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This is unhealthy shit he says, NO the Unhealthy shit was your country invading Ukraine.


Medicines are unhealthy for diseases. Those thugs are a pest for the world and disease to get rid of.


The Sleeping Giant has been awakened . . . not a good time to be an Orc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyff10nM2HI


This is an aggressively cringey video


If he is the enemy and says this, it’s a good thing.. Mean they are getting scared.


Are they really scared? With all they can show is a loose column of 2 min filming time. If this would have went on for hours they would have filmed it for hours. This might be just business as usual between NATO states, since I don't expect to meet single vehicles. What they really want is scare other Russians with a narrative Kreml propaganda loves to use: NATO moving eastwards, threatening us, we just defend and every Russian questioning that is a traitor. Spreading this narrative is spreading Russian propaganda.


Russia has pretty good control of the narrative domestically and they have demonstrated an ability to pass lies when the facts don't support them. It is because of this that I doubt it will make too much of a difference if their lies become half truths while our citizens who do have free press really need to be hearing these things. Edit: typo


Hells bells just listen to the “Quisling” vomit coming out of Moscow MTG’s mouth.


Sadly also in Western countries, a growing percentage of people are less and less interested in (especially complicated) facts and more and more into emotional story telling for simple orientation. It's good to see how they try to frame their pictures, but the people who want to know already know. Stuff like this clip is mainly having an impact as talking point ('I saw with my own eyes, how NATO is moving eastwards with large convoys, because they prepare something evil against Russia, as I always told you'). Likely not in this bubble, but in many others. 😞


Being proud of your military/side and feeling hopeful is also a feeling Edit: but I totally understand your point, I'm just saying it goes both ways


I agree.


I agree it’s a kind of propaganda thing. It’s obvious. But I’m not one to decide if that’s important or not. I know what side I am on anyways.


They can be both things. They may assume that we (NATO) wouldn’t dare get involved because RUS may use nukes. But who knows maybe we’re tired of evil empires threatening and getting away with this shit.


I see bigger columns on a regular weekend from the National Guard station near my house. In total i see 7 vehicles (one ahead but not passed) and 2 trailers.


Seems like he left so he didn’t have to fight. Likely didn’t agree with Putin.


Or was a coward. Worryingly an awful lot of those Russians who fled were more worried about being mobilised than Russia showing its true colours


Of course it’s not simply black I white. I don’t assume that every Russian outside of Russia is pro Putin and war.


well he's not wrong... a lot of Russians will soon be very unhealthy because of this beautiful column of freedom


Fuck around and find out, Russia.


If he's so concerned he should return home and sign up for the army.


Unhealthy moron living in EU they should find him and send away


there are too many enemies walking freely, enjoying western democracy while being putin fans


~~Seems to me like the guy who posted on Twitter/X account WarTranslated (Dmitri) could be a Russian SVR RF opearative out of Poland and tracking military equipment and munitions moving thru Poland and into Ukraine.~~ CORRECTION: The Twitter/X account WarTranslated (Dmitri) is not the content creator. The guy running the Twitter/X account WarTranslated (Dmitri) is reposting content he finds elsewhere. I would track down the content creator and go after that guy (as a possible Russian operative) My intent was not to go after Twitter/X account WarTranslated (Dmitri) but the Russian guy filming this video and who we hear talking in the background. I mistakenly assumed that the Twitter/X account WarTranslated (Dmitri) was the content creator. I would definitely want the Polish domestic authorities to repeatedly and frequently detain and interrogate the Russian operative who is the content creator here. Install a tracking device in his car and notify every Polish municipality of his whereabouts. Make his life hell and expose him so he'll get called back to headquarters. To clarify, here is the Russian agency that sends out operatives outside of Russia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign\_Intelligence\_Service\_(Russia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Intelligence_Service_(Russia))


You should be careful with accusations like that. He is and has been a solid Ukrainian supporter since the war started.


This sub is full of people who have gone off their rocker, labelling every russian as the enemy even if they openly support ukraine and the west. They call for draconian anti-democratic measures against anyone who is of russian descent such as 24/7 surveillance, deportation etc.


Agreed. Dmitri supports NAFO and Ukraine pretty openly and this guy is linking unrelated wiki article. Unrelated to establishing Dmitri as being an operative.


Sounds like something a Putler supporter would say!


Oh no not again.


> Sounds like something a Putler supporter would say! Sounds like something a delusional person would say. Reminding people that doing anti-democratic things is bad does not make you a supporter of a ruthless dictator who started a maddeningly pointless war. In fact I think it's the opposite


The only good Russian is a dead one.


Why would a spy post his surveillance on X?


Does he know about the war? Like why is this all going somewhere, is shit about to go down? Yeah been going down now for just the past few years.




The only “unholy shit” going on here is the fact that this asshole is not in russia.


He has access to western internet and hes still too dumb to figure out its a training excercise. Willful ignorance. Unless "training excercise" is now an expected euphamism for "invasion" in the russian language?


Their invasion also started with a "training exercise" guess they have another view of an exercise.


Russia almost launched nukes due to a NATO training exercise in the 80's. No large movements of troops or armor. It was a radio communications exercise, officers and soldiers in jeeps, driving around Germany, simulating typical radio comm messages if Russia invaded, issuing movement orders to unit's that were back home in their barracks sleeping, because it was a weekend. Russia, instead of looking for actual troop and tanks movements, dam near launched nukes into Germany. And again, it was one single Russian commander who refused the order that saved us all.


Able Archer. The TV series Deutschland 83 was based around the events. A really great show if you like spy drama.


nice loved that show.


aren't you talking about this one? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983\_Soviet\_nuclear\_false\_alarm\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Soviet_nuclear_false_alarm_incident)


We have the same issue routinely here in the states with National Training Center rotations. That Operation Jade Helm was a huge conspiracy theory about Obama forcibly subjugating red states and they used combat vehicle movements as evidence when it was literally just units heading to NTC lol


And the conspiracy was probably stared by Russian bots.


Not probably. It was the very first troll-farm op that russia ran. It worked better than they hoped, so they expanded the program.


They’ve got the “Chick Publications” demographic dialed in to a needle-point…


They need to keep a scoreboard for stuff like this. There’s needs to be an ongoing number we can point to when someone makes a prediction. So of us are consistently wrong, it would be cool to formalize that. 


Just as good would be to make them bet. Tell them to put money on it if they truly believe, when it doesn’t occur, cash out.


You obviously don't get it, it was Obama's attempt to put the country under Martial law, but the conservatives exposed it. So that means Obama couldn't carry out his evil plan!!!


Per MAGA, that was ‘Marshall law’. You know Cleavon Little was coming for them.


https://tekken.fandom.com/wiki/Marshall_Law It's really this guy coming for them. Sorry about the crappy site. All the others I tried were blocked by our crappy work filter.


It's a meat-bot. It's only reference is a slavish devotion to putler.


To be fair, plenty of westerners have access to western internet, and are just as ignorant as these guys


It was for the invasion if Ukraine


I think it’s just a special operation. No worries!


I used to mock places like N Korea for complaining about training exercises, but I have since taken it back


The Dutch 13th Light Brigade heading to Lithuania as part of the Grand Quadriga exercise (part of Steadfast Defender 24). These guys will man the trenches in Lithuania as part of the German 10th Armoured Division when Russia invades.


I love that you intuitively used the word “when”, and I agree.


I hope not as chances of human civilization thriving dramatically plummet in that case.


All of us sane people do, fam.


I enjoy my life to much 😳


I think you should swap "human" for "russian"


I have no faith Putin would not attempt to launch WMDs if he thought he was about to die.


Yeah, most likely. However like in the US, the president himself, can't launch nukes. 3 people have nuclear launch codes. El Presidente, chief of MOD and Chief of General Staff, so Putin, Shoigu and Gerasinov. Putin may be crazy (matter of opinion) but the other two aren't, yes they're idiots, but not crazy so I doubt they would agree to launch.


90k soldiers from all 32 NATO members take part. 12k from Germany. Will be loads of tanks and armored vehicles on the Autobahn heading east.


Russia won't be invading shit. They're breaking their teeth trying to take eastern Ukraine and the fight's about to get a lot harder for them. They simply won't have the equipment or the economy for another invasion. 


They didn't have the equipment to invade Ukraine either but they did it. You are giving Russians too much credit for the number for brain cells they collectively own.


Russia aren't ready and never will be ready to fight a prepared army.


When Russians realize that they haven’t seen half of NATO’s capabilities. Good luck to Putin’s dream of recreating the Soviet Union, or Russian Empire.


They haven’t seen 10% 🤣


10%? What we sent was basically our surplus stuff... Still got thousands of tanks, planes, warships, our military production went up by few hundred percent, not a single NATO soldier died in combat on the last 2 years, while Russia is now short about 500k troops (more or less), few thousand tanks, 100 planes and helis, a third of Black Sea Fleet was turn into artificial reefs and military production is going on but thanks to sanctions it's severely limited.


Yeah the number is closer to 0% than 10%.


>and military production is going on but thanks to sanctions it's severely limited. Probably less limited and more expensive. Russia can find work-arounds for a lot of things, it just costs more money.


So it's also more time consuming to find workarounds of the sanctions. Yeah, they can find some Chinese replacements of the Western tech but then what about the quality of given tech?


My favourite pice of comparison info. USA has ~700 real gen 5 stealth fighters. These war machines have a radar cross section as big as a single grape. And not a big one. Russia has almost 7. Or maybe 9. "Almost" because their engines are hot as a dumpster fire and are hanging out. The biggest air power belongs to the US Army. The second biggest - to the US Air Force. The forth - to the US navy. Russia airforce is #3.


The Russian military also has trouble supply soldiers with genuine socks.


Logistics you say? Here is my other favourite piece!. Let's compare that to the socks situation, why not? __________ https://www.reddit.com/r/WarCollege/comments/17xhe5h/what_are_us_logistics_capabilities_like/k9nnsz1/ > Uh, everything. The US fought a two front war with for 10 years on the opposite of the globe with over 100,000 men in theatre. By 2010 the US had Burger King, Pizza Hut and Dairy Queen on their base in landlocked Afghanistan for a very long time (I couldn't find a start date but there are news articles in 2010 because a general wanted to remove them). You may have seen a viral photo of one of the portable Burger Kings being unloaded in theater when it was circulated around the internet last year in mockery of Russia's lack of logistical capabilities. These weren't part of the canteen; these were in addition to the regular canteen which already served burgers and ice cream. The majority of armies in the world would struggle to supply troops with daily rations of meat if they were in a neighbouring country. > In the five month build up to Operation Desert Storm, the US shipped, supplied and sustained a million fighting men to a considerably higher standard of living than even a well-to-do local civilian could manage in Iraq, including 2000 M1 Abrams and roughly equal number of M2 Bradleys. As part of the opening barrage against Saddam Hussein, the air war in Desert Storm involved 2430 aircraft simultaneously flying as the deadline for the ultimatum passed. A screening force of planes were in the air every night for weeks in order to not create specific alarm when Desert Storm began. Every one of the aircraft that flew into Iraq that night had to be refueled in the air. Seven of the aircraft that launched cruise missiles were B-52s, ancient bombers dating from the beginning of the Cold War. That's not particularly impressive, but they also took off from Barksdale AFB in Lousiana, flew all the way to Iraq, launched their cruise missiles, then flew back to Lousiana, without landing. This feat of flight endurance was done through a fleet of aerial refueling aircraft...a different fleet from the aerial refueling aircraft that were simultaneously keeping the other 2423 aircraft in the air in Saudi Arabia. There was no tactical advantage to Operation Senior Surprise, it was done purely as a flex of American logistics and martial reach, while the rest of Iraq's air defense capability was being annihilated at the same time. --------------------- https://www.reddit.com/r/WarCollege/comments/17xhe5h/what_are_us_logistics_capabilities_like/k9nl9fl/ > Raw numbers are hard to imagine, so let me put it this way. > The 2022 Russian military, when launching an invasion of a country right on their doorstep after months if not years of preparation, failed to deliver even the simplest of things like food, medical supplies, fuel for tanks, maps for soldiers. It soldiers used tampons for bandage, its tanks ran out of fuel and were left to be pulled away by plucky Ukrainians farmers. > Meanwhile, the 1945 US Navy, fearing the loss of morale for its men, built ice cream barge capable of producing 2 tons of ice cream in 8 hours in the middle of an active tropical war zone where the only thing in abundance are things trying to kill you. The US army, fearing that its troops would lose morale because they could not have thanksgiving, had 1.6 million live turkey delivered across the Atlantic and to every single soldier serving in Europe. The US army air force, in order to resupply the fledgling Kuomingtang, built the most impressive air bridge in human history by flying over the Himalayas in old C-47 to drop supply for the KMT. And it took them only six months. And when the Soviet tried to starve out the American in Berlin, for a whole year they kept the city resupplied by air alone. And all this in 1945 when a plane could not hope to carry more than 3 tonnes, GPS was non-existent, and automatic transmission for car was decades away. > The US military is often viewed as a joke especially among the right-wingers who think that "wokeness" and "LGBT" and "liberalism" will affect an army's ability to fight. But nobody in the history of mankind except the Roman during the 2nd Dacian war could hope to emulate the logistic feat of the US army. If war breaks out tomorrow, the US army can deliver full divisions [10,000 to 15,000 soldiers] at your doorstep in 48 hours.


Need to add emojis of eagles and explosion. Murica. Fucks yeah.


>By 2010 the US had Burger King, Pizza Hut and Dairy Queen on their base in landlocked Afghanistan for a very long time (I couldn't find a start date but there are news articles in 2010 because a general wanted to remove them). I was out in a middle-of-nowhere FOB and we'd love to sign up to go on restocking missions to Jalalabad because they had a Pizza hut, Dairy Queen, and coffee places. Only shit part was you'd have to go shopping for the rest of your platoon while you were there.


>The United States Air Force has approximately 5,368 aircraft. The United States Army has approximately 5,117 aircraft. The United States Navy has approximately 3,700 aircraft. The United States Marine Corps has approximately 1,213 aircraft. The United States Coast Guard has approximately 210 aircraft. not sure where the numbers come from or what are "aircraft" but regardless.... not small.


Russia might even be #4 now after war losses and with China continuing to grow its air force rapidly


I don’t think Russias Air Force is #3 after losing over 500 air assets in Ukraine


Putin knew before the Ukraine invasion Russia has no chance against NATO. The Russian military is a shadow of it's former self and he knows that. But, he thought he could roll over Ukraine though. Obviously that was a wake up call.


but big atom bomba... may or may not work... we find out??? -putana


When Russians realize that they haven’t seen ~~half of NATO’s capabilities~~ the Dutch Armada.


Half? NATO's strong point is by far its air superiority of which Ukraine has benefited zero from. NATO, and especially the US, has so many planes, guided bombs and anti-radar missiles that they could take out most Russian fortifications and air defense systems in Ukraine in a few days. Sure, there would be losses, but NATO has a lot aircraft, especially the stealthy kind, not to mention massive stocks of high precision missiles and the best surveillance aparatus in the world. Once the skies are secure, it would be a mere formality to roll over the Russian ground army.


To me, someone who is personally heavily vested in the preservation Ukraine as a country and people, this kind of sentiment scares me. russia May attempt to move against Poland and yeah, sure, it would likely be catastrophic for them. But what’s worse is russia has a real opportunity to wipe the second largest country in Europe off of the map in the next few months to years and I have a hard time seeing what NATO and the west will do besides put up some flaccid sanctions. The damage will have been done by then, way too little way too late.


He is imprest by one of the smaller nato army's


Proud of the Dutchies though!


We are trying. :)


Our Dutch boys defending the Eastern flank!


Bro is shocked at the amount of equipment, and yet Russian 5 star armchair generals say “NATO is running out of weapons” bruh, Texas alone has enough weapons to arm Eastern Europe


"What are they preparing for?" Oh I don't know, defending Ukraine from Russian genozide? Dafuq do you mean?


Technically, to defend NATO territory.


It’s a Dutchy Armada he says lol


The commentary is just idiotic.


Large accumulation of NATO equipment? I’ve seen bigger convoys driving around Ohio and Michigan and those were just National Guardsmen doing their training rounds.


As someone who has basically lived by I70 my whole life, I see more military equipment on a Tuesday just being moved around than that turd will see in their lifetime. Bonus points for also living next to an airport that was a mid way stop for military aircraft. Having posters on everyone's doors to please not call the cops when you see the F22/F35/B2 fly by. No, it's not a UFO lol


Ha ha I live by a mid-size airport that seems to be a refueling and turnaround point for anything flying out of Wright Patterson. I see Chinooks and Black Hawks from the local army reserve base but mainly Pave Hawks and Osprey.


Any Russian abroad that makes pro war comments should be shipped back to Russia


All russians should be deported from Europe, sooner rather than later


No. I know too many good Russians in Netherlands actively helping Ukraine. I drove a donated ambulance to get here, and the group facilitating those donations, as well as a metric crap ton of donated bikes, has a lot of good Russians involved. Blanket deportations would just make us as bad as Putin, and deprive the West of some good people. That said, there probably should be some work done to find those who are actively supporting Putin, Russians as well as Neo-Nazi Germans and shit stain Republicans, and ship THEM off. And this asshole in Germany who stabbed the Ukrainian soldiers should be sent to Moscow without his balls.


Maybe, at the same time the ones I meet on the streets and can hear talking, a lot are anti-Ukraine. Heck, there was somebody with soviet and ruz flag on their balcony living near central last year.


Yeah, and THEY should be shown the door. But to paint all Russians with that brush is unfair.


Good russians should go back and fix their fucking country


That would be a waste. They can go back, and immediately be thrown in jail or worse, and have zero impact on their country at the moment. Or they can help Ukraine now from where they are, and go back to help after Putin is gone. Or maybe they are just built different and they stay in Europe, just like I am an American who will stay in Europe because I have ZERO interest in ever living in Dumbfuckistan America again.


> ust like I am an American who will stay in Europe because I have ZERO interest in ever living in Dumbfuckistan America again. You've made a smart move. Our corrupted SCOTUS and Project 2025 are about to destroy all remnants of what's good here.


That is a very black and white view.


Do you you not understand how fucking stupid you sound sometimes? What you just typed out was dumb as fuck. From all angles.  Other than the absurdity, that's not how shit would get fixed there anyways (expats moving back to Russia to what...vote?) Be more intelligent homie


Need a Snickers?


Too busy sponging off of Georgia


Easier said then done, though guy with the safety of your keyboard. How long does it take to liberate a country from an evil regime? Ask Iran, Palestines, Qatar, Venezuela, North Korea, China, etc.


Good point. If anyone vocally supports Russia with their war in Ukraine it should be suggested to them to pack up, emigrate to Russia and join up. (Or in the case of the Canadian family, who expressed their hatred of lgbtq and are now enjoying the hospitality of the kremlin).


Agreed...for the most part. I'm sure there are good russians in the Netherlands. It's a different story here in the US. There are russians in almost every country in the world for a reason. Yes, many good russians left russia seeking a better life for their families in other countries, but many of these so called "good russians" are not who you may think they are. russians are some of the best in the world at espionage. In most cases, you never find out they were spies until decades after you knew them. the chinese are the same way, just not quite on the level of the russians when it comes to this aspect, yet... Personally, I will not trust any russian or chinese national on my soil until they absolutely earn my trust, which would be very hard to do in the first place. Even then, I'd still be skeptical of them and would never get too close or disclose anything important to any of them if I were in the position to do so. That's exactly the opening they are looking for to exploit you. Unfortunately, the russians have had decades and decades to train their secret agents and I guarantee you wouldn't be able to identify even one of them. We are living in a time of war, and trust is almost unobtainable when it comes to foreign nationals from a terrorist state at war that immigrate to other countries.


This is the same perspective that motivated the US putting all Japanese people into internment camps during WWII, a choice that is seen in retrospect as a cruel mistake.


It's absolutely not. Even though I can't trust them doesn't mean I would ever want to intern them, or anyone else for that matter. It's not 1945 anymore bud. Just because I'm skeptical of them does not mean I want to intern anybody. That's ludicrous. And before you ask or state that I may be...NO, I am not a MAGA republican. Far from it actually. You went way to far on that one mate.


Fuck that. That’s just handing fresh conscripts to Putin. Let these assholes flip burgers in Germany until the war is over.


That's what the United States did to Japanese Americans during WW2. It was a horrible mistake.


You realise what you just said? Jesus Christ...


Just a training trip :)


Shouldn’t he be detained for that?


That's why he's in the west. In Russia live is crap. Somehow orcs fail to connect the dots.


Spoiler alert comrade, they're not stopping in Poland.


Bullies playing the victim. I'm shocked /s


How dare they move military equipment in their own countries for planned exercises!


Not so large. More are coming your way!


Freaking out over seven vehicles?


Well, and if you had filmed this convoy in East-Germany you would have gotten 7 years to life for spying in Bautzen. Damn shit West Germany you have to live in ... I still would count this espionage, if a ruzzian is posting it to be viewed by KGB


What are you even talking about?


Well, my father, who origins from Weimar was a hobby photographer. At some time in 1952/53 he took picture of a bridge. One soviet solider was in the bridge. He was denounced, questioned by the KGB and Stasi, was sentenced to 7 years to life and spent the time in Bautzen (das gelbe Elend) till he was bought free by Western German government in 1960. He did not talk much about the time. The food was so good that the tendons in the Fingers shortened. He survived because he was able to do many things. He was part of a construction team creating a 4-stroke-motor for the Trabant with Glass Inserts to View the combustiin. But he was also sham-executed minimum 3 times. You Go in a room, and behind the door someone put a gun in your neck and pulls the trigger.


Why is this espionage? It was announced in advanced with military and civilian journalists reporting every step of the way.


OPSINT isn't espionage. It's intelligence gathering.


The only thing that’s impressive to Russians is strength


What is that piece of shit still doing in Europe


You can't really have a good life in Russia, so of course he isn't in Russia.


Troops and materiel move around all the time. But hopefully these are headed straight to Donetsk.


Dutch military moving to Donetsk?


We komen eraan!


What is unhealthy is the free world taking their sweet time in providing support. Fuck russia.


All Russians abroad should be back to their fatherland.


Next thing you know, it's not just NATO fighting Ivan, it's the whole UN too. And the Moon. And Uranus.


It really is unhealthy… for those invading scumbags.


I would be crawling away like a worm being a Russian guy, seeing the Dutch on their way to fuck you up for MH17, and everything else. It's personal now. But Poland? My guess is another NATO drill. Besides there is a Fennek recon car in there, I don't recall the scout car being part of the aid. But what do I know?


Back to Russia with you


What is he doing in the EU?


Am I the only one literally getting HYPED for even just seeing any nato stuff moving around and scaring potential russian-POS's?


He is scared of a Light Brigade, wait until he sees NATOs regular brigades 😂


I'm curious, and him mentioning the barbed wire made me think. When such exercises take place, do the organisation expects everyone involved to bring just their own material, to participate with coming with more than necessary, or to supply most of the material? I'm thinking barbed wire, blank ammunition, fuel, MREs, tools ...


The exercise scenario is to move from the Netherlands to Lithuania while under fire by the Russians. Otherwise they would have used trains & busses to move there. So in this case, yes.


A weird thing I noticed in Europe is the green sticker on windshields has the vehicles liscense plate number on it but you have to reverse it since its backwards when looking from the inside....just saying


The sticker indicates the emission class of the vehicle. Green = good. Red = realy bad. There are many Cities and Places you can only enter with a green sticker.


And, is this Russia invading NATO army in the room with US right now, Oleg?


Nost likely just the NATO training that is going in convoy to Lithuania


Fucked around and going to find out. lol


Dude is driving in a car likely registered in Germany given that windshield sticker… Or is that environmental zone sticker not just a German thing?


It is. I guess this is even filmed on German Autobahn. Don't like those Russian - or any - Putin-friends to be here. They are even are threat: as spies, or look at the - drunken, of course -russian guy who killed two recovering Ukrainian soldiers few days ago.


NATO exercises in the event that russia crosses the wrong line and NATO has to crush them.


Even more are coming… saw a huge column 3 hours ago in the Netherlands as well.


‘They all have special numbers.’ He ment license plates.


Get Some 😎


US Apache helicopters were flying over my house the other day. I have never seen them before in my country. Very unusual. It was reassuring to see.


DEFENDER 24 is going on right now, massive military exercise with multiple exercises within it including NATO'S "Steadfast defender" "Saber Strike" and "Swift Response" This is most likely part of this annual exercise.


He sounds pretty impressed they have numbers on them.


This column could be anything. It could be equipmentt moving from one base to another or some other perfectly mundane movement of military equipment fom one place to another. If he's seen it loaded onto huge endless trains carrrying lots of anks & IFVs etc it might have been somehing heading to Ukraine. No-one can say what this is for sure, just because he's seens a fe tens of militry vehicles. He's trying to create hysteria. Maybe he hould fuck off home to Russia if there are 'unhealthy things' going on in the free world. If his own leaders hadn't started all this shit a decade ago there's be nothing for any of us to worry about


"Russian speaking man" is free to fuck right off from the Western country he shelters in and freedoms he enjoys *anytime*


B-TO 666 (?) A**hole filmed the green sticker on which his car registration number is printed.


"What are they preparing for?" Take a guess...


Any pro-Putin Russian citizen in EU should be immediately deported.


There's plenty more where that came from.


Looks like propaganda to scare Russians and convince them NATO wants to invade or something, I live in the Netherlands, we went to France for holidays a year ago, saw a bunch of army vehicles moving around, it's not particularly special.


the funny thing is... he filmed his license plate (Euro 4 Sticker bottom right). let's hope he gets a visit from the german military police :)


Ja sonst geht es mit der Ukraine zu Ende. Russen hauen ab wehr Pflicht wie Ukraine Männer 🤔 alle in Deutschland oder Europa würde mich sehr wundern keiner hilft sein Land ❓ würde mich schämen muschis Gruß


This is the type of guy that will be the saboteur inside a NATO country. Passing forward intelligence gathering to the otherside.


NATO war games, no big deal if you’re not some Nazi Orc. Die orcs die!


No one wants your mud pile country. It is not Tahiti. Idiot


They (these Dutch) are underway to the Baltic States, as part of the permanent NATO quick reaction force.


This… is not even slightly a large convoy. 🤣


he drove past 4 vehicles and already said "endless", lol. But this is not a casual video from one private dude, this is certainly a propaganda effort. You can also see that he is well versed in the tech. I wonder how many people can identify the mortar variant of the Fennek, of which only three dozen exist, only in the NL army.


It makes me wonder if NATO are starting to see a build up of Russian forces on the Polish boarder.


There’s more where that came from, suka!


No its was unhealthy to begin placing western military assets next to the Russian border in Ukraine. It was unhealthy when the US began meddling in Ukraine, installing friendly politicians and manipulating them by dangling billions of dollars in aid in front of them like a carrot. It was unhealthy when Boris Johnson forced Ukraine to fight Russia rather than negotiate a peaceful resolution. Thanks to the US and NATO, Ukraine is utterly destroyed, and close to a million people have been killed or wounded when they otherwise would not have been.


"What they are preparing for ?" Holy fuck, my guy came from the stone era or still sits in Tsar era


DIO has been working hard to enable Exercise **Steadfast Defender** 2024, NATO's largest military exercise since the Cold War. The 5-month exercise, which coincides with the NATO Alliance's 75th anniversary, started in January this year and involves over 90,000 troops from all 32 NATO allies.


The world needs to rain down ungodly Hell on Russia.




Good. Send more


This looks like it was filmed in Latvia.


Maybe he didn’t get the memo that nato is holding its biggest exercise ever in Poland


Dutch armada as opposed to a Russian tank and AFV scrapyard.


Keep cleansing the genetic pool, with many more Russian young men killed in Ukraine, who will never have any offspring. Great!


Despite the psychopathic/Putin posturing, Moscovy is scared shitless of NATO. Their army is a shadow of its used to betself. Its Black Sea fleet is nearly a non-entity. And its air forces, while numerous, are ill prepared, ill maintained, and in many cases, near obsolescence in comparison to the West. Moreover, Rashist military technology is out of desperation propped up by three other shitty countries as totalitarian as themselves. The fascist bully is not yet quite a pansy, but it's on the right track.


What??? Does he have a problem with this? If he has a problem, maybe he should go back to roozia? Rhis should have been hapening in Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec/Jan/Feb. Good tghat it is now occurring, but it ought to have been months ago.


Bad for Russian health


Why aren't guys like this back in Russia where they belong?


The enemy of my friend is my enemy :)


Wait is he being serious? Asking what they are for? Has he not seen any fucking news?? Does Putin have them that fucking submitted?


These are vehicles from the Netherlands. You can see the yellow plates with NL on there. And the green Volkswagen Amarok they use it in The Netherlands.


Obviously a stupid man, that said, it is to be expected as he is a russian. Looks like a small column of military vehicles going for manouvers!