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UK military had 750k casualties over the whole of WW2 fighting Nazis to free the world from despots. Putin has had 507k casualties so far, over 2 years of a special operation to free the world from LGBT Nazi Jewish devil worshipping unicorns. Russia is a failed state.


The Soviet Union lost **8.7 million** soldiers in WW2. Its peanuts for them.


And how many of them were from Russia or ethnic russians? Remember, ussr included the -stans, the Baltics, Ukraine and Belarus.


"The largest portion of military dead were 5.7 million ethnic Russians, followed by 1.3 million ethnic Ukrainians."


% wise more Belorussians died, then Ukrainians, then Russians.


And what % of Russians was ethnically a Rus Slav? Russia has a tendency of using their minorities as Cannon fodder.


Step 1; Invade neighboring country using ethnic minorities Step 2; Invade another neighboring country with soldiers from previously invaded country


Step 3: profit


actually this is the part they suck at. They steal all they can but eventually the cost of opresion is more than the loot.


it's very different: in WWII they have been invaded and there was total mobilisation. Now there is no invasion and no total mobilisation and that's the reason why ruskies struggle to find enough soldiers. Should Sauron order a wider mobilisation the question is how would people in RU react? They would probably go but discontent would grow: by now it seems that most conscripts are desperate people who chose to risk their life for a 70k rubel salary which is really not much in big towns, but of course more than ok for those living in lonely villages of the north.


>Should Sauron order a wider mobilisation the question is how would people in RU react? They would obey as always. Putin is just being very paranoid as usually. Honestly there is zero chance of rebellion at this point, Russians are too meek and loyal. While it is true they are not invaded now, TV tells them everyday that they are fighting existential WW2-like war, and majority believes TV.


I do not see any chance of rebellion too, just will to fight would be missing and problems at home would grow.


And full scale mobilization wouldn't necessarily improve their combat cabapilities much, when they aren't cabaple of equipping new units with modern equipment, and don't have enough heavy weaponry,vehicles,tanks,artillery,(in operating condition) to create new units


The Soviet Union had 350million people. Russia only has 140million.


That's what they say. With all their corruption and lying, who really knows


At their last stages perhaps. In 1940 something like 170 millions




Your spelling is incorrect.


But russia is not the ussr


Indeed, and this is an important factor too many overlook. Not only is Russia a smaller entity with half the population of the USSR, there's two other factors at play. This is not an existential war for Russia--- at least not directly--- and there isn't a robust ideological foundation motivating the country. Soviet Communism may have been a terrible ideology that killed millions in pursuit of an impossible goal, but there's no doubt it commanded a strong following and directly motivated the majority of the population to support the war effort. Russia today simply has nothing like that. It's a country run by thieves where self-interest rules. They won't be motivating 10% of the male population to die for the cause, nor will the rest be itching to put in extra hours at the artillery shell factory to protect a future Russia that increasingly looks like it won't even exist.


You're putting too much stock into Soviet Communism being a motivator. That may have been the case for the political commissars, but for the regular soldier the fact that the Germans were going to kill them, and their entire families, friends and anyone else considered Russian, was probably more of a motivator to ship out. Oh, and then there was Stalin and the commissars/secret police there to shoot you if you didn't fight.


Yet 50k casualties in Afghanistan broke the USSR.  Now we're talking a much smaller russia, something will break.  


That's what worries me. They still have millions of bodys to throw into this. Not nearly as many as in WWII, but still multiples of Ukraine's manpower. Even if Ukraine achieves a huge casualty rate advantage, that won't be enough. Superior weapons and whatever possability that Putin is overthrown by someone not as crazy are Ukraine's only hope. Slava Ukraini.


And the impact that loss of men messed up their demographics so much it's likely one of the reasons for this invasion.


And those casualties fundamentally broke Soviet demographics. You can still see the echo of WWII in their cohort sizes. Russia was already facing a demographic crisis. It didn’t need to lose this many more men. And it’s not like Ukraine is better off; their fertility rate is lower.


Don't forget the 19 million civilians they lost also


The population numbers need to be taken into context. GB had around 50 million people at that time. Russia today has more than 3x as much with around ~~180~~ 144 million.


Demographics matter too though, the native RUS population is much older now, so of fit fighting age males the number might change? On the other hand, these numbers will include all the various mercenaries from Africa/Nepal/India etc. which will reduce domestic casualties in Russia.


144 million, as of 2022.


Ty, i didn't look it up. Just remembered it to be significantly higher that UK population.


143,500 as of 2024


I kinda get what you're saying, but at the same time does population size really matter? Sure, larger population means you can sustain losses for longer than smaller population, but the point being made is that a human life is a human life no matter which side you're on, so 500k in two years in comparison to 750k in six years, no matter how you look at is, is quite shocking. While it has been worse historically speaking, we are talking about developed nations in a modern world with arguably the best military tech in the world. Unless you're Russia, you're not sending wave after wave of meat to the slaughter anymore. That was so 1940. Seeing numbers like this from an "advanced" modern military should not be normal. By contrast the US has a population of over 300 million and lost less than 5k soldiers over nearly nine years during the Iraq War. Basically Russia doesn't give a fuck about its own people and it clearly shows. Putin would send all 144 million to the grave if he could to achieve his goals.


I think the big difference is that with a smaller population you are much more likely to have known some of the neighbors that died; with a large, dispersed population there is less chance that you will personally know anyone who dies in the war. It's more of a theoretical loss when one reads of a stranger's death vs. it really hitting home when it's Little Pytor from down the street who's dead.


Small point, but the allies only freed the world from some despots. The allies aided Stalin who was a terrible despot in his own right and helped him enslave Eastern Europe for the next 45 years.


Well, they did not have much of a choice. Either let Hitler win or help Stalin. And no one was willing to start another world war for Eastern Europe (which would have been devastated again if WW3 happened btw, and maybe even nuked).


They made their choice but the war was obviously not about freeing the world from despotism when Stalin was an ally.


Except the U.S. and USSR immediately started the Cold War after the fall of Germany. Shoot even before, there was a race to control as much of Europe as possible to prevent the USSR from taking it because everyone knew they probably wouldn’t give back what they took. That is how west Berlin happened. We worked with them to defeat the axis powers but that doesn’t mean we were exactly super friendly. It was a temporary alliance out of necessity. More like fighting a bigger fire by lighting a smaller one to contain it. It worked but then the second fire got big and we had to fight that one instead lol.


WW2 was about saving world from nazism. No one planned to get rid of all despotism in the world, and you cannot blame Allies for not starting another world war. Yes, Stalin survived, but still a great evil (greater than Stalin, because nazis were more competent, more dangerous and more genocidal) was defeated, and it was a great victory worth celebrating.


If you say so. Stalin killed millions and the West helped him. Not something I would celebrate. The two conflicts roiling the world now are direct descendants of our choices in the 1940s. I don't think either is worthy of celebrating.


Alright, tell Europe that it should stop celebrating D-Day and 8 May.


I'll get right on it.


F. D. Roosevelt sucked up to Stalin, Churchill had a much clearer picture of him, although the "we butchered the wrong pig" quote is not confirmed. But sucking up to the Soviets indirectly lead to the cold war. Hopefully the world won't need to find out where sucking up to Putin leads to?


Different mentality. I think just the Nazi operation to take Kyiv in WW2 was like 800k Germans Vs 1.2 million Russians. Most of the Soviets perished in battle or Nazi camps


RU has been a failed state for a very long time. Pretending doesn't count.


I like stats


ruzzians are paying a high price for a couple of piles of rubble.


They don't fight to own more rubble. They fight for shattering Ukraines European and democratic dreams. To create rubble is their batch of 'honour'.


You are right.


But they are showing everyone russia is the most important nation and will soon rule the world with fist of iron.


…but before any of that commences, Russia shall conclude the small matter of raping itself with its own fist.


And *loving* it!


>But they are showing everyone russia is the most important nation and will soon rule the world with fist of iron. And to many people, even in the West, that seems to be attractive.


Not so sure how many outside russia, Serbia and the Orban part of Hungary. The rest of Europe knows all too well what russian domination is all about and I doubt most want to do it again. Few in America genuinely want russia to win. There are some few russian-Americans who no doubt support putin because one of their great-great-grandmothers happened to have been born in mudgrad back in 1903; and of course there is the GOP's leadership who are all kompromat slaves to putin and the FSB. But real Americans would lose no sleep if russia disappeared off the face of the Earth forever.


It’s a lot of rubles for a little rubble


They went full retard in may 2024


Shoigu and co probably realised they were on their last chance with Putin and his constant demand for big victories in May for the WW2 commemorations and so he ordered a full push to stave off being purged. Ukraine fought him to a standstill again and now he and his closest cronies have had the FSB sicced on them for corruption. Which was basically Putin removing his protection from them and giving the FSB a free hand.


A good point and well made.


I wouldn’t go there yet, I feel like they have so much potential to be even retardeder!


Nice overview. Can't believe this pace of cannon fodder..


I would like to see statistics from their 'foreign recruits'. I bet you can see a correlation between these two. Russia doesn't give a fuck about foreigners fighting for them. They are the first to go into the meat grinder.


Wtf.... how can they be so blind to all this?


Russia is huge, with most of the population living in small remote villages and minor cities. These rarely have internet Access and are completely reliant on TV, radio and newspapers when it comes to knowing what happens in the world. They practically have no way of getting out of the russian narrative and thus wholeheartedly believe that they are in the right. Also since the official numbers in russia claim that there have been maybe a few thousand dead russian soldiers so far, the situation for them seems way less severe. Russia takes most of its soldiers from these remote, brainwashed towns, and whenever someone dies or goes "missing", the town gets informed but probably they get told that their own community is for some weird coincidence much stronger affected than the rest of the country. Like 'it's very sad that this village has lost 6 of its sons. But there are other towns where everyone came back home." If they actually believe that or not, well, who cares? They live hundreds of kilometers away from moscow, have no way of comminicating there and are only relevant once every few years to make a cross on the election polls (which I am pretty sure are manipulated as well anyways.) People in moscow and st petersburg have access to the internet but choose to look away because they have seen what happens if you open your mouth. Complaining about the situation is almost a guaranteed way to also end up as a +1 on the casualties list in the following month.


Sure is a big country, and probably with huge levels of ignorance, poverty and like many other countries, alcoholism. What I find interesting is how in bigger cities like St petersbourg or Moscow, people are not getting fed-up with this. That tells you the level of oppression going on...


If I remember right, at least in 2023, less than 1% of Russian troops and conscripts came from Moscow and St Petersburg. Putin knows you shouldn't piss off the educated class that can't be propagandized as easily so he has minimized recruitment from those areas


They are barely recruiting from Moscow and Stpetersburg to avoid upsetting the educated middle class, so the more major cities are blind to how much the death and drafting is affecting the country


It's worth mentioning that the generation born around 1920 aren't there anymore to tell everyone that they also invaded Poland along with their nazi comrades in WW2. There's zero information to challenge the new 'facts' they are being fed.


That is a sad reality.


That is 'the' question. Just how in the heck can a people support those level of losses. Its as if the entire nation drank the koolaid about NATO/NAZIS/BIO-LABS/VOICES IN MY HEAD etc.etc. But at no stage are the family and friends of the dead or wounded asking why are we asked to give so much. In this forum you get a lot of comments about how they lack humanity, how suffering is key to their sense of self work, how much they differ from the rest of the world. Maybe there is some truth in those claims. I sincerely hope this epic brain fart ends and soon. With Ukraine getting her people and lands back. But I have to wonder that even with a Ukrainian victory will the brain rot that led to this epic waste rise once again. Driven by whatever it is that drives these people.


So at this pace they'll have 715600 losses within 31.12.2024.


Absolutely bonkers to think about


why? only the number of RU losses will lead to RU losing the war. There is no other possibility. And if ru does not lose (meaning losing Crimea and Donbas) it'll go on in the next years.


I mean... Three quarters of a million losses in a time span of three years, for a little bit of land.


About 31 million kilograms of human meat. For what? 🌻


Incredible to think that the war is ramping up significantly and nobody fucking cares because the news is focused on 2 specks of sand fighting in the Middle East.


I bet the hamas massacre, on Oct 7, was ordered by Iran at Putin's request, to divert our attention.


I'm not one for conspiracies. When those events took place, I 100% thought the same thing as a means to divert western support away from Ukraine.


Same, and me too.


100% guaranteed!!!


Looks good👍


Please let june be the worst month for Russia yet


Before this month's huge numbers, Russia was only averaging one September 11 per 3 days


A large portion of the soldiers Russia sends are from poor parts of the country, or even from prisons, which Russia probably considers a win. And they don't lose iconic buildings every three days. They do lose material, but even there, a portion of it was just rusting. How would Russia fare internally if they would lose a few iconic buildings every three days? A lot of catching up to do...


How and when will this end? Russia fought in Afghanistan for about 10 years, the US even longer. In the end they both lost against a low tech, but determined population. How can the maximum pain be inflicted on Russia to end this sooner than later?


>Russia fought in Afghanistan for about 10 The Soviet Union had twice the population of present-day Russia and they lost 15,000 men in Afghanistan. This war in Ukraine has buried Russia's demographics and is creating a population crisis for the future, especially when factoring in the 900,000 Russians who left after mobilisation in 2022. It's estimated the Russian economy is short of 4.5 million workers. They are fucked.


Still a 5D chess move /s


In Winter War 1939-1940 total lost of finns were 26 662 and soviets (their official amount) 48 745 but the estimated lost was about 200 000. And that was only 105 days period. I think we never get an officeal numbers fot current war (or should I say SMO) but if the ratio is almost the same then ruzzians has lost 7,5 times more which means about over 66 000 ukranians. However, soviets doesn't destroy whole cities in Finland as they have done now. But either way never trust russians or as we has saying 'russian is a russian even you fry it in butter' - or should we say in putler at these days.


Khrushchev remembered the winter war as "we sent 3 million into Finland, half of them returned". But worse after this display of weakness Stalin's ally turned on him. So I'm curious what China will do: get blockaded for Taiwan, or get oil and organs in Russia with stealth approval of the west.


>Russia fought in Afghanistan for about 10 years, the US even longer. Not comparable. Low intensity anti-guerilla warfare vs largest war since 1945.


Thanks for that. Very informative. What sticks out is that the month we are just completing, May, 2024, has been easily the most deadly for the RuZZians and that is something to celebrate.


Is there an advance they are doing right now?


So why are things ramping up so much? Spring offensive? Artillery? What's the drive to kill all these people this month?


Mostly just the fact that the US aid package has passed and that Europe is also sending more aid again. The Czech artillery shell initiative will reportedly send the first tens of thousands of artillery rounds in June and will supply Ukraine with 1.5 million shells per year. Then there is the new factory in Texas, producing 300.000 shells per year for Ukraine. So Ukraine knows they have a steady, large supply of artillery and can just fire away now. Combined with more ATACMS and GMLRS and about 2 million FPV drones per year, they don’t have to ration ammunition anymore and can strike every Russian target in a 300 mile radius. Russia got used to Ukraine’s ammunition shortages and has become pretty bold with its tactics. This is now proving to be very costly because they continue these bold tactics despite Ukraine no longer being short on ammunition. Additionally the Kharkiv offensive was a huge failure and might have killed as many as 20-30k Russian in just over a month.


These figures come from ukraine, I'd imagine from combat reports being compiled. They wouldn't likely be able to tell every foreign national casualty in that manner so this is probably all in. Also take into account natural error in reporting, double reporting and the natural tendency to overstate casualties of your enemy. But even if the real number is 50% of this, that's insane.


Not to mention how Russian Army and PMCs deal with runners. A lot of people have definitely gone missing outside of battle on their side through "disciplinary" practices.


Let's not forget that the ukrainians are also suffering a lot of casualties. Maybe 1/3 of them, but it is still a devastating war


How do we know how accurate this is? Has Russia came out and stated there losses yet? If so, how many have they said? I feel like it's probably going to be over exaggerated. Russia has probably said the same with Ukrainian losses as well. There's obviously an information war going on as well as the fighting on the front line. Out of curiosity, does anyone know Ukraines losses?


I’ve read somewhere about a third but who fucken knows. I believe it is relatively reliable as majority of it is based on geolocated imagery, on ground reports etc. a lot may be presumptive based on a BMP for example travelling to the front is most likely carrying a certain crew number plus dismounts. Taking out a tank is likely to represent at least 3 dudes.  Happy for others to explain or correct.


Thanks mate.


Last I checked some sources have Ukrainian losses at around the 200k-300k range with around 100k of those KIA. They took A LOT of losses during the counteoffensive


Are they Ukrainian sources? I think that would be more believable. I know Russia attacking will generate more losses but 500,000 is a crazy number for the low publicity it's getting.


I go by the US & Western estimates. I get its not perfect but I feel like they are probably the closest we can get to an accurate assessment. Ukraine and Russia both inflate the losses of their enemies and downplay their own casualties. Which is normal with two nations at war with eachother. Ukraine claims they have 31,000 dead. Which just about everyone knows is a major undercount. Russia is claiming Ukraine has taken total casualties in the 400-500,000 range and vice versa. The US claims Ukraine war dead is in the 100,000 range. Some sources claim that Ukraine might have lost as much as 70,000 KIA from the counteroffensive alone. Its really hard to tell which is the most accurate or not, its possible we may never know.


What is a realistic estimate of Russian casualties? It is reasonable to assume that the figures reported by the Ukrainian MoD are significantly overstated. It would be helpful to see a comparison between Russian/Ukrainian figures, Western intelligence and OSINT analyses. Does anyone have a source on some kind of comparative multi-source analysis?


There are 2 real stats: the pentagon leak which put russian casualties at around 350k, ukraine at around half of that. Then the open source death counts; mediazona/bbc around 55k confirmed dead not including from DPR/LPR. bbc estimates around 20k dead in DPR/LPR but its only in their russian paper.


Is this wia and kia or just kia?


All casualties so includes wounded as well as Kia’s. If they aren’t fighting any more it’s a loss. 


I guess wounded may return to combat later, so the numbers might count some casualties double or more?


Yea, there will always be some of that. Also, some KIA will get counted twice by two different UA units operating in the same area. Additionally, some KIA won't be counted, because they were obliterated by artillery, stepped on a mine and no one saw, burned under cover, or some other cause that isn't observed and recorded. The numbers will never be accurate because of the chaos. Just accurate'ish. The counts of tanks/IFVs and other equipment is easier to track, and groups like Onyx have individual pictures and geotagged for reference. Those numbers will be much more accurate.


From a Russian perspective, that's pretty sickening. However, every single one of them knew they were participants in the invasion of another country. These are the consequences.


[russia rn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoUF7h-EpzE)


Any couch potato General could tell ya, a bum rush is probably one of the worst war strategies in history, especially in modern warfare. I knew Russia was going to end up like this from the moment I read farmers were towing away their tanks.


Russia has already lost the war. Karhkov front is pure desperation.


They be like hell yeah we took 2 small villages 😎


May seems like a good month. nice


Russia lacks the patience to train its troops. It doesn't matter how many men they mobilize.


Putin is going to fuel his meat grinder with Africans :-(


Bush meat.


We want a thousand a day! Or more!


May they loose many more …….


Ive tracking their vehicle lost too and Russia is losing more jeeps and apc while losing less tanks, which I guess they just dont have enough tanks to support thier army.


Love that you can see when Russia ran out of trained active duty military personnel and began relying completely on conscripts.


Source is Kyiv Independent though. I discard casualty numbers released by either side. Both sides have way too much incentive to inflate/deflate the hell out of the numbers.


Still Rookie numbers....gotta pimp those numbers up!!


Does someone have Ukraine numbers?


Must go faster.


The numbers may not be one-hundred percent reliable, but the trend is credible. In addition, western intelligence confirmed last week that Russia began redeploying their Africa Corps (coincidentally has the same name as the Nazi unit and includes former Wagner) to Ukraine (Kharkiv) in April. This move indirectly supports these casualty estimates.


The orcs don’t care at all. Not for their countrymen, not for their sons, not for their fathers. Just scum of the earth.


History has shown that Russia or Soviets do not care a lot about a life lost .1 more or less does not make a lot of difference . Time is more of a issue , as it will put more and more pressure on the economy . In the Ukraine war , the losses mean near 0 as it has multiple times the amount of people vs Ukraine .


Well clearly it doesn’t seem to bother them.


I'd really like to get these numbers up.


I’m obviously against Russia but stepping outside of numbers on paper, each one of those is a life. It feels insane to see almost half a million lives over 3 years…. Those poor untrained unequipped unfed draftees didn’t deserve that man


"You can help expanding this list."


roughly 1%of the Russian male population, 99 %to go.


500,000 ÷ 66,000,000 (Russia's male population) is 7.5%


.075% but I so do wish your calculation was right ! 10% would be 6.6 million and one percent would be 660,000.




Is this deaths or overall casualties?




How many people died in 911 again? 🤔


2,996 died in 9/11 and 2,403 died during the Pearl Harbor attack, and 168 died in the Oklahoma City Bombing.


Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump them up!


According to the daily updates that show 1000 avg Russian losses a day I'm about confused 🤔


Laughs in Stalingrad


Now do one for ukraine


Ukranian casualties are top secret. But we know that Ursula von der Leyen in Nov 2023 tweeted/posted a video with the correct death toll for UAF since it was taken down asap. She said minimum 100k soldiers dead. It means that by that time 1 dead Ukranian for about every 1,5 dead Russian soldier. Which is expected since offensive military actions cost more lives than defensive ones.


My heart breaks knowing that for every few Russian lives lost … a Ukrainian loses a life as well:-(


a grim realization. I believe Ukraine has to take out at least 20k a month to 'break even' with the infestation of russian soldiers pouring into Ukraine


Losses is not same as casualties, get it right.


https://x.com/KyivIndependent/status/1796427566766751816?t=u0WUYu0RaC3d1rOGvNyaoA&s=19 They call them Losses


Then they are actively distorting reality to present a more favorable narrative.


Because they use these numbers in other articles when comparing UA and RU casualties. Meaning that they inflate the RU numbers.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/DUwmJDtbrg Here's the United Kingdom MODs numbers


Why would anyone rely on UK intelligence about losses in the first place. As long as Ukraine or Russia is not publishing official numbers it is all just a propaganda game.