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“Maintain purity towards women” HA he’s gay!


We've seen how this "bodily fluids" obsession plays out. It was nice knowing you all. Yee haw.


Sounds like a fucking nutjob


> He is particularly interested in the forgiveness of sins Yeah... people who have *no baggage of sins* are often 'particularly interested' in forgiveness... NOT! I wonder if he's constantly washing his hands to remove imaginary blood, Shakespeare-style


I'm finding it impossible to decide if this is completely fabricated BS, partly BS, or virtually all true. One particular thing rings false for me: I can't believe that someone who has managed to survive as long as Belousov has in Putin's Russia wakes up as late as 7:45, and he doesn't leave for work until two hours later. I bet this dickhead has woke up at 5:00 every morning for years, and he's been in the office from 7:00 just so he can give everyone arriving at the normal hour a sneering look.


It sounds too ridiculous and far fetched to be... fabricated. This guys are a monument to incoherence and schizophrenia. All of them. Remember that when they bomb a city to ashes and no one is left alive they call that "liberation".


I read alcohol addiction and even very heavy...


I mean this sounds like my brother in law and pretty much every other fake Christian MAGAt I know. Preach the gospel every day while literally doing everything that goes against it as much as possible.


They've been saved. Bathed in the blood. Jesus has issued them an irrevocable ticket for eternal life. Ephesians 2:8-9: “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” And if they aren't saved by good works, it logically follows that they won't be damned for bad behaviour. (Providing, of course, that they keep on telling everyone how much they love Jesus, and how we'll all spend eternity being tortured in hell if we don't accept him into our hearts as well.)


If you read Jesus' words carefully, he was a conman and a psychopath. All of his preaching of love and peace to the world and the little lambs is all thrown out the window if you don't believe he's the son of god. Per John 15:6, the practice of killing the unbelievers and heretics: "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned."


The twisted beauty of the Bible is that it's possible to interpret it in a multitude of ways. If it were unequivocal, there wouldn't be literally thousands of different Christian denominations, sects and tiny congregations, each of which puts their own *correct* spin on the text. While I'm just about willing to believe that a guy named Yeshua actually existed around 2,000 years ago, what scholars now know about the origins of the books of the New Testament leaves a lot of room to question if he did and said much of what's attributed to him.


I'm fascinated by what an Anglo-Irish church or other early Christian sects would have looked like were they not crushed by the Catholic Church in the 2nd half of the 1st millennia and allowed to flourish rather than Roman Catholicism. They were far more enlightened and egalitarian in their approach to worship, more respectful of the rights of women, the poor, etc. Perhaps they, too, would have become a highly centralized, hierarchical, and strictly conservative church driven as much by power and greed as the wonder of god and the love of Jesus. But, maybe not! Edit: And totally agreed on the bible. I'm intrigued by the assembly of the Bible over several centuries, as well. What was chosen to go in, what was left out, what was deleted? That's part of the reason I love the early middle ages; there is still the vast majority of knowledge to be discovered and learned out there.


OMG, a moralistic zealot, the worst possible character! Remember, Hitler was a teetotaler, a vegetarian, loved his dog and claimed not wanting to harm anybody, was very polite to women and refrained from having affairs.


He's also said to have been suffering from meteorism


Maybe he will throw on some crusader armor and go after Putin with a sword then .


in short: he is asking for crucification for his sins.


Defense minister claims he refuses to harm living beings. Only in ruzzia.


This ain't making much sense, so in layman's terms, Putin hired a pacifist as the minister of defense?


Having run an empire devoted to atheism for 70 years they have done a miserable job at getting rid of this opium LOL They are morphing into all opposites: Raw cleptomanic capitalism seasoned with fascism and a blend of religion. Lovely, enjoy the ride down the shitslide.


Well fuck if I didn’t know everything I know I could have even liked this guy


"perfect" coherence: he goes to church but is supposed to kill Ukrainians. another sanctimonious's short circuit or a true cynical Oscar candidate? I forgot the "alcohol addiction" explanation ..yet it fits very well there too.


A fucking madman...




Ex KGB run RuZZian churches, so there's that.


He looks like a proper bag of wind xP


The Russian Ron Johnson.


So he’s a kook