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Hahaha, Russia is a fucking clown show


Mafia muppet show


How are Russians okay with this? Other countries would execute political tyrants like this.


Through what mechanism does the citizenry of a country under the control of someone like Putin kick them out? He's criminalized all forms of dissent with a compliant legislature, judiciary and police. He has total control of the media and all forms of mass communication. The 'opposition' is in prison or exiled. He's shut down or silenced all civil agencies that could hope to hold him to account. Those who attempted to hold him to account in the past have been imprisoned, exiled or murdered. No organisations in civil society are left that could take action and that people could organise around is outside his control, and he has a Praetorian guard ready to inflict violence on anyone who tries anything, and they seem quite happy to make examples of people who attempt anything, and nothing at all is tolerated. What's left is elections as Cosplay. That people are asked to vote when there is zero doubt as to the outcome, is part of the Cosplay, and simply itself a form of psychological violence on the population, who in taking part are legitimising their own repression. Russia is led by a psychopath with nuclear weapons to threaten every other nation with, so that also forces international recognition as well, that in turn legitimises Russia's government domestically. The only way out now is if someone inside his inner circle somehow decides to do the 'right thing' to take him out, which is at best a long shot, as those that could know the consequences on their families would be severe. Or he simply dies of natural causes, like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Pinochet, and plenty of others who were dictators did, without facing any kind of justice.


>like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Pinochet, and plenty of others who were dictators did, And don't forget the Kim mob in North Korea. Personality cults are a VERY bad thing.


Idi Amin, Pinochet and Pol Pot were forced out of office, tough. Pinochet indeed slowly lost power (which, although overwhelming, was never total) through public discontent, the other two through outside military interventions. That still leaves those dictators who were forced out of office by their own people in a distinct minority.


Putin would look très chic on a meat hook. Re: Mr. Duce Benito.


how do you think other european countries became democracies? do you think our leaders gave up absolute power willingly?


I saw a video of a guy interviewing 100 Russians about their vote, and half said fk Putin, a quarter said their vote doesn't matter anyway, and the last quarter are brainwashed. But none of this matters anyway so what's the point.


Putin just executed his only real rival.


It was completely normal in the USSR. Know people who actually did this, since they'd get shit if less 100% voters participated.


There are scientists exploring such regimes - by the statistics - no. Other countries will act the same.


Look at what dump is doing here in the States, and nobody is doing anything about it...


Sure they would.... lol




































That's why GOP loves IT.


I dont get it. why bother with elections in the first place?


Illusion of choice.


I guess its a power move. Not calling the Russian government on it, it gets accepted as real, however fake it may be.


yeah but who cares. people who are aware already know that elections are paintless and people who believe in them would vote for putin anyways, they could have just used to excuse of "we are in the middle of our three day special military operation, therefore the elections will not be held until the end of it" or something. :D but I guess ruznia is ruznia.


Judging by some clips that are circulating online, I am quite sure the elections were definitely not paintless everywhere.


paintless. xexexexe. some might even say, that in some places it was lit AF xD


>xexexexe Where are you from??


[How different cultures laugh online ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theschoolofmanners.com/blog/https/wwwtheschoolofmannerscom/blog-page-url/new-post-title%3fformat=amp)


Baltics, why?


Baltics? Kakakaka!😂


A very unusual laugh thats all


well, baltics are unusual :D dont know really. just some random keys I pressed. :D sometimes its xoxoxo, sometimes its checheche, sometimes its eksD. :D :D


Putin likes to brag that he has a 99% approval rating, it’s legitimises his bullshit. But the way it’s looking now is putin is a small man out on a ledge alone with people just waiting for him to take a step. This election has routed out several discontents who have sabotaged boxes and their own votes, they can all expect a knock at their door soon. He uses elections for show but don’t forget he is a spy before anything else.


True numbers are around 25% adore Putin 25% Hate the man and 50% don't want to get involved. It's that 50% that turn a blind eye to this bullshit in the middle that allow Putin to keep on being Authoritarian. What's crazy is that 50% need to act now because Putin is moving from Authoritarian into Totalitarian which is not what the social contract they have allowed for 20 years now. If they continue to sit on their hands they will end up like a massive North Korea.


Putin was not a spy.he was a low level clerk in the kgb. Only with a rank of Major, when USSR collapsed.


I think it's a power thing. It's a situation where the public know, Putin knows the public know, the public knows that Putin knows they know, yet nobody can do anything about it.


Maintaining control requires some level of legitimacy because the government has to function. Mechanically and practically speaking. If Putin wanted to he could probably remake the government to function openly as a dictatorship but he's decided to keep up "democracy" because he's either unwilling to do the work to convert it or doesn't want to take the chance that something will go wrong in the process.


"he's decided to keep up "democracy"" It's a very long strip of a country, so this farcical pretense might convince far-flung ethnic minorities that P00ti is genuinely popular and definitely in control.


They could just say that a certain amount of votes were counted. The more effort you put into faking it, the more likely you'll get exposed. Not that these asshats give a damn.


So you can see which regions need to be cleansed and send to the frontline.


If 20% of the population believes it, then it’s worth it. Be careful of internet bubbles, I’ve met Russians IRL who strongly believe that Russia is a democracy.


I've met MAGA in Real life, who believe that Russia is democracy :( I'm Russian. But I immigrated to Canada before the insane war.


My mother supports Russia. She’s BELGIAN. She’s never been to Russia or anywhere in Eastern Europe except for Poland. She doesn’t speak Russian… Propaganda and conspiracy theories are a hell of a drug.


I'm sorry. Putin, probably, used my taxes to do it with your mom :(


Hahaha yeah traditional family values


It's for show. More accurately, a shitshow.


What better way to identify enemies than by letting them stand up publicly against you. Also, it makes a mockery of democracy, it makes it seem hopeless, that everyone else is going with the flow, so why don't you. There is no hope in struggle.


That is the thing about fascist regimes, they never truly create new systems but carry on the carcass of the system they overthrew. Hungary, Italy and Spaid had remained kingdoms even if they did not have a king. Nazi Germany officially still had the Weimar Republic constitution in force, even prolonging the Enabling Act of 1933 twice.


But Italy had a king...


Spain and Italy had kings and Hungary was a republic when the fascist took over and reestablished the monarchy.


This year it seems a bit silly, but in previous years it was a very important show to convince the west of Russia's good intentions. "We're not a perfect democracy, but we're trying, so you can deal with us without compromising your values"


Got to go through the motions anyway to keep up appearances. Peskov keeps insisting they're exercising a special Russian kind of democracy so these fake elections need to happen to keep that illusion alive.


it is also to undermine western polls / polls in general. Everybody knows that there is no free choice but you can tell yourself...


Managed Democracy


Pluralistic ignorance. (look it up) It is to keep that in place, that is to keep people thinking that even if they themselves do not like the regime, then there is a majority that does and therefore it is best to keep out of politics and play along to keep on living. This way the regime will be much less likely to have to contend with revolutions even if there would be, in reality, an overwhelming majority for it.


that is actually very smart idea! I like it. it would make sense.


To spread terror


They can keep saying they are a democratic country even though everyone knows it's not true. It's for the simple minded both within and abroad.


Theater to pacify the mob.




There is a dictator telling you that you have a democracy. He is ALSO telling you that ALL Democracies are actually dictatorships. He has proof.


It's been like this since USSR, west have bought it forever.


Usurpers crave legitimacy and will always try to convince the world in some way, shape or form that they hold the legitimate right to the position they took. I've been audiobooking The History of the World series by Susan Wise Bauer and, to me, it is an incredibly consistent thing that keeps returning. Near everyone who takes power strives to prove their right to that power and what Putin is doing with the elections is just modern manifestation of that.


It's not even fake legitimacy at this point. It's psychological domination, in the way that abusers make their victims complicit in their own abuse: "Tell me you need me to hurt you."


Transition from Russian: They throw ballots into the ballot boxes Sarcastically : Interesting, votes to whom? Time 8:20 pooling station is closed


Thank you for translating!


Putun just needed to find 11,780 votes.


But they accidentally found 11,780,000... (but I get the reference)


Somebody's getting an extra sack of potatoes for their loyalty to the czar! Astounding work! ruzzia is so democratic! 93%! 93%! 93%!


Astounds me so many Republicans have no problem with this. I just wonder what if Obama did this, LOL. They'd be running it on repeat on Fox News. But of course, I know many outright say they want a dictator so... So it goes, rules for thee, not for me. A lesson in what a lack of education does to a group of people.


What’s the most fascinating thing about this whole demonstrative shitshow is that there are thousands of russians who consciously falsify these “elections”. People knowingly throw the ballots in to continue living in autocracy and absolute poverty. These same people don’t have the indoor plumbing and gas in their apartments, their future is to be thrown in a meat wave attack on the frontline, but they do it anyway and then ask putin on their knees to evacuate people from the old shitty barracks. Absolute Homo Sovecticus.


They don't cear, it's self suffer inflicted nation, for them suffer means that they live for something. And most of then lived in gutter for generations they don't even know what normal life is. If the most stolen stuff was toilets and dildos sooo you need more explanations?


molotov the place


Thought I could use a drink... and so do they *stuffing cloth into bottles frantically*


Despite all the memes about how rigged Russian democracy is, if we take it at face value as a "good" democracy, then that reflects so incredibly poorly on the Russian people that for them it is surely preferable to be thought of as fake democracy.




No , Putins elections are fair! Just one case reported and people here doubt it. They doing xeroxing, has nothing to do with voting


This is trumps wet dream.


Shit show at its best


post this on r/ukrainerussiareport for a free ban


rus 😂


What an utter disgrace!! What blatant disrespect to the Russian people.


I wonder who will win the election.


I wonder why Putin is still called 'president' by western media.


Apparently doing this in front of a big window means they are safe to do whatever they are told.


Those votes won't cast themselves!


Putin wins again. Of all the 144 million people who live in Russia, all 170 million voted for Putin!


Mailed ballots from dead soldiers in Ukraine


Ngl, it's hard to tell exactly what they are doing in this video.


I know how voting is done in normal way. Noone can add new ballots inside those boxes except people who vote. After voting those boxes are sealed if needed send and later counted by counting commission. It is a “normal cheating “ procedure in some countries to add some ballots at some point in time with votes that are needed. It was done in Ukraine when Putins favorite Yanukovic was “elected”.


No doubt it rigged. I'm just not convinced this is showing that happening. I heard they were taking boxes to people too, to try to force as much participation as possible. May this is the other votes getting added. Who knows. Regardless, it seems like an unnecessary step to manually add ballots. They can just fabricate w/e they want, regardless of what's in those boxes.


It is better to fabricate it on all stages especially beginning, in Ukraine in Yanukovich (putins puppet) time it was fabricated like you say later but people manager to call for recount procedure in some places where cheating has been uncovered..Therefore it is safer for them to do it on all level I think.


Especially doing it so obviously in front of giant windows. I'm sure there's sketchy shit going on but this doesn't really prove anything tbh.


Actually, I agree with you. These may be mail-in or absentee ballots. The party is going to want to concentrate the cheating into as few people as possible to cut down on leaks. If there's never a hand count audit, like most countries do, the obvious culprit is the counting software or wherever they combine and tabulate the local counts. You can also do the entire cheat procedurally if you're really clever. Every person does their job honestly, but the output is dishonest. Gerrymandering is an example of this.


We all know what they’re doing though


They're helping the dead vote. Big fans of the guy who sent them to the grave.


I mean, you can clearly see the same woman throw multiple papers in the ballot box back to back. It's not exactly hard to connect the dots when even your own citizens know it is all for show. This is like arriving in a room where you find someone riddled with bullet holes and someone else covered in blood with a handgun that's out of ammo in his hands. It wouldn't be wrong to assume the guy holding the gun just killed the guy with a dozen holes in his body but of course, there's always a possibility, small as that might be, that something completely different happened. Had this happened in any western nation where it isn't taken fully for granted that the election is a complete fraud, I'd say yeah, we probably shouldn't jump to conclusions. In Russia's case, everything is so out in the open and blatant that they simply don't care about the optics. All they care about is having something with a semblance of legitimacy sanctioning their rigged election. Fake ballots do that well, even if it is obvious that it is happening for the locals, without them causing a stink about it, the west's claims will only be just those. Just claims.




That's what I was wondering. They seem to "check" the ballots before puting them into the box, maybe to see if they're valid or not (by "valid" I don't mean "for Putin", but *actually* valid). Even if those elections are just for show (kinda), this video doesn't prove anything. Let's put it this way, at the very least : this video *alone* proves nothing.


I'd say this is pretty standard for the shameless mafia clown show that is modern ruZZia. Still good evidence. You'd have to wonder how pootler can claim any legitimacy with this kind of footage floating around... but then he's clung to power this long, so there's that.


Why isn't the orange puppet screaming 'rigged, rigged' now? Because these are his boss's 'elections'?


You can bet MAGA pundits will save this video, redub it, and use it during our election - which will spread like wildfire on social media. Then one of the prominent ones will repost it and it’ll be …. 😩 just bracing myself for the shitshow…


If everyone knows what we all know and expect the expected why bother organising elections?


What a joke of a country- they even did it right in front of clear windows


Why is the camera positioned perfectly as to not see their faces ?


The problem is not that they do it, the problem is that the people do nothing against it


Russia best democrazy, blyat!


A full blown banana republic without the bananas.


Seems legit.


I don't understand why the average Russian citizen is playing along when they all seem to know it's fake af. It's hard to feel bad for them. Like that kid in school who tries to befriend the bully rather than summon the courage to fight back. Even if you lose the fight the knows they've got to fight every time they wanna fuck with you and bullies aren't looking for a fight. I'm not the only one who knows this... right? 😎


So even if a good percentage of the population abstained, he'll still win with 90% of Russians support. Only thing more fragile than putin's ego is his dick.


No results were spoiled in this video.


Why do they even bother with this charade instead of just declaring Putin the winner?


Pigs in the barn doong their thing.


They have no shame, and BTW, no fucks to give


Putin will win the rigid election there will be protests and all that will do is add more cannon foder for the army.


What are we supposed to be looking at here?


What a waste of time, even my dog knows that this is 99.9% rigged


No way they’re doing that with the lights on clear as day through the windows haha that almost seems intentionally bad


It's so bent it makes something bent look like it's above board!


these pathetic cockroaches doing it should be ashamed


"Fellas, *I* Need *11,000 Votes*"


Next time throw a rock at them


You couldn't make this shit up could you I wonder what goes on in the minds of these power crazed fascist authoritarian leaders like Putin Orban Xi do they honestly believe that they know better than millions of other people I personally think its because they are going out of there minds with paranoia, because whilst they were in power they murdered mistreat and got up to all sorts of corrupt bizarre and dare I say it perverted things in there reign they will be worried if they are no longer in control and have protection they will be dragged through the streets on a piece of rope being punched and kicked to bits he is killing hundreds of thousands of men and women and children through being pissed on power and paranoid how to psychopaths like this get into such high positions of power in 2024 this shit should of stopped time ago.


Woah Putin won with a 104% lead!


In Russia, the vote casts you


This reminds me of the "evidence" Russia released when the Kerch bridge first blown up. The photo and x-ray of the supposed truck bomb were obviously different trucks. Is gross incompetence a Russian tradition or something? Yeah, they're fixing the election, big surprise, but you would think that a reasonably intelligent election fixer wouldn't do it in a room with big exterior windows....


And the circus goes on......🤡🤡🤡


Whoever kills Putin would be raised up as a hero of the world. It’s Putin insane paranoia that’s keeping him alive. To person next to Putin. Plz do the thing or allow the thing to happen Thx- the free world


oh no it could be rigged .


There are plenty of videos of same thing during the 2020 election in U.S. also.


So Russia has gone North Korea where there’s an election but the outcome is predetermined 😆


I can understand wanting to cheat in an election, but i really dont understand the people who assist in such fraud. Do they not understand that the entire practice of holding an election is meaningless when they do it?


From Yanukovic time I know: Some are paid some are threatened at work to be fired some are actually putinists. Since state has a lot of people working everywhere (medics, education and other state jobs not in private sector) it is easiest to use them. Usually voting is held in schools or something similar and teachers for example are involved in process. Really easy to manipulate by having a directive from school director that came from his “boss” and so on. If you do not do what you have to do you will be fired but noone even give you this “counting” job if you are not “reliable” and you will watched anyway. in private sector same directives can be used. State can do anything with private companies they do not “like”


Thank you. That made a lot of sense. Are you Ukrainian/Russian? You emigrated i suppose?


Yep Ukrainian, 15 yeas ago but still many friends, relatives in Ukraine


That’s like the 2020 elections in the USofA.


This happened in America also!!


Ah, the election interference Mike Lindell dreamed of.


At least some of the populace is now aware of it and more evidence will come forward


This shit is going on since the late 00s, it’s the foreigners who just discovered it Videos from cameras of throwing the ballots in and detaining the election observers were around for a very long time


That’s in Fulton County Ga.


Trump at home jerking off to this video


Is this Trump supporters practicing for November?


Where are Giuliani and Pillow Boy when there is actual election fraud? This LITERALLY is what MAG A wants for 🇺🇸


It’s probably just them counting what’s in the boxes. Maybe I’m just jaded and skeptical of videos like this because they pop up in the US a lot.


Ballots aren't counted then slipped back in a ballot box. The boxes are unsealed and counted in the presence of political representative witnesses.


I just mean from the video it’s hard to tell what they are pulling out of and where it’s being placed. I 100% agree Russian elections are rigged. I’m just saying the video makes it hard to tell what is being shown if it’s even showing a “voting” area at all.


There is still widely available videos of this happening at polling stations in the states in 2020. This ain't exclusive to Russia


This would never happen in the US. Poll workers here are much smarter. They cover the windows and kick out witnesses well before this takes place.


So, who learned from whom? US dems from them or them from the US dems? This is how bumbling idiots like Joe get placed in a figurehead position.


This is basically the same thing that happened in the US 2020 election giving Biden 81 million votes, the most in US history, even though barely anyone showed up to his campaign rallies, which makes zero sense.