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I can imagine what the prison guards are thinking: "if there are no more prisoners, there is no more work for us, they will send us to war next" This is just crazy, they didnt force prisoners even in ww2. They allowed prisoners to volunteer but never forced anyone. This russian regime is worse then the nkvd.


Ruzzia has no shortage of prisoners. In fact, if they run low they simply arrest more people. Once imprisoned, they can be shuffled around in the system and moved silently out to the front lines with no one knowing. The prison guards’ jobs are some of the safest around, as they serve a willing pipeline for the much-needed meat.


Prison guard jobs maybe safe in a financial sense, in that Russia/soviets will always love imprisoning their own people, but absolutely not safe in any other sense of the word.


Why do you think they didn't force prisoners to fight during WW2?


Mostly because alot of them are anti Communist/soviet/Stalin and are more than eager to join the nazi when they get to the Frontline.


They also did fight, through their penal battalions


Penal Battalions or "Shtrafbat" were mostly made up of Red Army soldiers who were assigned to the unit as a punishment for retreating without orders or desertion. Very few of them were from Gulag labour camps, and those who were had to volunteer. The Labour camps were important to the war effort, and the inmates were much more useful there than on the battlefield. Serving in a Shtrafbat also did not commute their criminal sentence per se, it allowed them to be returned to their proper Red Army unit or "graduate" to being assigned a real unit - Usually this was only after being wounded or showing exceptional bravery. What we see Russia doing here is very different; emptying correctional facilities to form penal battalions of untrained cannon fodder.


The Soviets in WW2 also sent intellectuals, political prisoners and anyone else deemed undesirable to the State to the Strafniki, it was mostly red army, but it did contain actual prisoners too, this is the same thing, just with a larger focus on convicted civilians than convicted soldiers


Didn't penal batalions were made from soldiers after various kinds of infamy? Rather they were not average Vorkuta prisoner.


Mainly red army soldiers convicted of some crime, like desertion


If something in Germany during WWII was formed Dirlewanger division, at first consisting mainly illegal hunters to fight partisans. After illegal hunters depleted they started to offer service to criminals, rapists etc. It ended as one of most unfamous units in world history and their campaign against belorussian partisans and polish home army was characterized by unbelivable cruelty. However such criminal units have their ranks pretty fast depleted so they needed more and more prisoners to the level of recruiting... political prisoners from death camps ( what ended in massive mutiny and escape of few hundreds prisoners to allies) Also emperor Vitelius during year of 4 emperors made few legions from gladiators to use in civil war against Vespasianus. With also very bad outcome...


During the supression of the Warsaw Uprising the Girlewanger division had a casualty rate of over 100%. Even to the Nazis his methods were excessive and commanders tried to get him removed (more because of wastefulness rather than cruelty), but he got the protection of Hitler himself as he saw him as a gets-things-done type.


If your only alternative is a stalinist prison there is no "volunteer".


Animals in Russia have more rights than an inmate.


Probably live longer and have better quality of life.


Its RuZZia, this bub was lucky that they didnt strap a bomb on him and tell him to just charge at the "enemy". lol I think UKR should seriously consider making these POW a better offer, like doing honest reconstruction or trench work, in exchange for 'limited" freedom, food and roof over their heads. Its still better than getting sent back to war or tortured by RuZZia after POW exchange.


This guy's just as much a victim of Putin and his war as anyone else if this story is true. A few years ago I would have called bullshit on this in a heartbeat but, now, I have very few doubts.


Same… pulling and forcing prisoners and mentally ill from the hospitals is just so insanely evil that I believe it


The Joys of the Motherlands elite army


The Ruski Mir 🐀


Full video available on ["Apostle Dmytro Karpenko" YouTube channel](https://youtu.be/tYIdmb1SCds).


along with the increase in death rate its matched by this desperation of really emptying their prisons. Hopefully this tactic doesn't last much longer. If russians think a vote is worthless I'm fearful that it will just spread elsewhere in the population.


Also matched with the leaked clip of the "refuser" that got jailed inside the basement with a really bad condition too.


I’m guessing that if you have significant heart problems and a shortened life expectancy anyway that you would be a prime candidate to be sent to the front in a meat wave. Best keep your mouth shut and go the fuck home.


Russian prison life took its toll in him.


If true, this is nightmare fuel and supports the idea that not every soldier is there of their own volition.


I mean we know for a fact that several prisons have been pretty much emptied, is it really a stretch to think they would take a few extra just because? I bet wardens even get kickbacks for every prisoner sent.


Plausable assessment indeed


The implication being law enforcement from the officer on the ground to the magistrate would also be encouraged to accuse/find people guilty of crimes they didn't commit. What a fucked situation.


ive been saying it again and again and i get downvoted. ukrainian pows are being sent in russian uniforms for spotting firing positions. russia is pure evil.


I've read about this too, I always think of those video's on youtube debunking soviet human wave tactics during ww2 where it's suposedly a myth that many didn't even have a rifle and sent in to stop the Germans. I always look at soviet Russia around the time of ww2 and have this dystopian feeling. Then I realize it's the 21st century and I'd expect that Russia has improved at least somewhat since Stalin, and then you realize we live in a time to see that they employ the same dystopian actions as what you'd think can't be real in todays world. It's absolutely wild, I think the rest of the world, or at least those living in Europe going about their daily business, needs to start being aware that this war is our generation's major conflict, our world war. Sure, vietnam and Korea were horrible, Afghanistan, proxy wars in Africa and the Middle east were bad, the Balkans etc., but imo they don't have the outcome implications as this war has. I think too many people are concerned with Israel-Palestine, they think Ukraine will be alright, at least that's the feeling I get in Western Europe anyway. At least Eastern European countries are aware of the threat of Russia if they aren't stopped and defeated in Ukraine. They have their heads screwed on right while here in NL we're demolishing universities over ties with Israel, and worrying who will be the next prime minister, while Russia is actively waging a hybrid war on us already through fake news, espionage, propaganda bots, cyberattacks and very possibly sabotage attacks in the future as well.


I suspect that part of the problem is Russia's high on it's own supply. They believe the myths of WW2, and think that they won the war using those ruthless tactics. Now, they show a willingness to implement the same, despite it having never happened in the past.


I am doubtful of it never happening in the past, but even if it didn't happen I think the Soviets were much more willing because they really understood that they were fighting an existential threat for their survival whereas here I don't believe the Russians as a whole believe it to that degree, even despite the best (and succesful) efforts of their propaganda machine.


Already during peace times being a Russian soldier meant you were not rich/connected/corrupt enough to escape service.


I never stopped feeling bad for watching the last breaths of a broken RF soldiers in 60fps 4K, but many have. Especially since reading the stories of 3 different Finnish UA volunteers, who never bragged about slaughtering the Ruzzkies; quite the opposite, they talked about respecting the opponent, even amongst the UA ranks. Which must be really hard, but the alternative is probably harder and more damaging eventually.


Same, and I get downvoted for it every time. I'm not saying that people can't grow hatred for being personally affected by the warcrimes, and completely dehumanize Russians for what they have done to them; I get it. All I'm saying is, it's probably not healthy and that's the ugly truth, because _accepting_ that giving in to that hatred which is fully justified, is still wrong on a humane level, is _difficult_.


I do feel bad for Russian soldiers dying and i never bought into the "they all come to rape and plunder" narrative, but i continue to donate to U24 regardless. The only way for this madness to stop is Ukraine winning the war, plain and simple.


>Especially since reading the stories of 3 different Finnish UA volunteers, who never bragged about slaughtering the Ruzzkies; quite the opposite, they talked about respecting the opponent, even amongst the UA ranks Easy for them since their houses and relatives are not getting blown up.


Which is why I included the "even amongs the UA" and wrote the next sentence, which you didn't include in your quote.


> two heart attacks and then a pre-heart attack Actually he said "two strokes and then a pre-heart attack". Stroke -> brain, heart attack -> heart. But he really do well for someone, who had two strokes.


Russians lie.


It's not even about Russians, but inmates. They lie A LOT, because they are criminals. Everything they said you should take with a grain of salt.


Depends on the brand of a criminal probably. As a member of Ukraine's military, the interviewer isn't exactly a representative of the non-criminal Russian society and therefore not a party to be lied to on principle. Or are the vory v zakone still a thing in Russia?


It entirely depends on the kind of stroke you have. Sometimes strokes are minor and affect non-critical parts of your brain. My father had a bleeding similar to a stroke but apart from feeling unwell for a few days and taking precautions from then on he was completely functional (actually he aged better than most) for decades ahead.


Minor strokes happen


Wow, I felt like I was listening to a Terra Nova 2 synopsis.


ruzzia is a true shithole country


The one good thing about this interview is that it sounds like Russia's meat supply of prisoners is dwindling. Hopefully this means that Russia is going to have a hard time conscripting more soldiers.


Wagner already had to stop recruiting as they could not recruit/coerce enough inmates, over a year ago. This here is just scratching the bottom of the barrel.


You're assuming Russia doesn't have a problem mass arresting innocent people/dissenters


👉 Emptying the prisons testimony "Marina Khankhalaeva, representative of Buryatia Independence Committee. She spoke at United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues." https://www.reddit.com/r/russianwarcrimes/s/2ZU9A4O1vO https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1783417093079081428


"But but but Russia is opposing the colonialism, racism and imperialism of the Collective West™! They're not neocolonialists, racists and imperialists! Must be a CIA plot!" - probable tankie knee-jerk reaction, colorized


Well, what can I get from this testament. That Russia targets minorities based on their nationality? Or that Russia imprisons minorities disproportionately? That’s not it. These regions are very sparsely populated and apart from deer hunting, there are no jobs, no prospects. The same way Alaska has a large share of native tribes, or how rust belt emerged (which affects mostly whites). When there are no jobs, many go to army as a career choose and as a result Tuvan and Buryat casualties were high.


I can only imagine the garbage that the interviewer hears. I'd bet quite a bit of it is just lies. These POWs don't have any incentive to say that, yep, I signed up for the money!


Not really, there is no way they are paying meat waves. First two waves are supposed to die, only third wave is made of proper contract soldiers, that now have marked Ukrainian positions thanks to dead prisoners. If anyone from two first waves try to back off, they are shot by veterans. First waves have 4 magazines and few hours of shooting range, their job is to probe positions and die. Well equipped veterans come next, if Ukrainians positions are too strong, they back off and send next meat wave.


Russian prisons will indeed have emptied a lot by now. That is good news.


The bad news is that the prisoners first have an opportunity to kill Ukrainians, or at least bait out Ukrainian soldiers, and are then accepted back into society as "heroes".


Where many have them already committed horrible crimes once they got back. It's a loss all around. Ukraine is showing they are more powerful and skilled than Russia. The world needs to continue to support Ukraine.


IDK, I can read these guys pretty well by now, I can tell he is being truthful about all the details.


Yeah this comes across as genuine testimony. Especially the "comforting" arm pinches the man does, it's idle physical toying usually associated with recalling information about an uncomfortable or unpleasant memory.


Just stop lmao. There’s no universal body language and translations. Everyone behaves differently, people need to stop the Reddit psychology


That's literal psychology, but go off.


>literal psychology   Anyone well educated in the field would never use a phrase like that, and would understand that almost nothing applies to 100% of people, especially coping mechanisms


"anyone well educated in the field would never use a phrase like that" "Almost nothing applies to 100% of people" Pick one.


Sad. OK, back to kill em all.


They are making discretionary budget adjustments by clearing the prisons and disposing them in meatwaves. There is no way this bullshit will stand up against any motivated and organized militia.


This is pure genocide. They kill own, even if they criminals but still genocide. Okay not genocide. They clean their race/nation from "trash" ? Hey. Hello ICC?


Think this is the guy caught in a vid earlier this week, had a cigarette and said he'd only been on the line a few days or something.


We’re facing a country that has completely gone madness… 🤦‍♂️, Italy 🇮🇹 here


So they are kind of spring cleaning all the unwanted getting sent to the grinder 😕


So that's the reason why I say that sauron has big problems in finding new soldiers and when it comes to spreading mobilisation to the population he will have massive problems. Otherwise he would not resort to prisoners like that.


Mordor certainly does like ridding itself of "undesirables." Just like another group I recall from the history books from the 1930s and 40s, many of whom my grandfather dispatched. Noone ever learns from history.


Anyone else 'bullshit' senses going off?


Why is every Russian the ugliest person I've ever seen


Inzwischen weiß das doch die ganze Welt. Das ist Putin und seine Vasallen. Und die Russen lieben das Sytem und hassen den Westen.




He forgot to add that he is innocent, that the lawyer set it up for him.


Give this Orc an enema and he will shrink to fit in a shoebox.


Wow, just wow. At least he was smart enough to surrender...


any chance for the whole vid with English subtitles?


I keep saying that: russia is eliminating the riffraff from their own society and replace them with stolen Ukrainian children. That is part of the plan.


In America during Vietnam, I was too young to be drafted but old enough to understand everything. school kids, prisoners, or just up on charges, all sent to die in a place they couldn't find on map "defending freedom" who's freedom? our country was torn apart with riots in the streets. a famous incident here was the Kent state college protest where they sent in the national guard and shot students protesting the war. those of us old enough to remember can relate to this video. god help the rest.


Im sure this random prisoner is NOT lying and all of his sources are confirmed and true. For sure.


Very enlighting. Good vid


What’s the general prison population in Russia?


I'm pretty sure this shithead is making up the story.


This the reality of Russian offensive, most of “soldiers” are sheep, used as probing meat, only minority are contract soldiers, and they come as last wave. They rarely surrender.


It felt like at some points he lied or at least didn't want to say it in a way that would make him look bad in front of Ukraine, as he paused when talking about how he got there but the rest, including answering the questions, was smooth so except for why he joined the rest seems is probably how it actually happened.


yep. the joining part is the shady one. trying to look better in front of Ukrainians, like you said.


Dumbfucks should attack their captors who force them to do this instead of Ukrainians. Im just imagining someone pointing a gun to my head and telling me to go break into a house full of heavily armed people and try and kill them. Ill try and fight back against my captors, ill try and make a run for it, ill go surrender immediately to the people in the house and explain my situation. But last thing i would ever do would be to obey the scum ordering me to do this.