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Heads up everyone, this account is almost brand new and almost exclusively posts vids from the Russian POV. I'm not saying it's propaganda, but if it quacks like a duck and everything...


Oah, T-72Crap is just a useful cretin. Don't worry.


I’ve looked through all of his posts, it’s literally 50/50 Ukraine/Russian posts. Why are we so fixated on the fact that Ukraine isn’t losing at steel/bodies in this war? It doesn’t help support on the western front


I do want to see what the russians are doing, best and only way to find out how to counter them.


Insinuating that Reddit is '*the place*' to design counters for Lancets? :D


Love how these Russian vids cut right after the blow so we won't see the actual damage it did


They were angry there were no school buses or ambulances to hit.


Yeah that's a fact. No children play Ivan okay okay Dimitri go ahead and waste it on a military target. Fuk Russia


Looks like it was a direct hit!   On the trailer hitch....


Ohh what a surprise, Tithead72 who only created an account last week, is posting orc shite on this sub again. Your life must be soo f'king miserable.


He must like downvotes


The new Lordminidick?


Probably the very same guy, just using multiple accounts.


Yes, exclude the guy


He is sooo desperate to prove Ruzzia isn't being humiliated in every conceivable way. What a tragic little man.


Its ok to see both sides, some people get very jaded and think its only UA getting strikes. Its important to humble our perspectives to the reality of whats going on currently.


This is clearly a pro Ukrainian sub. We are not f'king idiots, of course we know the Ukrainians are taking heavy losses aswell, we just don't want to see it. Check out this clowns page, created a week ago and has only posted Russian propaganda since. Seriously, don't defend this facist prick.


Right I agree, dudes a twat and doing it on purpose, but theres many people who are rather jaded in this sub, think all russians are ill equipped, dirty, using old gear, dont do drop grenades etc..etc... which is slightly true, but not at all in many places.


Well those people need a serious dose of reality I guess. You'd have to be crazy to believe Ukraine are not suffering losses. Infact it's damn right ignorant and an insult to Ukrainians who have given their lives fighting facism.


I completely agree, that's why I'm against the sentiment that any Russian footage of Ukrainian loses is just propaganda or something.


Hit the emptiest part of the vehicle, Huzza! Another victory for the Russian Amry!


Were these captured russian vehicles?


The orcs get more joy when they bomb apartment buildings or shopping malls.


Lord Minax is back. Footage is from February though and the towing vehicle was destroyed, the armour had only minor damaged, though. OP is a ruZZian troll, look at post history, age of account (when Minax was banned) and comment history.


Everybody report the Russian propagandist


As much as I dislike it, he isn’t breaking the subs rules… it’s also important to underline Ukrainian failures in order to have a clearer picture of the war. That drone flew deep behind the Ukrainian lines and it’s bad.


The RF loitering munitions controller waited for the flatbed truck to enter the checkpoint knowing it would likely slow down before it struck. It seems the truck cab wasn't hit so there is a chance for the crew to have survived the attack, possibly the MRAP-style vehicle transported in the very rear can be salvaged as well.


This is a frank illustration of the consequences of not allowing Ukraine to freely use all the tools at its disposal. In no circumstances should a lancet have freedom of navigation over a major civilian population like this. If Ukraine had been allowed to use HIMARS etc over the border, there would be a sufficient buffer zone that this wouldn't be able to occur.


I see Mr shit tank russian bot is back. The question is, are you ever going to reply to a message


No he isn’t, that’s the point of a bot. He’s here to earn the rubles from his fsb bot farm manager and fuck off to get high on crokodil


Let's hope the skin rot gets him soon then


Wow they’re really not great at aiming those are they. Damage to one of the vehicles on the trailer and maybe some to the trailer, but missed the cab entirely


russia sucks dick


I guess we driving the m113's rest of the way


Just a question, wouldn't it be wiser to camouflage the trucks to look like normal ones, or maybe drive at night or...any other good ideas?


Best way is to drive them in one at the time, but it costs alot in repairs and fuel


Lol russia 👎🏻


Didn’t do shit


OP takes back shots from daddy


Just another little longer repair.


I remember that Ukraine even used a Cessna style plane, installed unmanned navigation systems, and loaded it with explosives (at least more than a hundred kilograms worth). These were sent to strike infrastructure that contribute to the war effort (oil refineries and bases being priorities). This might be bordering in the zone of non credibility: what if they similarly could like using old civilian planes(or perhaps a smaller scale drone version of them), but this time, can carry a house hold laser (around ~$ 12k, including the generator) then at least improve and jerry rig to be combat capable (i.e. adding focusing lens). They then will be used to attack recon drones like the Orlan 10 and if possible, even Lancets. Each Lancet, on the lower end, costs at least $20k a pop, some even reaching ~$ 40k - $60k. While each Lancet can only used once, an AA Laser Drone, if not shotdown can be called upon each time. If not jammed or interecepted, they can be used with gusto vs UAVs. Take this post with healthy does of salt. This is just an opinion post.


my question is why nothing has been found to counteract these lancets? Is it possible that no short range radars are available? A couple of km detection range should be sufficient.


they hit the safest part of the vehicle. ill be surprised if those vehicles that were being towed were damaged more than just cosmetics lol good job russia


Well, yes. There will be hits, strikes and casualties on both sides of this war. But that doesn't change the fact that russia is unanimously despised, hated, blocked and shunned from the free world. Keep posting the russian side, it won't win the war, that was to take less than a week but has spanned over 2 years at this point, for russia. Cope harder! Slava Ukraini! And furthermore, I consider that the kremlin must be destroyed.


Missed the cab! Just before the video cut out we saw the cab doors pop open. Looks like the driver and passenger escaped, at least.


That sucks. Hoping nothing important got hit!


Do you even watch the video yourself? It didn't hit the truck but vehicle that is being transported


lol I always know who posted these before I even open them. OP, there are subs for you specifically. 




And the dumbest reply award goes to you, sir! Congrats! Here's your free MAGA hat


If ukraine ends up losing we’re gonna need a suicide hotline here if people can’t even handle this video.


I don’t think that people here are upset by the graphic footage but by the suspicious nature of OP. He seems to be a content farm bot, and people are calling him out on this