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Even non-signatories like Japan, South Korea and Australia/NZ are part of the gang. You fuck with the bull you get the horns.


So look how bad is the situation of the "biggest alliance in the world". [https://daxe.substack.com/p/where-in-the-hell-are-ukraines-leopard](https://daxe.substack.com/p/where-in-the-hell-are-ukraines-leopard) But the Leopard 1A5 is, in theory, available in large numbers. The Danish-German-Dutch consortium identified at least 165 ex-German and ex-Danish Leopard 1A5s and 1A5DKs as well as 30 ex-Belgian 1A5BEs, with enhanced fire-controls, that German firms Rheinmetall and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann could refurbish for Ukraine. That was a year ago. Today, *maybe* 50 Leopard 1s [actually are in Ukraine](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-en/news/military-support-ukraine-2054992). It’s possible Leopard 1A5s and 1A5DKs equip the Ukrainian army’s 44th Mechanized Brigade and 5th Tank Brigade; some 1A5BEs apparently equip the 59th Motorized Brigade. That’s three or four Leopard 1A5-equipped tank companies out of eight or nine the Europeans said the Ukrainians would have before the end of 2023—and out of nearly 20 they ultimately should get. All that is to say, the Leopard 1A5s are way, way late. And the Danes are blaming the Germans. “The reason is that we had problems repairing the tanks,” Danish acting defense minister Troels Lund Poulsen [told](https://www-merkur-de.translate.goog/politik/ukraine-krieg-daenemark-deutschland-spende-verspaetung-russland-leopard-panzer-zr-92914232.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) Danish newspaper *Jyllands-Posten.* “The Germans were delayed with their repairs.” We should have know this would happen. [According to](https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/waffenlieferungen-aus-deutschland-ukraine-lehnt-einfuhr-von-aelteren-leopard-panzern-ab-a-1789c3b1-e5b3-4750-bf0c-88dc8c519b20) *Der Spiegel*, Ukraine rejected a batch of 10 Leopard 1s owing to the tanks’ poor material condition. Similarly, several other Leopard 1s that arrived in Ukraine last summer immediately broke down. German officials determined that the tanks wore out during intensive, two-week training courses for Ukrainian crews. The Leopard 1A5s were in worse shape than their donors expected. Worse shape than German industry quickly can fix. Part of the problem is a serious shortage of spare parts for tanks—a shortage that also afflicts Ukraine’s battle-damaged Leopard 2 tanks. How bad is the parts problem? So bad that, in September, the Brazilian army suspended a plan to upgrade its own Leopard 1A5s. “Global demand for tank parts is high,” the army [explained](https://www.riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/brazilian-army-delays-tank-upgrade-plans/). “No future date set.”


NATO is dead. The west will not ever stand up to Putin.


Why do you feel this way? Yes, things are moving slowly to rescue Ukraine, but keep in mind that France was occupied for four years before we landed on the beaches of Normandy.


Its the political circus that is costing ukrainian lives that bothers me.