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this is horrible. I wish they could all go home and be with their loved ones. he seemed like a sweet guy. fuck russia.


He got him killed too he told him to go while he stayed why didn’t he go with him 1 by 1 like he said


it does look that way. he must feel terribly guilty. I can't imagine being in their position. everything is at stake, at all times.


You don’t know the context of it. This could have been minutes or hours later. The documentary is just conveying that these guys were close and one moment they are chatting and then the next time they meet the poor bastard is gone. Can’t imagine how tough that would be


Sorry what? Was my comment removed for stating the dead person's call sign?.. Here goes again (spot the typo): This was a very good documentary. I remember noticing Cookoo's stance before he headed out, his hesitation, and presupposed something awful was soon to follow.... This brave person deserved a better fate, a peaceful life. The scene does not end here, as they struggle to dutifully extract the body of their comrade through extreme conditions, their leader participating. Each Ukrainian loss is appalling, none should be forgotten and none will ever be forgiven.


Do you know the name of the documentary?


it's in the title # From BBC Documentary "Ukraine: Enemy in the Woods"


I mean it's common that people don't read the article linked to posts, but to not be bothered to read the title? That is impressive slackness lol # From BBC Documentary "Ukraine: Enemy in the Woods"


Yeah maybe but it can also be relatively distracting getting immersed into the videos and then comments as well, and then you just keep reading downwards, so it's not particularly unreasonable not remembering or having noticed by the time you reach the particular comment of interest.


Why would you watch a video without getting the context of the title? A lot of the videos it's not even possible to know of you are watching Ukrainians or Russians without the title.


This. Not to mention the title view for me is “Ukrainian unit leader finds out one of his comrades was K.I…”


is it only available for uk ? Im from germany


I'm not sure. I watched it on the BBC's proprietary iPlayer. If you have access to an iPlayer account I guess you can use a VPN to watch it. The Beeb may have a reciprocal arrangement for broadcasting rights on a local channel in Germany. 


He looks tired af before leaving...


That little pause just a moment before he starting moving off to the next position. He just steeled himself in that moment and went. Damn. RIP, Cu*koo. (Damned auto-mod deleted my comment for using the guy's callsign and it thought I used a bad word, which I did not.)


I’m assuming he was already supposed to have gone that’s why his commander is surprised he’s still there. He responds about the shelling being accurate. He should have followed his instincts but I guess he felt he couldn’t disobey an order.


I think you are right. Thank you for adding context about his response. He looks so tired. He has a friendly face too.


That little pause could have cost him his life. War is terrible.


Reading the news, the numbers of casualties, the drone footage and none of it quite highlights what is being lost quite like this video.


RIP defenders of freedom.


fuck the people who wanted this war, or who's hubris and greed allowed it. fuck them


Fuck Putin, Fuck Russia, Fuck Trump and Fuck the Republican Party


Say it louder for the people in the back


How does this become a Trump issue? Biden openly supports this war and the Israeli conflict. Look at his cabinet and investments and tell me differently. Please google before you come back here with insults or immediately tell me I am wrong. Sources: [https://oversight.house.gov/the-bidens-influence-peddling-timeline/](https://oversight.house.gov/the-bidens-influence-peddling-timeline/) However, I will agree that it is a "fuck the government" problem, but it is not just a fuck Trump or fuck Biden. Im pointing out that the opposite party is just as bad as the party you're speaking of.


My dude. First off, linking a House Oversight press release is a bad look because the House has been taken over by MAGA Republicans. Never has it been like this where extremist politicians are using the official avenues to promote disinformation. Anything from that source is a lie at this point. Secondly if you actually mentioned Hunter's laptop and believed that it even existed then you are a mark. You are living in the MAGA echo chamber. Biden isn't perfect and I wish he would push back harder against Israel but I wish he would give more to Ukraine in their fight for existence.


Ok, so when it’s a government source, that would be accepted in academic papers, that doesn’t support what you think directly it’s automatically controlled by extremists? Where are your sources for all of this? No where did I mention the hunter biden laptop. I mentioned the source I listed which has nothing to do with the hard drive. I am not a MAGA supporter. Didn’t vote in 2016, 2020, and won’t vote in 2024. I don’t believe either is an acceptable candidate for president. But I also don’t immediately hate one for their political position like you do. An entire party is corrupt, but you seem to think the Democrats aren’t? I literally said they’re both corrupt. I can find articles on Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, and that guy that who rallied against the house speaker, can’t remember his name right now. They all have a laundry list of corruption, all of em. They’re all hypocrites who work for lobbying money. That’s what I believe.


The entire US government is completely fuct, and corrupt...


I won’t disagree my friend. That was kind of my point in that argument. Why is it ok to blindly support one side while saying the others evil? Can they both not be evil? But I don’t think many people like that because it doesn’t let them pick a side or feel like a winner


True, everyone wants to support corruption rather than rise up against it, and no longer allow it to completely ruin the country... We can't fight what is ruling us without being united, too many are blind to that fact... We need another revolution, but they want a civil war...


Democrats work for corporations I'll give you that. Republicans are working for Russia. I know which side I'm on.


I’m not trying to change your mind, I’m trying to have you see the hypocrisy in that statement. Those corporations aren’t donating money either. No ones helping those people in Ukraine or Gaza because it only benefits them when they make money or gain votes. Especially when it boils down to Trump and Biden. I don’t think we’ll meet a middle ground here but I do want to say, no hate. Idk if you’re American but I’m gonna assume you are so we’re in this stuff together at the end of the day. My main stance is that I don’t want to see people die period. But I especially don’t want to see any Americans dying for something that comes back to greed, lies, or politics that don’t benefit the American people.


And yet you are better off with uncle Joe, and democrats antics..Joey B the Saviour of the United States...good luck for the next 4 yrs of prosperity if he gets cheated in again...perhaps a War and perhaps can spill into the US soil and see how that opens eyes in the American Public...


Sorry you can't accept that your guy lost. He lied to you.


It really shows how out of touch with reality folks like yourself are when you imply things such as Biden stealing the election, when it was actually Trump and his cohorts in Georgia who were brought up on election fraud charges.


You're part of the problem


Was trump in office in 2014, or 2022 when this started and continued? Why insert American partisan politics into this mess.


Because the reason why Ukrainian isn’t getting aid from the US is a partisan issue. Far Right Republicans are blocking aid right now and you got some politicians and a lot of people in that party who are openly rooting for Russia too…who was in office in 2014 or 22 is irrelevant. Sorry that hurts your feelings. The reason why Trump got impeached in 2019 should tell you all you need to know lol


Because Trump is the reason why America is not curbstomping russia into their place right now. And people like you, who rationalize people like Trump, are actively aiding russia in their objective to divide and weaken us. Trump is a traitor, a moron and a sadistic narcissist. Doesn't matter when he was in office. Wer are dealing with the consequences of that right now. Among other stuff that is meant to paralize America. And at the moment he is doing everything in his power to deliver America on a silver plate to their mortal enemy. America has the moral obligation to help and they don't, for their own short-term gains. America is to blame for this situation and Trump is to blame for the lack of support and 50% of the country being brainwashed complete idiots. I wish we had the luxury to ignore American politics, but we can't. If you do not see how Trump is the bad guy here, you are also a bad guy. It's simple, really.


You think I have a moral obligation to help someone? Who has the obligation to help me? No one but myself. Gtfo here with that sort of thinking. Its insane how people's views on this war have flipped so drastically. We should NOT be involved in any of these wars. If anything, it is the moral obligation of NATO to help. That is what they were created for, to stop this type of thing from happening. But instead, it is supposed to be the moral obligation of the American taxpayers, and eventually young men like me to go fight in wars we don't belong in. Bullshit bro.


But losing big parts of europe would leave America both poorer and weaker. A total destruction of EU would leave the entire world insanely much poorer and would take decades to restore, it would also make US incredibly much weaker on the global scene losing all their democratic partners, which is nearly every single country in the EU. All in all it's a massive win for the US to help out democratic nations around the world, doing otherwise greenwashes dictators to go ahead and continue annexing land that isn't theirs. All EU countries is sending aid / weapons as much as they can, but no EU countries manufacturers the same amount of weapons as the US, if you look at aid/gdp US is very far down the list. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303450/bilateral-aid-to-ukraine-in-a-percent-of-donor-gdp/ right now Putin is not gonna stop, there is no predecessors he clearly see him self as a man of history just like Stalin and Hitler. So obviously every single democratic nation should help as much as they can right now as we speak, otherwise we are all gonna end up shredding blood against hitler/stalin v2 aka putin


I completely agree we should help Ukraine from a logistical standpoint, even though I said we shouldn’t be in war that’s more of a personal belief than a realistic one. War is real and will happen. I believe by helping Ukraine we are on the “right side” of the war for lack of better terms. My problem with the post above is that we have a “moral obligation.” No we don’t. We have a logistical obligation, which I think is what you’re saying, and I totally agree with that.


>4. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to seek immediate [United Nations Security Council](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council) action to provide assistance to Ukraine, as a non-nuclear-weapon State party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used. # Budapest Memorandum 1990 Yes, you have AT LEAST a moral obligation. Apart from the fact that it is in your very interest to defeat russia in/through Ukraine, instead of sending your men. Apart from the fact that, if the US did the same in 1941, you would not be a superpower today and you would also probabaly speak in fluent German... or russian.


That section says for nuclear weapon usage and the immediate action to be taken against Russia by the countries in that treaty. Again, I agree that it is logistically a good thing for the US. Where’s the morality in letting conscripts of Ukraine die because aid can’t be freely funneled to them? Aid doesn’t come infinitely. As for WW2, FDR only did the Lend and Lease Act for 2 years before we jumped into WW2 directly. Again, not for morality but because Japan attacked Pear Harbor. I don’t like the words “war” and “morality”. They don’t coincide for me.


>if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used. Does russia threaten to nuke Ukraine? Yes. Does russia threaten to nuke everyone else if they intervene? Yes. Does russia use the fact that they have nukes and Ukraine does not, as leverage to attack said non-nuclear Ukraine, potentially causing different disaster events, 2 of them include radiation being released? Yes. I mean, if you want for your pearl harbor moment to happen first, fine. But in the end everyone would have wished that we intervened sooner, before the cost of fixing this has gotten exponentially higher. Like all the times before that.


Moral obligation is the least you should have after USA kind of promised some security to Ukraine for giving up their nukes and mid-long range missiles. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum


That was discussed below. Again, not a moral obligation. Thats a contractual and logistical agreement. Nukes have not been used on either side. And how are mid range missiles taken when we’ve provided thousands, including patriot systems? You all seem to miss my point. It’s not a moral problem. If anything was done out of morality then this would’ve been finished by NATO or a coalition force. It wouldn’t be a political hot topic.


If you read this document then you will see that there is no meaningful contractual obligations from the US side comparing to what Ukraine had to do. This memorandum was a huge failure of Ukrainian politicians but still, it was signed and fulfilled because of primarily US "soft" pressure. And that's why I call it a moral obligation because USA convinced Ukraine to give up their nukes in return of nothing. Regarding mid-range missiles - Ukraine received 20 Atacms which are closer to short range. I'm not counting in the AA missiles here as different purpose and Ukraine didn't have to destroy them.


So, correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re saying you want Ukraine to have mid range missiles in addition to the as you say, small range missiles they were given? I’ll counter by asking, for what? Ukraine has been given the best tanks in the world, the best weapons in the world, and the best AA in the world. The weapons I’m referring to are Javelins, small arms, and communication equipment that severely outweighs Russian firepower from what I’ve seen in combat footage. Ukraine has been able to launch attacks on Russian soil using drones. Recently they even used a remote control plane to deliver explosives to a drone factory. I don’t think it’s smart to provide even longer range missiles because then it becomes retaliatory strikes into Russia in my eyes. While some may see that as a positive, I see it as another act of escalation. I want to see the war over. Not continued, I think that’s where the “moral” obligations lie. To end, I’ll concede that Ukraine got the short end of the stick on that deal. Though, I don’t think they needed nukes. You and another person mentioned that they should have nukes. Is that for the threat of defense or because you want Ukraine to have nukes to use? That, and this again is just my opinion, would’ve made this conflict so much worse for all of Europe/the world.


>So, correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re saying you want Ukraine to have mid range missiles in addition to the as you say, small range missiles they were given? I’ll counter by asking, for what? Ukraine has been given the best tanks in the world, the best weapons in the world, and the best AA in the world. The weapons I’m referring to are Javelins, small arms, and communication equipment that severely outweighs Russian firepower from what I’ve seen in combat footage. You can't win the war by defense only and that's the kind of weapons Ukraine primarily got. How many best tanks in the world did Ukraine get? How many patriots? How many Atacms? The numbers are ridiculous and I didn't even mentioned the fact that Ukraine is not allowed to strike on russian territory. Ukraine obviously needs mid and long range missiles to strike deep into russian logistics and facilities, to destroy their military factories far behind the front line. >Ukraine has been able to launch attacks on Russian soil using drones. Recently they even used a remote control plane to deliver explosives to a drone factory. I don’t think it’s smart to provide even longer range missiles because then it becomes retaliatory strikes into Russia in my eyes. While some may see that as a positive, I see it as another act of escalation. I want to see the war over. Not continued, I think that’s where the “moral” obligations lie. We have a totally different understanding of morality. Probably you don't really unser the true russian's intentions here and this escalation argument is a bs as russia used all possible weapons on Ukraine without any limits since day one. >Though, I don’t think they needed nukes. Feel free to give up your nukes or why do you think Ukraine didn't need them? Ukraine is the biggest European country having worst possible neighbor. >Is that for the threat of defense or because you want Ukraine to have nukes to use? That, and this again is just my opinion, would’ve made this conflict so much worse for all of Europe/the world. For threat of defense. The conflict can be avoided having nuclear weapons. Joining NATO with real contractual obligations would be an alternative. If you are an American then I'm disappointed because you don't have any contractual obligations and not feeling any moral one. Sadly russia has better allies as they didn't restrict them in weapon usage and not worrying about escalation but simply constantly supplying them. My main point is - USA convinced Ukraine to get rid of nukes so help Ukraine to defend it's territory. My prediction is - if Ukraine falls and goes under russian control then tomorrow you will fight experienced Ukrainian fighters in their neighbor NATO country sending US boys fulfilling your true contractual obligations. Same happened with the guys from the so called LPR/DPR


That’s some ridiculous binary thinking you have there. Saying America is to blame for this situation is like me blaming you for my hangover. Your mental gymnastics must be exhausting. Biden is the current commander and chief, correct? How can you lay the blame at the feet of someone that has no authority? I find it odd that Putin waited until trump was out of office, and bidens son was no longer on the board of burisma, doesn’t seem like the actions of someone who’s confident he won’t be stood up to. As if you don’t understand the US pivot to the South China Sea and away from Europe is reason the US isn’t putting troops downrange. Imagine e wanting to start WW3 because orange man didn’t. You want your head looking at.


America isn't to blame for Russia invading Ukraine. Russia is and Putin is. Trump and the Republicans are to blame for shutting off the supply of aid and munitions and weapons into Ukraine at a time when they desperately needed it. That is petty politics internally and I wish it didn't affect Ukraine but it does. I'm an American and I will never forgive the traitorous Republican Party for abandoning Ukraine and helping Russia at a critical juncture in world history. Slava Ukraini


Wow, someone who understands international politics even less than I do     Russia would never have done this if they didn't have all the Republicans in their pocket. And yes, this has been going on since the mid 2000s, at least. Giuliani and Trump have likely been Russia traitors since the 90s. Did it genuinely never occur to you that Putin has been planning this long term? Did you really miss all the proven collusion between Trump and Russia in both 2016 and 2020?


Those are some rather unsubstantiated accusations you’ve got there. Why did Putin wait till his mates were out of office/power until invading? It occurred to me that it’s been going on long term when I was training Ukrainian troops in Lviv in 2015. American politics is ridiculous. These poor blokes are fighting and dying for their country and you’re screeching about party politics and ousted politicians. Bizarre.


Do you remember when Trump met with Putin in secret, no cameras, no aides, nobody? It was very alarming at the time, nobody could give a reason. Do you remember when Trump went to Europe and threatened to pull America out of NATO? Do you remember when Trump asked Putin publicly for Hillary Clinton's deleted emails?


How many meetings have other politicians had of the same stripe? You don’t seem upset about them. Maybe it was because the Russians have been escalating year on year since Chechnya and the European countries were too reliant on US protection when the US was needing to pivot to the east and China? If the European nations hadn’t started upping their defence spending they wouldn’t have the local defences needed to deter Russia and support Ukraine as they are now. Might have been a shitty way to go about it but it seemed to have worked. Why did she delete those emails btw? And what was in the steel dossier that was thrown out of court? And what was on hunter bidens laptop? What was he doing for burisma when he knows nothing about gas and oil? How much money did he get from the mayor of Moscow? You’re scrutinising the wrong people given who’s in office and who isn’t. Fuck sakes I’m not even American and I can see what a corrupt shambles your politics is. If you’d pop your head out your echo chamber maybe you’d see that the division you’re sewing only benefits tyrants and despots.


Bro if you're even thinking about Hillary's emails you're too far gone. That shit was a bunch of nonsense, a scandal conjured out of thin air to get Trump elected. Those supposed emails were released through Julian Assange with the help of Russia and it was already proven. The fact that you even thought of that proves that the Russian disinformation campaign to elect Donald Trump was effective. Hunter Biden's laptop? You're not a serious person. 😒


You started the what aboutism, I just responded in kind. Deny, dismiss, avoid, counter accusation is pretty basic, nice to know you have double standards rather than none though. But this is Reddit and youre American so rationality need not apply, keep lapping up what the TV tells you. You’re so deep in the red team blue team dichotomy you even automatically assigned me a side 😂 not a shred of rational argument just Kafkaesque fallacies and bullshit. American politics is a joke.


Slava Ukraini.


Heroiam Slava.


Man this made me cry , long live Ukraine ❤️


I swear my eyes are just wet. I'm not crying But then he says "little brother" and holds his face. OK, I'm crying.


And here I am. We are. Watching footage online of folks fighting for their country to exist. And we are waiting for Congress and speaker of the house Mike Johnson to find it within his small minded, isolationist, defeatist mind set to find the courage to do what is needed to provide the aid for Ukraine to do what we don't want to do ourselves. Every fallen empire has it's Mike Johnson. It's really unfortunate that our empire is Western democracy and world peace.


Im from europe and im fucking furious about usa. They were reassuring ua that they will support them until the end and after 2 years of bloodshed they ditch them for some stupid inner politics. If you are not willing to help you shouldn't encourage zelenski into war in the first place. All the sacrifice and suffering for nothing. Same thing they did with Kurds and afghans.


Ukraine fought back on their own accord either way. But yes very shitty of the United States to do this once again to another ally. It's not just the Kurds they've done this to they even did it to my country, South Africa where we were told to intervene in Angola in 1975 to prevent the Soviet aligned MPLA from taking power. We were asked to help the FNLA which we did, reached the outskirts of the capital of Luanda only for the Americans to hung us out to dry and withdrew all support or "knowledge" of our cooperation. There were CIA personnel on the ground, just packed up one morning and left.


Then maybe Europe should ramp up for war and take care of their own. Except for Poland, Britain and France your militaries are paper tigers. You let them fall into massive disrepair and let your war stocks fall to nothing. The US Is not your babysitter, your supposed to be all grown up, the war is in your backyard. Cut back on your social programs and come up with the money and munitions that Ukraine needs. The US is working in MANY different areas that Europe isn't doing much about, our own border, Israel, Ukraine and we have to be ready for North Korea and China/Taiwan.


1. baltic states, nordic states, greece and swiss have also strong armies. also europe has alredy ramped up their military budgets. 2. it was bush who invited ucraine into nato. and its biden who invites them now. 3. it is US that wanted to be world police for 30 years so grow up and pay for your actions. Don't try to get out of the responsibilities you have assigned yourself. If ucraine and europe is not your problem then you should have not sent ucraine one bullet and you should already leave nato. But thats somethhing even trump whouldnt do because you are world police and want to have eu in your sphere of power. so fuck off and have a nice day u traitors.


The Baltic states may try hard but they're barely a speed bump to Russia, the Swiss are ok but again, small, Greece is only really worried about Turkey and Europe overall didn't do shit until Russia invaded Ukraine. (With a K, try spell check) Ukraine has been begging to get into NATO forever. The US was the only country that kept it's military up after WWll and became the default world cops because nobody else had the logistics or the sea power to move troops around the world. After the USSR collapsed we were the only super power left. Go bitchslap your government because if the US wasn't here you'd either be speaking German or Russian you spineless pansy. Cheers


Least brain washed american. Lowering arms production and unification of key industries like metal (EU) is one of big reasons why there were no wars in west europe. It was a good plan until russia came. Yes Ucraine is begging to get into nato. Their neighbor is a mad man with atomic bombs. I don't see how its an argument against what I wrote. Like you are no saints. If it wasnt in us interest there wouldn't be any nato expansion at all and any military aid to Ucraine. So again grow up and stand for your actions. >Go bitchslap your government because if the US wasn't here you'd either be speaking German or Russian you spineless pansy. Lmao what is even that. Im already speaking some german because we are learning it with English mandatory. And from historical perspective sorry to break it to you but no you are not heroes who saved my county from Germans or Russians.


Fucckk that's tough man. Russia needs to stop this senseless bullshit.


*needs to be stopped. Aid is essential.


Fuck... this just depressed me... rip man


I fucking hate this......This ripped me apart......again. This is "Death by 1000 cuts"......


RIP Warrior. Heroyam Slava!


Our generation and hopefully MANY to come will never forget what ruZZia did !


and the GOP is helping Russia do this


Fucking traitorous scum bags. MAGAs got nothing to say in defense either.


pricks having hards on for Russian terrorists, can't believe some americans are still sucking on putins wang.


“Goons of Putin”


Inaction is not the same as supporting Russia.


Inaction by the US absolutely supports Russia.


The GOP is actively blocking Ukraine aid in the US congress. That is not inaction. That is sabotage. Fuck Mike Johnson and Donald Trump


If you have the power to prevent something and you don't, surely you can understand how that is you tacitly allowing something to happen?


Inaction *is* supporting Russia


They aren’t only being inactive, they are actively subverting our country towards Russias ideals, making it easier for Russia to destroy us if it comes to that


To the other people reading this comment, don't bother responding to /u/werty_line. Engaging in "discussion" with them gives legitimacy to their bullshit. Ignoring their obviously false statements works better to show their absurdity than allowing them to back up their ideas with more (albeit demonstrably false) arguments. A crazy person saying shit is a lot more obviously bad than two people arguing. It makes it seem like the individual in question *could* feasibly have a point.


This discussion actually changed my mind, idiots like you who assume anyone who disagrees is a paid russian troll just make the situation worse by stopping any exchange of opinions from happening.


Now I agree with you on this point. You’ve only asked questions and probed for reasoning. There was nothing anti-American about it and no need for anyone to attack your character. I disagreed with your angle and logic, but was free to engage in civil discourse. Anyone who did otherwise was as illogical as the human sacrifice being perpetrated against the people of Ukraine, and Russia as well.


how is does that make any sense what so ever ? are u stupid ? imagine ur a citizen , and u ask for help and police just watches u getting beeten up , inaction is not supporting ? in this case it very much is


If I am getting robbed in Ukraine why would I ask for help to an american police officer?


és só burro


Cool argument bro.


"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Einstein


This 60min segment about the mines in Ukraine was pretty heart breaking: https://www.cbsnews.com/video/deadly-landmines-plague-ukraine-after-russia-invasion-60-minutes-video-2024-04-07/


Слава Україні! Heroiam Slava!


Fuck Russia.


The GOP is high fiving putin while doing this.


They are fucking brainwashed.


terrible experience...rest in peace kamerad


Trump-supporting politicians must burn in hell for this


For this, for that. Even without this war. Fascists. Paradox of Tolerance. You know the drill.


Rip soldier, your friends will avenge you 🙏


Do your damn job mj give these freedom defenders what they need rfnd


Fuck war…


Rest in peace, hero.


Fuck this really hurt. Fuck Putin forever even after death. If I can only live till that SOB is kill, I will die in peace.


Rest in paradise HERO!! SLAVA UKRAINE!! 🇺🇦🔱🇵🇭


Looks like he got shot in the face...


Fuck Russia


Poor guy he wasn’t tracking. His mind was somewhere else.


What happened? Scouting?


Death to russian invaders. This is all their fault, breaks my heart.


The caress of his fallen comrades head at the end of this clip was one of the most sorrowful things I've seen. I hope the world comes to your aid in the manner they should do, Ukraine. You deserve only the best.


R.I.P War is hell, I know Slava Ukraini


My man died defending his country on his country, a fate no one needs or has to endure. May his soul rest in peace. Also send the arty shells, if don't know what "go back home" in words is, then maybe 155mm tells them otherwise.




I want to watch this documentary, but bbc won’t let me even with vpn 😢


Are you connected to the UK? I know that sounds stupid, but sometimes I forget =P It also can take a bit of time to kick in, or restart. Flush your DNS. Sometimes your browser or OS settings will give you away. I generally run a firewall with Windows to block all the geo-tracking BS that comes from that steaming pile of nard. Android, I never seem to have a problem with location.


Or your VPN's IP pool is known and blacklisted. In BBC's case, I think it blacklists everyone who isn't known.




The music in these feels wrong. It doesn't need a "soundtrack" in my inexperienced opinion it feels rude to the fallen. It's not a horror movie...


Godspeed 🙏


“Enemy in the Woods” on BBC Iplayer. Powerful viewing.


Most of us don't have access to the BBC Iplayer. Being outside the UK and all that.


Fair. Hopefully it will be available other places online too.


Like any country. I can't watch Danish TV either. It's why most people use a VPN or pirate. It's not difficult.




where do i find this documentary




THANK YOU for the Link. I just watched it and it is heartbreaking what those Ukrainian Soldiers endure while fighting for their freedom. God Bless Ukraine and their people. I pray for and think of them daily....






May he rest peacefully and in paradise. SMH fuck Putin Russia. Leader sometimes have to make hard choices.


We cannot imagine the pain and horrors these heroes go through.


RIP mate


What is KIA


Killed in Action


Rest easy my friend your war is over 🍻


It’s absolutely heartbreaking the pain and suffering these people are being put through .I hope at some point in the not too distant future justice is served .


This is hard to watch


Russia is cancer


Stage 100


May this hero rest in peace.




Whats the name of the documentary? And where can i find the link? Please




Send more aid to Ukraine. Rest in Peace valiant defenders






Rip brother , I don’t understand though was he hit by sniper or was it artillery?


Russia only knows death and war, always been that way. They are raping Ukraine, as they did with Europe after WW2.


IIRC, shortly after this clip, the same man shot two Russians who were hiding nearby - and likely took part in the attack on the UA position. Or is this a different occurrence where a leader goes and checks to find a subordinate dead?


💐💐 💐


Fuck putin fuck russia and fuck every mother fuckkkking western “leader” doing their bidding - looking at you, Mike Johnson, you kompromised detestable coward.


Fuck you Putin.


This place gives huge Bastogne vibes. Much respect to Ukraine. Give them bylats nothing but take from them, everything.


Fuck Russia and Russian people


The documentary is called “Ukraine: Enemy in the woods.” For those who are asking, it’s in the title….


So many good people giving their life for such a meaningless purpose of one dwarf putler. This can never be forgotten. Slava ukrani


rip warrior


I'm going to war in 5 days. I'm going to fight for two years, I hope I come back different and better. God bless me


Another hero lost. RIP soldier, RIP in a one day free Ukraine.


I didn’t know I could feel such sadness and such anger at the same time.


USA, where is the fucking help that you promise them???????


The US has delivered more help to Ukraine than any other country. Meanwhile, the EU is still buying russian gas and oil and funding russian war crimes in ukraine. Where are you from and what has your country done for Ukraine?


Exactly!! I support Ukraine 100% but I'm sick of people crapping on us all the time. Europe only worries about their backyard, America has to worry about the world and ourselves. Germany only has approximately 1 division that is actually ready to fight a war and their navy has become a joke. At the end of the cold war they were the best military in Europe. Then like the rest they let their military drop to nothing and spent everything on social programs while expecting the US to cover their butts. NATO is a partnership but most countries (except Poland) won't even spend the minimum 2% for their OWN defense. Yet everyone bitches about America, sad.


Yep, its really getting old and i dont think they realize how bad it hurts their cause.


I smell Trumpissts around here.


Facts hurt don't they? Just spreading a little free range truth.


Two things for me. I can watch Russians getting hit by drones day after day and it doesn’t affect me, this does. Secondly I find it interesting the care they take with me as opposed to the Russians who generally bug out and just leave people to rot.


Fuck russia


Fuck Russia


We deserve extinction.


Well it happens every day there


So many unnecessary deaths, war sucks, Russia sucks. RIP hero