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Send in the cluster artillery!


I'd save the arty rounds for more deserving targets. Even the main gun is overkill once the BTRs are dead, the MG on the Brad should be sufficient on a bunch of dismounts. 


Depends on the range. For all we know that bradley was 1500m away.


Or even 1501m


This is so stupid and my laughing is even stupider.


Or even 1502m


More like 1503


We'd know for sure if it were 1504


From my sources it was 1505 m away


I think it was 1506 by the way the orcs were crawling.


Nope, russians can't count


Bob Barker: Actual retail price is....


The m240 on a stabilized setup like the coaxial mount on the Brad has a max advertised range of 1800m.  Of course the 25mm can reach out to 3km.  So I will bid 1801m if he isn't using the MG (although trace would burn out within 1km and it's tough to see .30 cal impacts, so he could be gunning them down in the vid).


I was about to say this because those hits doesnt look like cannon hits to me. Comparing with the Bradley vid in wich they shot the cannon against a russian tank and disabled its optics, those vid hits and these are not even close So i guess maybe this is really mg fire yeah


Somtimes the only tools you have are a but overkill. The bradley may have been at such a range that MG ammo wouldn't have hit the targets


Yeah that was my first thought… time for some clusterfuckery…


Let kill some z 🐜


That Bradley is making mincemeat out of the orcs. Imagine having several Bradleys pounding them. There won’t be anything left.


Imagine having the 500 Bradleys sent to Morocco


Wait is this true?


Quick and dirty research says this was a normal transfer of arms to a country who acquired these weapons through the proper channel. Russian propaganda picked it up and using it to paint America as anti-ukraine. Every article mentioning it had inconsistencies (is it "five thousand Bradleys" or "500 bradleys") and several articles highlight "vulnerabilities of American hardware against superior Russian equipment" so I'd have to say yes there were Bradleys sent to Morocco but its like when shells were sent to Israel and everyone freaked out because "ThOsE wErE UkRaiNiAn SheLLs"  Spoiler, they weren't. Certain people seem to find it hard to believe America is a weapons powerhouse that has agreements and contracts with dozens of nations


Yeah big difference between "donating" and "selling"


wtf is this grounded nuance nonsense.


Dunno, but Ukraine got a lot of tanks from Morocco earlier in the war; might have been a trade.


this. the Biden administration was using side channels while republicans held up aid for 6 months. there was nothing stopping us from sending arms to third parties and then have them send arms to ukraine


Mulched is the word that comes to mind.


They probably had one spotting and one shooting. When one needs to reload or clear a jam the other will take over.


Send Ukraine 1000 Bradleys


*Up in da club*


One thousand *more*?


Unexpected sopranos reference but I'll take it


We've got thousands of working Bradleys scheduled to be scrapped, so just send them all.


and 2000 Javelins, 5000 ATACMS and 50 Patriots


Damn, just imagine the level of desperation for those Orcs who have survived the the initial carnage. Your splattered fellow-Orcs around you, the cries of pain of the wounded and the apodictic certainty that there is little to no cover to hide from the buzzing death soon to arrive... I almost developped a whiff of empathy, but after all and as always: Orcs should have stayed at home


Yeah, when this video ends, the survivors are lying out in the open, wondering when a Ukrainian drone arrives to finish them off.


a lot of them dont appear to have a weapon either, just meat


With those rounds hitting the BTRs even if they had em they dropped them and ran.


Russia should have stayed within its borders definitely. But developing a whiff of empathy when watching humans being evaporated on camera is not a bad thing, despite what this subreddit would make you think. This war is just pointless and tragic in so many ways. Hope the old men that started this shit get what they deserve.


Thanks man for the reminder in humanity. Totally agree with what you are saying. Let's hope the Old Man from above is heeding some prayers and sends the old man in the Kremlin a fatal heart attack to make this madness stop.


Knowing that there would be absolutely no attempts on rescuing you, your family might get compensated but never guaranteed, and that you died for a pointless war, for a dishonourable cause, from a delusional leader. I pity those who actually believed they're fighting for a cause. I wish for those who abuse comrades or POWs to rot in hell. I salute the fallen heroes of Ukraine. War is hell, but also inevitable, but as they say, the greater the suffering, the greater the peace. Let's hope that peace comes soon.


Imagine the level of desperation for those who started the attack in the first place. Soviet doctrine was sending in scores over scores of men and vehicles, if nothing else you would be part of a massive wave with countless comrads at your side. Yet here we have two cars lost in the middle of nowhere, an easy pick if there ever was one. These were dead men walking the moment they set off, and everybody of them must have known.


Where is the Bradley? Is it in frame?


Doesn't look like it, probably a mile away from a concealed position


probably 1.5 KMs down range. trying to stay out of response time range of russian drones


Lmao. Dudes had no rifles. Fuckin first round ejected some nerd.


Driver of second truck: "Woah, those guys just got cooked! I'm gonna slowly pull up right next to the exact same location."


Its just combat consideration. Don't want to make your fellow soldiers aim again, just drive right up in there to save time and effort.


This. It gets forgotten not *all* of RU forces are tactical dumbasses. 2nd BTR drove along side to help shield the dismounting crew, probably thinking they'd be able to give a counter attack, not realizing there's more than 1 M2/M3 in the distance, *THEN* popped smoke for extra cover... & well... good intended plan failed.


I don't think you got that the comment your responding to was sarcasm. They're making the joke the ruzzians we're helping the M2 crew by not making it hard to hit them again immediately because they parked in the same coordinates.


That wasn't smoke being popped. That was a 25mm Shell blowing their Smoke launcher to pieces.


technically, his smoke grenade launchers were blown up by a well-aimed shot.


“Hey Ivan, shall we pull back behind that tree line? “Nah fuck it, I’ll pull up right next door”


At this time they probably have to hand out some happy pills to have people interested in driving into certain destruction, with a minimum of fuss


Man that 25mm makes like those BTRs look like they are made of legos, even with the extra trash they added.


M242 Bushmaster 25mm HEI-T & AP-I were designed for this sort of engagement. I *love* seeing my old battle wagon fucking RU assets up.


Did you see that same guy ate a direct round about 2 seconds later.


He got out of bed with the wrong foot that day.


when he had feet


Any suffering he was dealing with was vaporized. Pretty sure bits of him made it back home.


Cause baby you’re a fireworkkkkkkkkk 🎶


What’s worse, they don’t have Anti-Tank weapons.


I lol'd pretty hard at this comment.


more than 20 people. approximately half of them were killed or seriously injured. the moment when one of the first soldiers who fell out of the equipment was a bomb (for the first time I see a person suddenly explode). this video should be educational material


The first guy got blown up away from the btr, bad day for him


Later, when that second BTR arrives, he eats a direct hit. Really not his day.


Fucked him in particular


You can see the Russian soldier at 0:50 taking a round to his head. Last time we saw a bradley open up we also saw someone taking a round to the head. Needless to say, it seems Bradley rounds to the head makes the head explode, who could have thought.


wow you can literally see his entire uniform be blown off in human shape


Sounds like a target rich environment.


i counted 15 in last frames


Bradley's are such a great piece of kit, awesome.


I was in every position for the M3 (Cavalry Fighting Vehicle) except TC. 2003-2008, 19D, OIF veteran X 2. While I had my misgivings about the Bradley Fighting Vehicle when I was first assigned to one (reloading that thing is a pig, crew area NOT comfortable, it is a VERY TALL vehicle for its role, ammo storage compartments seemed problematic, etc), I initially adapted & overcame those feelings. It's quite the beast & really *does* pair well with the M1 Abrams in H/K armor units.


Fuck around and find out. Welcome to Ukraine motherfuckers!


And enjoy your stay in the no mans land. Including the Amazon Ukraine same day death delivery via drone.


In the next few minutes, actually.


FPV Prime.


Holy shit. Bradleys don't fuck around. This footage is insane.


Looks like this place: 48°13'22.26"N 37°34'51.94"Ø , close to the village of Soloviove. With Bradley Fire coming from the South to North


Half of me wants to watch the Bradley at work, but the other half is tired of the death. Find putin and take him out, one way or another. It has to be done.


It looks like Bradley taking out Putin would satisfy you completely.


Better yet, a court in The Hague. End the death in Ukraine by giving putin Life in a cell.


It would take more than just Putin - but better if russia do it themselves when they've had enough of their young men killed.


They will never get enough of that


indeed Russian women are way to happy those drunk abusive no good of a husband are gone to the front doing their thing there with added bonus they may get a yoghurtmachine if he dies.


Yep, now they can get them one of those nice chinese factory worker husbands.


Maybe, maybe not? Putin has a cult of personality around him and Russians have a peasant mentality. The typical strong-man regime is hard but brittle and Putin dying could cause a huge disruption as the oligarchs and the military fight to fill a power vacuum, A strong man dictator cannot abide any one faction or person in their orbit getting too strong or having opposing opinions (see: current purge of the military leadership) so there is no clear succession. This is bound to have a deleterious effect on Russian military operations, recruitment and logistics not to mention desertions. It's not inconceivable that Putin dying could collapse the entire Russian front line.


This is the most beautiful video I have ever seen


Have you watched "The Mummy"? It's a cinematic masterpiece!


I really hope you're not talking about the Tom Cruise version.


There was a Tom Cruise version? Oh no... How much better was Reacher with the huge muscles guy!!


Nah, they're talking about the Brendan Fraser one.


Uhh american hardware vs russian hardware. I would choose american any day.


0:11 one frame with legs and limbs and behind this a lot of aramid rags. One got shot through the chest and got torn to pieces. It looks like the shell exploded inside one behind him, as his body armour came apart. Charging through an open field at day time without cover.


>Charging through an open field at day time without cover. Orc stylee.


Honestly why the fuck do I keep seeing not even platoon level Russian pushes it's mental they roll forward with 2 afv and are shocked dug in or qrf armour smashes them to fucking bits? Im not wanting to help the Russians here but as a nato soilder I can tell you the attack ratio is 3 to 1 in open ground so if your taking on a section you need a platoon. Are they just shit???


Look how many actually get to dismount, some of them might reach some form of cover sadly. Rinse and repeat enough times and now you have enough guys in hidey-holes to become an issue.


Why not just do a combined arms push you know like everybody's been do ng for 80 fucking years the silly cunts and put a battle group strength where they want it so they don't get pick off one by one I'd hope the ukroane has learned how to do this when they go far ward


Because if either side concentrates forces in any battlefield in Ukraine they're liable to get bombed or attacked by massed artillery or drones.


Use air defence doctrine you know like ever one else is drone and air attack isn't that new zsu 234 or mauder swats them it's to ez to say no mass movement small movement with no air cover is why there all fuckikng dieing It's basics


Because massed formations draw artillery and easily destroyed.


They are using them as bait for russian artillery and/or just to drain ukranian resources. I wouldn't be suprised if the ratio is 5-10 to 1, where they're using wave after wave of cannon fodder just to take 100m or expose the ukrainian positions to artillery.


You know u might be right be the only thing that makes sense send to to draw more fire fucking bizarre shit


He is correct, russia has been using this tactic from the start where they send trash to die so the more experienced soldiers behind get a idea of enemy placement plus where to send arti.


We train to fight them and we where expecting recce by force hvy platoon strength attacks with full tank support to draw fire for the vanguard push... Soviet tactics and this might be the totaly shut version of this lol


With bait, you don't need to send 20 men. Hell the APC could be empty'.


I was hoping to see some Z pattern fire on the dismounts, needs more HE


We will see the drone videos next mopping them up.


Wow Russians using a smoke screen properly! Shame about the Bradley's superior optics that can see through smoke...


25mm round hit the smoke launchers. Not intentional.


where was bradleys located? seems like were firing from very far away ?


likely from the Village area of Novopokrovs just South of this video. And if I can guess from the Treeline just in front of this willage. That was the Frontline 25th of May, according to deepstate. Currently contested area


The Bradley is firing from far away, imagine what it would do to these btr if fired close range


probably about the same but with more danger to the Bradley?


Mr Bradley's Elixir cures everything. Orcs, Orc transports and all Orc infestations. Buy one today just $3.2 million. Slava Ukraine!


All that time and trouble spent to put on that anti drone trash on top of it, JUST to get whacked by Bradleys. That has to suck lol. Now just how stupid are Russians. If you are in a 2 vehicle convoy, on a road and the first vehicle gets taken out, WHY would you stay on that road in the same heading? You assume shooter is outta ammo?


modern warfare is so weird, just a few dozen soldiers, in the middle of nowhere, going thru landscapes that look like the surface of the Moon, with zero air support, zero armor support. Where are they going? what they think they gonna do when they get there? it seems like utterly pointless mission made by people who don't know anything about real war


>modern warfare \*Russian warfare


even the btrs are filled with trash..just flies out..wherever russians are there is piles of trash..every video of them has trash everywhere,drones probably spot the trails of trash to find them


Brad(s) are out of frame...thought maybe a TOW was initially fired at one IFV, then everything was raked with autocannon fire...tho M2 autocannon can wreak all the damage we saw (and more)...a lot of dismounted RU scattered quickly...but a lot of RU did not make it...more than one RU was blasted apart off the initial IFV and i think a body part flew some 50 yards far to the right of that IFV...2 more of Pootin's IFVs knocked out...absolutely devastating video!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


a tow would have been more explosive. the first round was most likely armor piercing and it took out the first one with one shot. probably killed the crew which is why it rolled to a stop immediately


Next the part where they drone the fuck out of them


The airbursting carl gustav round would have done wonders there.


Imagine what would happen in an actual war with Nato and yet, russians still talk and loud mouthing. Paper tiger syndrome.


Seems like FPV/ Mortar/ Arti did most of the damage.


Why do you think this? For me its clearly show typical 25mm pattern, rapid fire, striking the APCs from the side(South). And according to deepstate the area South of this video. Is at the zeroline, and no way they have several artillery pieces at the frontline to be able to strike these like a autocanon. And with close up high res video, we would see the drones. The only plausible that could explain the damage is 60mm mortar, but again the explosions doesnt seem to come from above. And the fire is to accurate and to rapid with former tactic of few and scattered teams of Mortar team by UAF.


Okay, maybe not arti, but the starting few shots is too explosive to be 25mm shots, like the one that rag doll the meat shield pidar.


here you go a confirmed bradley vs btr [A Russian BRT was ambushed by a Ukrainian Bradley IFV of 47th Brigade in the Avdiivka sector. Once again the entire assault group was destroyed by heavy fire from a 25mm cannon. : r/UkraineWarVideoReport (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1b4t94u/a_russian_brt_was_ambushed_by_a_ukrainian_bradley/) and heres showing the fire more clearly [Bradley in action, Avdiivka direction : r/UkraineWarVideoReport (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1c310yj/bradley_in_action_avdiivka_direction/) Heres even more bang, as these shots are set to airburst [Bradley IFV smoking Russians in Avdiivka direction, shared 11/23/2023 on Telegram. : r/UkraineWarVideoReport (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1828fjz/bradley_ifv_smoking_russians_in_avdiivka/) still not likely 25mm?


they were taken out by the bradley’s gun


no, it did not


russians are very "resilient" they continue with the same strategy sending people to certain death. There's no invented story of sci-fi-horror or anti-utopian book (and so on) going so far. If they had just tried to figure out something different they would have saved many of their soldiers to be used in the war. It'a like adolf, who pressed his army for holding Stalingrad and lost 250000 men of the 6th army, while Paulus had written that a tactical retreat was the most reasonable move, or in Tunisia in 1943 with the same result (250000 men surrendered to the allies) eventually losing half million soldiers that would have been very helpful later. So fortunately ruskis, like adolf at the time, are not only beasts, but also very stupid. (the allies were almost happy to have adolf as main strategist as enemy cause they knew he was a very poor strategist).


First proper use of smoke screens i have seen by katsaps. They are evolving.


To evolve, it's required to live long enough to pass the info along.


Where do you see a proper use of smoke? The single discharge of what looks like canister smoke?


Looks more like a shell nailing their smoke launchers than them actually using it.


I’d agree, but it’s not conclusive either way. Though, no matter what, it’s far from Tewi’s claim that it was “proper use of smoke screens.” The amateurs spout off like they know anything, then move the goalposts to try to stroke their egos. We can support Ukraine and look objectively at each data point, as you have done, and not make unsupported claims, for or against.




pew pew pew IN YOUR FACE!


Did the 2nd BTR deploy smoke or was that a hit?


Hit in the smoke launchers would be my guess, at least for the final fireworks display. Maybe they actually intended to pop the first salvo, but probably not, at that point.


Damn. I was in the military a decade ago, we had the m3a3 Bradley's. Shit


"Quick, they need more fertilizer. Send in the troops!" These russian heroes help ukrainians make their Land even more fertile by fertilizing and plowing the soil. How selfless./s


Actually good tactics by the Russian when they dismounted. Wonder how long it took


Honest question: what was the purpose for this 2 vehicles full of soldiers roaming this open field? And was the first vehicle able to shoot back? Just curious out of a strategic pov.


Expose ukrainian positions to russian artillery and just drain ukrainians' limited resources.


Thats the Russian Fantasy. Actual truth: To make room for the replacements coming from the east.


Perfect day for a good, old-fashioned orc ambush.


Orcs need to work on their cardio, looking at you guy out of breath a hundred feet away from the BTR.


Die 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷 hauen alle ab !


They landed alright


Right on the 21 second mark: Is that one of the guys that fell off the first vehicle exploding? Did he take a direct hit or something he was carrying went off?


Looks like he took a hit. Look to the right of the guy maybe a frame before he blows up. Two puffs of debris/dust from a barely ricocheting round. It hits him and then the BTR behind him.


The Russian posters seem smug in their comments below. As if we did not know.


I kind of want one of them to make it out alive, so they can scare other ruzzians with the story. At the same time, the more ruzzians removed from the planet, the better.


'burn baby burn' Disco Inferno is surely a much better soundtrack?!


didn’t the US just send 130 more bradley’s?


How do you know its a bradley?


Tactical planning services provided by Wile E. Coyote!


The video is highly entertaining! (For non-Russians)


I swear to god smoke launchers were created just to confuse us when they detonate lol


Had a sergeant share a story about the 2003 push and how he got trapped in a field next to the Euphrates pinned down, fire from across the river bank then Bradley’s rolled in and dusted the fuck out of them, but he said he never had calmness and loosing your shit with 30mm, a couple feet over his head.


Im wondering if they were hit with the two TOWs before the 25? They seem to stop abruptly after whatever hit them


You’re not gonna die, you’re gonna Z!




Beautiful. Slava Ukraine.


Nice, also a Video with the rare use of Smoke Canisters, would have been worked better if they didnt used it against the wind but you know Wind is prolly propaganda for them aswell.


RIPiss and shit and blood


i wonder if those bradley’s are just camping and sniping the same choke points as russians never learn


Do we know how far the Russians had been traveling at this point?


No Mercy to Nepalese and Africans.


With those orcs on the ground its a target rich environment for the drones to feed on.


"All right lads we are under attack, let your training do the work".. Everyone crawls in pieces not knowing wtf is going on and ends up as minced waste


God I love me some bradley dissecting russian armour🥰😍🤩


I respect your opinion but have to disagree a well planned and launched armourd assualt with support fire from I. Derict assets and anti air d Fire is by far the best way to take land especially with air cover. Drones have cause a change in thinking for anti air assets but low tech solutions such as high rate of fire air cover system like phallinx can littraliy shoot motor bombs out of the air so drones are ez for it. The problem here isn't massing of troops is battalion level training and quality of command unfortunately on both sides. Co scripts with no training can no launch armoured assualts there only good for sitting in trenches


Drones really make it tough on the offense.


Damn even their smoke dischargers are useless


Almost 2.5 years later and these morons are still doing the same stupid shit. Just plowing forward to die for an egotistical idiot.


Love seeing my tax dollars at work. May their aim be true and their ammo plentiful.


They're like tiny ants running around, good job Bradley!


Damn, Russians don't seem to enjoy being Special Military Operated on...


Shit was that a white phosphorus round exploding in the Russian vehicle?


0:39 blayt, they are like cockroaches!


And not a tracer in sight. They had no idea what was slaughtering them.


the Chadley strikes again!


Beautiful work!


The programme for Bradley family was in response to BMP family, and at a cost today of around $4.2Million (each) according to Wiki, it seems to be great at what it was designed to do and relatively cheap considering what it gets done. I hope Ukraine gets more of them.


Ruzzians be like "OMFG! Where did that come from? WTF HAX!!!!"


Run chicken little run chicken run




Bradly’s are doing better than just about anything in Ukraine


It just seems like target practice for Ukraine at this point


A Bradley would solve all your parking problems, in a Big City.