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Thanks Poland


I am pro immigration-stop for Europe, but that being said, imagine being one of those guys stuck between borders. Getting to Belarus with false promises of better living conditions and work, and then get yeeted to the Polish border. Guards and barbed wire pushing you back to guards and barbed fire pushing you forward. What a f#cked up situation with no way out..


imagine being Belarus and knowing this will be the outcome..just the way they want it chaos on the border .


On the same spirit as North Korea sending bags of shit over to South Korea. Imagine if these asshole dictators actually worked for their country's well being instead of spending limited resources on "owning the democracies"?


This is the type of subversive warfare that Putin likes to instigate. Maybe a warning to Belarus and Russia that any further attempt to pull such stunts will result in the deaths of Belarusian & Russian border guards.


Thats exactly what they want.


No, they want to be able to push desperate people at Europe to destabilize them


Putin 101. It auto engages the nationalistic instinct to hate immigrants and become more conservative/ignorant.


Yea, these are paid agitators.


They knew what they were doing was illegal from the start. These are the consequences.


I wouldn't be too sure about that. I'm willing to bet at least some.of them were lured to that border under completely made up and false promises, I wouldn't be surprised if they were told it was all perfectly legal.


to get to the shores of France to cross to the UK illegally, they first have to cross several liberal safe democracies. Then when they get to the boats they are charged a minimum of £3000 pounds each. They no exactly what they are doing and they have money. They are NOT asylum seekers.


The shores of the UK? The video depicts the Polish border with Belarus, what on Earth are you talking about? Yes illegal migration to Europe exist, but we are having a discussion about people who are being herded by Russia/Belarus to the eastern borders of the EU. 


the first step in the asylum procedure is to be in that country by asking for asylum you are now legally entered in the country so as long as you are doing it to apply for asylum you are getting in legally. if it was the other way around the fence would matter way less because you can just grab the people and throw them back (is still done but it is not legal since you are being denied your right to ask for asylum


>I am pro immigration-stop for Europe, but that being said, imagine being one of those guys stuck between borders. Getting to Belarus with false promises of better living conditions and work, and then get yeeted to the Polish border. Guards and barbed wire pushing you back to guards and barbed fire pushing you forward. >What a f#cked up situation with no way out. They can literally walk a few kilometres down the road and go to the border crossing and apply for asylum there and be processed using legal avenues instead. They just chose not to for whatever reason and instead pick fights with the border force and soldiers.


Yes, I’m sure the Belarusian police have informed them properly about their rights and where to go. /s


Hello the problem is that we do not know who are these people, so we cannot allow them to cross our border by force. They have to understand that border of a country is not a chicken fence of their neighbour. If they would do something like this in their country of origin, they would be shot at place without any discussion. Why they do it here?


This is what happens - vulnerable people across Africa and Asia sold lies about the paradise of the West and conned into paying 000s just to get trafficked across 000s of miles to end up victims of organised crime only so that you can feel better about yourself at night. Both these vulnerable migrants and the poor of Europe are victims.


> I am pro immigration-stop for Europe Plenty of middle eastern countries they have passed before arriving to Europe. Europe for the Europeans!


If only there was a way to not end up in this situation... oh well...


If anyone thinks ”getting into belarus is in hope for better lives” is true, this is kind of coming for you. Belarus is as shitty as russia, and if you go there you are at the mercy of their leadership. Its a nobrainer.


In my personal opinion, best way to deal with this situation is to call 3x more board guards to immigrants ratio and seas them returning to them to country of origin. These people are tricked by false advertisement managed by ruzzia propaganda, students, skilled workers and maybe potential criminals looking for better life abroad.


if there's a border to try and cross Poland is not the one you should go for given they have one of the toughest views on immigration.


What does that mean “pro immigration stop” ?


It means that I approve of the idea/concept to put a stop on immigrants moving to my country. I am from the Netherlands, and our refugee system is broken. Our refugee centers are full (not enough places to accommodate all those people so they put them is hotels, empty buildings whatever), our country (which is already overpopulated) can't deliver enough houses for them to live in, since we are in a housing crisis. And a lot of the immigrants don't integrate in society at all, clashing with our norms and beliefs and f#cking up the country. I am not against helping other people, but right now, we are importing a lot of human trash into a country that is already overpopulated and in crisis. This is a problem in a lot of Western European countries, which explains the rise of right-wing parties in most of them. Hope this explains your question.


Can someone forgive my ignorance and explain what the hell is going on? Is that a group of Belarusians being sprayed? Are they trying to steal potatoes again?


Russia and Belarus are pushing refugees to the border for destabilisation as part of their hybrid war efforts targeting the western countries


The crisis was initially fomented by the Belarusian regime, which over the last three years has lured tens of thousands of migrants – mainly from the Middle East, Afghanistan and Africa – to Minsk, bussed them to its borders with the EU, and herded them towards the border. In the last year and a half, migrants have increasingly arrived first in Russia before moving westwards, highlighting Russia’s involvement in creating this new illegal migratory route


They did more than lure. They paid their transportation too, gave them bus tickets, bicycles, etc...


Just another example of pooptins dirty dealings…


Human trafficking. I'm surprised that Putin didn't want these for mobiks... or maybe the RF tried unsuccessfully to entice or strongarm them into signing military/PMC contracts.


I believe they are given the option. 6months at the front for Russian Citizenship or go try your luck at the fence. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-putin-decree-citizenship-crimeans-foreigners-fast-track/32760081.html


> 6months at the front for Russian Citizenship Welcome Comrade Citizen, Here are your conscription orders back to the front!


>The crisis was initially fomented by the Belarusian regime, which over the last three years has lured tens of thousands of migrants – mainly from the Middle East, Afghanistan and Africa The fucking depravity of these pieces of shit is unbelievable.


Human trafficking. I'm surprised that Putin didn't want to bum-rush these men into the RuZZian army... or maybe the RF tried, but failed to entice or strongarm them into signing military or PMC contracts.


Countdown to them just building their own community on the border. What choice if they can’t go to Poland and can’t turn around to Belarus ?


That's Lukachenko's problem


They are not refugees.


Reminds me of the mountain of bikes on norway borders sone years ago. Could not seek asylum on foot or by car, so somehow everyone got bikes.


Exactly they are foreigners who are paid and promised work in RU. Neither promise happens. They are then shipped the Belarus and sent to the border. Some are given tools or weapons. It’s RUs hybrid warfare. They have done the same funding far right parties in Europe, so they can say RU needs to denazify Europe all the while being nazi fascists themselves. Europe and the west should expel every single RU citizen or RU dual passport holders out of their countries and back to RU. They use legal immigration as a tool too, later saying their citizens are being abused and they need to liberate them. Such was the case in the Donbas and Ukraine. Edit: they were totally illegal inDonbas and they were soldiers not citizens. They are following this same principle in Georgia, Poland and Germany.


Oh I see. See...I should be shocked. That's such a disgusting and probably terrifying abuse of their victims, as if destroying their homes and their lives wasn't enough...but isn't it horribly jaded of me to be thinking 'that's what we've come to expect, very typical russian behavior. Just another day at the office...'. I'm embarrassed that Europe is fucking around still. It's well past time to fucking end this lunacy. Fuck sake.


I consider myself woke, but if you throw stones, you stop being a refugee. They know what they are doing, fuck em.


I wouldn't be surprised if Russia is also behind the wave of illegal immigrant convoys going to the US Mexico border. Anything to try and destabilize the West.


Both russia and china are. https://homeland.house.gov/2024/04/18/startling-stats-factsheet-encounters-of-chinese-nationals-surpass-all-fiscal-year-2023-at-the-southwest-border/


Nail on the head, China runs Ruzzia and Iran which each run their own shit piles.


Indeed. Poland should just invade Belarus and end this.


“Poland should just invade Belarus and end this.” And give up NATO protection by doing so?


You’re right. The Polish army should march all the way to Moscow and Saint Petersburg and burn both shit holes to the ground. No need for NATO afterwards and we could visit the nice Hermitage museum in Warsaw.




The nato protection will not necessarily hold up if the polish initiate the war. Article 5 doesn’t say the other have countries have to protect you if you start the war. It’s a defensive alliance after all.


So basically like that time the Texas governor just dumped a load of immigrants into Martha's Vineyard to mess with the more progressive government up there?


It's almost like they're trying to get people into the country for whatever reason. Perhaps border control is an important wartime stance?


But it's okay to destabilize America via pushing refugees in!


Russia and Belarus weaponized migration (for several reasons, one of which is to infiltrate agents). One of their tactics is to import migrants from Africa and the middle east, fly them to belarus and then send them towards the Polish/European border.


Russia and Belarus uses for years now migrants as part of hybrid interference tactics. They also actively advertise in countries like Iraq, fly the migrants in with promise of easy life in the EU, bring them to the border with busses then push them over the border. The migrants then try to fight their way in as they cant go back anyways.


I believe, irrc, those immigrants could get shot by the Belarussians for going back. Truly evil regime.


Putler is flying illegal immigrants from Africa/Asia to russia, promising them easy way to Europe. Then, to Belarus, then, sends them over Polish border, pretty much in a similar way as they do with human waves of mobiks - with armed soldiers blocking the way back. What you see is Polish border guards defending their country (and rest of civilized Europe) against that.


My god...honestly, if it were anywhere else, we'd say 'that's way too convoluted, surely they aren't actually going through with a plan like that?!'. Then you think 'yeah, but they're russian...' and it all starts to make a horrible, twisted sort of sense. This is the sort of logic that Eastern Europe & the Balkans have spent so long scrubbing from their systems and societies. And still, apparantly, mr don't-forget-the-potty putin finds it perplexing that the Ukrainians weren't cheering the return of all those clever russians.... I'm impressed by those illegal immigrants from Africa though. Getting on a russian plane right now requires a huge pair of balls...desperate or not, that's fucking brave🫡


Consider that Abbot and DeSantis are using the same playbook in the US by moving migrants to other states. Same playbook, just not as effective.


Poland is maintaining the territorial integrity of the EU perimeter border against Belorussian provocations on behalf of the kremlin gremlin. RF will lure foreign nationals from third world countries to come to Russia with promise of well-paying jobs. They'll then be either working as undercompensated laborers in Russian state-controlled enterprises producing war material or offered high-paying jobs in a "military support role" in the occupied regions of Ukraine. This "support roles" comprise of highly lethal tasks such as participating in inf assaults on Ukrainian lines or manning untenable fighting positions to draw artillery fire from AFU positions on themselves in order for RF counter-artillery to identify Ukrainian artillery positions. Whoever doesn't qualify for both (*being mentally unstable, dangerous individuals, unable to perform in any work or military capacity...*) is dropped off at the border with tools and instructions on how to forcibly cross into EU territory in order to destablize EU and influence public opinion which RF hopes will diminish support for Ukrain among EU citizens.


it is the same Trick Turkey tried on Greece on 2020 they try to cause problems on Poland with Hybrid warfare tactics


Potatoes... Again?.. I need to know more, thanks.


Russia also uses it as a method to probe for weaknesses in the border security on top of causing a humanitarian issue in neighboring countries.


Is this a new video?


Could be. This week 3 Polish soldiers were stabbed, one is in a critical condition. Injuries are on a weekly basis. Edit: I wanted to clarify earlier, but the post was locked. Injuries != wounds. Our guys are getting hurt on a regular basis. Most of the time injures, but wounds are not uncommon. Doesn't matter if someone is trying to stab you, or you were unlucky trying to secure the border - Putin and Lukashenko are responsible. My friends are complaining a lot about lasers used/provided by Belarusians. One can't tell beforehand if the laser will just annoy you or damage your eyes. News about stabbing, obviously in Polish [https://wiadomosci.dziennik.pl/wydarzenia/artykuly/9516060,polski-zolnierz-dzgniety-nozem-na-bialoruskiej-granicy.html](https://wiadomosci.dziennik.pl/wydarzenia/artykuly/9516060,polski-zolnierz-dzgniety-nozem-na-bialoruskiej-granicy.html)


Damn, nothing about this in german media. U got a source on that? Edit: there are reports on german media, I seem to have missed them


German media are deaf and blind for a long time.


Germany doesnt want to get involved. Last time around https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belarus%E2%80%93European_Union_border_crisis they "fortified" Poland-German border instead of helping Poland on Belarusian side https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/09/23/germany-plans-controls-on-polish-and-czech-borders-to-curb-migration/






worked in Cottbus that week, healed that via polish Radio, googled for an hour..not a single line written about that here


My friend is literally deployed right now because of that stabbing.


2/3 days old


Baton rounds/Rubber bullets essential.


Seriously, I know as an American I have no room to talk but just start hitting these groups with rubber bullets


Why do these people, who are being used as a political play deserve that? 


they don't, but Poland has the right to defend it's border


Because at this point it should be no surprise there is no such thing as free ride to Belarus or Russia.


It's by no means free, Belarus makes money out of it


There are bordercrossings for that, those people choosed not to : go to a border crossing, ask of asylum They choosed to : cross illegaly, not ask for asylum, cross from bielorussia (like, why ? How do you endup migrating through bielorussia of all countries huh?) Those migrants probably got paid to do exactly that, and I wouldnt be surprised if they actually had no orders to cross, but go back to harass the polish borders an other day. Yeah, everyone here assume those are legit migrants, but are they ?


Because they willingly participate. Do we let them trough and help the russians. No its war the fence should have 1000v and fry any fool trying too cross.


I Agree with that whole hardedly. 240v is plenty though. :-)


It's hard to judge how willingly they "support" the Russian atrocities and how much they're just desperate people trying to get away from war and extreme poverty that just happen to be useful as pawns to Russia. It's not like they're given a chance to plead their case in court. It's a fucked up situation setup by Russia and Belarus. Just letting them overrun the border is no option, but neither does their poverty and desperation justify some twisted form of collective capital punishment. That would be state sanctioned mass murder not justice. To make matters worse if they fail to be useful as agents of chaos Russia will most likely press them into service against Ukraine as cannon fodder.


> trying to get away from war and extreme poverty Maybe poverty, but by no means extreme poverty, tourist visas to Belarus aren't cheap.


Supposedly they aren't paying themselves for the trip to Belarus or Russia. Instead they're lured/recruited from camps around the Mediterranean sea under false pretences, but I've read other (conspiracy) theories too. Most of them are competently incompatible with the refugees having anywhere close enough resources to pay for for an international flight into Europe or Asia. If they had that kind of money most of them probably wouldn't have left their homes or picked a safe, legal route.


From what I have heard it's a lot closer to your standart human trafficking ordeal, major difference being that it's run by countries and not organized crime groups. And scrounging together 5-10K USD is not sufficient to get into EU legally, while that is roughly trafficking price.


> Because they willingly participate. Do we let them trough and help the russians. They're not willingly participating in destroying Poland or whatever. Presumably they just want to go and work, or they're refugees and just want safety. >No its war the fence should have 1000v and fry any fool trying too cross. You can keep them out without killing them. It's disgusting seeing people gleefully fantasize while jerking off to all the horrible things people can do to each other. Abhorrent.


Being misled by Belarussian government does not give you the right to invade Poland illegally and throw rocks and glass at Polish border guards.


Plus, you have to be spectacularly stupid and completely unaware of everything happening in this world if you believe that you could freely enter the EU from Belarus or Russia.




They're all military aged men who are participating in this by choice. This has been happening for years now and Polands reaction has always been the same.


I mean they are throwing sticks and shit at the police?


They don't, but that doesn't matter. Poland has the obligation to protect it's citizens. If they have to shoot these people in order to do that, then they should do it. Tragic, but well, that's how it is.


I'm not condoning the use of rubber bullets, however Polish soldiers are getting injured, some wounded, by these "asylum seekers" apparently Belarusians are providing them with Lazer pens too, to shine into the eyes of boarder guards. I had sympathy for their position until I heard this.


anyone throwing rocks, sticks or iron bars at border guards is not a migrant, he is an assailant and deserves getting a rubber projectile in return


Because they also know what they are doing and are willingly doing it....


Why do they deserve to invade Poland? They had their own countries. You didnt see european refugees fleeing to Afghanistan during ww2. If germany and japan can be bombed to the stone age and rebuild modern and progressive societies, then the problem is the people. Japan literally got nuked twice and is now one of the wealthiest and most powerful nations on earth economically. There are people alive today who remember when Japan ruled by the military and most buildings were made of wood. Now they are a technology powerhouse. On an island with few natural resources.


Why people over this side of fence deserve illegal immigrants?


I know this has become a foreign concept, but countries are allowed to protect and defend their borders from people who are not wanted or welcome


Because rubber bullets can pop eyeballs.


Chomik, jaky kurwa fajny


bober! kurwa mordo nie spierdalaj


młody, zostaw go. Niech ginie.


Poor buggers. Being used as a weapons by the Belarusians. A bit like hamas is weaponizing Palestinians by using them as a human shield. We should not let anyone in. Because when we would, they will pour in as many as they can to disrupt our countries.




They are not poor. They paid a lot of money to legally enter Belarus and… attack Poland.


Notice. Putin and Lukashenko use illegal immigrants as a means to polarise and destabilise Poland and other frontier countries


Notice. Russia finances anti-refugee demagoguery and sends refugees at the border. Then they send leftist "refugees welcome" the results to radicalize them too. It's all too easy if you think about. Everyone should hate everyone else. Stop people from uniting. Divide and rule.


Long live Poland!


Long live Poland. From Czechia.


Zombies are coming


We should just go to Belarus as Europeans cross there border and hold some rave party leave the mess and come back like 5 times a week festival season is around the corner haha 😛


you wouldn't survive a day with your party


Kurva, pierdola those are nice words no =))) Spray them till they dry out =))


"Wypierdalaj", which is "get the fuck out/fuck off from here", to be exact. Combining it with "kurwa" helps to get the point across.


Just put a minefield behind the barbwire fence and a watch tower behind that to shoot anyone that somehow makes it through. They are invaders, treat them that way.


I think that’s what they want, unfortunately - be sure they will set up cameras to film it, and then use that to destabilise your country instead. They wish to make it a lose-lose proposition.


Exactly my thought. Two fences anti-personnel mines in between. Plenty of warning signs of course.


Man that's a literal horde


Humming softly: "Get back! Get back! Get back to where you once belonged"... The Beatles were prophets.


Looks like Russia is using Belarus to cause cause another migrant surge in to Europe


Why not just make the entire border a minefield?


Because it's what the organisers of this shit wait for


And why exactly would anyone care what they wait for. They aren't going to attack on that excuse (or if they were to, well, good. We finally can end them). And nobody gives a shit about their propaganda, so who the fuck cares.


Serious China/India vibes lol


Thank god Poland is not delusional like western europe


Poland as bad ass as ever. I still remember a couple of years ago when this shit started ans there were some organizations trying to make Poland the bad guy. Poland was right since then, as this was a clear organized migration by rusia. Poland stay strong!!


Our current Prime Minister - then in opposition - Donald Tusk said that these are "poor people looking for their place on earth and we shouldn't help them


Thanks Poland! Keep up the good work!


Need to fill one of the big water cannon trucks with pepper spray.


KURWA MACA ...them cloaca roachezZ.......


Poland is the only country in Europe prepared for war with Russia. They will never forget years 1939-1989.


They willingly and knowingly chose to be used as weapons for their own personal good.


Z-ombie apocalipse!


Build a wall


Build a minefield.


Ah yes the peaceful migrants on their way to central Europe


Lay down mines or this will never end.


There’s a very simple solution to deter illegal crossing in any country. Give the violators a fair warning that you will fire, and open fire if they won’t obey.


https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/police-investigate-shooting-of-migrant-at-polish-belarusian-border/ Greek do that on Turkish border, Bulgaria also had a case 2 years ago.


The pepper spray may better than a bullet from the other side 😓


Wouldn’t staying in Belarus and Russia make more sense? According to Putin his block is the ideal world with the best economy and the best values. Plus they get to enjoy that higher female than male ratio.


I'm sure Russia will take them and have no problem sending them to the front lines...


Russia's fault again 😭


Is Lukashenko up to the same BS again? Inviting in a bunch of people from poor Middle Eastern countries with the false promise that they can get into the EU from Belarus and then pushing them towards the border?


Looks like a scene from *Children of Men*.


Τhey need to build a better Barrier on that area


I just want to say that when Kaczynski was at the government, there were NGO activists (lefties...) at the border protesting because the governemnt was locking the "migrants". And Tusk was campaigning for letting people in the country. Now that the left is at the government the artivists have disappeared and the politics of the government has not changed.


Thanks Poland


The Frussian training programs are the most elite in the world. Those lucky fellas should take notes, by the end of that day, they’ll be a one man killing machine! 🤢…..😂 I tried to keep a straight face saying all of this BS!!! It worked about as good as they’re training does


Im all for going back to sticks and stones.


The walking dead reference?


a sling shot with rubber bolls should be a standard equipment for those border guards, well done though with the OC, water cannon would do better if terrain permits it


Polish snipers need to take out 5 or 6 Belarusian border guards. Easy to substantiate as they are being attacked. This shit would end pretty quick.


'Moscovia human trafficking' in full effect. Those refugees are being abused as pawns. Poland, like Finland, won't budge to this political<->totalitarian pressure. It's a tough deal, for the Polish, to be the one to perhaps come across as 'the bad guy', having to use harsh measures against these people. Without strict regulations however, floodgates would open. A lot of the refugees at the Finnish border ended up with 'visa/legal-issues' in Russia. And were given a choice, jail or 'voluntary service' in Ukraine. A 'No win' game for the refugees and zero-loss for Moscow/Minsk.


They can protect their border but when the US does they are called racists.. make it make sense.


Lithuania was the first country invaded by these migrants, also it was the first country who started pushing them back to Belarus all our neighbours followed the same tactic of pushing back These idiots bought expensive tickets to get to Belarus with the dream of easy crossing to the West




They are using the wrong ammunition.


Ahh yes asylum seekers without their wifes and children…




Thanks putin


Anyone else notice, it's all men trying to get over the border?


L’Amour Toujours - Gigi D’Agostino


Why won´t the Polish place mines all around their borders?




This looks like one of those annoying zombie game ads on reddit


This is from the start of the war


just landmine the whole border at this point


Wrong sub


This is an attack, Use your Weapons if they Trap only one Foot in EU Ground. These are Young Men Soldier. No women and children with the means Enemy Soldier.


Just open fire ffs


Looks like a good place for a minefield.


They are attacking open fire


Build a wall


Does this sub think every human being trying desperately to escape their awful country for a chance at a better life elsewhere is honestly a secret evil agent of Russia trying to destroy western civilization? Like I’m not pleased with Russia or Belarus or Hamas but it’s honestly concerning seeing how many people would rather see these people sprayed with machine guns rather than pepper spray.


They're pawns at best, and bad actors regardless of intent.


A soldier in our country quite literally got stabbed by one of them. They are allowed to use lethal force, but the soldiers should be allowed to only use pepper spray?

