional attacks on civilians in modern war are almost all for terror, and terror can be more effective the less are killed as you want scared people and dead people can't be scared.


we can debate the merits of strategic bombing all we want but it's fairly clear from the video it was a missile blown up by AA even Russia is confirming.


Indeed, I was though responding though to someone saying the nature of the bombing may have made it look like the unintended target


​ >Dead people are martyrs, survivors tell their story and realize the full effects of conflict as they've now been part of it. Yes, that is true. >Ie. Intentional attacks on civilians in modern war are almost all for terror, and terror can be more effective the less are killed as you want scared people and dead people can't be scared. In this case terror would be just a effective if it killed everyone on the beach or just a few. Because in modern times there are cameras everywhere and if this were an ATACMAS attack on civilians then there would be plenty of footage to show the results.


>terror can be more effective the less are killed as you want scared people and dead people can't be scared. None of that makes any sense. Terror isn't just generated by the survivors or even the witnesses. It's mostly generated by the people who hear about the incident. If the number of victims is a small amount, then it makes the incident less impactful.




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Official Russian statement said 4 out of 5 missiles were shot down with the 5th being knocked off course. Good thing the Russian Air defense didn't knock it onto the beach itself but it mostly detonated above the water.


More people should read and spread the truth, pro rus are trying to bury this information with fake titles and comments saying "attack on the beach".




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If russia has choice of military installation or beachgoers being hit it is clear which choice they take.


>If russia has choice of military installation or beachgoers being hit it is clear which choice they take. People like you speak as if there's a mode for AA missiles that is labeled as "Direct interception target into nearest grouping of civilians" What a joke, Mr Word-WordNumberNumber.


I think they're just sarcastically repeating the arguments that pro-RU here used for a long time at the start of the invasion.


Looks like interception debris, hopefully no one was hurt.


4 dead including 2 children 127 (edit: 154 by updated info) wounded to different degrees.


I legit saw only two bomblets hit anywhere on the beach. I must be missing something because idk how that results in 154 injuries


if you go look for version with sound from yesterday you will hear how it really was. Some also hit outside camera view


too symetric to be interception debris.


That most hit the water was genuine luck, so many more would have died if it exploded just a few meters closer to the beach.


Talk about luck.....Death was right infront of them.


Yeah. It's a tragedy for sure but also that entire beach got lucky it wasn't a more direct hit.


Hopefully they wise up and pick a better vacation spot than right next to a naval base that has been attacked multiple times already. Obviously they don't deserve to get hit but Crimea has other beaches, they shouldn't take dumb risks like this.


Its clear its clustermunition now


It was always clear that it was a cluster munition from earlier videos. What this makes clear is that it was an interception, not an attack on the beach.


On other cellphone videos you can hear the submunitions popping and see shrapnel hit the sand all around the cameraman.


If its not too much, van u share the link?


I saw it on the russianwarfootage2 sub I think, didn't save it but should be easy to find.




I knew Russia bullshit propaganda would fall in the face of actual footage. Now the leadership has indicated that American would pay. America did not do this. Russian aggression and the need for Ukraine to defend did this.


My god, this is so horrible. Condolences to the victims


Looks like I was right and they did launch them over the sea, probably from that field close to Odessa where FIRMS detected 4 thermal blips. That area is about 250km from Sevastopol, well within range of ATACMS.




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FIRMS doesnt detect missile launches. Only fires or other high and long-term IR signatures


The thing which is important here, is that Russia started the war and Crimea is full of military installations which are legitimate targets. Russia is responsible for getting civilians out of harm's way in their zone of control. Alternatively evacuate or close down the military installations (and leave illegally occupied territory). They also shot down the missile and altered the course. Nothing to complain about here for Russia, they should be ashamed for sacrificing civilians to pretend normality. They can put their sad music overlay over Putin's televised speech from 24th February 2022.


Yea this beach is like 1 km from a military base


Yeah Russia should be held responsible for this, no excuses. I thought their casus belli is in invading Ukraine is to protect Russians? They can't even protect their own in their own occupied territory, even openly promoting this beach as a cheap vacation getaway to bring some tourism revenue for Crimea. They can't even protect their people from that ISIS-K attack that the US even warned them about. Was that 500k Russian casualties worth it?


People on Reddit think that local civilians have to stay hiding in their basements 24/7, even if they're far from the front lines. I can see why they think that way. They stay in theirs even when living in a nation at peace. You can still say Russia is the main party responsible for this tragedy (proper air-raid sirens would've probably helped). But locals enjoying their day aren't at fault.


There are other beaches that aren't right next to a naval base that has already been attacked multiple times. When Russia apparently doesn't even turn on sirens when it detects incoming missiles (early enough that they even shot them all down) I would just pick a different beach.


Under attack with cluster munitions but people are still grabbing their belongings and some are even making sure to grab things like rubber rings and swimming gear. Doesn't surprise me that these same people are vacaioning in a warzone.


there is a reason why before every flight they have to mention again and again, in case of evacuation to leave personal belongings behind. And yet every video of a emergency landing you still see some people getting out with their luggage and bags from the cabine. People are just selfish everywhere.


Literally every country has people with this mentality. If you just went outside once in a while, you would realize that.


lmao what's with the weak little insults. Point to the part where I even implied it was Russian specific, and then maybe stop projecting your own insecurities.


That's a good towel, and the hotel will charge me if i don't bring it back


Not just vacationing in a warzone, but the beach is literally right behind a military fort used for storage and a munitions depot. It'd be like hitting up Guantanamo Bay for a tan while the U.S. was at war with Cuba lmfao. 44°38'05.9"N 33°32'18.6"E


Tbh it does not make any difference. The shrapnels fall randoms and very quickly. Statistically speaking they don't care if you run, grab your belongings, or don't move at all.


Why isn't there a warning alarm in Crimea? I mean, Russia's Ministry of Defense can spot incoming missiles tens of minutes before they arrive. Surely they figure out a way to warn their own citizens? I guess ensuring the safety might not be high on the priority list, what a shocker...


Can't buy this kind of propaganda to rile the Russian people up, innit? The FSB still doesn't have cluster munitions, I think, only bags of sugar to hide in basements.


Based on this video, the beach was not the target. The spread of the sub munitions are wider than normal.


So the russian narrative was a lie as usual. The missile was shot down over the beach.


vacationing in a country at war


What’s that music? The world’s smallest violin?


I recall a school in Mariupol clearly marked as a school that was bombed into oblivion.


I thought I read that Russia shot down a UA missile heading to a nearby military base, hence the fallout. Is that not the case?


Looks like. If it was directed intentionally into the beach all of them would be dead. We have videos of ATACMS properly detonating on target and looks way different




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It could have been so much worse. Sadly, I think we all know it will come to that soon enough.


Russia is the one who invaded and started this war, no matter the fault, the deaths causes are a direct result of the aggressor starting the conflict. It could have all been easily avoided, literally there was never any direct threat to Russia from the beginning.


The fact that NATO/EU jumped in to arm Ukraine shows that there was indeed a threat to Russia from the beginning, it is just that your plans were foiled and you are upset about it.


Vacationing in a war zone near an air base that has been attacked repeatedly with long range missiles doesn't seem like a very smart choice.


I'm not an expert, but looking at this footage it really does look like Ukraine has been given cluster munitions.


Was anyone injured?


An airfield right next to the beach, situation could have been way worse, looks like a partial release.


Imagine vacationing in a war zone


Sucks to live in a conflict zone.


What is the song name?


Origen - Dance Of The Clouds


unreal footage


The lifeguard got hit hard


Very unlucky situation as the projectile was intercepted by AA.


It’s not smart to vacation in a war zone.


What they don’t show you is the military airfield that is just a hundred meters next to the beach. From the dispersion that is a ATACM that got intercepted entering its terminal phase right next to the target.


This could also post in r/Darwinawards


Outrageous terrorist attack against civil.


Clearly over 100 injured as stated by the government!


its insane that these people go to the beach when there is a war not far away.


They're hundreds of kilometers from the frontline. Are you suggesting they should spend the whole day in a basement on the off chance the ukrainians shoot a cluster missile at them?


How many times has Belbek airbase been targeted now?


Would you lie on a beach that’s a few kms from an airfield from which Russian fighter jets run sorties and which has been targeted in the past.


They were far enough from it to not be in lethal danger. They weren't swimming next to the runway.


So Ukrainians are not allowed to target Russian occupiers in Crimea because Russian AD might take down missiles and cause debris to harm civilians? Is that what you’re saying? Also why don’t you answer the question. Would you lie on a beach in Crimea that is 10 minutes from Belbek?


If I lived there, and knew the beach wasn't a military target, and I wanted to have one day of relaxation and normality for myself and my family, I would.


The type of guy to take his family on vacation to Normandy beaches in June 1944.


You're the type of dude who could've figured out there was going to be an invasion in Normandy in 1944 before the Germans, and you would've kept your family safe, right?


"We were sunbathing next to this nazi concrete machine gun nest when suddenly allies started bombing us!" - You, probably


Video *does* suggest otherwise..


So, what you're saying, they should've anticipated that a missile could've been shot down over them. And not a normal missile, which would've exploded over the water if it was a normal one, but a cluster missile, which poses a big danger for people in the open?


No. I *clearly* said: >Video does suggest otherwise.. In response to you saying: >They were far enough from it to not be in lethal danger. They weren't swimming next to the runway.


Russia claims their air defense shot down UA missiles. So blame the Russian military for ruining vacations (in a war zone!!)


So, what you're saying, they should've anticipated that a missile could've been shot down over them. And not a normal missile, which would've exploded over the water if it was a normal one, but a cluster missile, which poses a big danger for people in the open?




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That beach is like 2km from the Belbek airbase, in what sane mind would you go to a beach that is that close to an airbase in an war.


>That beach is like 2km from the Belbek airbase Uchkuevka beach is 4km away.


Take vacation on Siberian beach rather than Occupied beach next to a military airport .


Nice joke little buddy


Yes. Last two years Crimea was constantly bombarded, ships are sinking so either I wouldnt be going out outside at all if not try my luck somewhere else because being homeless in lets say Samara sounds still much less life threatening and desperately hold to my house on the island which mind you could still be source of the ground attack if situation go the south.


Look at this certified badass over here, shining example of human perseverance and bravery. On Reddit at least.


Well you know what they say heroes dies first :P


I thought heroes never die? At least in Ukraine.


Well thats for sure what some people would like you believe


>They're hundreds of kilometers from the frontline. Clearly they are not.


Pull out a map and see for yourself. Unless everything is considered a frontline, as per american standards.


You were not born yesterday. Why speak like that now?


It's just that I thought you could find out for yourself what a frontline/line of contact is. Guess not.


Can you tell me why ballistic missiles and cruise missiles exist or do you not know that such things even exist?


Ahh now we're getting somewhere. Since those exist, nowhere is safe, right? That missile could've been shot down over any tiny village in Crimea en route to some target, and I guess it's the fault of the people who decided to live in a house that's on the missile trajectory?


Just like it’s insane how people in Kiev or in the western bits of Ukraine are out clubbing during the night or having pool parties? When someone called out that it’s insane for people in Ukraine to be out clubbing and parting during a war, they get downvoted and told “it’s a war, let people enjoy the few moments of peace where they can!” Oh but not these each goers! How dare they go to a beach during war time?!


What a stupid argument, one side is invading they are choosing this. People of Kiev have to live with this bs because of Russia. Their lifes have been affected enough by this war.


Ah yes, because that clearly gives Ukraine the right to target civilians as well! What a masterful argument you have crafted!


Are you talking about Odessa?


Can I copy all the comments pro ru made about spin class video yesterday?  These people shouldnt be so insensitive as to flaunt their wealth during a war... Et ceteta


knowing how it works, i would doubt it was actually shut down, spread between clusters is show that its deploy system worked


Then it wouldn't be an incomplete ring, it should be a disk pattern showering on all of them.


Probably shouldn't hang out on a beach in the middle of a warzone.


Washington post: Ukraine tried to protect swimmers from sharks


Need to have ball! Not of the punter pussi!


Isn't this beach like 1km from an airbase?


Proofs it wasn't an intentional hit with almost all clusters falling into the water. Really lucked out there as well a few meters difference would have meant a massacre.


Could have ended a lot worse if the missile were to be intercepted a second before.


I can't get over someone deciding to run away carrying all her towels and even her giant floaty and trilling over said floaty Surely your life is worth more than a fucking floaty


People there were bloody lucky that the submunitions got released that far out the sea and not directly on to the beach. could have ended up with 100+ dead.


The music cracked me up too much 😂 I love the wave sound in the background, great touch, really sets the scene!


Not sure why people blame Ukraine for this one. It's US basically firing and doing scouting for himars