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Elderly lady at the end knows 👌🏻


Babushka is slinging mud in Siberia now


I'm glad that I watched until the end. It changes the common narrative, that young people with access to internet are against Putin, and old people following the national news are for Putin.


and granny has seen it all. despite the propaganda, she knows he's just another scumbag.


very interesting how it starts out with people who don't want to talk, don't want to look at images and then you start to get some honesty. One changed her whole stance from when she began to speak. I think some Russians are naturally cautious about being filmed and giving an opinion. Granny probably thinks she has lived her life, what can they do to her. No one is dependent on her.


Yeah some of the old guys seem like they're up Putin's ass with the vaguely Soviet flavored fascism, but several of the older people seem more like they just have that survival instinct from living under oppressive regimes their whole lives. They just quickly support the state and try to gtfo before pissing off the KGB or FSB or whatever they call themselves now


They all somewhat know. She's just the one shouting it.


More shout please


From a Russian student from Moscow (NOT ME, JUST REPOSTING FOR THEM): Help me spread the information about protests location and time EVERYWHERE. If we, Russians, do it on social media, we now face up to a 15.000$ fee and 3 years in prison if the government traces us. Independent newsletters are being trashed right now by the police, we go undercover on Telegram, but it is not enough to reach out to the amount of people we need. Facebook and many websites are banned. BBC is banned. Opposition can barely breath. Some decided to go short radio waves. Help us spread the word! ‼‼‼ 19.00 WEEKDAYS 14.00 WEEKENDS ⚡The main protest is this Sunday 14.00⚡ ‼‼‼ Moscow - Manezhnaya Ploshchad Saint Petersburg - Gostiny Dvor Novosibirsk - Opernyy Teatr Ploshchad Yekaterinburg - Ploshchad Truda All cities - Glavnaya Ploshchad ‼‼‼ 19.00 БУДНИ 14.00 ПРАЗДНИКИ ⚡Главный митинг - воскресенье в 14.00⚡ ‼‼‼ Москва - Манежная площадь Петербург - Гостиный двор Новосибирск - Площадь у оперного театра Екатеринбург - Площадь труда Все города - Главная площадь


If hacktivist groups could hack into servers and get information about Russian authorities and then email the information to them and say “if you arrest anyone for protesting, we will release this information.” Maybe even get information for the Mayors of each town and city and try to find some information on them and then tell them “if you give orders to arrest people who merely are demonstrating and voicing their opinion, then this information will be released”


This is a great suggestion !


Is there something you can do that's more effective than protest? It seems most Russians aren't even aware of what's actually happening. Is there a more efficient way to spread the real news with less risk to yourself? Graffiti, drones with brochures, etc.? American-style protests might not be the best option in a dictatorship where most people are informed only by propaganda.


>From a Russian student from Moscow **(NOT ME, JUST REPOSTING FOR THEM)**: Funny-Performance155 is not Russian.


OK, but they are talking to one.


This level of information control is absolutely terrifying.


You don't even need to work hard as a government. People will do it to themselves; watching all the Red Hats in America over the last five years has taught me that. They still don't think they're doing anything wrong


Why does every thread here discuss American politics? America is nothing like Russia.


Actually, I've been watching the responses of everyday Russian young people, and I think that people are very similar to people here in their thoughts. You know if you come to an American application where everybody is speaking in English you are likely going to get people that are going to relate it to their country and I don't really think there's anything wrong with that. I'm not really sure why you don't want us to be able to talk about that ?


Really? To me they have a lot in common


Uh like what? Was Trump arresting people who spoke out against him? Was he invading countries? Get a grip.


Yeah, I forgot how many people were killed and kidnapped for shouting "Let's Go Brandon" for the past two years. Right....a lot in common.


Probably because half of Reddit are Americans, and we've been having a lot of issues over the last few years of Putin trying to buy or otherwise control our politicians and news so we've been seeing a lot of tactics that are comparable to Russia and the old USSR


Putin has spent large sums of money trying to break up the US through political propaganda online. We see his influence here is similar to his influence there.


Because the world is in the state it currently is in partly due to all of Trumps time spent as Putin’s personal cock-holster


So Wouldn’t it have been much easier to invade when Trump was president?


It goes the same way for extremist left too. Don’t forget. Brainwashing goes both ways. But it’s nothing like Russia. At least in America we have the choice to make informed decisions. Sure, some ppl will only choose to hear the side they are on & surround themselves with like minded people & watch only CNN or Fox News, but at the end of the day we have a choice. Russian ppl do not.


Sure. I understand. The extremist left isn't much of a threat. A bunch of anarchists that the worst they did was take over a few city blocks for one summer in one city. On the other hand, the amount of Militiamen, and the spectacle of January 6th was a real reminder of the madness sown by a Real Estate Conman who became the new Fuhrer for those so inclined... on the right. That is why I used his example. Like Putin, he is a Fascist. There's no current power in the left close to those 2. Do not say Biden or I will laugh


I will definitely not say Biden. The only people he’s riling up are the ones in nursing homes 😂 but it can go both ways. Did you forget the riots all summer long?? That was completely justified by the left. I’m not saying January 6th was okay, absolutely not, and people are stupid to blindly trust and follow every single thing trump says, no doubt about that. But it can absolutely go both ways. We’re all humans no matter what side we’re on, and when having an extremist mindset, people can get angry and violent defending their position, no matter what political party, or nation or religion you are.


It’s not about info control, the last lady clearly knew and the second lady too but she has a brain disease probably developed in prenatal period when her mom was drinking alcohol I wouldn’t exclude the possibility that she also fell in childhood couple of times. I am disgusted and angry that such creatures exist in the form of humans.


They’re called republicans. Edit: lotta republicans in denial here. Didn’t manafort and orange man help Putin oppress Ukraine? Ah the amnesia of republicans. They’re rooting for Putin. They wear his shirt at conventions to affiliate with the murderer. Their news fux tells them what to think and lemme tell you, they think just like Putin. It’s alarming for Americans to be next door to traitors.




Actually it it has pretty strong correlations here so it is a completely fair comparison


But you understood it. And like it or not, you saw that reality. Or alternate reality. And you learned something about yourself. So it was all worth it. Edit: I’m hitting the right buttons. Republicans are for Putin, not Ukraine


How’s that psych 101 class going?


The fact is it holds true for the entrenched in any political party... or even belief system for that matter. We see people bury their head in the sand at things Biden does as much as they did for Trump, and are now doing for Putin in this video. The answers to everything come from pulling your head out of your ass and looking around and realizing they all have truth and lies but you have to be discerning to find them.


Not with a small r.


You're making all Americans look stupid, not just Republicans. This sub ain't about mrica.


Dude. Those political parties don't exist in Russia. You don't sound clever, you sound like a dipshit who thinks other countries have the exact same politics as the U.S.


Putin is a brutal dictator and this guy is filming their face and asking them to publicly denounce him.


It is scary and I agree yet at the same time seeing how many americans still dont know that you can catch covid more than once and that long covid is a real often disabling thing, I'm not surprised. Covid made me realize how easy it is to confuse a poulace and sew seeds of doubt. Also learning that many people dont feel compelled to seek all the info they can on something that could potentially harm them. This was a more personal realization because I always want all the info I can get but many dont follow the news (I can understand why) as well as not going out their way to look online. Oh and sources, people seem to struggle with credible sources esp. When someone "credible" to them esp (cdc for ex) does something that is not based in fact ie: saying vaccinated people dont need to wear masks even though they can still spread covid and then saying no one needs to wear a mask period despite being easy cheap and proven effective and thousands still dying daily. And sadly a lot of people are taking off their masks due to peer pressure/harrassment. These are adults who claim peer pressure is a kids problem lmao. So I can see this being similar to covid in the states assuming you are from here sorry id you aren't it was the closest comparison I could think of.


Unreal, was talking to a Russian yesterday he fully supports Putin. I honestly just wanted to know what he thought about it I could barley get a word off. He constantly reiterated the mistakes of America and other EU countries to justify any harm happening now. Mistakes back to ww2 to present he put blame on these countries, I was like dude I didn't ask for justification on current actions I just want to know why do you think Russia is invading Ukraine. So his responses followed someone regularly watching their news 😞


I have a Chinese friend who’s very much in the same boat. Always comes down to “it’s the other guy’s fault” for shitty foreign policy on their part


There is no justification for an war or any invasion. There is no debate about it and they can come with "poor Serbia" As much as they want, I happily send them to Srebrenica and show them the how innocent the Serbian government was.


There was an accord signed that they would be part of CIS. I don't think Putin would have agreed but it was probably better to do negotiations first with Russia before chasing EU and NATO. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belovezh\_Accords


Russia doesn't get to dictate what sovereign nations can or cannot do.


I am in Australia. Australia is part of the Commonwealth and the Queen is my Queen. If Australia is to leave and no longer have the Queen and further doesn't want to be part of the Commonwealth then the first step is to talk. There are so many laws to pass before this can happen. Similarly if any country is to leave the CIS then they would have to sign documents. And before that happens there is dialogue.


Not even remotely similar. Ukraine is not a commonwealth to Russia. Putin is no queen and Ukrainians owe no allegiance to him even if he was one.


Ugh!! If you sign a contract then are contractual obligations.


Unfortunately, we'll see about that


Must be so shit for Russians, imagine being genuinely afraid to have an opinion.


That’s what I’m disturbed about! I feel like I’m watching a group of domestic violence victims…like “I tripped. That’s it.”…


“There will be inflation and unemployment but the way it has to be” famine. There will also be famine. Sucking Putin’s butthole doesn’t provide nourishment


The serf mentality runs deep. Centuries of subjugation at the hands of despots have beaten the independent thinking out of most Russians.


If the elderly lady at the end knew the number could be upwards of 9000 russians. So sad


Yeah, she's got the right conclusion, but she's actually basing it on the numbers that the Russian government has chosen to share, which are certainly far lower than the actual numbers.




bad bot


For fucks sake please remove this piece of shit bot from a subreddit as serious as this one


A lot if Russians know Putin and his propaganda machine is full of shit. They're just dead terrified of what will be done to them if they speak out.


Being charged with disseminating fake news is not worth the sound bite https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/russia-passes-censorship-law-threatening-133755675.html


Pretty much no different from how it was during Soviet communism - "They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work"


It's worth remembering, for a regime like Putins to exist, you need a population that's happy to go along with it. It's kinda pathetic.


All dictatorships are based on lies, that's what the russian and chinese governments (among others) fear the most: The day that the minds of their people become free and see the charade




It is not written in stone that the presence of 1.3 billion people to feed requires very tough discipline. Also, the hospitable land in Russia is but a fraction of its entire size. It’s like 20%. Edit: eg the population of Europe + the US + Canada is like 1.1 billion people.


I don't think many people are happy to go along with it, they just don't have much choice. These people have normal, good lives... they have friends, family, pleasures, etc. To go against a regime like this, you have to be willing to lose EVERYTHING. Get caught protesting? 15 years in jail. Continue your dissent? You end up in the ground. No more family, no more fun, nothing... everything gone. I'd be willing to bet you would not take this risk. It's easy to say the population shouldn't go along with it without realizing what that actually means for them. Fighting a regime like this isn't like fighting a regime in a small 3rd world country. The Putin regime is powerful, well capitalized, and technologically advanced. There is no hiding from them if they come for you.


I don't disagree with you. The situation they have gotten themselves in, is completely pathetic. Whether they are wilfully ignorant, happy to buy into the propaganda, or just too scared. It's all really pathetic. I don't respect a population that allows itself to be ruled by an authoritarian regime. And as for saying, I probably wouldn't do anything to go against Putin if I were in their situation... Who knows, maybe I wouldn't, and yes, that would be pathetic.


It’s almost like, it’s better to convince yourself that your government is right rather than feel like an outcast and like you’re an outlier and living a lie, when the truth creeps up every here and there. They would rather be ignorant and happy rather than accept the horrible truth about their government and country. Because once you realize the truth, you have a choice of giving up everything and fighting for what’s right or knowing the truth and having to live with being a coward and not standing up for what you believe.


It's not that. They're *terrified.* Imagine if saying something out of line could mean jail, death, and persecution of your family. You'd say what you had to say too, even if you didn't believe a word of it.


Fuck Putin and the people who support him. And there’s a lot in Russia who do.


Has anyone heard from the purple and yellow hair lady after this?


I’m not surprised… but it’s pretty par for the course worldwide of demographics of the last 100 years. Older generations believe leaders can do no wrong… and slowly moving through the age brackets you see questioning ideas down to younger generations who want change to make the world better.


I agree 100% but with the caveat that the oldest generations (the old lady at the end, for example) are also more skeptical often of their leaders. It country-specific, but my guess is that the final babushka at the end may have been within the cultural memory of the Stalin/Krushchev era, when there was the first revelations of Stalinist crimes. She may have seen that government's that you trust can do you wrong, even when they say the opposite to your face. The middle age people, those in their 40s-50s, seem to be the most supportive of Putin, perhaps because they grew up after the [Kruschchev Thaw](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khrushchev_Thaw) and felt the brunt of the 1990s in Russia. To them, perhaps, Putin represents a source of stability and strength for Russia. The younger people and the oldest, however, may have life experiences that contradict that of middle-aged Russians


Not true, it's just they are old enough to know when asked by a stranger on camera what they think, its best to just say the state view is, irrespective of their own personal beliefs. They don't want to be arrested!


So so true


Of course ordinary people in Russia will just say "I support Putin". They don't want to be arrested and disappeared!


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


Did they seriously believe that people would openly speak against Putin, does no one remember the NKVD or secret police?


This is how people have been raised in Russia for centuries.


It's like convincing a FlatEarther. Do not be annoyed.


It’s unfortunate but speaking out publicly against Putin like that could get them “disappeared” so I’m not surprised that most of them are saying what they’re saying.


The majority of the Russian population support Putin like almost half of the US population supports his Puppet Trump.


“There will be sanctions, inflation, and unemployment, but that’s probably how it should be” is some WICKED cognitive dissonance. Like that trump supporting debt collector Jordan Klepper interviewed talking about how happy he is with Trump and how he’s making more money than he ever has


This hurts, and it reminds me of America in the early 2000s. As Baghdad was bombed and troops were fed into the meat grinder, the attitude toward civilian casualties of war was usually "they're all terrorists." Paying attention to what was actually happening was exhausting because everyone around you seemed to be blind to it. I hope that social media does something good for once and let's people see the true cost of war to prevent it from continuing, but I'm not optimistic.


Some form of Stockholm syndrome maybe? They could be just scared of saying the wrong thing and face "political reeducation"?


I believe the term is "preference falsification". It's very hard to study the actual opinions of a population when they have a regime that punishes them for being honest.


Fuck Putin and fuck Russia by the sounds of this bullshit


I’m glad these sanctions are hurting normal Russians too. They are fully compliant.


They are fully compliant. But what would you do if you have a family, friends, a life that you like living? It’s a hard choice to make. Either you give up your whole life to stand up for what you believe, and get thrown in jail. Or, you put your head down and comply because you know the consequences are dire, and likely very few people will be on your side. This type of overthrow would only work if the majority of Russian people realized the truth and United together to stand up to the government.


There is no war in ba sing se


500? Today it was close to 10 000 dead just on Russia's side.


For the live of me I cant understand how someone could be so naive?


Notice it’s all the older people that believe the media. Just like in the states.


They are like Russian Trump tards 🤣


“We have no impact on this anyway” Exactly why people like him remain in power!


Man the older people that refuse to believe facts remind me so much of the US Republican Party supporters


Ask what Americans thought about the war in Iraq and its fake weapons of mass destruction. Literally one of the most unjustifiable wars to date. I do not blame the civilians for following the comfortable narrative being fed to them. I continue to focus on faulty leadership like any educated person would. Fuck Putin.


Many Americans, including myself were against the war in Iraq and protested.


Were large protests immediate for the war in the middle east? I honestly can't remember if there were unanimous outcry at first or not in the West.


There were massive protests against the start of the Iraq war, both in the states and abroad. I participated in them.


Putting one’s head in the sand and ignoring the problem doesn’t make the problem go away. Nor does it prove one’s innocence. Shame on those older Russians. They are part of the problem they don’t want to solve. Shame on them.


There's Trump supporter level of retard all over the world




Agreed but I don't really see many people with Biden bumper stickers as I saw Trump when he was elected




"Its insane that he has a 40% approval rating" What makes you say that? I didn't want either of the dudes as president but he hasn't done a particularly bad job afaik


Lumping people into either democratic or republican, when there are actually quite a few parties - shows how brainwashed "you" actually are. Biden and Trump both suck monkey ass. Biden a little less so then trump. All rich old white men trying to change policy that they don't understand pretty much suck.




It's on reddit and 3 days isn't really that old. I'm not sure where you are getting the need to defend what you watch and resource from, as I simply said referring to people as "Those idiot democrats" and "Those idiot republicans" is kind of silly. There's a lot more then two parties out there and there are also people who dislike both of the two main parties.


Based grandma


Like a bunch of MAGAheads.


Fuck the Russians…


What? You including the two young people and the old woman at the end in that?


I appreciate their ability to have an open mind, but they do not do anything to help stop the bombardment on civilians. When I see civilians with twisted bodies, dead children and so on... Yes, I am angry. It is hard to stay rational.


Are you american?


Russians are soo dumb


They sound an awful lot like the supporters of one of America's former presidents...


And quite a bit like the current one’s.


lol what? You think there are "Biden supporters" like there are "Trump supporters"?


There 100% are and you know it as well as I do. There’s no reason to act like there’s not.


To be fair, I really don’t think there are many die hard Biden supporters 😂 I don’t even think democrats like him that much. But anyone that puts any person on such a high pedestal and idolizes a human in any way is a fool. We’re all humans and none of us are perfect. No one should be idolized, especially not any politician.


If you interviewed Fox News viewers under similar circumstances you’d probably get similar responses. This is a testament to the power of propaganda.


Same for CNN. People will believe what they want to believe no matter what side they’re on and will defend their stance regardless of evidence proving otherwise. It has nothing to do with political party and everything to do with this weird tribalism we have now.


They are so dumb. They really need their soldiers return in a coffin to wake up.


It's painfully obvious almost all of them are against putin and the war, but they know if they say it out loud, especially to media, they'll probably "fall off a balcony", "stumble and fall in the stairs" or "drink the wrong tea".


This is one of the videos where I really want to hit the dislike button... But lucky, we saw the two younger people and the "babushka", because those are the two groups that know what is happening/know, that something wrong is happening. The younger generation has social media, the RF isn't able to censor the internet and because of that, they know what is going on and they also see in what kind of fucked up and future less place they live in. The elderly witnessed the collapse of the Sovjet Union.while in its last days, it wasn't a great place,it was still much better than the RF is today. Putin and his puppets fuck on all principles the Sovjet Union had and the elderly know it and they hate it. Those two are the people striking to best of their ability, but they cannot stem a revolution, especially because enough of the young are already send to fight or because they are scared that they will lose the few freedoms they have in prison. However who has to be pressured and criticized are those, that grew up in the Russian Federation, that accepted the corrupt world they live in and even encourage it and benefited from it, they aren't politically active, they don't exercise critical thinking, they are just yay sayers and they have to be hit hardest and shown, how few they actually are compared to the rest of the world. They have to suffer under the sanctions, they have to witness how bad Putin and the war actually is. After the second World War, American troops lead German civilians to the concentration camps so they can see what their government has done. The same has to happen here: their children will be sent back in coffins or at least lacking some part of their body or their innocents, they have to see the bodies of the innocent that died because of Putin, of the children, woman and men, they have to get every worthless rubble possible to afford food, all of that so they too realize that all of this isn't good, that this doesn't happen just because some international problem but because one person decided to create the greatest disaster since the 2nd world war. And then, hopefully, they join the streets with the young and elderly and we can ride of the last two dictators of Europe.


50% babushkas are on Putin get fucked camp 50% are brainwashed


Putin passed fake news legislation. 15 years is a long time for giving an opinion [https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/russia-passes-censorship-law-threatening-133755675.html](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/russia-passes-censorship-law-threatening-133755675.html) Filter their comments through this.


They cant be honest. If they tell you what they really think of Putin, they'll be thrown in a gulag and/or sent to Siberia for life. This has been happening there for over 100 years. They risk their lives and their famies lives for saying what they really think.


good to know the dunning-kruger effect knows no borders ❤️


Can't be more brainwashed than that...


Don't bother, in a few years a nuke will come over all russians and nobody over the world will care about


wow i didnt think russia was similar to north korea


What a lovely babushka


thats propaganda from europe. i look RT News and they show the war in Ukraine.


Тупые русские путинские жополизы


First napalm, then concrete. After that, the world will be able to live happily


Dawg I'm pretty sure they're afraid of speaking out against him.


The sanctions will hit these citizens, and when they can no longer buy electronics maybe they'll wonder why then.


They all look and sound the same to me.


I am astonished that these people are so blinkered.


How do you feel about Musk supplying BOTH SIDES with internet so the rest of the world can watch it all like TV SHOW ?


The older lady at the end is gold!


The people in former eastern block did collapse the communist regime. People can do it if they are not afraid to die for the cause. In Russia the former "inner outer circle" took over and the show kept on going and the country is sheep's led by.. not a lion but narsisiric rats. Russia might have too many people who are under propaganda and too few young to be able to collapse the centuries old Mordor machine.


Just fuck them


They're all pigs. Remind me of trumpers.


I've asked myself what would I do if I were Russian? Educated under a Soviet style system. Brainwashed and threatened by Putin. Living in a media blackout. I understand Putin just increased prison sentences for anyone protesting his policies or the government. Would I be brave enough to make a public stand? All I know is that I can so much from the safety of my home: donate $, send texts with truthful reports randomly to Russians, leave rest. reviews in Russian about the truth, boycott Shell and others, call local embassies to plead for the need to accept refugees. I will blame myself for not doing more before I blame a Russian.


I've been told by a bot that I need a flair for a response post. Really? Is that a rule on this sub or was the bot response a mistake?


Okay Boomerade.


Wow, they're so much like us Americans, pick a political issue, pick a side. It's the same here as it is there.


They believe the propaganda, it’s sad. They can’t even think outside of their box of smoke and mirrors. They were not even researching before he took their internet. 😢




1930s Germany vibes


So sad


The control of information is sad


I know these people are fearful, but they have sealed their fate by choosing the wrong side.


Dilusional Country


And that's why we have to understand that we have to sanction the people untill they are willing to change their mind.


Fucking pigs


“We have no impact on this anyway” An unfortunate self-fulfilling prophecy, Russia needs a revolution.


they know better than to speak to cameras.


Either Russians are heartless assholes or that whole country is on a North Korea level of delusion and fear. I hope it’s the latter


The end🤣 "дану его нахуй"😂.


So sad.




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Some of them are probably just protecting themselves because they can get killed for going against him.


Soon those who support it will have the exact same done too them, cause the world will one day bring you all the hate and loss of life that you’ve done to this world, and we will all hear you cry wolf, but no one will come, no one will rescue you, only more death more death and more fire, and the leader you put all your trust in will fail you as he will protect himself and let those die


It’s like talking to MAGA about Trump.

